MTL - Conan’s Devil Child Comes To the World-Chapter 570 Prodigal Detective

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Tian Tian Qinghua spent so many years in prison in the dream, and it was not for nothing.

You must know that there are many talents in the prison, and they speak nicely. Tian Tian Qinghua has learned a lot of useful knowledge from the inmates.

In fact, killing Bai Teng Taimei and the others directly can only be regarded as the lowest level of revenge. Although it can relieve anger, it is easy to injure one thousand enemies and eight hundred to oneself.

With the experience of being in prison in a dream, Tian Tian Qinghua easily thought of a better means of revenge than killing Shirato Taimei and the others.

Didn't Bai Teng Taimei and the others want to take advantage of themselves? Heaven Qinghua will just let them have enough!

Tian Tian Qinghua plans to invite Shirato Taimei and the others to play abroad after this camping, and then invite them to a big meal and then get them drunk.

After Tian Tian Qinghua got Bai Teng Taimei and the others drunk, and then coaxed them to sign huge bills, then let them go abroad and wash dishes for a lifetime!


I heard that Cambodia is good at cutting waists... No, it's beautiful, but it's a good place to travel!

Even Suzuki Seimei never thought that "The Magic of Dreams" can not only make people have nightmares, but also hone the mind of the dreamer.

If it was replaced by the former Tian Qinghua, she would definitely not be able to think of such a black-bellied method of revenge.


a few days later

In the box of an Italian hotel

"Sorry to keep you waiting, it's ravioli made with scallops and topped with a cauliflower sauce..."

The handsome waiter in a suit brought exquisite and delicious food to Maorilan and the others.

Just listening to the introduction of the handsome waiter, Mao Lilan felt his appetite increased, and then smelled the aroma, and couldn't help but sigh: "It really is a three-star hotel! Conan, are you right? "


Hearing this, Conan nodded vigorously.

Uncle Mori is rare and generous. If he doesn't slaughter him tonight, Conan feels that he will regret it in the future.

"By the way, waiter, please help me choose another bottle of high-end foreign wine that is suitable for these dishes."

"Okay, sir."

The waiter smiled and nodded when he heard Kogoro Mouri's words, and turned to help him choose foreign wine.

After the waiter left, Mao Lilan suddenly worried: "Dad, will we spend too much money tonight, is there really no problem?"

"You can rest assured."

While cutting the steak with a dining knife, Kogoro Mouri said confidently, "Because I just received a eucalyptus with a high commission fee and a very simple one."

"Is someone here to entrust the eucalyptus? Why don't I know?"

Hearing this, Conan became interested.

"It was when the two of you went to school today that the client personally came to the door to entrust me to handle the eucalyptus."

Mouri Kogoro said proudly: "This time the client is a rich wife, and I heard that someone wants her husband's life, and that person should be in her home.

If I can find out the murderer, the client will pay me a commission fee of 10 million yen. "

"One... ten million?!"

When Mao Lilan and Conan heard the words, they couldn't help showing some surprised expressions.

"I have already received the contract and the deposit of 500,000 yen, so I brought you out to celebrate!"

Mouri Kogoro was a little complacent and said: "With my name detective Mouri Kogoro going out in person, this kind of eucalyptus can be easily dealt with, so you can enjoy the feast in peace!"

"Is there really no problem?"

Looking at Mouri Kogoro's complacent look, Conan secretly complained in his heart, "I suddenly have a bad premonition."


Two days later, in the morning

"Eri, come and save me, Eri..."

As soon as Suzuki Seimei walked into the Mouri Detective Office, he saw Kogoro Mouri lying drunk on the sofa, muttering the name of Concubine Eri.

Seeing this scene, Suzuki Seimei couldn't help but worry a little: "Conan, is Uncle Mori okay?"


Conan shrugged helplessly, shook his head and said, "You can't live by doing something wrong..."

? ? ?

Hearing what Conan said, Suzuki Seimei became more and more curious.

In the face of Suzuki Seimei's eyes full of gossip, Conan didn't beat around the bush, and told him the stupid things that Kogoro Mouri had done in the past two days.

Since Mouri Kogoro received the commission two days ago, he has begun to get carried away.

On the premise of not completing the commission, Mouri Kogoro first spent more than three million yen on food, drink and entertainment.

In order to earn back the more than three million yen he spent, Kogoro Mouri, a clever man, borrowed another five million yen from an acquaintance, and bet all of it on the horse, but he lost all unexpectedly.

The most important thing is that the commission that Maori Kogoro received before was not completed smoothly at all.

If you can't complete the entrusted task and get the ten million yen entrustment fee, then Mouri Kogoro will be in big trouble.


After listening to Conan's words, Suzuki Seimei was also speechless.

No wonder Concubine Yingri wants to separate from Mouri Kogoro?

Encountering such an unreliable husband, Fei Yingli did not directly divorce him, which is already a very good face.

You must know that 8 million yen is not a small amount, and it is more than 400,000 in soft sister coins.

In just two days, Maori Kogoro wasted so much money, a proper prodigal!

"Ding Dong..."

Hearing the doorbell rang, Mao Lilan hurriedly trotted over, opened the door and said, "Mom, you're finally here."

"Where is that dead ghost?!"

"Mom~ don't be angry yet~"

Looking at Fei Yingli's angry Mao Lilan could only smile with embarrassment.

no way~

Mouri Kogoro suddenly owed more than 8 million yen in foreign debts, and Maurilan, who was still a high school student, had no way to solve it.

In fact, Mao Lilan is not really helpless, as long as she is willing to ask for help, whether it is Sonoko or Suzuki Seimei, they can help her solve this trouble in minutes.

For ordinary people, more than 8 million yen is indeed a lot of money, but for Suzuki Seimei and Sonoko, it can only be regarded as pocket money.

It's just that Maurilan was embarrassed, because of the trouble Maori Kogoro caused, he went to Sonoko and Suzuki Seimei to borrow money.

What's more, things haven't reached the worst level yet. Fei Yingli's lawyer for these years has not been in vain. Her savings has already exceeded 100 million yen, and it is still very easy to wipe the **** of Maori Kogoro.

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