MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-Chapter 2 who killed me?

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Xiao Hei's speed is not at the level that normal humans can achieve, it is more like an insubstantial phantom.

In just an instant, he crossed the table, chairs, benches, Kudo Shinichi and the Mumu police department, and came to Guan Dounan. Guan Dounan could even see the lines on the corners of Xiao Hei's mouth twisted upward at an abnormal angle, and then...

It "melted" into Guan Dounan's body.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, the expressions and movements of the police department and Kudo Shinichi were frozen, and a bird flying outside also froze in the air, and even he himself could not move.

Only what Guan Dou Nan had just imagined and performed in his mind, the scene from his awakening to his death reappeared again, and every detail in the picture that emerged this time was extremely complete, not like an idea, but like a A documentary filmed by a well-known director.

It's just that this documentary seems to be played backwards.

[The teenager stood up, walked out of the classroom backwards, walked side by side with a police officer, and parted at the door of the bathroom. The teenager stood inside, looked at his face, and seemed to be talking to himself. 】

[He stumbled back to the corridor, lay down on the ground, coughed a few times amid the roar of the surrounding students, and remained silent. A girl with long hair covering her face ran backwards from the corner, and threw herself on the boy's "corpse". 】

The action should be doing artificial respiration, but it doesn't seem to be very professional, how to look like a beast biting food...

Guan Dounan groaned inwardly. It should be a very laborious thing to see the reversed picture, but for some reason he has a feeling that he can easily understand it. Is it because this is something he has experienced?

[The girl kept inhaling, exhaling, and pressing. After repeating it many times, the onlookers around him also dispersed and reunited, vividly playing the role of "indifferent spectator". During the period, Kudo Shinichi seemed to want to persuade him to say something, but it didn't work... Finally, the girl got up and ran away, and the expressions of the spectators changed from curiosity to panic to curiosity. 】

If it was playing forward, they should have gathered around out of curiosity first, and found that "Guan Dounan" had no breath and heartbeat and scattered in fright, but the arrival of that girl made their onlookers desire to rise again...

[The crowd disperses, and several students lift the boy up and walk into the bathroom. One of them ran back after walking out, pushed him on the shoulder, and left again shaking his head. 】

From here, the picture suddenly becomes blurry, like a video whose quality has been severely compressed, and only the approximate shape can be seen clearly.

[I don't know how long it took, the boy who fell on the ground suddenly moved, and "slipped" onto the sink like a mollusk. A human-shaped shadow suddenly appeared behind him, and he couldn't see his face clearly, just like the one just now. Like Xiao Hei, he slammed his head into the pool. 】

[Xiao Hei suddenly disappeared, he stood up straight like a spring, washed his hands as if nothing had happened, and walked back to a certain compartment. 】

[He walked out of the cubicle, "taken out" a fast food box from the trash can, walked backwards all the way to the door of a classroom, and passed a fat man. 】

[The packaging box in his hand finally returned to the hands of a guy with an arrogant face and dyed blond hair. 】

The upside down memory came to an abrupt end, and the time in Guan Dounan's field of vision also resumed its flow. Maybe time didn't stop, just an illusion caused by a long video playing in his mind in an instant.


The exclamation of the delayed shout startled the Muki police department and Kudo Shin, and the two of them stared at each other. Guan Dounan was shrinking his body, his hands were in front of him, and he was posing a pink octopus head that "don't do it." Get close to me" gesture.

Silence, silence is Tokyo Bay tonight, and the concrete pillar under Tokyo Bay.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little rude." With the mentality of "As long as I'm not embarrassed and so embarrassed, it's someone else", Guan Dounan tidied his hair and sat back on the chair.

What I wanted to know just now was "what happened before he died" and "who was the murderer", so the little black appeared, and then the image appeared in my mind, is this the answer for me?

Although this video was shown from a third perspective, or played back and forth, but just watched it once, this video seemed to be imprinted in Guan Dounan's mind, and he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

When I came to see it, the yellow hair had a very bad attitude towards me, and threw the finished fast food box to "me" to throw away. When "I" came out to wash my hands, I was suddenly drowned in the sink by Xiao Hei holding my head down.

Did it kill me? Or is it actually the same as in the "Detective" animation, representing "someone unknown"? Judging from the fact that it rushed towards him just now, but he is still alive, the latter is more likely.

Also, I have a feeling that it seems to be able to call it out again, is it actually listening to me?

Immediately afterwards, after an unknown time, someone came to the toilet and found the "me" lying on the ground. He tried to wake up unsuccessfully, so he asked someone to carry "me" out...

People crowded around first, found out that it was a dead person and ran away. At this time, a girl ran over to do artificial respiration. Who is she? Girlfriend with this body? When "I" crossed over and "Guan Dounan" was resurrected, she ran away...

"What happened before death" has been almost grasped, but who is the murderer... The only visible faces in the image are the yellow-haired and the fat man who passed by, is it the one between the two of them? Or is it really "little black"?

Also, the girl's reaction was weird...

"What you asked just now was, who was the last person I saw, right?" After a moment of silence, Guan Dounan looked at the Mumu police department and Kudo Shinichi behind him, and finally said, "What I can remember now, There are only two faces."

"One face is a **** with dyed yellow hair and ear studs with an arrogant attitude, and the other is a fat man with a freckled head and a freckled face. I can't name them, but see You can definitely recognize it.”

"It should be one of my classmates... My head hurts a little now, and I can't remember many things." Guan Dounan flexed his fingers and tapped his forehead, "I heard the news from the students who were watching. Judging from the water traces I have observed myself, I should have been killed... almost killed, right? The way was to be drowned by being pressed into the sink. Thinking about it this way, it may have been caused by the lack of oxygen for too long. degree of amnesia."

"This method of death, if it is suicide, would be too bizarre, and the feasibility is very low. The sink is not low, it is difficult for people to continue to maintain the original posture and get out of the water after losing consciousness, not to mention that there will be instinctive struggle to survive.”

"Therefore, there must be some external force acting on me at that time, someone should be holding me down... Of course, it does not rule out that I was given some kind of drug and thus lost my ability to control my body."

Although this guy claims to have amnesia, his observation ability and thinking logic are very clear... The Miki Police Department and Kudo Shin looked at each other, and both read the same meaning from each other's eyes.

"In this way, the last two people I remember may be the prisoners, maybe one of them, or maybe the two of them conspired." Guan Dounan put down his hands and looked at the Mumu police department, "I suggest you investigate the bathroom where the crime happened. , take fingerprints near the sink, faucet, and mirror. Also, if I see them, I may be able to think of something, so please let me confront them.”

"Also, after the investigation here, please take me to the hospital to check if there is anesthesia or other ingredients in my blood."

There is also the possibility of "Guan Dounan" taking hallucinogens and hallucinating and drowning himself. Just in case, it's better to check it out.

"Well... Okay, then that's it, Takagi, go to those students and find someone who matches what you just said." For some reason, when the Megumi Police Department faced Guan Dounan, there was a sense of familiarity with Kudo Shinichi, the kind of involuntary He thought that what he said was right, and subconsciously wanted to listen to his feelings.

As for Kudo Shinichi, he was looking at Guan Dounan deeply, wondering what he was thinking.

"Today is Sunday, UU is reading, so there are not many people in the school. Except for the students who participated in the club activities on the first floor, most of the students who appeared here came to a man named "Code EJ". There are tricks in the crew."

"There are a total of 20 students who came to act as assistants this time. The school has also approved the use of the classrooms and corridors on this floor for filming. The one who is in charge of supervising the auxiliary work on the spot is the one below." Wuqi's middle-aged man is a director of Didan High School. This time, he is the person in charge of the contact between the school and the crew.

"Our own staff and actors add up to about 20. Because there are not too many scenes in the classroom here, it only takes one day to shoot, so there are only a few main actors, and most of them are still Staff." said a man next to him wearing a lot of vests. He is the assistant director of the crew and is also responsible for all kinds of chores.

"If you want to investigate, please hurry up, because we only got the right to use the place for one day. It's just after the new year, and our filming work is also very tight."

The 1.11 on the sign next to it clearly states today's date.

"I see, but there are so many people, it's a little bit beyond my expectations." The Mumu Police Department nodded, "I told you before, are the eligible students in the list of students who are acting as assistants? In addition, for Guan Dounan How much do you know about this classmate?"

"Yes, the one with yellow hair is called Ryota Sakagami, and the fatter one is called Masato Sancheng. They are all here today as assistant actors." The director nodded and pointed to the two students behind him, "As for Guan Dounan, who had an accident today, It was transferred from another school at the beginning of the third year of high school, and the test results were not bad, as for more things, because I am not his direct teacher, I do not know."