MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-v3 Chapter 34 No gifts for this year's festival~

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When Belmod waited impatiently and wanted to urge, Mizuma finally moved.

"Gin asked Kiel to contact Shuichi Akai, saying that she wanted to defect from the organization and let Shuichi Akai pick him up at the designated location alone." Mizuma Yue thought about it for about ten minutes, snapped her fingers and sat up again.

"After thinking about it for so long, is this the only result?" Belmod did not affirm but did not deny.

"What else is there to add? Only Mizuna Rina said that she can bring enough information, and Shuuichi Akai will naturally take the bait and go alone... He is confident in his own skills, so such an adventure is very worthwhile for him. "

"Then how do you guess Shuichi Akai died?" Belmod asked a question on his own initiative.

"Well..." Mizuma Yue just thought for a moment and then said: "With Shuichi Akai's ability, Gin can't observe him too close, so the person must be outside the sniper range, that is, in Mizuno Rina's car. Or put a camera on your body."

Belmod raised his eyebrows in surprise, but it was not obvious because of the mask.

"Looks like I'm right." Mizuma Yue didn't miss Belmod's response, and continued confidently: "Since it's through the camera, it's hard to confirm whether Akai Shuichi is dead or not." While pointing at his chest: "After all, gin has suffered on me."

"So he asked Shui Wulianai to make a headshot, and then burn it all down, right? Right!"

"Clap clap clap clap" Belmod didn't answer, just stretched out his hands and clapped.

Amuro took a deep breath. Seeing Belmod's appearance, it was obvious that Tsukune Mizuma was right, but the front was fine, and the back was all about the details, and he was able to analyze it to such an extent in front of him.

Is this guy really just a fake Cobbler? Cobille back then couldn't reach this level, right? Amuro couldn't help but think in his heart that listening to his deeds before and calculating in front of him was not the same feeling at all. Amuro even suspected that this guy had figured out the matter long ago, and he was acting here deliberately pretending not to know.

"Don't worry, I still have things I don't understand." Mizumayue interrupted.

"Oh? Lord Cobbler also has something that he can't figure out?" Belmod's tone was not sneering.

"Kiel succeeded like this and retreated?" Mizumayue asked suspiciously.

"Didn't you figure it out yourself?" Belmod asked rhetorically.

"..." Mizuma Yue couldn't say that this was just what she saw in the plot she recalled: "It's just an analysis of the results for reference, but with Shuuichi Akai's skills, it's impossible to stand in Mizuno so unguarded. In front of Rena?"

"Even if he really believed Mizuna Rina, he didn't fight back after being attacked? Without aiming time, Mizuna Rina should not have the strength to directly hit the head with the first shot. After all, it was Shuichi Akai, and the first shot was aimed at the head. The words can be completely avoided, so it must have hit the body.”

"So Akai Shuichi didn't fight back?"

Mizuki asked again.

Amuro Toru and Belmod looked at each other, Amuro gave Belmod an inquiring look, Belmod nodded affirmatively, Akai Shuichi didn't fight back, and calmly faced his hiccups, while Kiel turned his body on his back.

This is not easy, the two of them reached a consensus.

"And how did Mizuna Rina contact Akai Shuichi?" Mizumayuki added another question.

"How else can I get in touch, just make a phone call, or the flying pigeon will pass on the book?" Belmod asked rhetorically.

"Are you trying to say, why does this 'vegetative person' have Shuichi Akai's phone number?" Toru Amuro said his doubts on behalf of Mizumayuki.

The two looked at each other, stunned again.

There was a problem with this, and the two reached a second consensus.

"To be honest, if there's something wrong with this, I'd be happy instead." Amuro said with a smile.

"Someone came to Tokyo after yelling to confirm that Shuichi Akai was really dead?" Belmod smiled and glanced at Toru Amuro.

"I didn't believe that guy would die! So, do me a favor." Amuro admitted this time frankly, and said to Belmod, "So, do me a favor in a few days."

Belmod immediately understood what Amuro wanted to do, or that these two people had only one thing to ask her for help: "Really, am I your Yuyirong teacher?"

"You are our goddess." Amuro said solemnly.

The manpower is short, and Mizumayue nodded hurriedly. After all, Yirong still needs maintenance, and Gibson has something to do during this period of time and can't find him.

"I've served you two...but I don't think your method will help you much." Belmod shook his head: "I went to observe the fbi that night when Kiel assassinated Shua Akai, and there was nothing unusual." Nothing unusual. It is indeed a look of dead Akai, male silent female tears.

"It's a moment and a moment." Amuro Toru still insisted on doing this. He knew that even if Akai Shuichi faked his death, he would definitely know the truth of deceiving his own people, but it would depend on how long Akai Shuichi could endure.

Belmod also knew what Amuro meant. If Akai Shuichi really faked his death, you would have to see how cruel Akai Shuichi's heart was. She still remembered seeing Judy from the Metropolitan Police Department confirming Akai Shuichi from a distance that day. After the news of his death came out, he got into the car and cried like a tearful man.

After the three discussed it, they left together. Belmod went in one direction, and Tsuki Mizuma and Toru Amuro went in the other direction.

"What do you think? Don't take out all your thoughts with me just now." Amuro asked while walking on the noisy street.

"Give me some time." Mizuma Yue looked at the road ahead and said, "I have to check if FBI and other parties have intervened in this matter before I can tell you the result." In fact, the main character is Conan, if Conan is involved After entering, Xiu Akai is 100% dead, and if Conan doesn't know about it, then Xiu Akai is 190% cool.

"True or false... What the **** are you doing?" Amuro asked.

"Guess?" Mizumayue smiled: "Isn't I the 'talent' that you excavated?"

"Speaking of this, there is something I have to tell you now." Amuro paused for a while: "Actually, it was not my idea to bring you to the organization, but the consciousness of 'above'."

"Oh? Then I have to reconsider my situation." Mizumayue replied calmly, but she didn't know whether Amuro Toru's top was the door-to-door of the organization or the top of the public security.

However, if it is the top of the organization, it should have been guessed long ago, so that when I joined the organization, some strange things can be explained.

"What about Kiel? What are you going to do with it?"


"Oh yes, you just found out about Kiel, haven't you thought about it yet?" Mizuma Yue didn't speak, and Amuro asked and answered himself, "But I have to remind you one thing."

"What's wrong?"

"When you 'calculate', your expression is very painful."

Mizumayuki was stunned for a moment: "Expression?" At that time, in order to prevent himself from showing it, he tried his best to make his face tense, like the kind of poker face that Kuroba Kuito often does.

"It's not quite correct to describe it with expressions. To be precise, it should be the details of the movements. Although you must know body language well, but you have some omissions when it comes to yourself. Don't forget, for us people, the more you are The more you bow your head, the more you will pay attention to the expression."

"Okay... But I didn't want to hide it at first, it's just too ugly if I can't bear it." Shui Jianyue said stubbornly.

"What's going on?" Amuro asked curiously.

Rather than being curious about Mizumayuki's own condition, she was more curious about the ingenious calculation skills.

The reason for this kind of problem has long been thought of by Mizumayue: "After conquering the intelligence team left by the previous generation Cobile, I found some information left by Cobille, it seems that Cobille also once Did you plan to teach others how to calculate?"

"But that thing... Objectively, it's not something that people learn at all, even if I'm a bit talented in this area, and now I'm reluctantly pretending to be..." Mizumayue paused: "If you want to predict for three minutes, you have to It's very troublesome to calculate three hours."

"This time, because there are results for comparison, it saves some time." He added without waiting for Toru Amuro to ask Mizumayuki.

"Three hours for three minutes? It's not worth it. I thought it was really possible to predict the future." Amuro sighed. The weather forecast is more efficient than this, although it is still worth a little more.

Moreover, Mizumayue also said that he was only reluctantly talented, and Amuro gave up the idea of ​​learning this after tangled, after all, Mizumayuki’s blue veins appeared in front of his eyes: “Then your previous state …”

"Simply put, the brain is overloaded." Mizumayuki shrugged: "According to the records, this kind of problem had to be faced by even the previous True Cobille."

Amuro recalled the rumor that the previous generation Cobile died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

"By the way, anyway, this matter is clear, do me a favor." Mizumayue hooked Amuro Toru's neck along the topic.

"What?" Amuro felt that he had fallen into the pit.

"The kind of nutritional supplement you gave me before, I remember... No. 3 nutritional supplement, right?" Mizumayuki has been jokingly calling the nutritional supplement that can maintain the brain called Melatonin, and almost forgot its original name.

"Do you still need it? That one is only for a small amount of maintenance. No matter how much you drink, it will not be absorbed." Toru Amuro frowned a little. He still remembered that Suizuki used that nutrient as water after he just finished agent training. But after that, Mizumayuki didn't want it much, and Amuro Toru even became Mizumayue and realized that it was really useless and gave up.

"Talking about is better than nothing... By the way, do you have a stable production channel for that kind of nutritional supplement or did you buy it?"

"What's wrong with the production convenience provided above? Your demand is not enough to guard the production line, right?" Amuro Toru looked at Mizumayuki suspiciously.

"That's not true." Mizumayue waved her hand: "If there are other medicinal formulas, can you help me produce it?"

"It's fine to report it as a logistical support for the operation." Toru Amuro said affirmatively.

Mizumayue was a little unbalanced: "Why didn't I know there was such a strong support?"

"Because I'm afraid you'll screw it up." Toru Amuro said as a matter of course.

Mizuma is very hurt.

"Actually, I only got logistical support from my current position. Like you, I fought alone before." Amuro reassured him: "Don't talk about this, you just asked because you have a potion formula in your hand?"

"Well, it's also from the previous Cobile, but there's no clinical trial, so I don't know if it works or not." Mizumayue said nonsense without blushing or beating or blinking.

In fact, what he said was that he had found an excuse a long time ago to ask Naomura Lang to give him a prescription, but the cost of the medicine was too high, and his salary as a small policeman could not handle it.

Now is an opportunity. According to the knowledge from Naomura Lang, if this medicine can work, it should relieve his headache when he recalls the plot.

"Boss." Belmod dialed the phone.

"Belmode? What's the matter?" On the opposite side was the voice change of Lolita.

Belmod Qiang concealed the unpleasantness of the inappropriate voice change, and said: "Kobiler has returned to Tokyo..."

"I know, I don't need him for the time being. He can run wherever he wants. After all, he was originally from Tokyo." The boss said indifferently.

"He used a calculation in front of me once..."

"What's the matter? Did you steal your teacher? You're not kidding~ If you can also figure out how to replace Cobile, you can deal with him as you like." The boss interrupted Belmore again. German words.

"..." Belmod took a deep breath: "Kobeler was in a bad state when calculating."

"What do you mean?" the boss asked.

Belmod was so surprised that his eyes widened, because the sentence just now was the original voice of the boss, and it seemed that the boss forgot to convert his own words into a variant because he was anxious.

"It seems that he has a headache when he calculates, and the calculation is not particularly difficult." Belmod did not think about other things, and explained attentively.

"Are you sure it's true? Could it be because of his deliberate performance?" the boss asked cautiously.

"Unless his acting skills are much better than mine, it's the real situation." Belmod said firmly, as a female star who has won many international awards, she is qualified to say such affirmation, and it can even be exaggerated to say , If Mizumayue had faked it at the time, she could have given him all the golden statuettes she had obtained, because if he had debuted in acting a few years earlier, those golden statues would all belong to him.

"I see." The boss said abruptly and hung up the phone.

Belmod lit a cigarette, but did not bring it to his lips, but stared at the slowly rising smoke in contemplation.

She had to find a way to get rid of this Cobile, or she could never be sure that Yukiko's son was in a safe state.

And the boss's fancy to Cobile's calculation ability is her biggest obstacle, but if the boss knows that this Cobile is not so precious...

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