MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-v3 Chapter 77 new student

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"Speaking of Shiliang, why hasn't she come yet? I remember that Shiliang came quite early." Xiaolan turned around and confirmed that there was no pure Shiliang in the lively classroom.

"Could it be that you're used to sleeping late after a long vacation?" Sonoko speculated maliciously about Shiliang's innocence.

"I don't think this is Shiliang's style." Of course Xiaolan didn't believe Sonoko's words, and she said worriedly: "I'm worried that Shiliang will be involved in the terrorist incident a few days ago, because she is also a detective..."

"Just like someone's husband, he is a restless detective who is always involved in various situations, and there may be any accidents!" Sonoko said narrowly.

Xiaolan blushed all of a sudden: "What does this have to do with Xinyi! Don't talk nonsense!"

"And." Xiaolan added: "Xinyi will not be surprised, don't talk nonsense."

"I just said someone's husband, did I admit that it was Kudo?" Sonoko smiled with satisfaction: "Okay, Xiaolan."

"Yuanzi!" Xiaolan blushed and stomped her feet: "Aren't we talking about Shiliang?"

Sonoko shook his head lightly: "What's there to worry about, were things serious the other day?"

Sonoko's family is one of the top chaebols in Japan. The commotion a few days ago didn't even disturb her family's manor, so Sonoko didn't even hear the alarm.

"It's serious if you say it's serious. It seems that I haven't heard that there are many injured people, and if it's a particularly terrifying thing, the school won't have classes as usual, right?" Xiaolan thought about it and said, she was there when the accident happened. In fact, Izu doesn't really feel anything.

"Xiaolan! Sonoko!" At this time, Shiliang Zhenchun, who was being discussed by them, appeared and rushed in immediately after entering the classroom.

"Ah, the beautiful boy is here!" Thinking of the joke he had just made with Xiaolan, Sonoko greeted with a smile.

"What kind of beautiful boy? Sonoko, are you laughing at me for looking like a boy again?" Shiliang Zhenchun shouted just as Sonoko expected: "Although it is very small now, there is a lot of room for growth! My mother is a ** ah* *!"

Sonoko and Xiaolan couldn't help laughing after seeing Shiliang's pure reaction.

Shiliang was not really angry, and laughed along with his two friends.

"Shi Liang-sang, did you encounter what happened a few days ago?" Xiao Lan couldn't help asking.

"Did you say a terrorist attack?" Shiliang asked after hearing the words: "You may not believe it when you say it. In fact, I am super close to the attack. I guess I encountered the most serious attack!"

"Really?" Sonoko and Xiaolan exclaimed, "Have you seen terrorists?"

"No." Shiliang Zhenchun shook his head: "Because earlier, I found out that a hotel was offering very good deals, so I moved from the original hotel."

Xiaolan nodded: "Yes, you have been staying in the hotel."

"Is the hotel also attacked? I heard that most of the places that were attacked were places with no people?" Sonoko asked curiously.

Shi Liang really thought that Sonoko didn't believe him, and waved his hands exaggeratedly: "So I have encountered the most serious one? It's an exception, an exception!"

"It seems that the news also said that only one hotel is an exception, which also encountered serious incidents."

"But I didn't see any terrorists..." Shiliang Zhenchun suddenly sighed again.

"Why?" The two girls were surprised. In their opinion, if Shiliang was really in a terrorist attack, he would bravely jump out and beat them down with Jeet Kune Do.

"Those gangsters used hypnotic gas before the action. When I woke up, I, I was already in the hospital." Shiliang's pure tone sounded a little depressed.

"Then is there anything special happening?" Sonoko's gossip soul was already on fire, staring at Shiliang Zhenchun with bright eyes.

"This..." Shiliang Zhenchun scratched his head in distress: "But when we came out of the hospital, we all signed a nondisclosure agreement... But what we have experienced cannot be spread freely before the government announces it."

"Right! It's okay to talk about this matter." Shiliang Zhenchun snapped his fingers: "After I got out of the hospital, I planned to go back to the hotel to see how much luggage could be rescued, but guess what I saw. ?"

"I don't know." Yuanzi said simply.

"I seem to have heard some rumors about that hotel, but now the hotel is completely covered up, so no one can prove what he said is true." Xiao Lan recalled carefully and said.

"It was explained that I was allowed to enter after I took my luggage." Shiliang Zhenchun explained: "Then I found out that the hotel is missing a whole floor!"

"One less layer? Does it mean that the top layer is gone?" Xiaolan asked.

"The top floor was all bombed by terrorists?" Sonoko asked in horror, because the top floor of the hotel is usually a presidential suite or a top suite, and it is also the place where she travels with her family.

"Your imagination is too bad." Shiliang shook his finger proudly, and Xiaolan suddenly felt that these detectives were really the same when they sold out.

"Could it be that the bottom layer is missing?" Xiaolan asked when she remembered the rumors she had heard. Although she had heard these rumors, she always felt unbelievable.

"Almost, it seems that Xiaolan really heard something, but the truth is that the hotel has fallen down." Shiliang Zhenchun gestured.

"What?" Sonoko's eyes widened in surprise, although she had already widened her eyes wide enough when she was gossiping.

"Be quiet, children, although you haven't seen each other for a while, but we are going to class!" Just when the two girls wanted to tell Shiliang Zhenchun to explain quickly, the head teacher came in and clapped her hands to announce the day start of study time.

The three of them had no choice but to give up, and returned to their seats first, giving each other a 'talking between classes' look.

"Using the morning reading time, I want to announce something to everyone." The head teacher clapped his hands and said standing on the podium.

Suddenly, there were whispers among the students below.

"If you have something to do, use the class teacher's speaking time to talk about it. Why use the early reading time?"

"What's going to happen?"

"Do you want to organize a spring outing?"

Xiaolan glanced at Yuanzi in surprise, it seemed that her information was true, and a new classmate really came over today.

"A new classmate joined our class today." The head teacher cleared his throat and said in a slow manner, apparently deliberately trying to offend the appetite of the classmates.

Sure enough, the classroom exploded, and the level of whispering just now suddenly escalated to a heated discussion.

"New classmate? Boy or girl?"

"Why are there transfer students at this time?"

"Hopefully it will be a cute girl." A male classmate even made a wish with his hands together. He didn't know if he was affected by any psychological shadow. He used the word "cute" in an aggravated tone.

Shiliang, who was shot, glared at the boy, and imitated the boy and made a wish: "Then I make a wish to be a beautiful boy. It's better to be a powerful boy who can compete with me."

"Then only the boyfriend from Wishing Sonoko came over, right?" Someone in the class who had seen Shiliang's pure force value complained.

"But I won't give Azhen to Xiao Shiliang!" Unlike Xiao Lan, Yuanzi was not shy at all when she mentioned her boyfriend, and raised her head proudly.

"..." The head teacher standing on the podium was speechless for a while. Although Didan High School did not expressly prohibit students from falling in love, it also made it clear that high school students were not allowed to fall in love. Is it really okay for these girls to be so arrogant?

"Okay, okay." The class teacher clapped her hands again to attract everyone's attention: "If you just turn the topic around like this, isn't it too pitiful for the new classmates waiting outside? Let's listen to the opinions of the new classmates, hurry up. Come in, classmate Qiu Shan."

The teacher's voice fell, and the classroom door was pushed open. It seemed that he was a little impatient waiting outside.

The body is well-proportioned, the appearance is generally on the upper side, and the temperament to others is calm and quiet.

He went straight to the blackboard, picked up a piece of chalk, and wrote the three words "Qiu Shan, Jian" and phonetics. The new transfer student turned around to face the classmates: "Hello everyone, I'm Qiu Shanjian, and I am here with you. In the same year, everyone, I will spend some time with you in the future, please give me more advice." He bowed to everyone.

The discussion started again.

"It's a boy, what a disappointment..."

"Why does it look old-fashioned, is he living in the last era?"

"I think it's very mature..." It was a girl who said this.

"It's all pretentious! It's pretentious!" Immediately, a jealous boy slandered.

He ignored all the hills and streams he said, and after looking around, he found an empty seat in the classroom, and he was about to walk there.

The head teacher, seeing Qiu Shanjian's intention, immediately said, "Don't you want to introduce your strengths and hobbies?" She just introduced her name and age, and it is difficult to integrate herself into the group quickly. This is the teacher. Many years of teaching experience.

"Well..." Qiu Shanjian seemed to be a little distressed, as if he was thinking about how to introduce himself again, so the boys who didn't like him obviously started talking again.

"Look, you can only pretend, don't you have any special skills?"

"You don't even have a hobby?"

"Hobby is pretending." This is probably the case.

Although he didn't react, these words still passed into Qiu Shanjian's sensitive ears.

Originally, it was a little strange why I was so annoying as soon as I entered the class, but after a closer look, those who satirized me seemed to be much uglier than me, so Qiu Shanjian was definitely not surprised.

After making up his mind, Qiu Shanjian said.

"Sorry, I've been thinking about it for a long time, because I'm good at too many things, I know more things, but if I'm interested, I don't have anything that interests me."

Such words naturally caused boos from below, and words like bragging came one after another, which made the head teacher feel a little dissatisfied, and sometimes his students' self-cultivation was really bad.

But Qiu Shanjian hasn't finished speaking: "But there is one thing I hate, and that is I hate detectives. Especially high school detectives, I think they are all smart people."

As soon as these words came out, the whole class was in an uproar.

What are the specialties of Class B of Didan High School? High school student detective Kudo Shinichi!

After Kudo Shinichi dropped out of school, will there be no specialties? High school girl detective Shiliang is pure! Maurilan, daughter of the famous detective Kogoro Mori! Occasionally cos "double-sided Kogoro" sleep mode, Suzuki Sonoko, the self-proclaimed queen of reasoning!

This is just like making fun of a group! The girls who had a good impression of Qiu Shanjian looked at him strangely, not to mention the boys who didn't like Qiu Shanjian very much in the first place. In an instant, Qiu Shanjian became the public enemy of the whole class, and even the head teacher had no choice. .

Qiu Shanjian walked to the seat he was looking forward to before, but the teacher didn't stop him anymore, for fear that this brat who was not afraid of the sky and the earth would say something hateful.

The teacher's decision to occupy the early reading time is correct, because after such a lively time, even the head teacher, who is between the early reading time and the first class, has little time left to speak, and briefly said something about learning. After that, the head teacher walked out, and then the first class.

In the first math class, Qiu Shanjian, who had not yet received the textbook, naturally had no and apparently no one of his classmates planned to lend him books.

And Qiu Shanjian didn't plan to ask to borrow it. He maintained a dignified sitting posture and listened carefully to the teacher's teaching without textbooks.

"Xiao Lan!" Yuan Zi, who was sitting diagonally behind Xiao Lan, whispered, "What are you looking at?"

Xiaolan was timid and didn't like to talk directly, so she tore a small piece of paper and wrote: "I'm looking at classmate Qiu Shan, he doesn't seem to have a textbook, it's very troublesome." Then she threw it gently and landed firmly in the garden. on the desktop.

After unfolding the note, Sonoko raised his eyebrows and wrote on the reverse side with a pen: "You are too kind, that cowhide despised your husband! You still don't use karate to fix him?" Then he threw it away.

This note was thrown very casually. If it fell normally, it would have to be a long distance away from Xiaolan's desk.

Swish! She stretched out her hand, grabbed the note, and pulled it back. Xiaolan grabbed the note that flew in mid-air at a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye. If it wasn't for the person staring suspiciously here, I'm afraid even a phantom might not be able to. see.

The old note could no longer be written, so Xiao Lan tore another note and wrote: "It is normal for everyone to have different opinions on everything. I don't think this is too much, but because If you are isolated by the classmates like this, then Qiu Shan is too pitiful." With a wave of his hand, the note lay on the garden's table.

After reading the note, Sonoko just picked up the pen and wanted to write a reply, but a stern greeting came from the podium: "Suzuki-san? What are you doing?"

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