MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 221 tease...

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   "Karji Karji"

  The small iron bed in the dormitory chattered for a while, until the faucet was turned on to release the water, and then it came to an end. The two white bodies hugged each other, and the two gasped for breath.

  Especially Xiaofang, whose body is extremely weak, how can she withstand such a hard stabbing with a big stick, the small seams are all red, and it is estimated that she will have to rest for a while before she can continue. Thinking that there might be a long truce in the future, and she had to hang up the "exemption card" as a last resort, Xiaofang couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

  People are selfish. Especially for women, if they decide on one thing, that thing is their own, no one can take it away, no one can take it away! Whoever dares to grab a big stick from herself, I didn't say anything, I will fight for her!

   It's just, it's a pity, I'm so tender down here, how long is it? The small seam was worn red, and on the edge of the hole, two red and swollen dumpling skins looked like spicy dog ​​intestines.

   "Xiaolong, you really don't have a sunny day?" Gradually regaining some strength, Xiaofang still struggles with this problem.

They are both women, and they are extremely sensitive to certain things. They are alone, a man and a widow, and they live in the same room. One has a big hole in his crotch, and the other suddenly twists his **** very strangely. His legs are still turned outwards, one foot is high and the other is low. Yes, isn't it the symbol of a woman who just broke her body?

   "Xiao Nizi, do you still doubt me?" Long Gen was a little upset, turned over, hooked his fingers around the slit, and was about to enter the hole again, "If you don't believe me, let's use our fighting power to see if the big stick has been stolen?"

  Xiaofang heard the words, and quickly stopped her, her legs tightly closed, "Ah, I'm dying, the bottom of the house is still hurting, can you be gentle? It's necrotic for you."

   "Then do you still doubt me?" Grabbing her **** and threatening, pinching the little Beilei with two fingers, Long Gen had already made plans. If Xiao Nizi dares to talk nonsense again, she must **** her again!

  Xiao Nizi is too cunning, she still can't forget this little shit, **** it, wouldn't I dare to **** a woman to warm up before I **** you, why is it endless?

   Xu Qing just yelled like this after the date, if she knew that she had passed away her old lady, wouldn't she have to drive her all over the world? When I thought of turning my mother-in-law over and over for so many times, my heart felt weak. It was as hard as a rolling pin, but suddenly became sluggish and showed signs of weakness!

"Grandmother! It seems that this immoral thing can't be done too much, it will greatly affect the development of the chicken!" Long Gen secretly took care of it for a while, "Back to the village, we have to deal with those things with the mother-in-law. What a mess, it’s been a long time, and seeing Uncle Sanshui always feels green on the forehead. Say goodbye to the mother-in-law, and the next time I see Xiaofang, I won’t be hard, that’s too sad!"

   After such a fuss, Long Gen was really not in the mood to stay any longer, who knew that Xiao Nizi would ask again several times on a whim. I'm not afraid, who knows how good Xu Qing's lying skills are?

   "Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy", "The rivers and lakes are dangerous, if you can't do it, just withdraw!"

   Making up his mind, Long Gen found an excuse, lifted his trousers, took off his coat, put it on his waist, and walked out of school.

  The road to Yuanjia is narrow. As soon as I arrived at the school gate, I saw Xu Qing walking back with a few boxes of lunch in her hand, her two long, straight and slender legs turned slightly, and she frowned a little uncomfortable.

   "Ah, you, are you leaving?" I was thinking about that **** in my heart, when I looked up, that wretched smile and evil face appeared in front of my eyes, and I was startled.

  Long Gen smiled badly, and said in a low voice, "What if I don't leave? You keep me?"

   "Ah bah! Get out, get out as far as you can!" Xu Qingqiao blushed, and if she hadn't estimated the occasion, she would have cursed loudly. Little bastard, pretending to be a fool to win sympathy, sleeping himself, taking advantage of the sky. Afterwards, he threatened himself to call him "husband". Why is this person so shameless?

  Thinking of "husband", her pretty face changed from red to white, very ugly.

"Sure, then I'm leaving." Long Gen wasn't angry at all, he still looked at Xu Qing with a smile on his face, winked, and said in a low voice, "Come on, tell me what's wrong, and say something like 'Welcome to my husband again. !'Come on, say something to your husband..."

  Xu Qing was so angry that her willow eyebrows stood on end, she gritted her silver teeth, and a word popped out between her teeth—Get out!

   Immediately, the beautiful figure flashed and disappeared with a box of lunch.

   "Hahaha" laughed loudly, Long Gen turned and left, feeling extremely happy.

  Whistling, walked to the city, first bought a pair of trousers to change into, ate a bowl of noodles, checked the time, it was still early for the afternoon practice, let’s find a place to fire a cannon, the time is not suitable.

That night, after the "roasted chicken", Huang Juan, Xiaohong and other wives seemed to be in contact with each other, and often one day, the rest took turns to catch up, and each day had to go for a long time. After thinking about it, it's better not to provoke these sao hoofs, and find Yuan Hong to make do in the afternoon, stabbing two sticks will be enjoyable.

   Having nothing to do, I called He Jingwen.

   "Hey, little bastard, what are you doing? I'm eating in the office?" He Jingwen's sweet voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

  Long Gen took a puff of cigarette, said with a smirk: "What can I do, am I not busy with 'in-depth research' every day? I found a place with excellent Feng Shui, and I am looking for beautiful women."

"What are you eating? Do you have ham sausage, spicy dog ​​sausage or something? You can't eat a whole cucumber, right? If you can't eat enough, call me. I'll send you the big meat. You are full! Hey, look, my crotch is hard."

   "Ah bah! Little bastard!"

He Jingwen cursed on the other end of the phone, but her voice suddenly became quieter, "Xiaolong, I'm all wet, what should I do? It's so wet that I can't hold it with a clamp... Uh huh, huh... No, come here and tickle me..."

   "Second Olympics!"

Hearing two gentle groans, Long Gen couldn't help hugging his crotch, and He Jingwen's charming expression seemed to appear in front of his eyes, his clothes were half undone, his chest was trembling, his beautiful buttocks were slightly upturned, and after washing, he put them on the bed and waited for him to go to bed Woolen cloth!

"Little Sao Hoof, you wait for Grandpa Long, go back tonight to see how Grandpa Long is doing to you!" Long Gen was a little depressed. He wanted to tease this woman, but after teasing her, she couldn't stop, and even went to work with her legs crossed. running water. Unexpectedly, this woman is not a vegetarian either. She babbled a few or two words. She set up a tent with her crotch, and she didn't vent her anger for a long time.

He Jingwen whispered on the other end of the phone, gasping for breath, "Uh-huh, Xiaolong, uh-huh...Damn, it's so itchy down there, come on, come pick it up.... Umm... ah... a lot of water came out, I don't know what's going on, my **** are so swollen, you, uh, do you want to eat? Umm..."

   "Second Olympics!" Long Gen was violent again, wishing he could rush to the government building immediately, hold He Jingwen down and have a good time!

  This woman, you don’t pay for your life by teasing someone. How come I didn’t realize that this woman is so promiscuous? A few words made my blood boil all over, and the machine gun under my crotch was about to go off!

  Mother-in-law, a thing that a man can never figure out!

   "Sao lady, stop, stop, stop screaming, go home early tonight and wash it up, I will let you scream until dawn!" Long Gen is also on fire, don't show any color, do you really think you are easy to bully?

  On the other end of the phone, He Jingwen still squeezed her throat, and said in a coquettish voice: "Yes, master. The servant has washed his **** clean, and I will wait for you to come to Japan at night..."

   "...." Long Gen slapped his forehead, and suddenly regretted calling this sao lady, but he had already called, and there was something he had to ask.

   "It's alright, alright, stop selling sao, did you ask about Li Hong's affairs?" Straight to the point, without leaving any leeway.

  Wearing "Li Hong", the other end of the phone was obviously stunned for a long time, and it took a long time for He Jingwen to speak:

"Director Fang has made a clear investigation and confirmed that Li Hong is Li Liang's elder brother, a gangster in the streets of Tianmiao Township, a well-known evil force in the local area! This time, it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people of Tianmiao Township. Xiaolong, Thank you, you have done another good thing for the common people, on behalf of..."

"That's right, don't mess with those useless things." Long Gen stopped quickly, "Don't you represent any party organization, township government, etc., I'll just ask you a question: Did Li Hong come here specifically to trouble you? ? Did Li Liang instigate it behind his back?"

   This time, the other end of the phone was silent for a longer period of time. Holding the phone, He Jingwen could clearly feel He Jingwen's trembling and struggling. Long Gen couldn't bear it.

   She is a pretty woman, pretty, with a well-proportioned and plump body, and she has unique abilities, not to mention her father who is the county magistrate. He happened to be married to a king and a dude. It's good now, Baduzi came to the door, and found a bunch of local ruffians to cause trouble!

"Forget it, let's get over the past. You two brothers, Li Hong, just leave it alone for the time being, and be careful when you go out. It's okay, that's it, go home early at night." After a few words, Long Gen lit a cigarette and walked towards the police station.

  The Li Hong brothers committed the crime in Liuhe Township, and they haven't had time to hand it over to the Tianmiao Township Police Station, and in fact they don't plan to hand it over! Who knows how capable the two brothers Li Hong are in Tianmiao Township, and why they were released?

"Hey, that brat Long Gen is really good. Submitting this report will add another piece of credit to my credit!" Fangzheng read Li Hong's confession carefully, and couldn't help laughing. Standing up, the fat cheeks trembled.

  Long Gen stepped in just in time, and saw Fang Zheng with a wretched smile on his face.

   "Director Fang, what are you happy about? My sister-in-law let you sleep last night?"

   "Oh, brother Longgen, you're here. Why don't you tell me in advance? Have you eaten yet?" Fangzheng quickly gave up his seat and asked someone to serve tea.

  Now in Fangzheng's eyes, Long Gen is a noble person who gives credit. Although he cheated himself last time, this time he can give him a day of credit!

  After scrutinizing these evidences, the storyline is slightly exaggerated, and the higher authorities definitely value themselves. What's more, I'm still young, only in my early thirties, if I can become the director of the county police station, that would be great...

  PS: Explosion, ask for a monthly pass, today is five more. It's going to explode these days... Monthly tickets, rewards, and violence? Ladies and gentlemen, five watch today, five watch tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, can the big weapon become fierce? fierce...

Read The Duke's Passion