MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v2 Chapter 57 The horror of bosses

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"Two? One is you and the other is..."

Hearing Amuro's question, Miyano Shiho glanced at Guan Dounan, probably because Amuro, who was the boss, didn't know about Kudo Shinichi, did you hide it yourself?

"Well, it's Kudo Shinichi." Guan Dounan explained on behalf of Shiho Miyano, "Because I didn't know the identity of the section head before, in order not to let this terrifying organization affect more people, I chose to share their information. Hide it for now."

"So that's the case, you can't say it wrong. If you report it level by level, although it will eventually be intercepted by me, it has been seen by many people in the middle, which may cause some uncontrollable situations. The consequences." Toru Amuro nodded, but he didn't criticize Guan Dounan's act of concealing information. After all, as an undercover agent of the organization, he knew the horror of the organization best.

If someone else knows the organization's intelligence, or is judged to be a threat by the organization, then this person is estimated to not live long, and will die "reasonably" in some inconspicuous circumstance, or die directly in an indescribable way , completely unable to find the cause of the attack.

"Yes, even now, I have to remind you not to mention the organization or the organization's information in front of anyone who cannot be trusted, or who does not have enough self-protection ability." Miyano Shiho also said very seriously, "Especially It's about the organization, and it's best not to even mention it."

Miyano Shiho obviously paused when he spoke, and pointed his finger to the top, which should be hinting at the boss at the top of the organization.

"Is this... so terrifying? As far as I know, there should be no such large-scale surveillance or intelligence stand-ins in the organization," Amuro Toru is not difficult to understand Miyano Shiho's meaning, but for her kind of connection The act of not even mentioning the name is a little difficult to understand.

"It would be fine if it was just a stand-in messenger, but [ ] is not a stand-in messenger. It can even be said that he is not a human being, but more like a creature that we cannot understand. As long as we mention him, he will know, but he has been ignoring us. That's it..." Miyano Shiho's face showed a faint look of fear.

"Every word must be known? Why does it sound like some kind of octopus-headed evil spirit, as long as you mention it, or know his information, you will inevitably go crazy..." Amuro Toru was noncommittal about this, although he knew The horror of the organization, but that is mainly the organization members, such as the ability of stand-in messengers such as Jinjiu is very powerful, plus the huge influence across industries such as politics, business, culture, etc. developed on this basis, "You should also know it, right? The so-called gentleman, since I joined the organization, I have only heard of him, and I don't even know if he really exists."

As for the so-called BOSS... One thing to say, he has joined the organization for so long, and he has never seen this BOSS, or even heard of any orders he issued. Amuro had more than once doubted whether there was such a "boss" at all.

"He's always been..." Miyano Shiho shook his head, "I'll just give two examples, first, time will become like this, and it's related to him. Second, the kind of drug that can awaken the substitute, whether it is at the beginning The batch I made later is the batch I made later, and the raw materials came from him."

"It came from him..." Guan Dounan suddenly thought of an extremely terrifying guess. Could it be that the raw materials for making that kind of medicine came directly from the BOSS and was his substitute product? This kind of substitute product is like a saint's body or an arrow. It can create a substitute, and at the same time, it will also make people unconditionally loyal to him?

Or to be more extreme, it is some kind of parasite that can awaken people's ability to stand in, and control their minds while awakening people's abilities. And Miyano Shiho made the second batch of drugs by accident, killing this parasite or something, making it only have some of the original properties, awakening a half-substitute, but not being controlled by the mind.

In this way, if you use your ability to investigate Belmod's stand-in abilities, and mention the time issue in front of them, it is equivalent to directly investigating the BOSS's own ability. flow back. Just, why is the broken data turbulence?

"Time and stand-ins are related to him? Since that's the case, it's no wonder that only the stand-ins can clearly know that time is messed up, because they have the same origin to some extent..." Amuro noticed the change in Guan Dounan's expression , hurriedly asked, "What? Do you know the relevant information?"

"Well, my ability can be said to be an intelligence stand-in, and I can know some things, so I once faced that person by accident when I was retrieving some information about Kudo Shinichi... I received some spiritual, or Speaking of the attack on the body, I almost went crazy." Guan Dounan was a little scared at this time, although it seems that he is still alive now, those attacks from the boss are just his inadvertent reaction. Otherwise, I am afraid that I would have become a puppet of the organization long ago, or I would have cooled off early.

"Face the attack? You are really A person who can create so many terrifying abilities can't imagine how strong he will be... As for Kudo Shinichi, he should have eaten the same thing as me. A batch of medicines, the raw materials for making these two medicines may be partly different from other materials, but there is no way to continue the investigation now." Miyano Shiho thought, "From the point of view that you are still alive, at least You guys weren't noticed before. But it's hard to say what happened after that, especially me and Kudo, absolutely can't mention anything related to him."

"In other words, can't you provide other information about the organization?" Toru Amuro asked. Although he was in charge of intelligence in the organization, it was still external and for ordinary people. Internal intelligence, such as the abilities of other refreshers in the organization, the true body of the organization's boss, and how the organization affects time, are completely unknown.

"Yes, I'm sorry, but in addition to the direct information about that person, I know some general information about Jinjiu's stand-ins. After all, I collected a lot of relevant information here for research at the time... I just don't know if they have any information. There is no hiding or anything." Miyano Shiho said in a low voice, the information collected by her method cannot be said to be wrong, but it must not be detailed.

After all, Jinjiu only briefly described a wave of abilities, and Amuro Toru directly faked it. Can others be any better?

Read The Duke's Passion