MTL - Conan’s Devil Child Comes To the World-Chapter 599 Jing Ke and Yan Dan

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When she first saw Suzuki Seimei, Zi Nu thought he was the stupid son of some landlord.

However, with further contact with Suzuki Seimei, Zi Nu changed her original thoughts, guessing that he might be a young master from a hidden family.

Now that the purple girl has seen with her own eyes, Suzuki Seimei showed such amazing swordsmanship, and she felt that his whole body was covered with a mysterious atmosphere, and there was an urge to further explore his secrets.

As the saying goes: when a woman is curious about a man, it often represents the beginning of her fall.

Although Suzuki Seimei looks like a child, he can become a tall and mighty man, so it will be a matter of time before the purple girl is conquered by him.

Since Zi Lan Xuan is only open at night, Zi Lan Xuan is very quiet during the day.

After Suzuki Seimei left from Wei Zhuang's room, he found an unoccupied guest room and ran the "Ghost Valley Breathing Technique" with all his strength, refining the pure inner strength in his body.

"Ghost Valley Breathing Technique" is worthy of being the core internal strength of the Ghost Valley sect. Suzuki Seimei only spent half a day refining the pure internal strength in his body into innate energy.

After the refining of "Ghost Valley Breathing Technique", the pure inner strength of Suzuki Seimei for more than 200 years was finally transformed into 20 years of innate energy.

"The Guard is Here"

Twenty years of innate qi may not sound like much, but the power of martial arts with innate qi is far more powerful than pure inner strength.

For example, the special sonic martial art of "Seven-String Invisible Sword", if it is motivated by internal force, it can only resonate with the internal force in the target's body, thereby causing the target's internal force to backlash, but it is completely harmless to ordinary people.

If the "Seven-String Invisible Sword" is activated with innate qi, it can not only cause a violent backlash of the innate qi in the target's body, but also directly condense invisible sound waves to attack the target.

The reason why this happens is because the innate qi in the body of the innate warrior can resonate with the power of heaven and earth within a certain range, thereby enhancing the power of martial arts.

"Da da da…"

As the night slowly fell, several luxury carriages from various countries also stopped at the door of Qianlong Hall one after another.

Qianlongtang is a hall of the farm family, mainly responsible for the farm family's transactions in South Korea, as well as collecting some important information in South Korea.

In order to expand more contacts, the current owner of Qianlong Hall, Situ Wanli, will try to hold a high-quality trade fair every once in a while, so as to attract those dignitaries to come.

And the trade fair held by Qianlongtang tonight is a small trade fair with barter.

Although there are only six guests invited to the trade fair this time, each of them has a lot of background.

In addition to Zi Nu, the remaining five guests are: Han Fei, Yan Taizi Dan, Yan Chunjun, Jing Ke and Touman Shanyu.

The reason why Suzuki Seimei wanted to follow Zi Nu to attend tonight's trade fair is because he knew that Jing Ke and Yan Dan would also attend this trade fair.

Yan Dan and Jing Ke's strength should not be weaker than Wei Zhuang, and they should also be able to sign in good rewards.

When Suzuki Seimei and Zi Nu arrived at Qianlong Hall, the other five guests had already arrived. The two of them, led by the maids, entered the private room of the 'Ji' Pavilion.

"Da da da…"

Not long after Suzuki Seimei and the others entered the 'Ji' Pavilion, Situ Wanli, dressed in silk clothes and with black and white hair, walked to the center of the hall with a smile on his face.

"Welcome to Qianlongtang. Today, everyone brought their own rare treasures, so they will barter, exchange with each other, take care of each other, and make friends!"

Situ Wanli bowed his hands towards the crowd, then walked to the six treasures covered with silk, and slowly lifted the silk cloth on the first treasure: "This Panlong Ding was brought by a guest from the Jiazi Pavilion. treasure."

As Situ Wanli lifted the silk, a square tripod made of brass with a dragon pattern on it appeared in front of everyone.

The guest of the Jiazi Pavilion was a savage-looking man who was out of tune with everyone present, with a Mediterranean hairstyle.

Since the seven kingdoms have not yet been unified, the Huns now only have the enemy of Qin, and they are not in hostile relations with the other six countries, but are somewhat similar to allies, and the two sides have conducted a lot of trade and trade.

As the saying goes: the enemy of the enemy is the friend!

The stronger the power of the Huns, the more headaches the Qin State next to them would have, so the Six Nations wished that they would become stronger and thus contain more of the Qin State's military power.

"The guests of Yizi Pavilion brought a pair of jade bracelets."

Situ Wanli cupped his hands towards Yan Dan and lifted the silk cloth on the second treasure, revealing a pair of superb bracelets inlaid with rubies.

"The guests of Bingzi Pavilion brought three Xuanjing arrows."

Staring at the three arrows reflecting the cold light, Suzuki Seimei turned to look in the direction of the Bingzi Pavilion. The guest sitting inside was the cynical Jing Ke.

"The guests of the T-shaped pavilion brought a sword."

Situ Wanli casually introduced the gift that Yanchun-jun brought, and then lifted the silk cloth on the fifth treasure with some excitement: "The treasure brought by the guests of Wuzi Pavilion is incredible. The blue sea is startling."

Looking at the wine bottle made of jasper and inlaid with red coral, both Jing Ke and Yan Chunjun showed a very interested look.

"And the things in this simple box are the treasures brought by the last distinguished guest."

After Situ Wanli finished speaking, he lifted the silk cloth on the last treasure, revealing a quaint wooden box.


When Yan Dan saw the strangely shaped wooden box, a hint of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

Because Yan Dan was proficient in mechanical techniques, the first time he saw this wooden box, he realized that it was a mechanical wooden box.

"To exchange my treasures, one condition must be observed, that is, the box cannot be opened before the exchange. UU Reading"

The purple girl who was feeding Suzuki Seimei's snacks suddenly opened her lips and said, "My treasure can choose its owner. For some people, it is priceless, and for some people, it may be worthless. value."


Hearing this, Han Fei stared at the quaint box with a thoughtful look.

"Pretend to be mysterious!"

Yan Chunjun said with a displeased face: "I don't think you have any treasures at all, you just want to take a broken box to deceive people."

Taking advantage of the time when everyone's attention was attracted by the purple girl, Suzuki Seimei secretly activated the "Moke Hidden" skill.

One leaf blinds the eyes, but Mount Tai is not seen!

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