MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 223 pair...

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"Hmm... ah... um..." A few whispers, accompanied by the sound of "papa" water, and after a few high-pitched and loud sounds, the room became quiet again. When I listened carefully, only Short breaths remained.

  In the main room, the lid of a huge dustpan was spread on the ground, and there were corn cobs in the dustpan. The corn cobs must be 20 to 30 centimeters long, thicker than an arm, yellow and clear, very gratifying. On the hanging beams on both sides of the main room, there are full of corn cobs hanging in piles, and they look quite good.

  In the basket next to the dustpan, there are leftover corn kernels, which are long and thick, and the surface is a little rough.

Sitting in front of the dustpan was a woman, her white and tender clothes were in a mess, her trousers were ripped up to her thighs, a piece of white flowers, like snow, a large lump of white and tender **** slipped out of her breasts, drooping slightly, like a big melon, There is a small pink dot on the head, which looks like a red cherry.

  The mother-in-law's face was as rosy as fire, and there was a peach blossom spring in her winking eyes. She gently stroked half of her **** with her left hand, and there were some finger prints on her white tits, which were as white as steamed buns.

   With legs spread apart, a stripped corn cob sticks out in the small river under the black forest, pulling the corn cob and pulling it violently!


  A hot stream as thick as glue flew out, and the delicate body trembled suddenly. The narrow and long river ushered in the rainy season, and the hot stream flowed non-stop.

   "Ah!" the woman yelled, threw away the wet corn cobs, leaned against the chair and let out a sigh. The flush on his face gradually dissipated.

   "Shuisheng, you bastard!" The woman who recovered her strength cursed viciously. He lowered his head and looked at the water flowing under his crotch. It didn't seem to be dry, so he slowly put on his clothes. While wearing clothes, he scolded himself.

"Bastard, go out to find a wild woman behind my back, what's wrong with my old lady? Now it's all right, someone discovered it! Damn it, just leave, leave my old lady at home alone, no one to do farm work, If you don’t send money to me, then don’t blame me for wearing a green hat, **** it, or if you steal my wife, you won’t be able to cultivate your own three-thirds of an acre..."

   This woman is definitely the water born woman, Qin Hong.

  Qin Hong's blushing gradually receded, looking at the piles of things at home, she couldn't help feeling a little depressed. How much work can a woman do by herself?

  Men Shuisheng is quite capable, not only capable of farm work, but also good at the work on the kang. The energetic Zhu'er came here a few times a night, and he was quite comfortable, but later, he was caught stealing wives everywhere, and was arrested and locked up in the police station for a few days.

"Good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles." In a few days, the story of Shuisheng stealing people and going to jail spread all over the village. There was a Shuinen woman in the family, and they kept this door, and detoured when they saw Shuisheng fighting. There are also people who point and point and make irresponsible remarks in private. In a fit of anger, Shui packed up his bedroll and went to the provincial capital.

   It’s been several months since I left, but there is no letter. But Qin Hong was exhausted, busy with farm work, and back and forth at home, how could he not complain after a long time?

   Not only does the upper mouth complain, but the lower mouth is also somewhat dissatisfied. The dry channel urgently needs a storm to water it!

   "Hey, the little police officer is also the same. He keeps saying that I will come to Japan, and those who come to Japan will not come for a few months? Could it be that they have been transferred?" Qin Hong frowned and muttered a few words.

  In the long lonely night, I often think of the **** stick that appeared in front of me that day, like a black boa constrictor, hard, long and thick, and when I poke it, my bones are crisp.

"If I could use the big stick again, I would be willing to die even if I died. Hey, it's a pity..." Youyou sighed, reached out and touched the seam of her thigh, the ruddy dimple was still hot, lol With the house full of things waiting to be done, she slowly got up, ready to pull up her trousers.


  The door of the hall was suddenly pushed open, and the hall suddenly became bright.

   "Ah? Who is it?" Qin Hong was taken aback, why didn't he hear footsteps? He hurriedly sat on the chair, and put the army green cotton coat on his thighs, covering his white thighs.

  Long Gen was stunned for a moment, this woman reacted so strongly? Take a closer look, and immediately feel relieved.

   Shocked, his face was a little pale and nervous. But if you take a closer look, you can see that the spring feeling between the eyebrows has not completely dissipated, and the clothes are disheveled, and even the hood can be glimpsed in the winter; tightly wrapped in a big cotton coat, but the whiteness of the buttocks can't be hidden. And in the air, there was a faint smell of sao.

   "Big sister Qin Hong, it's me, what's wrong, you don't know me?" Long Gen smiled and walked over, closing the door by the way.

  Ms. Sao is digging her own rope in the hidden house in broad daylight, what is it like to be so hungry and thirsty? It's better to come early than to come at a good time. Now just take out the stick and catch up with the poke.

   "Ah! You are, are you Police Officer Long?" Qin Hong was stunned upon hearing the sound. His jaw almost dropped in astonishment, his round eyes stared at Long Gen, and a trace of ecstasy swept across his face!

  Looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon, the hope is finally here!

"Big girl has a good memory, remember me?" Long Gen rubbed his hands with a smile, walked to Qin Hong's side, pulled a small bench to sit down, and said lightly, "Well, why don't you see Shuisheng?" Finished, turned his head around.

  The main reason for coming to Xihe Village is for the tea tree, and by the way, Qin Hong is going to see what this woman has prepared for her. But blatantly saying that the mother-in-law is not good, let alone let Shuisheng see it, right? The kid ate the imperial rations for a few days, and then he was released.

  Originally, adultery was not a big deal, and I didn't want to imprison Shuisheng for ten or eight years, just to teach him a lesson. Fangzheng gave some hints and made Shuisheng suffer a little, so he was released. A few days ago, I specially checked the gully below Yang Ying, and made sure that no other men had a day, so I put aside the matter of Shui Sheng.

   Today, I am going to be a housewife, so naturally I have to be more careful.

   "Why are you mentioning that bastard? God knows where that **** died! It's been several months since I left, and there hasn't been a single phone call! Hmph!" It's okay not to mention Shuisheng, but Qin Hong is obviously a little excited when he mentions it.

   While swearing, the cotton-padded jacket was slightly opened, Long Gen's eyes were sharp, a melon hung on half of his chest, and his two thighs were round and white, exposed in the air.

  Between the leg seam, the dense black forest was stained with some white spots. With a squinted glance, a watery corncob fell on the ground, the kind that had been peeled off.

"Ms. Sao, do you dare to stuff such a rough thing into it?" Long Gen picked up the wet and still warm corncobs on the ground, with a look of surprise on his face, "Big sister, you are not afraid to wear that place what?"

  The peeled corn cobs can’t be said to be thick, but they are very rough, as rough as the surface of the moon.

"Oh, Officer Long, why do you say that?" Qin Hong blushed, and said angrily, "It's not because of you, since you stabbed me once, it seems that the place below has been enlarged , the peeing sound is much stronger than before! I can't sleep all night, can't I feel comfortable if I don't have some big guys poking me?"

  Long Gen nodded, "Oh, so it is."

"Officer Long, that's already here, you can solve it for me, look at me, I haven't touched a man in half a year, I feel uncomfortable down here..." Qin Hong is not just a bitch, grabbing the dragon's root He stretched his hand down.

  As soon as Long Gen appeared, the thing in the crotch seemed to recognize people. It just sprayed a puff, and now it's full of energy again. A thick white paste gushed out from the seam of the leg, making the seam of the leg tingle. He twisted his legs and grunted.

   "This... big sister, I have business to do here today, this..." Long Gen frowned and declined. The hand stretched into the thigh has already moved.

  Pinch a few curly hairs, twist and pull them lightly, rub your fingers down along the dumpling skin, and hook them, a stream of heat gushes out from the tender, tender seams.

   "Uh huh, comrade policeman, stuff it inside, uh huh..." Qin Hong was numb all over, blinking pitifully, and slowly took off her clothes.

  The country woman was dressed casually. With a pull of the cardigan and sweater, the hood was pulled down, and two groups of white squabs hung down, trembling and hanging on her chest, with two small eyes blinking like grapes. The **** are slightly drooping, full and round; the tips of the **** are slightly upturned. From a distance, this breast. Could it be the legendary chili milk?

   "Comrade policeman, you, touch your tits, it's so full... um..." With a muffled grunt, Qin Hong bit her lip and grabbed Longgen's crotch.

  Since it's here, how can there be any reason for the future?

   "Hey, the big girl has something to ask for, and I will do my best to help!" Long Gen frowned, and said seriously: "Who told me to be a people's policeman? I must take care of the people's needs and serve the people wholeheartedly!"

  Before he finished speaking, Long Gen took out his electric boyfriend from his pocket. The immortal hand was so good, his fingers were sore, it was too much effort. The electric boyfriend is very real, it can be deep or shallow, fast or slow, and the hands are not sore.

"Uh-huh, big stick, comrade policeman,, I want your big stick,, what are you? And the rope...uh-huh" Qin Hong He rubbed his **** by himself, feeling a little depressed.

  I’m already dressed like this, why aren’t the police comrades in a hurry?

  Long Gen looked upright and said: "This is a necessity to meet the needs of the people!"

   "Oh, then you can use it for me... huh..." Spread your legs, waiting for the necessities to enter.

The small electric boyfriend just stuffed it in, and Qin Hong quit immediately, "Officer, this, this is not as good as your big guy in the crotch, you, you give me the big stick... ah... "

   "woo woo woo"

  At this moment, the electric boyfriend started to move, making a muffled whining sound, Qin Hong frowned, and let out a loud cry.

"Ahh...what, what, ahhhhhhhhh...stop, stop, don't, don't shake, ah..." Qin Hong clamped her thigh tightly , the buttocks twisted and turned, the little thing looked like a mouse, it kept burrowing into it, shaking quickly, as if it had been electrocuted.

  Looking at Qin Hong with a smile, he raised his two fleshy legs and pushed them open with all his strength, Qin Hong immediately opened the door.

  Under the black hair, a clear spring surged, the dumpling skin shivered and shrank sharply, and lumps of white liquid gushed out of it.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh again back again..."" The nails were almost embedded in the flesh. The thigh twitched violently.

  Long Gen and his eyes stared at the small slit, just like a faucet, one after another white foam gushed out. Can't help but smile, "The rippling between the legs, the current, you can row a boat across the river..."

  PS: It’s a new month, ask for a monthly pass, the more monthly passes, the more updates... the purer the plot