MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 217 burst...

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   "Ah... ah... ah.... no, no, hoo hoo... dragon, don't stop... ah..."

On the small iron bed, two white and naked bodies are pressed together, the dragon root is shaking its buttocks, pressing the two round thighs firmly, witnessing the **** stick launching round after round of impact, as if tirelessly Like oil drillers.


  The big iron drill bit explains the profound things in a simple way, played a hand of "singing three times and sighing", and started to exercise rhythmically. Watching the big stick bring out handfuls of white viscous oil, I am more motivated!

   The faintly sensational speed and frequency accelerated again!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... Xiaolong, you, you are so good, so good... ah... ah... let, let me take a breath, take a breath... ok ? Okay... ah..."

  In just a few minutes, Xu Qing couldn't stand it anymore. The waves kept screaming, begging for mercy again and again. The two big white pigeons in front of the chest vibrated their wings, as if they wanted to take off, flapping and dangling in front of the chest, but because the big white pigeons were too big and too fat, they couldn't fly, so they could only flutter on the chest!

"Ah... ah.... Xiaolong, Xiaolong...I can't do it, I can't do it... Hurry up, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here..." It's useless to beg for mercy, Xu Qing could only bite her lip tightly, and greet another orgasm.

   So cool, so exciting!

   Only after tasting the big stick, did I know what kind of **** grew on the crotch of that cheap man? The thin ones are like toothpicks, and they harden after a while. Hachihachi, a few push-ups are enough. The soft ones are like noodles. What's the use?

The big stick is completely different, thick and powerful, black and fierce, like a fighter jet, endlessly, "bang bang" stuffed in, two grenades collided with the fart, eye, **** They all turned red.

   "Papa Papa"

  The sound of the meat wave is still the same, and the woman below her is screaming like hell. The steel cot let out a moan of "Garji, Karji".

  Long Gen doesn’t care about it, he just focuses on drilling for oil, making contributions to mankind, stirring up his ass, and continuing to go deeper. The meat. The slits are tender and tight, extremely deep, with countless grooves and ridges, tightly wrapped with a big stick! The warm and moist tolerance makes the **** snake extremely comfortable!

  Yes, this is the future lair of the black serpent, we must go deep, deep to the end!

  One two three four, change position, do it again!


Carrying it on the shoulders of the two tight thighs, holding the willow slender waist, and sending the waist forward, the big stick penetrated into it again, and a large lump of white liquid was squeezed out from the narrow and long slit, and the thick dumpling skin was stained. full.

   "Hmm..." The mouth of the acupuncture point suddenly swelled again, a beam bulged in the lower abdomen, the big stick shrank, and sank again. Xu Qing snorted, and slowly closed her eyes.

   It’s only been less than 20 minutes, and I’ve gone there twice. Xu Qing has no strength and can’t hold it anymore. That big guy is too powerful.

   Once stabbed to the bottom, the round head hit the inner wall of the hole red and swollen, and sprayed twice in a row, the juice on the body was squeezed dry!


  Long Gen didn't seem to see it, his eyes remained on the shaking chest and the "source of happiness" poked out by the big stick.

  The black giant snake is so mighty, it ignores all defenses, slams into the enemy's heart, and snatches the white blood as if entering no one's land!

  The two big white pigeons spread their wings and wanted to fly several times to no avail, and finally gave up, lying obediently on their chests, drawing circles. The **** trembled, white foam flew everywhere, and Long Gen gradually became red-eyed!

   "Bang bang bang!"

  "Ah...oh oh, no, no, stop, stop! Dragon, dragon.....ah..."

Xu Qing didn't expect it at all, she thought that she had reached the maximum strength limit of Longgen just now, and she had to rest well after finishing this round, but she didn't expect, she didn't expect that the big stick was getting stronger, moving faster, stabbing more ferociously, almost to the bone They were all smashed apart, but there was no intention of resting and breathing at all!

"Oh my god, is this brat still a human being? How could he be so powerful?" Xu Qing was so shocked that she couldn't calm down for a long time, like two big white pigeons jumping on her chest. It's numb, when is this kid planning to spend his day?

   When I was wondering, the big stick was finally pulled out. The small slit immediately slid out lumps of white sauce, and flowed all the way to the ass. The cool wind hit, and the slightly red and swollen seams and dumpling skin felt a little better.

   "Xiaolong's **** is too big, it is pierced deeply, it is round and round, and the dumpling skin is rubbed red! Well, but, it is still very comfortable, an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and comfort!"

  Xu Qing looked up and saw that the thing was still strong and black, and she nodded at herself with her head held up as if declaring war.

   "Hiss!" Xu Qing couldn't help shivering at the thought of the pain in the lower part, her thighs closed up unnaturally, and she covered the small crack, for fear that the big stick would poke her indiscriminately again, so what should I do?

   It’s okay if you can’t get off the ground, just ask for two days off; but if you can’t pee, you have to suffocate people to death?

"Xiaolong, are you tired? Lay down and rest for a while, come, let me wipe your sweat..." The slender hands stroked Longgen's strong chest, he did a lot of push-ups, a little anxious, and his body surface swelled A fine layer of sweat, one touch, greasy.

  Long Gen's face was expressionless, only his eyes were red with fire, as if he saw killing his father and enemy.

   "No, don't rest! Get down on the ground, and keep your **** up!"

   "What? Repay the day? No, I can't, I can't take it anymore..." Xu Qing's eyes widened and she shook her head again and again.

   With both legs between her legs, she pulled the quilt over her body!

  Oh my god, if you pay back the day, you will be killed if you take another day. What if the brat wants to die every day?

   "You said that if you don't have a date, you won't have a date?" Long Gen stared, hugged Xu Qing, turned her face, and followed the **** with one hand until she reached the small hole in front!

  The entrance of the hole was still flooded, and the two dumpling wrappers were stained a lot, as slippery as if they had just been lubricated.

  Picked aside the dumpling wrapper with fingers, pierced it into the small slit.


   "Ahhh...don't, don't pick, it hurts, it hurts...ah..." Xu Qing's pupils suddenly dilated, and she twisted her buttocks, but she couldn't get rid of those evil black hands.

  Like two loaches, they get in and they won’t come out. Whatever you do, they won’t come out! Tender meat. The wall of the cave was almost worn out just now, so it won't hurt if you pick it like this?

  Long Gen "hehe" smirked, holding his round buttocks firmly with one hand, and reaching into the hole with the other, like digging a loach.

   "Give me a day or not? I will continue to pick it soon?"

Xu Qing nodded quickly, "Ah...I, I agree, here I am, I will give you a day, I will give you a day, please, don't, don't pick, don't pick. Ahh! If you pick again, you will bleed ...."

   "It's not too bad, let's lie down, stick your **** up, and cooperate with Ride's movements well!"

  Embracing Xu Qing's lower abdomen, Mrs. Sao put her hands on the bed, knelt down on the bed, and did as she said, her buttocks sticking out high.

   "Crack!" The big slap hit the buttocks hard. Immediately there were five blood-red finger prints, so tender.

   Her tender body trembled, "Uh huh", Xu Qing snorted, a little aggrieved, "You, why did you hit me?"

   "It's nothing, touch the **** to see if it's qualified? Find the most suitable posture according to the size of the butt, whether it's round or not!" Long Gen said lightly, rubbing his **** with both hands, unable to move his eyes.

   From the beginning, I stared at this woman's tits, and didn't pay much attention to this woman's butt. The jeans are tight and round. I didn't expect that when the pants were taken off, it would be quite impressive!

  The round buttocks are like a dustpan, big and round, upright and straight, matching the round thighs, the wicker thin waist is the most suitable.

   In the middle of the two halves of white buttocks, there is a small blackened slit stretching to the opening of the small hole. The slit is full of water stains! Perfect **** cut!

   "It's so big and white!" Long Gen praised, clasped the two halves of the buttocks with both hands, rubbed and loosened them.

  In an instant, the waves of flesh flew, and there was a big storm on the buttocks, impacting Longgen's vision!


   Another slap was slapped down, the big buttocks trembled again, the two big white rabbits on the chest moved forward for no reason, and finally they were shaken back.

   "Ah.... Uh huh, Xiaolong, you, don't hit me, he is so tender, no matter how big he is, his **** will be calloused, huh..."

  Touched it a few times, and seeing the big stick Xu Qing felt itchy again. Letting out bursts of stuffy panting, the little hand unconsciously slid towards the edge of the small meat seam, pressed the dumpling skin with her fingers, and rubbed it violently.

   kissed her lips, and let out a painful moan of "woo woo woo!"

"Damn it, Sao lady, I can't stand it after just touching it a few times?" Long Gen cursed angrily, thought for a while, grabbed the big stick, and half-kneeled on the bed, with the big snake's head sticking to it from behind. up.

  The opening of the shelf was dipped in some lubricating oil, and after finding the right position, it made a "thrust and pull" sound, and plunged in again! Once stabbed to the end, the hairy thigh hit the buttocks and stopped!


   With a cry of pain, the whole body shrugged forward, **** leaned forward, and a wave of fleshy buttocks pushed forward from behind, like waves rolling over!

   "Papa Papa"

  The big stick was pumped slowly, from shallow to deep, from slow to fast, the **** snake gradually got better, drilled more human crude oil, and "tick-tock-tick" landed on the bed.

   "Oh oh oh! Xiaolong, Xiaolong, take it easy, take it easy, take it easy... ah... ah! "Where did Xu Qing play the wild wolf?

  This kind of posture is deeply pierced, not to mention that Heiququ is long and thick, how can he not hurt?

   "Be gentle? Humph! Grandpa Long has never been so gentle!" Long Gen smiled wickedly, and tightly picked the two halves of his **** like a dustpan, piercing deeper.


   "ah ah"

   I don't know how long it took, an evil fire wanted to shoot out from the lower abdomen, and Long Gen couldn't help but turn red.

   "Bang bang bang"!

   There was a sound of meat waves, and the waves screamed again and again, and the white waves raised by the buttocks gradually disappeared, replaced by Long Gen's burst of fire like a hail of bullets.....


Read The Duke's Passion