MTL - Conan’s Devil Child Comes To the World-Chapter 602 Detective Han Fei

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The golden owl falls in the west, the bright rabbit rises in the east

"Da da da…"

A quaint carriage with the logo of Xiangguofu slowly stopped at the door of Zilan Xuan, followed by two figures walking off the carriage.

Looking at the splendid Zilan Xuan in front of her, and the flamboyant woman in the doorway, she couldn't help frowning and said, "Liang Er, didn't you say you want to bring me to see the broken eucalyptus?"

"Grandfather, it was the man who asked us to meet here."

(╬ ̄Dish ̄)

His face changed slightly, but he suppressed the anger in his heart and followed Zhang Liang into the Zilan Xuan.

If it weren't for the fact that Ji Wuye was forced to do nothing, he would definitely not have come to such a place with his open-minded, pedantic and conservative character.

That person who broke the eucalyptus actually asked himself, meeting in such a romantic place, it must not be a good thing!

Zhang Kaidi hasn't seen Han Fei yet, and his rating in his heart has already dropped below the pass line.

"Da da da…"

Zhang Kaidi and Zhang Liang just walked into the Purple Orchid Pavilion, the purple girl in the purple fishtail skirt stepped on high heels, twisted the attractive waist of the water snake, and walked down the stairs on the second floor.


After seeing the charming and enchanting purple girl, her open brows furrowed even deeper, and she had already begun to secretly decide that Zhang Liang would not be allowed to come to such a place in the future.

As a visitor, Zhang Kaidi is very clear, how difficult is it for a peerless stunner like the purple girl? !

"Treading the Stars"

28 Jia's body looks like a crisp, with a sword around her waist beheading ordinary people.

Although the head is not seen, he secretly teaches that the bone marrow is dry.

Zhang Kaidi didn't want Zhang Liang to come to this kind of place often, but he trained Zhang Liang as his successor.

If Zhang Zhangliang was damaged by the people here, Zhang Kaidi would really be **** to death.

"Master Xiangguo, the son has been waiting in the elegant room upstairs for a long time, please go upstairs with the slave's house~"

Zi Nu made a "please" gesture towards Zhang Kai, and took enchanting and mysterious steps to lead them to the private room on the second floor.

"It was him!"

When he opened his eyes and saw Han Fei, who was in the private room, looking for fun, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Among the many sons under Han Wang'an's command, only Han Fei, who has just returned from his studies, is the most suitable to take over the important task of "Ghost Soldiers".

"Purple girl, the orchid stuffed with this gold silk red agate cup really complements each other, and it's a unique taste."

After seeing Zhang Kaidi and the others, Han Fei did not rush to greet Zhang Kaidi, but picked up the wine glass in front of him and said with emotion: "I originally had a blue sea coral bottle, which is the perfect match for orchid brewing, but it was a pity yesterday. I replaced it with someone else lately."

The purple girl said with a playful look on her face: "Listening to the tone of the son, it seems that you regret it?"

"Of course not! I exchanged something more valuable, but I have to thank that person!"



! "

Seeing Han Fei patronizing talking to Zi Nu, leaving his prime minister in place, he couldn't help but snorted coldly, and with a wave of his sleeves, he was ready to turn and leave.


"Master Zhang, I know you don't like me, and I don't like Master Zhang either. I won't stop you if you want to leave."

Han Fei suddenly interrupted Zhang Liang's words, and immediately followed the conversation: "But I believe that Lord Xiangguo is a smart person. Since he is a smart person, he will not leave at this time."


He opened his mouth to hear the words, turned to look at Han Fei, and said blankly, "Are you so sure that I won't leave?"

"Because the shoes of Lord Xiangguo are still the boots worn when going to court."

Han Fei raised his mouth slightly, shook the wine glass in his hand and said, "If it wasn't for the fact that Lord Xiangguo encountered a very headache and was eager to find a solution, how could he even forget to change his court boots, so he came to a place like this. see me?

Moreover, Han Fei was neglecting his etiquette just now, and Lord Xiangguo was very angry, but he was still able to listen to me talking so much nonsense here.

That means that apart from me, Lord Xiangguo has no choice! "


Zhang Kai's face changed slightly, and he secretly said in his heart, "It's said that Han Fei is cynical, but I didn't expect that he would be so keen to detect people. It seems that he has learned a lot from Xun Zi's sect over the years."

ε=('ο'*))) alas...

Zhang Kai sighed helplessly and said, "You're right! The old man really has no choice, otherwise why would he be here, listening to you talking so much nonsense?"


Han Fei stood up with a smile, bowed towards Zhang Kaidi and said, "Your Excellency Xiangguo is magnanimous, I am here to make amends with wine."

After Han Fei finished speaking, he picked up the white jade jug beside him, poured the five wine glasses on the table one by one.

Seeing this, Zhang Liang couldn't help but wonder: "Ninth Young Master, there are only three of us here, why do we prepare five wine glasses?"

Han Fei did not directly answer Zhang Liang's question, but said while pouring wine, "This glass of wine is called Nangong Cuo, and this glass of wine is called Li Xi..."

"If the old man guessed correctly, the remaining three glasses of wine should be called Yao Feng, Nangong Ling and Wang Kai!"

Before Han Fei could finish speaking, he opened his brows and said the names of the remaining three glasses of wine.

The five names mentioned by Han Fei and Zhang Kaidi are the five presiding judges who died mysteriously in "Ghost Soldiers Tribulation".

"Not bad! Lord Xiangguo, do you know what these five glasses of wine have in common?"

He opened his face and said with an ugly expression: "They were all pulled up by me, and they are my right arm in the middle."

"Now that these five adults are gone and their positions are vacant, what will happen next?"


As soon as Han Fei finished speaking, he let go of the palm holding the white jade jug, and the white jade jug instantly shattered into pieces.


Looking at the broken white jade jug, the corners of his open eyes twitched slightly.

Even if Han Fei didn't say it clearly, Zhang Kaidi knew that the jug represented himself.

It was precisely because he knew his current that Zhang Kaidi came to Han Fei for help, otherwise he would have thrown his sleeves and left.

After staring at the broken white jade jug for a while, he asked straight to the point: "Ming people don't speak secretly! How can the nine sons be willing to help this old man?"

In fact, Zhang Kaidi has not yet been forced into a real desperate situation. If it really comes to the point of life and death, he will directly choose to go to the Fourth Young Master Han Yu for help.

It's just that when that time comes, Zhang Kaidi can only follow Fourth Young Master all the way to the dark.

If the Fourth Young Master succeeded in ascending the throne, Zhang Kaidi's status would not be able to go further.

And if the Fourth Young Master fails, then the Zhang family will be liquidated by the new King Han.

Therefore, Zhang Kaidi didn't want to get involved in the struggle for succession unless it was a last resort.

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