MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-v3 Chapter 89 0 downgrades

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Just when Mizuma Tsuki told Sato Mikazu about the incident where he was chased by machine guns on the top of the tower on Tanabata, the door of the reception room was pushed open.

"Let you wait." Jiang Gu Ling walked in.

If you just let us go, it won't keep us waiting. Mizuki thought to herself.

"Is there anything discussed at the meeting?" Mizuma Yue asked.

Falling Valley Zero nodded, "The person in charge of each family and the undercover agent checked their own information and felt that the data you gave can be trusted, so the meeting decided to accept your information."

During the meeting, it was said that everyone found nothing. In fact, of course, it is impossible for the organization to go undercover for so long without investigating anything. Basically, everyone investigated something sporadically. By confirming the part, you can be sure that the information given by Mizumayuki is consistent with what she knows.

"Speaking of which, we have already exposed, and some things don't need to be tucked away. Tell me about what you know about the boss. Don't say you don't know anything. Anyway, it's someone who sneaked into the headquarters." Moon asked again.

He had asked Ling Gu Ling before whether he had investigated anything, but Ling Gu Ling refused because he told him that it would make him vulnerable.

Regarding that gentleman, after getting smaller, Mizumayuki reviewed it again, and already had his own answer, but still wanted to confirm with what Jiang Gu Ling knew.

"If you want to ask me about the identity of the boss, you will be disappointed. Although I am from the headquarters, I have not received the honor of meeting the boss. The only useful information is that the headquarters is located in Tottori, but I do not guarantee that It's the real headquarters." Zero Tani shook his head.

"What about Madam, you should know Madam's identity?" Mizuma Yue asked reluctantly.

"It was the first time I saw my wife at the airport. As for the identity of my wife, I just recognized her on the surface. As for who she is in the organization, I don't know." Ling Gu Ling shook his head again, "It's Bell. Mord holds the position of the lady I speak of with great respect."

"Is the identity on the bright side a celebrity?" Mizumayue asked suspiciously.

Ling Gu Ling glanced at Mizumayuki amusingly, "You, I really don't know if it's time to say that you are a detective who hates detectives."

"It's a detective" Mizumayuki's eyebrows twitched again.

"Have you never heard of the name Qianjian Kodai?" Kogu Ling asked helplessly.

"Thousands of descendants" Mizumayue smacking

Mikazu Sato couldn't stand it any longer. "Really, that's a famous detective, the famous rocking chair mother-in-law who sat in an easy chair and could solve the case just by listening to others tell the story."

"Wait, I think I've heard this name before." Mizumayuki motioned for the two of them to stop talking and try to dig out their own minds.

In Mizumayuki's mind, the memories of Conan's original work in the previous life have been sorted into a slightly incomplete comic book, and she is flipping through it, and she has been flipping through thirty books, and finally got the answer.

"Forget it, Kazuko, Yugu, please investigate. About a year ago, was there a case involving a annex called the Twilight Pavilion? There should be many people involved, including Kogoro Mouri. Famous detective." Mizuma Tsuki originally wanted to investigate by himself, but suddenly remembered that he no longer had the convenience to investigate past cases and planned to call Miwako instead, and then he remembered that it was not convenient for Miwako to investigate.

"There are many famous detectives, you really do not let go of detective-related matters." Yu Gu Lingle said, "You don't need to call me. When I saw Madam the next day, I investigated Madam's past when I was investigating Madam. Found that case."

"Qianjian Kodai was finally dealt with as the murderer who picked up the case. Now there is an old woman named Qianjian Kodai in the prison, but no one has ever visited her."

What the valley zero said is very simple.

"What is the current situation at the Twilight Pavilion?" Mizuma Yue asked again. In his opinion, the organization behind the events in the Twilight Pavilion wanted to seize the wealth, but because Qianjian surrendered the wealth to "Fufa" It was exposed, and the style of organizing carefully should give it up.

But it is a golden building, and even Mizumayuki's brain can't wait to borrow a calculator to calculate, will the organization let go of this fat? If you acquire it silently like a generation, it is bound to leave some clues.

"I've disappointed you." Tsukuru Mizuma thought of these Kutani zeros long ago, "The organization has not moved that annex, and now the local government is still studying whether to repaint this annex and build a Karasuma Renye Memorial Hall. Woolen cloth."

"" Shui Jianyue was silent.

It seems that the conversation between the two will be interrupted at this time, and there is a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

The person who came was the person in charge of Huaxia, the one sitting next to Jinjiu.

"I'm disturbing your conversation," the other party asked knowingly.

Gu Ling knew that the other party was not looking for him, so he stood up and walked out.

The person in charge naturally sat across from Mizumayue and introduced himself, "Hello, my surname is Wei, I'm a special dispatcher, and the person in charge of this operation."

Wei Shuijianyue's heart moved, thinking of Weixing Lake, I don't know if it was a coincidence or some relationship.

"I have an ineffective nephew, and I should have received a lot of care from Mr. Mizumayuki." To no surprise, Mr. Wei's second sentence was related to Weixing Lake.

"Little Wei helped me a lot." Mizumayue tried her best to freeze her expression into a poker face. If someone like Wei Xinghu is not a good thing, then Mizumayue herself is a clay pot.

"I got straight to the point. My nephew swore to tell me that Mr. Mizujian has a very close relationship with Huaxia, so I came to ask if Mr. Mizujian is interested in working in Huaxia." Mr. Wei said straight to the point. month sent an invitation.

That guy from Wei Xinghu, Shui Jianyue, twitched the corner of his mouth, but just based on Wei Xinghu's words, Mr. Wei came to send an invitation to Shui Jianyue. It seems that Wei Xinghu has a high status at home.

But why does this Mr. Wei feel as unreliable as Wei Xinghu? Miwazuki involuntarily glanced at Sato Miwako next to him. Does this family speak regardless of the occasion?

Sure enough, Miwako was looking at herself suspiciously, and she must be thinking when she became related to Huaxia again.

With a glance, she motioned for herself to explain later, Mizumayue looked at Mr. Wei, "I'm sorry, if I had been invited a year or two earlier, I might have readily agreed."


"But I'm tired," Mizumayuki sighed, "I now think it's worth doing one or two things in one's life that are worth boasting about. At least I'm not someone who does big things, and now I just think about the winery after it's over. , just retire to be a small person and live an ordinary life."

While talking about Mizumayuki, he grabbed Sato Mikazu's hand, "Marry another wife and have a few children, and let's live this life in peace."

Sato Miwako blushed and wanted to break free, but she didn't know whether it was because she was holding too tightly or was reluctant to use force, but she didn't break free.

"Okay, I respect your opinion." Although he was surprised by Mizumayuki's answer, Mr. Wei didn't expect to be successful with one invitation, so he looked sideways, "But let me confirm, the reason why you rejected me, It has nothing to do with the position between countries, right?"

"Don't worry." Mizumayue replied with a smile, "Xiaowei is right, although I can't say it clearly, but my relationship with Huaxia is very deep, even if you use this action to subvert this country, I have no opinion. , of course, provided the shells don't hit my door."

"Just kidding, although subversion is impossible, I'm still curious, if the cannonball really fell on Mr. Mizuma's door, what would Mr. Mizuma do?" Mr. Wei's eyes carried a trace of exploration.

This is a test, a test of how much level the water moon moon has.

Mizumayue didn't speak, just smiled, took out a piece of paper from her arms and handed it over, which was prepared earlier.

Mr. Wei took it and took a look, and his expression changed in just two seconds.

After a minute passed, Mr. Wei's face was very ugly, "Mr. Mizuma is a good way."

"Sorry, but I have prepared a copy of this thing for all the guests. If they don't leave, why don't you hand it over to me." Mizumayue took out another stack from her arms.

Mr. Wei's face changed again.

The things on the note are aimed at the national level, and the note is not sealed, and he will hand it over to the representatives of those countries. Only he knows whether he has seen it or not.

This person is still biased towards Huaxia.

"Mr. Mizuma's skills are extraordinary. With this skill, it seems that it is not difficult to live in peace. Mr. Wei said goodbye." Mr. Wei stood up and said.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished your words yet." Mizumayue kept crying and laughing, "You said just now that subversion is impossible, that's why I don't study much about the international situation, but it is based on the public opinion of the Chinese people. Look, going to war with Japan should get a lot of support, so don't play peace-loving officials with me."

Since she became smaller, her memories of her previous life have become much clearer. From the standpoint of countries, Suijian Yue is fighting as if she is divided. Sometimes she thinks that Huaxia has annexed this place, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

"Oh" Mr. Wei was a little surprised. It seemed that the question of Shui Jianyue was a bit simple. It seemed that this person was really puzzled by the international situation, but he still gave a general answer.

"First of all, because in addition to these four small islands, there is a really annoying country facing each other across the sea, and many countries along the East Asian coast are already building a stable economic circle, although Japan is more competitive with us. relationship, but stabilizes the balance against others, while

"Stop." Mizumayue interrupted Mr. Wei with a headache, "Please skip this first, go straight to the second."

"Then second, the public opinion you said." Speaking of this question, a trace of disdain flashed in Mr. Wei's eyes, "Although I don't know how you obtained these public opinion surveys, what I want to say is that they are only bragging. There is no shortage of cannons everywhere, and the people who scream all day long that if a war starts, they will throw their heads and blood on the front of the country, and when a war really starts, who should not hide behind the army with their buttocks up?”

"This" Shui Jianyue was stunned when she heard the words, I'm afraid this is really the case.

"Those who shout about going to war all day have never considered the consequences of going to war. The order to go to war needs to be issued by someone, and whoever issues the order will get a short-term crowd, but after the war, who will be responsible for the loss? Do you take the man who yells at war?"

"Oh" Mizumayue seems to understand, "Is there a final?"

"In the end, of course, but I don't really want to say it." Mr. Wei suddenly smiled slyly again. "Compared to real guns and live ammunition, sometimes a soft knife hurts more, doesn't it?"

"Hey hey hey"

"Hey hey hey"

Shui Jianyue had no other problems, Mr. Wei left, and then squeezed Shui Jianyue's cheek with one hand and pulled

"It hurts, what are you doing?" Mizumayuki turned her face around.

"Is it true what you said just now?" Mikazu Sato asked with a worried You said the relationship with Huaxia is more complicated to explain, but it still makes me want to explain what happened during this time. It’s better to explain things clearly.” Mizumayuki felt that she had to tell a story today and her mouth was dry.

As for her relationship with Huaxia, Miwazuki is not too worried about letting Sato Miwako know, he knows that Miwako has no right-wing thoughts and will not have any resentment.

"Idiot" Mikazu Sato blushed and interrupted Mizuma Tsuki's mouth to tell the story, "I mean you just said about retiring, and getting a wife or something." Speaking of which is Mikazu Sato's face Turning red, he lowered his head and stared at his toes.

"Of course it's true. I've been really tired during this period of time. I really don't want to continue doing this kind of thing." Mizuma Yue said seriously, but she didn't take it so seriously. "Of course. Marrying a wife is also, what kind of wife should I marry, I will think about it.”

"Bastard" Mikazu Sato knew that he was teasing herself, so she didn't follow Mizumayuki's routine at all, and went straight to the neck and strangulation.

"Let go, let go and die, die, drop"

"But" after a while, it was enough for the two of them to make trouble, Mizuma Yue suddenly patted her forehead in discomfort, "My body is really troublesome now" and Sato Mikazuko walking on the street will definitely be regarded as sister and brother, if the husband and wife are announced I don't know how many strange eyes there will be in terms of identity.

"You are now" Mikazu Sato finally remembered the official question "Can't you recover?"

"I don't understand this thing myself. The researcher I know said that the antidote has not been researched." Mizumayue said with a bitter face.

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