MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-v3 Chapter 91 Learn about falling in love - Countdown to the end: 2

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"However, my main purpose today is to hear about the research on the aptx antidote." As she said that, Mizumayuki turned her attention to Haibara Ai, who was still sipping her tea.

Shiliang Zhenchun suddenly realized, no wonder she asked her to bring her mother along with her.

But is this little girl a researcher of antidote? Did you eat that poison and became smaller? Shiliang really looked at Haibara Ai.

Putting down the teacup, the two small and slender legs overlapped, and the loli-shaped girl said indifferently, "There is no way to develop an antidote with the current technology."

"Why!" Conan knew about this for the first time, and hurriedly asked, "Isn't there a temporary antidote?"

"It starts with the effectiveness of aptx." Ai Haibara avoided Conan's gaze and explained, "Induces programmed cell death, but at the same time enhances the activity of telomerase, thereby increasing cell proliferation. "

"This is the original intention of this drug. If it is successful, it can replace all the aging cells of the human body, and it may even bring back the dead and rejuvenate the youth."

"But the initial research contradicted itself, and the cells that had been enhanced were induced to die, so there was aptx4869 with increased targeting, lysing other tissue cells except nerve cells, and then enhancing the proliferation properties of nerve cells. ."

Dr. A Li, who was hiding in the kitchen, stretched out one ear for some reason, and while listening, he recited in the kitchen: "Human memory is also kept by the nerve cells in the brain. If the nerve cells die together, it will be lost. The person who remembers is not himself even if he is resurrected."

Haibara Ai continued: "But in actual clinical trials, most of the people who took the medicine and the rats died suddenly without a detectable cause, and there were only a few cases where limb degeneration occurred, except for the nervous system. All the cells of bones, muscles, internal organs, and hair have degenerated into infancy, which is just a few of us."

Mizuki looked down at her body and wondered if this was a 'child's body'.

"The next step is the research after leaving the organization. After repeated comparisons, I found another substance that aptx4869 lacks in achieving the reduction effect."

"That is an amine in the brain, which can also be understood as a type of hormone. It is secreted in large quantities when the brain is thinking rationally. I think that people who often think rationally will have a higher content in the brain, and this amine has a stable brain structure. The effect of aptx4869 is because of frequent thinking, even people who are thinking a lot when taking the medicine, and the effect of aptx4869 will be triggered." Another explanation for Haibara Ai's words is that people like her and Conan are smart and diligent. Taking medicine will trigger shrinkage.

Shui Jianyue was delighted to hear that, he also took medicine and became smaller, proving that he is also a smart person with brains.

"And this kind of person with a relatively low amine content suffers some kind of shock to the brain after taking the medicine, and just hangs up because it is not stable enough?" The self-expanding Mizuma Yue also expressed her understanding.

Haibara Ai nodded noncommittally: "So we made a second-generation drug, which added this synthetic hormone to try to reduce the fatality rate, and it seems to be working well now."

Moon Moon: "…"

"Don't worry about this, the antidote, say the antidote! Why can't you make a permanent antidote if you can make a temporary antidote?" Conan urged impatiently.

Haibara Ai glanced at Conan coldly: "If the condition for aptx4869 to take effect is rationality, then the condition required for the antidote is impulsiveness. To be precise, it is a hormone that can represent an irrational state."

"There are so many things that I can be impulsive about in a day, and I haven't seen me grow bigger... Hey, what are you thinking about letting go..." Mikazu Sato, who misinterpreted his meaning, pinched his hand again. Thigh pinched.

"What I'm saying is that the conditions for taking effect are impulsive. Of course, if you want to reverse the effect of drugs, you need an antidote."

"Could it be..." Conan suddenly thought of something.

"That's right, you found out by accident that drinking alcohol in a cold state can be changed back. In addition to the fact that you happen to gather the ingredients of the antidote, another reason is that both colds and alcohol reduce the brain's ability to judge."

"And in the temporary antidote I made, there is this hormone that represents 'impulse', but as the body's metabolism reduces the content of this hormone, the reverse effect fails, and the person who takes the antidote will change back."

"Then...isn't it enough to supplement for a long time?" Conan asked.

"Let's not talk about the production cost of synthetic products, do you remember I said that after taking too many antidote, you will develop drug resistance, which will cause you to never go back?" Hai Yuanai's eyes suddenly became sharp. When I got up, I began to feel that Conan and Mizumayuki were just as witty for two minutes.

"The human brain has the fastest self-regulating structure. If you take a substance that can act on the brain for a long time, the brain will reduce its own secretion of the same substance. If the amount is large, it will produce antibodies, so you need to take it. More volume can achieve the same effect.”

Mizumayue pinched her chin: "This principle sounds familiar."

"Yes, the addiction of drugs is such a principle, and the protagonists are morpholinos and morphoids."

"That is to say, although there is no way to create a permanent antidote in the direction of production, the problem itself is not unsolvable, right? If we become people who are prone to impulsiveness and secrete a large amount of this hormone, we will eat the antidote again. Is it alright?" Mizumayue summed up and asked.

A hint of surprise flashed in Hai Yuanai's eyes, and she was sorted out by Shui Jianyue before she could say the solution for permanent recovery... The effect of drugs should be the effect of drugs, so Hai Yuanai judged.

"Becoming an impulsive person? I think my mother has always been impulsive when she taught me..." Shi Liang Zhenchun looked at the mother who looked like a junior high school student beside him, and was taught a lesson again decisively.

"Character change? Is it difficult?" Conan calmly analyzed: "If we are not people who are used to thinking calmly, we will die after taking medicine, and we will change this habit after we become smaller..."

"Two idiots." Haiyuan Ai couldn't bear it anymore: "I don't mean the impulsive personality is reckless and stupid, but the emotional changes are more active and easy to mobilize, and it doesn't make you and calm opposition..."

"That is to turn yourself into a person full of high-level life taste and passion, right?" Mizumayue said while taking out the phone: "I plan to make an appointment with a psychiatrist, do you have one?"

With a "snap", Sato Miwako came firmly on his head: "Listen to what others have to say!"

"How do you become that kind of person? Do you have a way?" Conan asked. In his expectation, it is best to make a pill and eat it all in one bite.

"Well... I can only say that there is one way of thinking, and that is love." After hesitating for a while, Haibara said.


"Love?" Everyone present was stunned.

"This comes from some data comparisons." Haibara Ai's eyes slowly drifted away: "In the process of Edogawa-kun taking the antidote several times to change back, two times it took longer than I expected, and The common point of these two times is that they are all for falling in love with Maorilan, and they are tired of being together most of the time."

Conan blushed.

Mizuma Tsuki blew a messy whistle and was sanctioned by Sato Miwako.

Shiliang Zhenchun also whistled and was sanctioned by her mother.

"So I think that maybe the state of being in love may interfere with the release of this hormone, so as to reach the level required for the antidote." Haibara Ai also said with some lack of confidence, and after speaking, she picked up the teacup and covered the small half of her face. behind the teacup.

"Thinking makes people young, and love makes people grow." Mizumayuki concluded.

Then Miwako pinched her face again.

"Don't be poor first, why don't you explain it to me first, why don't you have the question of love?" Sato Miwako asked with a face full of badness, as if Mizuma Yue answered a wrong word and would be silenced.

The eyes of the whole living room gathered, and Mizumayue felt that they were all contemptuous as if they were visiting scumbags.

"Which... Didn't you say it, it's just an idea, not necessarily correct, don't rush to a conclusion... It hurts... and Conan! Yes, Conan!" Mizumayue suddenly remembered that there was Conan: "This kid I also have a girlfriend, but it doesn't mean that I haven't changed back, which shows that the theory just now is still unrealistic, right..."

As he talked, he found that the act of dragging Conan into the water did not seem to prove the mistake of Haibara Ai's speculation, but changed the scumbags being watched from one to two.

"But mother's words... Do you want to find another father? I wonder if the eldest brother and the second brother will agree..." Shiliang Zhenchun looked at the mother beside him tangled, and then received the third combo.

"Quiet nonsense!" Shiliang's mother stood up: "Thank you for the information. If there is nothing else, Shiliang and I will leave first."

"Well, be careful on the road, Ms. Mary," said Mizumayuki.

Hearing the name, Shiliang Zhenchun paused for a while, and after seeing that his mother didn't respond, he followed.

When he walked to the door, he seemed unconvinced, and he turned his head and complimented: "As expected of Cobile, he knows everything."

"Well." Mizumayuki accepted the compliment calmly, and then added: "I saw Mr. Akai last night. If he is done with his business, he should come to you soon."

Shi Liang Zhenchun walked out as if frustrated.

Mikako Sato listened to their conversation at a loss, only knowing what they were saying but not what they were talking about, and Conan probably understood that they were in the game.

"That's not right! I almost got myself into it." After Shiliang Zhenchun and Mary left, Mizumayue and Miwako were about to leave together, when Mizumayue suddenly shouted.

"What's the matter with you?" Sato Mikako asked, pinching her waist, obviously she was still very dissatisfied with the "no love" Mizuma Moon.

"I haven't changed back because of the issue of being in love or not!" Mizuma Yue shouted, "I haven't taken the antidote at all!"

Hearing the first half of Tsukihime's sentence, Conan raised his head with hope. Hearing the second half of Mizuki's sentence, Conan, who had taken the antidote several times, lowered his head in frustration.

"Congratulations, you finally found out." Yuzai Yuzai said coldly, Haibara Ai, who was sitting on the sofa.

"You already noticed waiting to play with me?" Mizumayuki asked angrily.

"It's obviously a responsibility that you didn't notice." Hai Yuanai was not afraid of him: "I have an antidote here now. If you are confident in yourself, would you like to try it?"

"Uh..." Mizumayue was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly shook his head: "Forget it, let me adjust it first."

"Hmph." Sato Miwako stomped her feet.

The sudden ringing of the phone saved the embarrassment of Mizumayuki, which was called by Naomura Lang.

Mizumayuki's eyes narrowed, and after making a gesture of silence, she answered the phone.

"Yuezi, that one was really stolen."

"I see, don't worry about the rest, just leave it to me." Mizumayuki said, then hung up the phone directly.

"That one was stolen?" Haibara Ai, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help asking.

"Yes, the fish is hooked." Mizumayue nodded.

"Which is what?" Sato Miwako remained silent, while Conan asked curiously.

"A low-dose generic type, an American businessman ordered it from the laboratory with a lot of money two days ago." Tsuki Mizuma said.

"This is too obvious, you still took the order?" Conan asked in surprise.

"The deposit alone is enough to repay the investment in drug development, why not do it?" Hai Yuanai spread out her hands with some cuteness.

"This is called Jiang Taigong's fishing volunteer hooked. We knew that the person was arranged by the organization and also took the order. The organization knew that we were waiting for the opportunity to lead them to still want to get this medicine." Shui Jianyue also learned a lesson. Tanshou: "Tomorrow was originally the time to hand over the drug to the American businessman. Perhaps the organization thought that our side would wait to track the businessman, and sneaked into the laboratory early this morning and stole the drug."

"Fortunately, two pills were prepared in advance, and they can be delivered normally tomorrow." Haibara Ai looked It's just that tomorrow the businessman will be arrested by the FBI for investigation. The investigation will also be silenced by the organization. "Mizumayuki seems to be singing double reeds with Haibara.

"Let's get down to business now, what should we do now? Can we still find the tail of the organization you mentioned?" Sato Miwako was already anxious before he could figure out everything.

"Don't worry, of course you are prepared, the trace of the medicine can't escape." Mizumayue reassured her with a smile.

Conan asked: "Did you put a bug on it? But that method can't deal with the organization."

"Of course it's not a bug." Mizumayuki shook her head: "It's a more retro method."

"Could it be...?" Sato Miwako guessed.

Mizumayue nodded: "Yes, I use a police dog."

"Maybe it really has a miraculous effect!" Conan was a little stunned when he heard this.

"But I still don't understand why the organization would risk exposure at such a time to get medicines?" Ai Haibara lowered her eyebrows and pondered: "And the Mizukan police officer also expected this?"

"I really can't say what I expected, it's just that I confirmed some things through this incident... Sigh, woman..." Mizumayue thought of something while talking, shook her head and sighed.

"Huh? What happened to the woman?" Miwako Sato's gloomy questioning voice came from her ear.

"No...nothing..." Mizumayue suddenly burst into a waterfall of sweat.

"Miss, can you give me the antidote you mentioned..." Sato Miwako turned her head and looked sadly at Haibara.

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