MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 71 [ABO] Omega attack 14

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In the haze, Fei Xiu turned over and hugged the heat source around him.

Omega's pheromone is too mellow, warm and sweet, making him intoxicated and unwilling to wake up.

Wait, Omega?

The rocking upside-down spaceship, the yard chilling to the bone in the morning, the wine bottle swaying under the candlelight at night, the entangled limbs under the pheromone envelope...

Fragments of memories poured into Fei Xiu's mind, causing his eyes to widen in shock.

What caught his eye was a piece of white and tender skin, his gaze moved up mechanically, crossed the silk quilt with familiar lines, stayed on the chest above for a few moments, and finally fell into a pair of slightly indifferent eyes.

"Awake?" Jun also raised his eyebrows, glanced at the 100% entry bar on the terminal screen, stretched out his hand, and quietly removed the recording device.

Fei Xiu couldn't concentrate on Jun Ye's movements at all, and his mind was completely occupied by the appearance of Omega Jiaguo leaning on the bedside lazily.

"You, you..." Fei Xiu's face retreated a few centimeters, and when he lowered his head and saw that he was not even an inch, he almost bit his tongue.

"What's wrong with me?" Jun also squeezed the video device a few times, but it didn't break, so he couldn't help frowning.

Seeing that the subject was completely frightened, he simply raised his hand and threw the thing in his palm out.

The green light of the little robot's "eyes" in the corner flashed, and then he opened his mouth. The small round object crossed a smooth parabola in the air and fell accurately into the robot's mouth, making the crisp sound of metal impact.

When Fei Xiu heard the sound, he glanced at the three-headed robot that had closed his mouth in the corner. A trace of puzzlement flashed in his eyes and quickly faded, his eyes returned to Jun Ye.

"You, you...I...Last night..." The words he was about to ask had already reached his throat, but Fei Xiu's tongue was knotted, preventing him from uttering a complete sentence.

No words were needed at all, the undisguised rich expression on Fei Xiu's face had already revealed his thoughts.

Jun also glanced at Fei Xiu, who looked as if his chastity had been stolen, and said blankly, "Nothing happened."

"Ah?" Fei Xiu was taken aback.

how come? In those vague memories, he clearly crushed Omega to the ground, hugging him so tightly, as if he was holding his entire world in his arms.

But it is true that although the body is a little uncomfortable, it does not have the feeling of being overwhelmed for a long time.

No, why does he have to be flooded, can't he put the Omega to sleep?

Fei Xiu quietly glanced at the clean-skinned Omega, but there was no hickey mark, and the last possibility was gone.

For some reason, he felt a little regretful.

The speculation about what happened with Omega was cleared, and Fei Xiu began to struggle with the two sleeping in the same bed naked last night.

It's only been a day since the ship crashed, and Omega has new sleepers, and they're warm in his house, on his bed...

Fei Xiu lowered his eyes and suppressed a shadow, but he heard Omega snort, and a lukewarm voice came.

"But you said that you are Fei Xiu and my partner, huh, just your poor performance last night is not enough, if you can't provide convincing proof..."

Jun Ye's gloomy gaze swept across Fei Xiu, slightly hooked his lower lip, and snorted coldly.

Last night he wanted to tell Fei Xiu what he had done, but he just moved his finger a few times, and he didn't bring his gun to the battle for convenience.

Just explain, he is not the one who bears it, and the object's occasional shooting of men in seconds is also an affirmation of his skills.

What's worse is that after Fei Xiu's explanation, he tilted his head and fell asleep. Du Liujun also looked at his trousers that were thrown to the side, and then looked at the person who was drooling in sleep, with a black line on his face.

He had to endure the fire, waited on someone, scrubbed, and moved to the bed.

After all this tossing, but failing to get the subject to say what he wanted to record, Jun, who was extremely unhappy, also started talking nonsense with his eyes open. Anyway, the other party was already drunk and turned into a fool last night, so he wasn't afraid to expose it.

Oh? You said you didn't remember being drunk?

Then take responsibility for what you did to bring down an Omega widow.

Now, Comrade Feixu, please prove that you are yourself.

Fei Xiu really couldn't remember what happened last night, so that he was dizzy and dizzy when he was directly hit by Jun Ye's words, and his mind was rumbling, and he never thought about the possibility of Jun Ye bluffing him.

He actually revealed his identity to the Omega? ! He seems to have done something to Omega in the process of talking, and he was rated extremely bad by Omega...


At this moment, Omega and other Alphas were sleeping in the same bed, and Fei Xiu didn't hide.

Finally, Fei Xiu quietly stretched out his hand and gently hooked Jun Ye's tail finger.

Not thrown away!

Fei Xiu was overjoyed.

- What Omega saw was him, and it was because of him that Omega left him to sleep in the same bed, and it had nothing to do with the gardener!

Even if he was suspected of deceiving himself, Fei Xiu would rather be immersed in this beautiful dream weaved out.

Jun also saw the happy appearance of the people around him, and the uneasy feeling in his heart actually dissipated a little.

However, since he said that he wanted Fei Xiu to continue to prove it, it was not good to be too slapped in the face, so he could only flick his fingers to signal the other party to let go.

Fei Xiu let go of his hand reluctantly, and saw Omega unswervingly lift the quilt on his body.

Fei Xiu's heart thumped, and when he saw the black shorts covering Omega's key parts, his heart suddenly fell back, heavy.

So... nothing really happened, right?

Omega didn't want him, and he didn't put Omega to sleep.

Jun also stroked his hair, walked to the wardrobe, opened the door and picked out clothes.

Behind him, Fei Xiu fascinatedly looked at Hui Jun's powerful lower back and legs, wiped the corners of his mouth, and lifted the quilt...

After a second of pause, Fei Xiu suddenly pressed the quilt back, and looked at the Omega who still had his back turned to him with a look of dismay and panic.

Why is he all light? !

What kind of gesture did he use to tell Omega that he was his own last night...

Well, this is a very deep question.

Jun also subconsciously took Feixiu's home clothes and underwear, turned around and was about to throw them away, remembered the hat he had buttoned on the other's head, put the clothes back, and turned to find a new pair of underwear.

In order to make the hat he buckled more credible, before Fei Xiu proves that he is himself, Jun also feels that it is necessary to draw a line of distinction.

Jun Ye's eyes swept across his clothes.

There is a big gap between Omega and Alpha in this world. There is no boyfriend shirt. Yesterday's dirty clothes must not be worn, and the object can't run back naked...

Fei Xiu looked at Jun Ye holding his clothes in his hand and felt Jun Ye's entanglement. He opened his mouth and said, "I am indeed Fei Xiu... I know this is very magical, and it's normal for you to believe it. My dress last night..."

Omega turned his head and glanced coldly, Fei Xiu's voice stopped abruptly, he seemed to see something extraordinary in Omega's eyes.

Well, first of all the clothes he wore last night were not in the bedroom, and the whereabouts of the clothes were probably related to his drunken posture.

It was about last night, and Fei Xiu decided to shut up.

Jun also retracted his gaze and threw the underwear and clothes he was holding with his backhand.

Fei Xiu, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, was instantly covered.

Fei Xiu: "..."

One by one, he took the clothes off his head and looked at Jun Ye, who was already walking towards the bathroom with his clothes. As soon as the bathroom door was closed, he lifted the quilt and quickly put the clothes on.

Looking at the familiar home clothes, Fei Xiu was in a trance for a moment.

Fei Xiu looked under the bed with a probe, and reached out to take out the slippers under the bedside table.

However, when he thought that Omega would give him a piece of "Fei Xiu" clothes, he would hesitate for a while, and these shoes also belonged to "Fei Xiu", and Fei Xiu didn't know whether he should use them or not.

Jun also put on his clothes and came out. He saw Fei Xiu and his slippers looking at each other affectionately. He instantly understood what the other party was thinking, looked away and said, "If you want to wear it, wear it, and go to wash after wearing it."

The soul and clothes are all put on, what pair of shoes are still missing?

Fei Xiu looked at Jun Ye with an air of indifference, thinking that maybe Omega also noticed some similarities between him and "Fei Xiu", but there was no evidence that he was lukewarm.

Even if his Omega likes an Alpha, he should be arrogant and reserved, just like five years ago when Omega had a good impression of the gardener, he paid close attention to it and didn't have much close contact.

Going to the gardener's room to invite him to the birthday party, and all kinds of things at the dinner party, if Omega had already noticed it, it would make sense.

It's not that Fei Xiu didn't want to use himself as an example, but recalling their first encounter couldn't help but slap his face.

At that time, he was not as enthusiastic as himself in front of Omega, and Omega had no resistance to him. After only one day of acquaintance, he was marked and handed over his life to him.

Even if there is physical heat, the Omega who has recklessly entrusted his whole life with his arrogance and restraint is really incompatible.

Entering the bathroom, Fei Xiu was stunned for a moment when his eyes fell on the washstand where the toothbrush was placed.

Next to Omega's toothbrush stands a new toothbrush, the one he used to use is gone, and the towel is brand new...

Looking at the unfamiliar face in the mirror wearing familiar clothes, Fei Xiu had the illusion that he had replaced the old self.

I got up a little today, and when Jun also went downstairs, breakfast was already on the table, one person.

Jun also glanced at the butler who was standing with his hands behind his back, and asked him to add another serving, just the ones that Fei Xiu used to eat in the past.

The housekeeper wanted to remind his young master Omega to keep a low profile when raising a little lover. Hearing the sound of the bedroom door opening upstairs, he was shocked and immediately shut up and left.

They all slept in the master bedroom, can this be low-key? I'm not sure I'll be a master again in the future.

Fei Xiu went downstairs and Jun also said, "Sit down."

In his own home, even if his current identity has not been proven, Fei Xiu is not at all uncomfortable, sitting down and waiting for his own breakfast while enjoying Omega's meal.

His Omega is always so pleasing to the eye.

The housekeeper quickly brought up a breakfast. This time, he didn't need to speak. He put down the plate with a standard action and retire by himself.

Jun also wiped his mouth, opened the terminal, glanced at Fei Xiu on the opposite side, raised his hand and swiped in front of him, and the system panel appeared.

Maybe it was because he didn't do anything practical last night, he was only given ten task points as a warning for entering a place he shouldn't have entered.

Jun also doesn't care. In the past five years, he has scored a lot of points on the object. Although he was detained very badly, there are also more than 500 task points.

After Fei Xiu finished his meal, Jun also glanced at the time, it was seven fifteen.

Jun also walked to the sofa and sat down, and said, "I'll go to the Aviation Bureau in a moment. You still have forty-five minutes to prove your identity."

Having said that, Jun also closed the terminal and looked at Fei Xiu. With that appearance, he almost wrote "Come and please me" on his face.

This time, Fei Xiu could keenly see the meaning of the other party from Jun Ye's expression, but only felt a burning pain in his face.

Why does he think his Omega is proud and reserved? The other party was clearly so loose. He didn't think of himself as an Omega.

The living room was empty, the windows closed and the door closed. His Omega sank into the couch, his fingers tugged lightly, and he undid the protective belt around his neck.

Fei Xiu took a breath.

It's a trap, definitely a trap.

This body is different from his original pheromone, and Omega still has the pheromone he left behind in his body.

If he forcibly marked the pheromones before those pheromones dissipated, Omega would suffer unimaginable pain.

It's impossible for an Omega not to know the consequences, and it's a trap that Omega uses to lure him.

From Omega's point of view, what would the real "Fixiu" do?

There was no need to think about this question at all, Fei Xiu knew that he would approach Omega and sit on his hips.

That's exactly what he aspires to do now.

This damned soul, taught by Omega Yu Zhou, has an instinct that can't be changed even if he changes his body.

"Come on," Jun also invited Fei Xiu, who had red eyes, and reminded kindly, "There are only forty-four minutes left."

Fei Xiu walked towards Jun uncontrollably, and every step he took to Omega made his heart out of control.

Is forty-four minutes enough for him to prove himself?

No, why does he have to obey the time set by Omega, so that Omega can't get up, can it be...