MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 88 [ABO] Omega attack 31

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After lying in bed for another two hours, Jun was also awakened by the standard biological clock of old age. When he opened his eyes, he found Fei Xiu looking at him tenderly, his face reflected in his light brown eyes.

Jun also touched his face subconsciously, it was very smooth and tender, and he didn't touch anything strange, so he asked, "Is my face getting more and more demonic as it grows?"

"Huh?" Fei Xiu was stunned for a while, but he didn't peek at the embarrassment that he was caught, but he wasn't sure if Omega asked if the word "demon" was a good word.

In the end is to send sub-questions or to send propositions?

After thinking about it, Fei Xiu still brought out the standard answer recognized by Alphas: "It's beautiful and charming."

This was indeed his voice. His Omega was so beautiful, the most beautiful in the world, that he couldn't take his eyes away from it.

Fei Xiu wanted to hug Omega and take a sip when he saw it, but he didn't brush his teeth, so he endured it.

Objects look at him with a love filter that has been accumulated for hundreds of years. As for the compliments of these objects on his appearance, Jun also usually just listens and doesn't take it seriously, but this time is different, he really feels that he has the face he has now. It looks too good.

When he first arrived in this world, his appearance was just average and above average. He was barely considered a handsome little brother, and his rate of turning back when walking would not be higher than 20%.

Now the longer and more demonic, it is almost equivalent to changing faces. Wherever he goes, he has an almost 100% return rate, and all kinds of messages about him sucking blood, not looking old, and being a ghost and ghost have never stopped.

Could it be that his system is really a strategy? You can rely on points or favorability for plastic surgery, or you can do it automatically without his command.

Jun also frowned slightly. Although this guess is absurd, it is also the most truth-like until no other reason can be found.

This has never happened in other worlds. To say that this world is different from other worlds is that he knows that the system will count points. He found and exploited the loopholes in the system's point determination to keep his points positive all the time.

It's been a long time since the system has brushed its presence in front of him, and his object is a filter so thick that he doesn't feel anything wrong when he grows into a monster. Under such circumstances, even if he has plastic surgery and a face change, it doesn't really matter.

Seeing Jun, Fei Xiu frowned and didn't say a word, and his heart throbbed suddenly. Could it be that this is really a proposition?

Jun also thought very much, and beckoned Fei Xiu to get up, change clothes and wash up.

Fei Xiu: "???"

Omega didn't snort, didn't shake his face, his life was saved?


After breakfast, Jun also took Fei Xiu to the aircraft.

Fei Xiu thought that Omega was going to take him to the civilian mecha hall, but after sitting for a few minutes, he realized that something was wrong.

"This is the direction to the emerging technology research and development area?" Fei Xiu asked suspiciously.

The Fei family once had a top new drug research and development company in the alliance. Although the company has been transferred to the name of Omega as part of his "legacy", Fei Xiu is still very familiar with this special area of ​​the main star. After all, not all companies are Can take up a lot of space here.

Jun also nodded, the terminal screen opened, and his fingertips flew on the virtual screen, already instructing the management to prepare the mecha.

Fei Xiu didn't ask any further questions, just sat there and waited for the answer to be revealed.

After he handed over those industries to Omega, he didn't ask any further questions, and Omega rarely talked about them. He only occasionally heard a few words from some news, and it was probably developing well, otherwise Omega would not be able to put high-end aircraft. Open into season toss.

Ji throws the aircraft, he has never been so embarrassed.

The aircraft slowed down, and Fei Xiu looked out the window.

Outside is a very high-tech building. The exterior wall of the pure white building does not know what material structure it is. Several large characters are projected on the exterior wall - Lindsay Mecha R&D Center.

This is a very trendy mecha brand, and it seems that there is a mecha research genius sitting here. Ten years ago, "Lindsay" entered the alliance mecha market with an unstoppable attitude, and reached the top in only the first year.

When he was in the academy a few days ago, he often heard from his classmates that the performance of this brand of mecha was undoubtedly on the same level as other mechas, but why did Omega bring him here?

Wouldn't you be planning to buy a mecha to play with?

Thinking of that scene, Fei Xiu couldn't help taking a deep breath.

It's not that they can't afford it, but the alliance's control of mechas is extremely strict. During non-war time, even the generals of the alliance don't want to drive mechas outside the training ground.

After buying a mecha, not only can you not drive and play, but you also have to build a training ground, hire people to manage and maintain it, and face the many procedures and various inspections of the alliance government.

It's really troublesome.

Aircraft landed.

"Jun, do you want to buy a mecha?" Feixiu couldn't help but ask when the door of the aircraft opened.

"Huh? I won't buy it," Jun also stepped off the aircraft, looked back at him, and said, "If you want, I can build one for you."

Fei Xiu blinked: "...I asked someone from 'Lindsay' to design and make it myself?" That's what he meant, right? It can't always be an Omega doing it.

Jun Ye: "Well... that's about it, tell me what kind of mecha you want, as long as it's not too magical, I can fiddle with it."

No, your words are magical.

Fei Xiu kept smiling: "I'll take a look at the mecha first."

However, his smile shattered when he saw where he was. In front of him was a spacious and bright floor-to-ceiling window. Standing here, he could clearly see the interior of the office through the glass.

The place where they landed was not the public aircraft landing pad he thought, but a private parking area connected to the office, surrounded by ancient plum trees.

When Fei Xiu looked around, Jun also stepped forward and opened the sliding door integrated with the floor-to-ceiling windows, and turned back and said, "Come in."

Fei Xiu followed, feeling uneasy for a while.

Omega obviously knew the owner of this office, and to be able to share the authority, the relationship must be very close and trustworthy.

Fei Xiu walked quickly to Jun Ye's side, looked around with alert eyes, and instinctively declared his sovereignty over Omega.

With minimalist furnishings and almost no personal belongings, the owner of this office must have a cold personality.

Fei Xiu caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye, and turned to look at the desk. There was only a light blue ribbon lying on the empty desk.

Fei Xiu walked over stiffly, and reached out to pick up the ribbon, which was his Omega's neck brace...

There are also suspicious stains on the neckband.

Fei Xiu's brain was in chaos, and images appeared uncontrollably in front of him. A guy who can't see his face takes off his Omega's neck brace, and they make out on this desk, Alpha's teeth on the Omega's glands...

no, I can not.

With Omega's character, if he was looking for an affair, he would either be so clean that he couldn't find any traces, or he would put it in front of him in an open and honest way, and there would be no time for him to find evidence of the crime.

"What's wrong?" Jun also walked over and saw the neck brace in Fei Xiu's hand.

Jun also knew what the neckband meant to the eyes of the people of this world, and also found that Fei Xiu looked wrong, and quickly explained: "The last time I came to care for the mecha, I got a little oil on it, so I changed it. After that, I left in a hurry and forgot to take it back."

Fei Xiu regained his senses and noticed that the color of the marks on the neck brace was wrong. He breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiang Jun also confirmed, "No Alpha?"

Is his assistant an Alpha? Jun also shook his head firmly: "No!"

Fei Xiu's face improved, he put Omega's neck brace in his pocket, and warned, "Even if the neck brace is discarded or destroyed, it cannot be left in someone else's place."

"Don't worry, this is my office, no one will come in except for the daily cleaning robot." Jun also took Fei Xiu's hand to reassure him, for fear that the other party would come up with another script of a scumbag affair.

"...Your office?" Fei Xiu thought that he had just judged in his heart that the owner of this office was indifferent.

Jun also nodded, and added by the way: "I used to be busy with fitness and being served by the housekeeper. In the future, I will be busy picking up Xiaoxiu's classmates to and from school. I rarely come here. Most of the work is handled remotely."

The alliance advocates light office work, and an absolute high-level like Jun Ye will not waste time in the company office, but Feixiu is still in a state of love because Omega changed his rhetoric.

The only remaining Qingming asked him to speak: "What is your position in this company? Why do you still need to take care of the mecha?"

Omega should only invest in shares, and take hundreds of millions of properties to be someone else's small employee. Is this what it means to have a woman?

Jun also thought about it and said: "Actually, there is no fixed position, and there is a group of scumbags under my hands. I can only go where I need to go. I don't need to go there to care for the mecha, but I am used to taking care of my own mecha, and I want to see it. See my mecha?"

"Okay." Omega carefully paved all the roads, of course Fei Xiu could only follow along.

Even now, all he thought was that Omega should like mechas, so he invested in this "Lindsay" mecha company.


Jun Ye took Fei Xiu through the exclusive passage, taking the elevator directly from the office to the mecha training ground on the first basement floor.

Mechas ranging in height from several meters to dozens of meters are scattered around the training plant, and employees in black and white uniforms are shuttled.

As they got closer, a shocking roar reached the ears of the two of them.

A middle-aged man with thinning hair is holding a new type of mecha communication device, but he is performing the most primitive "communication relying on roar".

"It's just for you to line up according to the type of mecha! It's been a few minutes?! Can't you line up?!"

"H17! Where are you going?! Do you think you're wearing a vest is a combat armor?! Go back to your logistics transportation area!"

The middle-aged man with sparse hair roared almost broken, and then Fei Xiu saw that one of the tens of meters of mechas that looked ferocious was moving.

It came out of the "companion", all the mecha joints turned in turn, and finally turned into a transport plane inconceivably.

Fei Xiu was astonished. It was a humanoid combat mech just now, but in just a few seconds, it turned into a transport plane that was indistinguishable from the material transport spaceship outside the main star. "Lindsay"'s mecha technology has actually reached this level. Is it to the point?

"Like this?" Jun also said: "I said I'll build you a mecha, but it's still counted now."

"But... I'm not in the logistics." Fei Xiu stared at the transport plane turned into a mecha and stopped at the outermost periphery. He also seemed to feel the loneliness that he could only transport supplies.

Jun Ye: "It's not just logistics..."

The voice came to an abrupt end, and a black-and-white aircraft rushed out of the passage and stopped in front of them with a beautiful drift.

Fei Xiu looked at the aircraft without a pilot in front of him in surprise. It was his Omega's aircraft, and he even remembered the code. Omega was always by his side, and the other party never opened the terminal to control the aircraft. Why did the aircraft run over by itself.

Immediately afterwards, Fei Xiu saw the reverse transformation of the mecha into a transport aircraft. Omega's aircraft turned into a humanoid mecha that was more than three meters tall.

The humanoid mecha held a branch in its hand, and with the sound of a few steel joints turning, the humanoid mecha knelt down on one knee and handed out the branch in its hand.

Fei Xiu suddenly turned to look at Jun Ye.

Jun also stepped forward, didn't pick up the branch, just checked it up close.

Jun Ye's gaze fell on a red petal that was about to fall at the tip of the branch, and said, "This is the plum tree outside my office."

"Yes sir," the mecha's eyes flashed blue light, and a unique electronic voice sounded: "Gu Hongmei is the new favorite of the flower arrangement industry in recent years, I think the two gentlemen should like it."

"Hehe," Jun Ye pulled Fei Xiu to the center of the training ground, and said as he walked, "Don't pay attention to him, that guy's brain chip is still being debugged, it's just a half-finished product."

Fei Xiu: "It says flower arrangement..."

Jun Ye: "I will clear the data of it, and now I will introduce you to other finished products of the Transformers series."

"Transformation... King Kong?"

"Is there any problem?" Jun is also quite sure that this world does not have that movie.