MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 231 sick...

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   "Xiaolong, don't worry, it's fine." Passing a glass of water, He Jingwen gently patted Long Gen's shoulder, "It's just a minor operation, it's really fine."

  Looking at Long Gen, whose fists were clenched tightly in front of him, his eyes were blood red, and his teeth were tense as if he was looking for someone desperately, He Jingwen felt distressed for no reason, and it was extremely sad!

  I was worried about the little bastard, but the little **** was worried about the other woman. Seeing the nervousness, the relationship between the two was not easy, even though I didn't see that woman with my own eyes.

   "Xiaolong, drink some water, what's the use of being anxious?" Seeing the little bastard's worried and anxious posture, he didn't eat oil and salt, and didn't listen to miscellaneous talks, He Jingwen also became angry.

  I thought to myself, what are you worrying about? What a big deal, isn’t it just acute appendicitis? To tell the truth, people are really going to die, so what's the use of a fart? To put it bluntly, it's just that you lost a friend with a gun. My mother tells you every day that you still can't make it, who will you show me as if you are a dead father?

   "Hurry up, drink water! If you don't drink water, I will never end with you!" He Jingwen stuffed the water glass into Long Gen's arms, with an angry face.

  Long Gen looked up at He Jingwen, the boiling water was a little hot, and after taking a sip, he felt much better. Opening her mouth, she was about to say thank you, but He Jingwen's face sank, and she finally swallowed the word "thank you". Looking up at the words "in operation", my heart feels like a knife.

  That's my old lady, lying on the operating table bleeding from a knife, how can I not worry?

  Man, after all, is a **** animal, how can he have no emotion? That stuff in my own crotch can cause trouble, but what a person talks about is conscience, and a woman is willing to give you a day, so what is there to be dissatisfied with? A country woman who wants money but has no money. She only has two **** and a small slit, all of which are given to herself free of charge. There is nothing to say about this affection...

   "Hey!" He sighed heavily, leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes to rest for a while. The operation has been going on for an hour, why isn't it over yet?

  He Jingwen glanced at Long Gen, feeling unhappy. He stretched out his hand to call for Xiao Wang, the secretary, and said something in a low voice. Xiao Wang nodded and left. Because of He Jingwen's strength, there were no other people in Nuo Da's corridor.

   "Hmph, I'll have to take a good look at it later, what's so great about this woman, she's making the little **** so stupid, hmph!" He Jingwen crossed her arms, full of jealousy.

   What kind of **** is this? Did you commit it yourself? What the hell? Knowing that the woman is the little bastard's concubine, she ran back and forth, risking the world to clear the scene, and even sent the ace surgeon of the hospital to the bureau. Think carefully, what is this for?

   "Hey, I've been stuck in a big stick for the rest of my life!" Rubbing her forehead, He Jingwen stood aside and simply said nothing, wrapping her arms around, pulling up her shirt, revealing two round and plump breasts.

   It’s just that Long Gen was in no mood to appreciate it at this time, and his mind was full of Yuan Xiang’s affairs.

  The time passed by one minute and one second, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

   There was a soft sound of "click", and the word "in operation" was dimmed. Long Gen suddenly stood up, and at this moment, the door of the operating room opened.

  Mo Yan came out with another Doctor Li, her feet were swaying, and her forehead was covered with fine sweat.

  Especially Mo Yan, with a pretty face that was as pale as if she had been **** with a big iron stick all night, and she was so tired and bloodless, she was tossing and turning, as if she hadn't eaten for a few days.

   "What's the matter?" Holding Mo Yan's hand, Long Gen kept shaking it.

With this trembling, the two fat big white rabbits on Mo Yan's chest trembled and jumped, took off the mask, and then said: "It's okay, it's okay, don't worry. The wound has been stitched up, and it's almost time to rest for two days. Hey , but I'm exhausted."

   "Huh!" He let out a long breath, and his heart finally fell.

  He Jingwen let out a sigh of relief when he heard this, rolled his eyes at Long Gen, and said angrily: "Little bastard, are you all right, don't worry now?"

   "Thank you, hehe." Squeezing out a smile, he smiled embarrassedly.

   "Little bastard!" He Jingwen gritted her teeth, the roots of her teeth were clenched, and she stared, "Do I need your 'thank you'? Hmph!"

   "Hey." Long Gen smiled, not knowing how to speak.

  I let go of the things in my heart, and my mood suddenly became brighter, as if the sea and the sky were bright, without any worries.

   "Hmph!" He Jingwen stared, paused, and said, "You're staying in the hospital, and you still have a lot of work to do in the office. I'll come to see you at night!"

The doctor was present, and He Jingwen didn't have much to say. She turned around and stepped on her high-heeled shoes, raised her head and chest with her buttocks pouted, and gradually moved away. I must take good care of you and make you comfortable!"

   "Dr. Mo, the operation was successful. I'm going to rest too." Dr. Li beside him was an old lady.

  Mo Yan wiped the sweat from her forehead, grabbed the water from Long Gen's hand, and took two sips of "Gulu Gulu" to feel better.

He rolled his eyes at Long Gen, and said unhappily: "Little bastard, don't worry now. Your little lover is intact. After two days of rest, you can sleep and fly together again. Be proud." There was a strong smell of vinegar Son, released without concealment.

   It’s no wonder that Mo Yan is unhappy. She is not good at surgery. Fortunately, it is only appendicitis. If it is replaced by other diseases, I really have no choice!

   But even with appendicitis, Mo Yan is still Alexander! It's just because every time I cut the knife, I always think of the little **** looking angry, like a lion, baring his teeth and trying to bite someone. What a simple operation, it took an hour and a half even to suture the wound, and I was so nervous that I almost collapsed!

   "I have to thank the angel in white, Sister Mo Yan... hehe." Long Gen knew he was wrong, so he quickly flattered her.

Mo Yan rolled her eyes, and spat softly: "Ah bah! Little bastard, what about angels in white clothes? Look, because you have made our hospital look like this? Cao Shubai was beaten up, and he got into a mess. I'm not wronged." Injustice?"

"Cough, cough, cough," Long Gen coughed twice, and Long Gen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, saying that he seemed to be exaggerating, "Well, don't worry, I'll call right away and bring Dr. Cao back, and I'll come to the door to apologize .Don't be angry, okay?"

  Mo Yan waved her hand and said lightly:

"Forget it, forget it. Don't bother trying to get him, Cao Shu is not a good thing, just an old pervert. It's fine to be locked up for a few days!" Mo Yan twisted her waist, "Oh, it exhausted me to death It's..."

  Twisting her waist and straightening her chest, her **** are fully visible, her round buttocks are very conspicuous, her lordosis is alive and her face is very good-looking, and she is white and fat.

   "Gulu", Long Gen swallowed secretly, and looked at the big mi. Mimi for a while, after being overly nervous, the thing in the crotch actually responded.

   After all, it is the root of sexual happiness that has never been seen before or since, and it is a sharp weapon in the world! It can adapt to any environment. It is estimated that even if the end of the world comes, the moment the earth shakes and the mountains shake, the dragon root will have to drag a woman and stick its huge root into the woman's sewer before it will stop!

"Hehe, Sister Angel, um, um, aren't you tired? Come on, I'll squeeze your arms and hammer your waist. It's a good skill and very comfortable." Long Gen blinked his eyes, all the eyeballs on his chest aim.

  In the white coat, there are two plump breasts, bulging, like a rebellion, trembling with breathing, it must look better with the clothes off!

  Mo Yan turned her head to stare at Long Gen, with a dangerous arc at the corner of her mouth, she grabbed the big stick with her little hand and went into the next room, "Little bastard, let's come if you want, whoever is afraid of you."

Mo Yan's heart was also uncomfortable. When the little **** called at noon, her heart was burning numbly. Hearing the little bastard's voice, the big guy in his crotch rang in his mind. He was black and fluffy, as if he was strong. Big lion, it's endless.

   After thinking for a while, the crotch was soaked.

  Now the little **** is interested, how could Mo Yan be unwilling? The body that had been weak just now was radiant again, full of energy, grabbed the big stick and rolled it twice, closed the door of the ward, and hurriedly peeled off Longgen's trousers.

   This time, Long Gen didn't hide it. He meant to tease Mo Yan. He saved Yuan Xiang's life, and he owed her a favor. Didn't he just use a big stick? It's a big deal, and it's just a matter of doing hundreds of push-ups and grinding some soy milk for her to drink.

   Besides, it's not sure who will suffer?

  Pressed the chest with a big hand, and rubbed it vigorously, as if two balloons were stuffed inside, it felt soft and bouncy, very comfortable. He took off his white coat, pulled off his coat, and two big white rabbits curled up in the black cover, trembling, as if they were frightened, and two blackened cherry beads were hidden in the cover. With a hook of the finger, he grabbed the small spot and squeezed it fiercely.

   "Uh huh..." Mo Yan closed her lips and let out a muffled snort, her face flushed suddenly, and she grabbed the hot stick with her little hands.

  Long time no see, Big Stick is still high-spirited, as hard as a rolling pin.

"Yeah... Xiaolong, don't, don't pinch your tits. Son, um... I want a big stick... um..." Mo Yan is a woman in her thirties, When you meet a big guy, it’s as if you met a fire gasoline just now, you can touch it as soon as you touch it, pick up the crotch of your white coat, and pick and feel it, and you will be soaked in a while.

  Gripping the big tits, lifting and releasing them suddenly, the two big white rabbits suddenly jumped up.

"Haha, okay, okay, come on, thank you very much today, come on, stick up your buttocks, and push your underwear aside..." Grabbing the big stick and shaking it twice, the big snake is also very stiff, On the top of the blackened hole, there was a little white paste, and the big stick was spread evenly on the head.

   "Chi Liu" didn't get in, his white buttocks squatted and trembled suddenly, and the waves of flesh rolled over.

   "Ah..." With a tactful and low voice, he pouted his buttocks and slapped to meet him, groaning again and again.

  The ward is full of spring...

  PS: After finishing the six chapters, I just feel a lot more relaxed. Yesterday and today, I broke out, but there is not a single chapter saved. For the sake of my hard work, please support me with monthly tickets and rewards. .

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