MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v3 Chapter 32 The torrent of time returns to calm

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Guan Dounan didn't expect Belmod's attitude, but Amuro was not surprised by it. As one of the long-term undercover personnel, he and Belmod were also familiar. It is clear that this "witch of ageless" actually has a strong tendency to self-destruct in her heart, but ordinary death has no effect on her.

Karasuma Rianye, a severe patient of Oedipus complex, even if his consciousness has been completely occupied by that "existence", but once he senses the death of his mother Belmod, no one knows whether he will burst into any potential. , bring her back to life.

However, if two people died together, it might be different.

"...However, I'm not sure whether Karasuma Renya can be really eliminated with this thing, and whether his 'incineration' effect can penetrate time. After all, you're not saying that even if you kill him at this time, he Is it possible to make a comeback from another time?" Amuro said hesitantly, not that he was reluctant to kill Belmod himself, but worried that he couldn't kill Karasuma Renye like this, but it caused its backlash.

"If that's the case, just find something and try it out." Belmod seemed indifferent. "You can use that thing as you like, and try again to see if it still exists in another time, right?"

"Easy to say, how to be sure..." Amuro Toru wanted to argue, but thinking about it, two of the three people present could do it.

Guan Dounan's stand-in can investigate a lot of information by itself, and Belmod's stand-in can become the appearance of someone in history, only he can't do it himself.

"Okay, then, let's do the experiment first, and then put it into practice after confirming that there is no problem." Amuro sighed and said, "For the time being, we will use your hair as the price of burning things. Anyway, your hair is quite long. of."

"I thought you would say appendix."

"I think the nails are better..."

Tottori Prefecture, on a certain hill, three people are standing quietly on it, looking down at a villa below. There are many fully armed soldiers guarding the villa about one kilometer.

Today's weather is not very good, with a misty drizzle, Guan Dounan, Amuro Toru and Belmod each hold an umbrella and are silent.

"Why don't you choose a better weather and come back?"

"It makes no difference, anyway, the flames created by the stand-in will not be extinguished by this kind of rain."

Belmod reached out to pick up a few drops of rain, put it on his hand and looked at it, and then threw it away.

"You should be happy. After I use this ability, the 'organization' that bothers you will disappear completely. It is a great credit to you."

"Having said that, but in this situation, it's hard not to feel a little sad. Maybe this is the effect of the atmosphere? Let me take you, the ever-changing witch, as a hero who sacrificed himself." Amuro said jokingly, But none of the three laughed.


"No wait." Belmod took out a red earring that looked like flowing blood or flames and put it on his left ear, "Don't show that expression, he and I should have disappeared long ago. In this world, it feels weird to live so long now."

"If you really want to do something for me." Belmod turned her head and smiled faintly, her chin began to show burn marks of red gold, "Just remember me."

The stand-in ability of "perish together" can also delete the burned things in the memory of the non-stand-in messengers. Only the stand-in messengers remember them because of their own particularity. This was the case with Shi Kaobing, who had burned most of his body because of this ability. Mouri Kogoro, Kasaka Natsumi, and others who had seen her at that time only vaguely remembered such a person, but could not remember her appearance.

As for Belmod, she will burn herself and Karasuma Lianye together, which means that no one will remember their appearance, or even their existence, except for the stand-in messengers. For Belmod, there are very few people who know her true identity, and she will completely disappear from this world, as if she had never been in the future.

Guan Dounan and Amuro nodded, silently watching Belmod turn around, throw away the umbrella in his hand, open his arms, and turn into a rising golden flame in the rain. Her burning is much more fiery and beautiful than that of Shi Kao soldiers.

In the villa at the foot of the mountain, a light of the same color suddenly flashed from the window of a certain room, and along with it, there was a low whine that swept through the entire valley. The last sound from Maruliya.

"Suzanne Louise, that's my earliest name."

Belmod left the last sentence, the two closed their eyes, the golden-red flames were fleeting, leaving only an umbrella on the ground beaten by the rain, making a fine sound.

"Do you remember?" Guan Dounan asked.

"Remember." Amuro nodded.

"Fortunately, we still remember her." Guan Dounan bent down and picked up the umbrella on the ground, closed it silently, and handed it to Anshitou.

"Only we remember her, that's enough." Amuro looked down the mountain, the villa had returned to its normal state at this time, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Section Chief." A police officer from Section N saw the two coming down from the mountain, and gave Amuro a salute, and his eyes fell on the extra umbrella in his hand.

"Senior, is there anyone else on the mountain?" He was just an ordinary person, and Belmod had disappeared from his memory, so he wondered about two people holding three umbrellas.

"No." Amuro replied lightly.

"There is only one story in memory."

After the two came down the mountain, they disbanded the guards outside the villa and entered the villa. Although the place is uninhabited all the year round, it is not covered with thick dust, which may be due to the ability of the BOSS stand-in.

When I came to the glowing room, there was nothing there, and there was no trace of anyone living here. However, Guan Dounan used Xiao Hei's ability to directly attack Karasuma Lianye once, and he did not suffer the kind of backlash like a mental attack again.

Karasuma Renya is probably dead.

"Hello? Is it? Then now... well, I see, you're doing fine."

Amuro answered a phone call, and his tone suddenly became excited, from excitement to anxiety, and then to relief. He simply ordered a few words to the other end of the phone, then hung up and said good news to Guan Dounan:

Conan and Xiao Ai were eliminated due to the BOSS, and their semi-avatar characteristics have disappeared, and now they have successfully returned to their normal body shapes.

However, perhaps this change was too drastic, and the two of them were barely maintained by the stand-in, which should have collapsed. The physical condition of the two of them plummeted, and they turned into a state of critical illness and death in an instant.

But fortunately, they had long expected this to happen, placed them in the hospital early, and equipped them with the medical substitute envoys that they had recruited in Lesson N over the years. of recuperation.

Riding a motorcycle and driving in the rain, I visited Conan and Xiaoai in the hospital—maybe they should be called Kudo Shinichi and Miyano Shiho now.

The organization has been destroyed, and the two have long since recovered their original identities. Together with Miyano Akimi, they have also turned from darkness to light, and they can officially walk in the sun with their true colors. At this time, she is accompanying Miyano Shiho in the hospital.

Also in the same ward is Kudo Shinichi, who claims to have been lurking to investigate a criminal organization and was seriously injured. The Kudos have been staying in the Neon country since the last Noah's Ark incident, and at this time they can take care of their son, who has changed in size everywhere.

After leaving the hospital, it was getting late, and Guan Dounan returned to his home after a long absence. In the past five years as an actor, he has been busy with various shootings and exercises. He even applied for a leave of absence from the school. I only came back for the holidays, and a star lived like a migrant worker who went out to work.

Moreover, because the previous time was chaotic, sometimes the two New Year's time can be separated for a long time, and he also hasn't been able to go home for a long time. All of this is to make the face that he considers a "sign" famous, and to brush the popularity and recognition to a very high level, in order to make good use of the ability of "devil passport".

However, at this time, Guan Dounan, who had taken off his helmet, no longer had the ear stud on his ear.

He parked the car and looked up at the second-story building where his house was located. The Miyano sisters on the first floor didn't seem to be at home, and this was also what he expected, because the boss was expected to be eliminated today, then Conan and Xiaoai It is possible to return to the original state, and it is not suitable to stay at home again.

What surprised him was that the lights on the second floor were actually on.

"I came back very early today..." Guan Dounan shook off the rain on his body and went upstairs to open the door of his house. The elder sister Guan Shanyue, who was 70% similar to him, was uncharacteristically at this time, neither studying nor doing housework. , but sitting in a chair, not knowing what to think.

"Brother Dou?" Hearing the sound of the door opening, Guan Shanyue looked up and saw her younger brother who had not been home for a long time, and called out somewhat unexpectedly.

"Every time I hear you call me by that name, my skin gets goosebumps, can we put it another way?" Guan Dounan said jokingly, shaking all over.

"Okay, then I'll call you a big injustice, because you made me cover my face and act like a thief in school." Guan Shanyue rolled his eyes at him. Because of this, Guan Shanyue's troubles can be said to be countless, whether it is a fanatical fan who admits the wrong person or a gossip reporter, in short, Guan Shanyue once needed to dress up as a stalker before going out.

"Then you're older than me, the big injustice, let me call you a big injustice."

"Just a few minutes older than you?"

A few words of bickering, all of a sudden ease the atmosphere between the two. Guan Dounan took off his shoes and walked to his room. Prepare to relax today, take a break, and sleep with him for three days and three nights.

"That, turn around..." Behind him, Guan Shanyue suddenly stopped him.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Guan Dounan turned around, his face suddenly became very strange.

"Can you see it? This thing?"

Guan Shanyue was pointing to his side and asked Guan Dounan. Beside her, there is a human figure with a white top and a black bottom. There is a dial-like thing inlaid on the chest of the human figure. There are several horizontal bars above the dial, like dividing lines on a notebook.

This strange appearance, and that special temperament, other than a substitute, what else could it be?

"Can you see this? I came home a little late from school today, I was supposed to be home at 6:30, but I was still on the subway at 6:25. I thought 'Looks early The plan that I made is going to fail', and then, this guy appeared, directly controlled my body to get out of the car, and then took me home like a fly, usually a 20-minute walk away at once It's over."

"Hey—" Guan Dounan slapped his face hard, rubbed off his surprised expression, raised his head again, and looked at his old sister helplessly.

Indeed, since she has been a stand-in for so long, Guan Shanyue should not be an ordinary person whether it is due to the influence of blood relationship or the physique of that guy Conan, but she has never shown this trend before. Let Guan Dounan relax a bit.

"This thing is called a 'substitute', and the person who has a substitute is usually called a 'substitute messenger'." Guan Dounan summoned Xiao Hei beside him, looked at Guan Shanyue's surprised expression, took out a coin, and tossed it in the In the air, catch it again.

"Your stand-in ability should be the time system, and the ability is the 'schedule'. As long as you plan ahead to a certain time, it will help you complete the plan if something unexpected happens that makes it almost impossible for you to do it. ."

"As for my stand-in is the intelligence department and the illusion department. It can learn all kinds of information and use various illusions."

Guan Dounan slowly revealed the characteristics of Guan Shanyue's stand-in, and her stand-in turned out to be a rare time series. After having this guy Karasuma Renye, it was obvious that all the time-related abilities were monopolized by the organization and became abilities created by the boss.

In Guan Dounan's guess, this may be because the existence of the BOSS suppresses those potential stand-in messengers who have time-related abilities and qualifications but have not had time to awaken. After the BOSS was defeated and the suppression disappeared, the stand-in messengers with time-related qualifications began to gradually awaken.

Guan Shanyue was the first of them, er, maybe not the first. However, her ability is really enviable. To some extent, it even exceeds the time system and involves the content of the law of causality.

Under the shocked eyes of the old sister, Guan Dounan stretched out his hand and smiled at her.

"Welcome to be a stand-in for this world. Although it's abrupt, would you like to take an extra part-time job? I'm doing it too."

"The kind of part-timer who just saved the world."

(End of full text)

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