MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-v3 Chapter 47 Unspoken rules?

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"Director, this is the part I'm in charge of. If you check that there is no problem, I'll go back." Shui Wu Riannai took a stack of design drafts and put them on the table.

Because the identity of Kiel as Mizuna Renai has been exposed, it is unreasonable to continue working in the TV station, so the organization arranged for her to go to a new place for a new job.

This is a company specializing in product design, and the organization arranged for her to come here to stare at the programmers in the private studio located in the same office building as the company.

Now she goes by the pseudonym Kazaki Rena, a person who happens to have the same name as Mizuna Rena.

She also does not know how to disguise herself by using makeup to give herself some changes, so that if someone says that she looks a lot like Mizuno Rina, it can also be induced as a psychological suggestion due to the same name.

"Hey, Lianna-san, did you get off work on time again today?" A man stood at the door of her office, reaching out to pat Shui Wulianai's shoulder while pretending to be familiar.

Shui Wu Liannai did not hide and dodged, neither stopping nor answering, and continued to walk forward.

A 30-year-old unmarried man, Aoji Ikegami, was accustomed to Shui Wulianai's reaction and followed her.

"Reina-san, do you like French food? I'm..." The poor approaching skills may be the reason why he is still single at the age of thirty.

Shui Wu Lianna turned a blind eye, did not hear, and ignored Chi Shang Qing Er until he walked out of the office building.

On the seventeenth day, the sixteenth method failed to strike up a conversation. Chi Shang Qinger turned around and walked back in dejection. He clearly didn't even finish his work, so he wanted to strike up a conversation on the grounds of having dinner together. He wanted to let him wait for him to get off work. , Or if Kazaki Rena agrees, she will leave without even thinking about get off work?

Mizuna Rina got into a sapphire blue car and suddenly felt very tired.

The work of the design company is not easy, and she has to complete the work given to her in the spare time.

If it's just these, as an undercover agent, she has to rack her brains to deal with the suspicions and suspicions of those people.

But no matter how tired you are, you can’t stop here, both in a practical sense and in a macro sense. Today is the day to return to the base every month to report on work.

Shui Wu Liannai suddenly shuddered, and a feeling of panic surged from the bottom of her heart.

But she didn't take it to heart, only thinking that the temperature was too great after dark.

Mizuna Riannai started the car and slowly drove towards the vast darkness.


The silver-haired cold man raised his head and glanced at Mizuna Riannai: "Kier. How's the job for you?"

"I have successfully stabilized in the design company, and I have met the target person, but due to the difference in work and rest, we have not had the opportunity to communicate." Water Wu Riannai replied.

"Very good." Then Jin Jiu asked a few more questions, and Shui Wulianai answered them all.

Qin Jiu stopped talking, and Shui Wu Liannai knew that she had survived another day and could leave.

According to her usual habit, she will rest in the base for one night, and set off back to work in the city the next morning.

On the way to the room, although Mizuna Rina kept her eyes on the front, she was cautiously paying attention to the people who passed by her, trying to guess whether there was someone who was that Bourbon.

She also heard about it some time ago. There is a person codenamed Bourbon, whose status in the organization is only higher than that of Gin. Recently, she came to Tokyo to investigate the news of Shuichi Akai's death.

She has already notified her intelligence agency cia of this matter, and she must have let FBI and ... the boy know about it through cia.

In fact, Mizuna Rianna made a mistake. In terms of level, Gin and Bourbon are at the same level in the organization, and Gin manages a base, which is real power, and Bourbon is like running errands for the boss. There is no fixed power, and even Tsuki Mizuma, who is now in charge of Gunma, is stronger than him.

But everything is close and distant. Bourbon was praised by the previous generation of Cobille because of his childhood, so he is more loved by the boss than gin, which is why he can quickly gain a foothold in the organization.

However, Mizuna Rinai's attempt was doomed to be ineffective, because Bourbon, that is, Toru Amuro, was not at the base at all today.

Opening the door of Room 47, Rena Mizuna turned on the light.

Everything was the same as before she left here last month, still spotless.

After routinely checking the lamp sockets, under the table, and the back of the sofa, there were no bug monitors installed, and Mizuna Rina picked up the fake flower that was placed on the TV cabinet.

Although she doesn't often live in the base, Mizuna Rina still likes to arrange a little decoration in her residence. It is both a way to relieve stress and a little way to reveal to others to sell stupid.

However, the cleaning staff in the organization are too dedicated. They only clean up the standard parts of the organization. Every time they check, the fake flowers and vases have fallen into a layer of dust.

The vase is easy to handle, but the fake flowers are more difficult to clean, so Mizuno Rina wiped the vase, then threw the fake flowers directly into the trash can in the corner, and took out a new bunch of fake flowers from the backpack. Since It is the decoration that should have been changed frequently.

After finishing everything, Mizuna Rina sat on the sofa and thought.

There was silence in the room, only the hum of the ventilating fan drowned out the sound of the current from the light stabilizer, which felt a little noisy.

I carefully recalled everything I saw and heard from entering the organization to seeing Gin and back, as well as Gin's words and deeds when talking with Gin, and the eyes of people around me, to find out if there is any value in it. clues and information.

No, no clue. Mizuna Rina sighed, although her position in the organization has improved, she has not obtained more information.

The experience of being captured by fbi did not make her a blessing in disguise. Even if Shuichi Akai was killed, many people still think that she must have colluded with fbi to escape from fbi alive.

In fact, even Shui Wuliannai felt that this was not a normal thing, after all, she did collude with the fbi.

But she can't help it. Cia is the only one left in the organization. No matter how disadvantaged she is, she must stand firm in the organization and not let her father's sacrifice be in vain.

"Hey..." Shui Wulianai sighed. When she was a small person in the organization, she was full of thoughts on how to pull the people down and put her up on it. Now that she really came up, she was replaced by herself. Bear these coveted eyes and malice.

Mizuna Rina, who could only take one step at a time, stood up, went to the bathroom to wash her face, and then walked to the bedroom, deciding to rest first.

Opening the bedroom door, Mizuna Rina was too lazy to turn on the light, took off her coat and hung it on the hanger behind the door by the light coming in from the living room.

Of course, in the organization, she wasn't big enough to change into pajamas, so she took off her coat and clothes and took a nap.

Closing the door and locking it, Rena Mizuna lay on the bed in total darkness.

But as soon as she lay on the bed, her sharp hair exploded.

The bed was not level and the mattress was sloping to the other side.

Someone in the bed!

After making this judgment, Mizuna Rina immediately jumped up and turned on the light.

The light and the muzzle of the gun touched Mizuna Reina's forehead almost at the same time.

"Shh!" The other party put a finger to his mouth, motioning Mizuna to keep silent.

Shui Wu Liannai saw the face of the other party, it was an unfamiliar face, although it was very handsome, it made people feel a little weird, and there were many scars on the face, it looked like it was beaten.

'Is this the man who came to investigate my bourbon? ' Shui Wulianai thought to himself.

"Who are you? Why are you in my bed?" Shui Wulianai shifted his gaze to this person, and found that this person changed into pajamas with great heart.

Because except for the rooms of Gin and Belmod cadres in the base, other rooms are locked from the inside and cannot be locked from the outside, so it is entirely possible to enter other rooms in advance, but no one dares to do so.

Lying on his bed with his clothes disheveled, this person's thoughts seem to be obvious.

"Your bed?" The other party smiled: "This is my room!"

"How is that possible!" Shui Wu Liannai immediately denied it. With her prudence, even if she changed the house number, she would find out, how could it be possible to go to the wrong room.

"Use your brain to think about it. The base will prepare a long-term room for people who don't necessarily come once a month?" The other party said, "Just like a hotel, this room is yours when you return to the base. I This room is mine when you return to the base. In a special situation like today where we are all at the base, according to the procedure, when you enter the base, someone in charge of the matter should tell you about it, but I ordered that Shut up," he explained.

"Who are you?" Shui Wu Liannai was a little panicked, the other party dared to do this, he must not be afraid of gin.

As the general person in charge of the base, the other party's actions will inevitably let Jinjiu know, but not only did Jinjiu not object, but also did not tell himself in the previous conversation, indicating that Jinjiu acquiesced, or that Jinjiu did not want to provoke this person.

"My code name is Cobile." The other party said.

"Kobiler..." Mizuno Rina almost suffocated, why is this person here!

In addition to the top-quality vodka in the organization, as long as anyone who has a mind has heard of this code name, the fastest member of the organization has become the head of the Gunma County base in a short period of time, which almost represents the boss. of absolute trust and a very high future.

Mizuna Rina immediately judged that this person had a higher status than Gin.

Why is another big man appearing in Tokyo? Shui Wu Liannai is not thinking about everyone's safety now, but the meaning behind it, and how to spread the news.

"It looks good, it looks like you've heard me." The man who called himself Cobile nodded and put down the pistol that was on Mizuna Rena's forehead.

"What do you want to do?" Mizuna Rina asked. Could it be that he also investigated Shuichi Akai like that Bourbon? And plan to investigate yourself? Mizuna Rina quickly thought about the questions the other party might ask in her heart, and she had already answered and responded as she should have.

"You've already climbed onto the bed, what do you think I want to do?" Kobiler threw the question back to Shui Wu Liannai.

"I refuse!" Shui Wu Liannai said immediately: "Even if you are a superior member, the boss will not allow you to force you..." After saying this, there is still no way to go on.

As long as the boss issued a death order strictly prohibiting anyone from doing it in the base, you would know the boss's intentions. Although it is an illegal organization, it is still strictly disciplined.

"Let's take a look at this before rejecting." Cobile picked up a prepared photo from the bedside table next to him and handed it to Shui Wu Rinai.

Shui Wu Liannai took it over, and there was a boy who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, but he was surprisingly similar to Shui Wu Liannai.

"Who is this? I haven't seen it before." Although Shui Wulianai was flustered, her face did not change at all.

"You still don't know my intelligence capabilities, Yinghai," Cobbler said disdainfully: "Of course you can continue to reject me and leave here for another room... But I will kill this kid tomorrow, anyway. You don't know him."

Shui Wu Lian Nai was silent, she weighed in her heart whether the other party was testing her or whether she had really been exposed.

The boy in the photo is his younger brother Yingyou He has rarely seen each other since he joined cia, and he has never seen each other since he joined the organization, so for his younger brother, Yinghai Hondo has disappeared.

After Mizuno Rina was caught by fbi and pretended to be in a vegetative state, Hondo Yingyou just took her photo to look for her, and finally he was brought into the hospital, and the two finally met, and at that time, although fortunately He was not noticed by the organization, but now that I think about it, maybe the Cobile in front of him has learned about it.

Hondo Yingyou should be safe by now, and the name Hondo Yinghai should have been said by his younger brother when he was looking for him, so the other party should be deceiving him.

Thinking for too long was originally a disguised admission that she had a problem. Mizuna Rina confirmed that Cobille said these things that could not explain her explicit exposure, and made a decision.

Seeing the change in Shui Wulianai's eyes, Cobile estimated her thoughts, so he continued to add: "Don't you think that the FBI's witness protection plan is foolproof enough? There is a reserve detective in cia who is always in trouble. do you know?"

"It's just that he changed his name, changed his identity and changed his address. Don't you really think that the organization can't find him?" Cobbler showed a cruel smile: "You are indeed such a naive person. , after all, even a seven-year-old boy persuaded you to return to the organization, you really agreed, and offered to let your brother join the witness protection plan in exchange."

Mizuna Rina finally stopped hiding the change in her face, and even the existence of Conan was brought up by the person in front of her, and there was no doubt that she was really exposed.

Kobile watched Mizuno Rina's changes with interest. Of course, this Kobile was the real Mizuma Yue himself, with the mask on his head celebrating Qianshou.

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