MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v3 Chapter 8 bowls of flour

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After listening to President Yotsui's request, Guan Dounan also nodded, probably understanding the content of the request. For this commission, President Yotsui also gave a reward of 500,000 yen. If there is really a hidden treasure in it, it will be directly increased to 5 million yen.

He didn't want to refuse, and President Yotsui gave too much.

Although the amount of known information is relatively small, it is not easy for President Yotsui to come up with more information. Rather, it is difficult to find information about such artworks that "should not exist" in the first place.

For example, everyone knows that Zhaoling Six Horses, if one day suddenly the seventh horse pops up, where can I go to find information.

Therefore, Guan Dounan read the thin two-page paper at a glance, remembered it in his heart, and took out a five-yuan coin from his pocket, tossed it in the air, and then caught it. Use this action as a cover to use Black's abilities.

【The hidden secret in this Easter egg...】

"How? Is there a result?"

Seeing that the fortune-teller threw the coin and stood there still, just blinking, President Yotsui couldn't help asking aloud.

"Well, how do you say it?" Guan Dounan flipped the coin and organized the language, "There is indeed something hidden in this egg. But it's not treasure."

"In other words, it is not a treasure for you. If you have to rob it, you may get into trouble."

"Yes, is that so?"

President Yotsui's face twitched slightly, this news was not very good for him. But in order to show the least respect, he still nodded, took out a prepared envelope from the drawer and handed it to Guan Dounan.

"Although there is a saying about divination, there is a saying that sincerity is good, whether you believe it or not is your own business. But from the perspective of reducing trouble, I still advise you to ignore it." Guan Dounan glanced at it. President Yotsui, at a glance, it can be seen that he did not listen to his words.

"If you die and you end up being grievances, I have to deal with it."

"Ah, ah ha ha ha, Mr. Fortune Teller is joking, since you said so, then I certainly won't find it uninteresting." President Sijing said without a smile, as for his own words, how much does he have? Believe it or not.

"That's all."

Guan Dounan shook his head, Buddha doesn't ward off rude criticism, and medicine doesn't kill people. If President Sijing insists on some conspiracy theory, what is he thinking? "Did this fortuneteller fortune tell there is a treasure, so I want to hide the news? He can't do anything about the idea of ​​swallowing it all by himself. After all, he can't open his stomach and show others how many bowls of noodles he has.

His divination just now did see the secret hidden in the Easter egg, but it wasn't some gold or silver treasure, but a set of photos printed on micro glass with special technology, and the content of the photos was a family portrait.

This kind of thing, he doesn't think it will refer to any treasure, 80% of it is like the blue castle, and the key words such as "precious family memories" have been misrepresented and turned into legends of treasure.

I don't know why these guys are so idle, they like to make up rumors so much, and it's just this kind of theme... Guan Dounan returned to the hall, picked up a plate and continued to choose food.

The banquet went on as usual, and it began to end around ten o'clock in the evening. Since most of the people who came to the banquet were high-ranking people with rich and powerful family, they were riding in all kinds of high-end cars, so they were naturally not afraid of this rain.

But Guan Dounan came on a motorcycle. Due to the special perception of time by the stand-in, the weather forecast of the previous day was useless to him, and his ability to predict the weather was also incapable of predicting the weather, so he did not prepare rain gear. Trapped here in disguise.

"Mr. fortune-teller, if you don't dislike it, why don't you go back with us by car? Or you can stay in the mansion for a night." President Yotsui said with a smile. Win Guan Dounan's favor and be a good friend.

"That, President, our car seems to have a tire blowout at some point."

A middle-aged butler stepped forward nervously and told him bad news. Several young guests present immediately moved their minds-President Yotsui and Reika Yotsui came together, so, doesn't it mean that the eldest miss has no car to go back for the time being?

If you can send an invitation at this time, please go back in your own car. On a rainy night like this, young men and women are driving together in the same car, and no one believes anything when they say that nothing will happen.

"Since that's the case, let me take Miss Sijing back along the way, and my uncle will let Erjiedang carry her."

"No, no, my car is a bit cramped, so let my uncle ride in your car."

"What are you talking about, uncle will definitely have to deal with some affairs when he goes back. At this time, you need to take your fastest car."

"In this weather, safety is the top priority..."

"Well, I'm sorry to disturb a few of you." The old butler interrupted the quarrel of these young talents with embarrassment. "Your car actually had a flat tire."

"What? Such a coincidence?"

"Could it be that someone is playing tricks?"

"Hmph, I don't take any of your cars." Sijing Lihua snorted coldly and folded her arms, "It's not that people can't live here, I will live here with Aunt Mi tonight, Dad, you tomorrow Pick me up again."

"This... well, I still have to deal with some business, and I have to rush back." President Yotsui nodded. Anyway, this mountain villa is their property. Although they don't usually come here to live, they need to clean up. It's okay to be in a Then I'll stay here too. Guan Dounan said by the side, he just asked Aunt Mi, who is the usual manager of the villa, an old lady who works as a servant in Sijing's house. He couldn't borrow rain gear, and he didn't want to reveal his whereabouts, let alone talk to him. With strangers in the same car, he can only stay here for one night.

Although I don't know what month it is when I wake up tomorrow, "yesterday" is still Reika Yotsui's banquet, and he, a fortune teller, won't cause any doubts here.

"With all due respect, I don't trust you very much, so I don't really want you to stay here." Michuan, who choked him at first, sang the opposite, even if his car was also a flat tire. Among them, "If you don't have a means of transportation, I'll ask a better uncle to take you for a ride. Also, this fortune-teller, since you are so talented, just use a fortune-telling to see what caused so many cars. What about the culprit of the puncture?"

"No, you can't tell this person, because you also need to stay here, right?"