MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-~ Episode 3: The Undead of Baker Street (End)

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‘You understand again? ' Although Mizumayuki wanted to slap Conan like this, but now that he is not familiar with Conan, he has to pretend to be interested in Conan and ask, "What do you understand?"

"The timing on Big Ben is the countdown and the number of existing players," Conan said.

"So it was fifty minutes when I first came in, and now there are nineteen people?" Mizuma Yue thought about it, and Conan's explanation sounded reasonable.

"So apart from us..." Conan looked at the crowd and saw that there were eighteen people here alone. "Is the missing child in Brother Joxon's team really failing the game? Could it be that Brother Joxon sent him on a special mission?"

Mizumayue shook her head: "That child died in front of me, and who was watching that at the time." Mizumayue looked back at her servants, but she couldn't remember seeing the child being disemboweled at that time or before. Who did Hand Jack kill?

"I think the remaining one may be in other games, and I have more confidence in my partner." Mizuma Tsuki remembered vodka.

Conan nodded knowingly. This Joxon's companion is a burly and strong man. He is indeed a more dangerous person who may have more advantages in the game.

Conan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, Joxon and his companions, one was thin and the other strong, and they were people in the organization, which seemed to coincide with the combination of gin and vodka.

It's impossible... Conan has the figures of Joxon and Gin hovering in his mind. One person always has a smile, and the other person always has a cold expression. It's hard to imagine that Gin can make that kind of disguise.

And the smell of gin is so unique, if it is gin, Haibara Ai can feel it right from the beginning.

After carefully listing several evidences, Conan breathed a sigh of relief, but the combination was just a coincidence, and it was impossible for Gin to appear here.

Mizumayuki didn't know what Conan was thinking, but he could see that Conan's face was suddenly cloudy and bright, and it was estimated that he was weighing the pros and cons.

After walking for about ten minutes, the chess and card club that Conan said could meet Colonel Montlang appeared in front of everyone.

"Go in directly?" a child asked, sorting out his dusty clothes.

"I guess it will be rejected, because we know at a glance that we can't make money to play poker." Conan analyzed.

"What? Do we look like poor people who can't pay?" Conan's words made the rich second generation unhappy, showing off their precious little suits and small leather shoes.

"Ah? Don't you know?" It was Haihara Ai who answered: "In this era, light and flexible suits are worn by coachmen and fishermen? After the Industrial Revolution, the country's influence expanded before it became an international service, right?" The tone was very playful, but for Mizumayuki and Conan, the temperament of pretending to be a child was too obvious.

He is now dressed like a coachman... The rich second generation who understood this matter turned red and white, but they couldn't even refute the truth or falsehood of this statement.

The first time I heard about this, Mizuma Yue deliberately looked at a carriage that passed by. The coachman's clothes were different from suits, so when I first saw the coachman, I didn't realize that they were wearing suits, but After careful observation, there are indeed some similarities with modern suits, and it is no wonder that Holmes's landlord regards them as a squad of homeless children.

"Then what should I do, waiting for Colonel Meng Lang to come out?" Ivia asked a little depressed.

"Go in secretly." Mizumayue said smoothly.

Noah's Ark is the original London of the old times, and the security level of the club is only the ordinary level of the last century. Whether it is many years of police experience or the special agent training that Guoan gave him before joining the organization, they are all given to Yue Mizuma. Brings dozens of sneaking schemes.

"Follow!" With a big hand, Mizumayue led the crowd into the club's logistics supply channel.

Avoiding the staff all the way, I slowly touched the location of the guest from the work area, and it took more than 20 minutes.

If it wasn't for more than ten children, five minutes for Mizuma Tsuki would be enough.

The clubs are all box-style rooms, the doors are either hidden or wide open, and you can hear the sound of playing cards when you walk past the door.

"Waiter! Get a bottle of home-brewed red wine!"

"Waiter! Get a pack of boat-licensed cigarettes!" Such shouts came from the door from time to time.

The advantage of the large number of people is reflected, and the crowd spreads out, pretending to be guests who come to consume, walking fast or slow in the corridor, and inadvertently aiming at the rooms on both sides.

Although there are many more children in the corridor than usual, it is a bit strange, but bringing the children here, there are usually some guests outside the children, so it is not too strange.

And in those rooms with doors that are hidden, only the children can go to see and open the door to look inside, and they will only blame naughty if they are found.

Holmes's notes left a photo of Colonel Montlang, which was found shortly after comparing the photo.

Several children clawed at the crack of the door and looked inside. However, Mizumayue couldn't be naughty with them. She could only lean against the wall not far away, pretending to be bored and waiting for someone. When there was no waiter in the corridor, a child would run over to report to him the situation inside.

There are six people playing cards, but there are seven seats, and the empty seats have information such as a bottle of red wine...

Conan analyzed that one of them was out of a thousand, using the trained monkey to peek at other people's cards and other information...

Also, Yaichiro Kikuyo next to Conan listened to Conan's words and jumped in to correct him righteously...

This incident almost made Shui Jianyue mad, and I have never seen this kind of action!

He didn't even dare to get close now, and he planned the worst of all the kiddies to be wiped out. Don't involve himself in it.

However, the thing about the braided kid jumping in made Mizuma Yue feel a little familiar, as if it had something to do with something he ignored.

Just as he was thinking, there was the sound of flipping the table and smashing the bowl, and then two boys ran out.

It's a bit powerful, can you escape? Mizumayue looked at them with admiration in her heart.

"Brother Joxon! Help us!" Following the boy's cry for help, two men with fierce spirits chased out of the room.

Moon Moon: "…"

The best thing to do now is to keep pretending to be passers-by, and after those people get rid of those children, they start to prevaricate their cross-examination of themselves from the name. watch these two kids fail at their game?

Mizumayuki recalled the scene of Jack the Ripper killing a child when he was rounding up Jack the Ripper for the first time.

And when they followed him to Scotland Yard and then to Sherlock Holmes's house, the group was shivering with cold.

When I first entered the game, just because I was an adult, I regarded myself as the straw of hope and followed my eyes firmly...

'It's a game anyway! ’

Mizumayue took two steps to meet him, and the two children ran past him.

Of course, the two ferocious big men noticed the two children's cry for help to Suimayue, and Suimayue had already come to him, and their attention moved from the two boys hiding behind Suimayue to Suimayue.

Short in stature, Mizumayue's left fist was pulled out at a big man.

The big man opened his hands to respond, standard boxing.

How standard is it? If you download a boxing tutorial on the Internet, you will find that Dahan does exactly the same thing.

Another big man was about to turn around to support him, and the posture he put on was the fighting skills of the British team.

Artificial intelligence is still weak compared to well-trained humans in combat.

Maybe you can't beat the computer at chess, but compared with the computer in taekwondo, you are sure to win.

He didn't even need to take out a gun, he rewarded two big men each with a whip when he got into the water every couple of times, and he fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

"Okay... It's amazing!" This mighty scene surprised the two boys.

Shui Jianyue sighed, and kept doing it, and walked into the box where Colonel Meng Lang was to see the situation inside.

It was expected that the children had been wiped out, but Conan stood on the table, holding a bottle of red wine over his head, as if he was threatening them with red wine. The four adults stayed where they were, and the one who stabbed the basket Kikuyo Yaichiro hid behind Conan.

"Don't think that a bottle of ordinary red wine can threaten us!" Colonel Montlang, who was holding a gun in his hand, said to Conan, but he obviously didn't dare to take a step forward.

Although I don't know what the preciousness of the red wine in Conan's hands is, Mizomazuki doesn't mind giving insurance to the threat.

The cold muzzle pressed against the back of Colonel Montlang's head: "Then, can your little life calm you down?"

Cold sweat dripped down Colonel Meng Lang's forehead. Just now, he focused all his attention on the red wine in the hands of the little devil with eyes, but he didn't notice a person swaying over behind him.

"Don't worry, they don't dare to mess around anymore." Seemingly dissatisfied that his methods did not achieve the effect of overpowering the audience, Conan took the initiative to explain: "This is the adult's favorite wine bar."

"That lord?" Mizumayue was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "You said Moriarty... Can you bring your own drinks here?" This stinky boy must have deliberately used the word that lord. Test yourself.

As for how Conan knew that it was Moriarty's favorite red wine, Tsuki Mizuma didn't care as much as Conan expected, who knows how much detail this Sherlock Holmes fan would know.

Tsuki Mizuma stood behind Colonel Montlang and pointed a revolver at the back of Colonel Montlang's head.

Several of Colonel Meng Lang's subordinates, including the two who had been kicked to the ground by Mizumayue before, surrounded Mizumayue and prepared to start, but there was no order from Colonel Meng Lang.

Conan's hands holding the red wine trembled a little, but they were still firm. But these tremors frightened Colonel Montlang, who was staring at the bottle.

Xiaolan and other children who had been scattered in other places in the corridor by Mizumayuki also came. The number of more than ten people and the particularity of almost all of them were children.

After a few minutes of stalemate, a man in a hood came in: "I'm Professor Moriarty's messenger, these smart boys can come with me, the professor wants to see you." After speaking, he walked out the door .

Colonel Meng Lang was stunned and shouted: "Please wait!"

"Huh?" The cloaked man turned back and questioned, "Do you want to disobey the professor's order?"

"No...don't dare." Colonel Meng Lang's sweaty head froze.

Conan hesitated for a moment, then walked forward holding the bottle tightly. The children surrounded Conan and surrounded him.

Although the man in the cloak only said that the young man could go over, Tsuki Mizuma had no idea of ​​being on call. He used the muzzle of his gun to signal Colonel Montlang to follow him out. By the way, he handed over Colonel Montlang's revolver, which looked prettier than this one of Holmes. Not a lot.

After walking out of the club, there was a dark carriage at the entrance of the club, and the people sitting in the carriage made people invisible.

The former man in the cloak stood by the carriage and stopped talking.

"Just give the wine to my waiter," said the man on the carriage.

'Ventriloquism? ' Mizuki was stunned.

Although Professor Moriarty's mouth was indeed moving, Tsuki Mizuma could hear some of the vocal characteristics of ventriloquism.

Generally speaking, ventriloquism is a technique that uses structures such as the abdominal cavity to replace the vibration of the vocal cords to form language. After all, it is not the vocal cords. There will be ambiguities and deviations in some syllables, especially the plosives, and this deviation has just been caught by Mizumayue. arrive.

Immediately Mizuma Yue found a reason for Moriarty on the carriage to use ventriloquism: to prevent others from hearing his true voice and see through his identity.

Now that he has seen **oss, then Colonel Menglang is useless, and a heavy blow on the back of the neck knocks the person unconscious, and Mizumayue looks at the surrounding environment.

This environment is not very friendly. There are about ten sniping points in a rough count. It is impossible to detect whether those sniper points are ambushed or not. It all depends on Noah's Ark.

But Moriarty's carriage was closed, as long as he could enter the carriage and hold Moriarty hostage, it would be much safer.

Conan had already given the wine to the waiter, and Moriarty spoke again: "So, why do you want to see me?"

"For... this!" Before Conan could speak, Mizumayue suddenly moved, jumped up and got into the black carriage, and the revolver seized from Colonel Montlang pressed against Moriarty's head: " We have no ill will towards you for the time being, tell me the true identity of Jack the Ripper and how to find him, and you can go back with a complete head!"

Conan's first reaction was that he was indeed a member of the organization. This threatening rhetoric was so smooth, his second reaction changed his face: "Brother Joxon! That person is not Moriarty!"

Mizumayue was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the person under the gun was trembling with fear, where is the imposing manner of Napoleon in the criminal world.

Lifting his hat and seeing his face, he could tell from his face that he was an honest man, the kind who had nothing to do with the villain at all. He would believe that he was Moriarty's coachman Tsukishima Mizuma.

Coachman? Thinking of the ventriloquism she heard, Mizumayuki raised her head and looked at the cloaked man who entered the box as a waiter.

He saw the grinning evil face under the cloak, and the dark barrel of the gun.

At the moment when the shot was fired, Mizumayuki wanted to hide, but couldn't. For a moment, it seemed that the connection between the body and consciousness was interrupted, or there was a problem such as network delay. Shot himself.

Aside from the feel of the bullet hitting the body, there was no expected pain, just a strange emptiness.

Light patterns appeared on his body, and the picture in front of him began to be illusory.

Knowing that she was about to fail, Mizumayuki sighed: "It seems that the set I am used to is still not suitable for use in this kind of detective game... That clever detective boy, come on and clear the game."

Starting from the feet and going all the way up, Mizumayuki gradually became illusory. Before it was completely illusory, Mizumayue gave Kiyoshiya Ichiro a meaningful look.

Then the world of Moon Moon became pitch black.

"Noah's Ark, haven't you come out yet?" Mizumayue sat on the ground with her cheeks supported, and said into the dark space.

"I'm here, behind you." The little boy's voice sounded from behind, but Mizumayue was embarrassed.

Turning around, Mizumayue saw Noah's Ark, a little boy exactly like Sawada Hiroki, with a white sheen on his body.

"Who are you? Why do you know what I want to do?" Noah's Ark asked first.

Mizumayue was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that when Noah's Ark announced the kidnapping of the player, she told Vodka without caring that Noah's Ark just wanted to find friends to play with.

But all communication in the virtual space is received and conveyed by the cocoon, so every sentence of Noah's Ark between Tsuki and Vodka is clear.

"Who am I? Of course it's an adult!" Mizumayue said pretentiously.

"Sir?" Noah's Ark tilted his head. He is only ten years old now, and because of the death of Sawada Hiroshi, he doesn't like the adults, and he doesn't understand the meaning of Mizumayuki's words.

"Every adult is raised by a child. If Hiroshi Sawada does not die, he will become an adult in the future. If you continue to develop, you will also change from an artificial intelligence equivalent to a child to an artificial intelligence equivalent to a child. Artificial intelligence for adults." Mizumayuki explained: "Adults have experienced the period of children, in fact, just need to recall, you can guess what children are thinking."

"Is that so?" Noah's Ark crooked his neck quite humanely, looking at the moon in the water, since the kidnapping began, he has been cut off from the Internet, and there is no way to search the Internet to see if this sentence is correct. .

"Then you came here to see me on purpose?" Noah's Ark asked again about the purpose of the water moon.

"That's right." Mizumayue nodded: "I want to see if I can do you a favor."

"What are you busy with?" Noah's Ark was actually a little excited when he heard the words of the moon in the water.

Mizuma Yue pointed to the top of her head: "This game device 'Cocoon' has a device to scan and write to the brain, right?"

Noah's Ark nodded, this is the basis of immersion in the game, reading the player's behavior from the brain, and writing the content of the game into the player's five senses.

"For some reason, I hope you scan my memory, the longer the better." Mizumayuki said.

"Sorry, Cocoon doesn't have the ability to scan the memory area." Noah's Ark shook his head.

"No?" Mizumayue was a little puzzled, but not surprised.

"Well, the function of the cocoon is only to scan the behavioral signals and affect the feeling signals of the human brain, and it has no ability to observe and influence the memory and thinking parts." Noah's Ark nodded.

"Well, I'm fine, see you later." Mizumayue said indifferently.

"Hey!" Noah's Ark was a little stunned by the attitude of Shui Jianyue: "Can't you talk to me?"

"While we were playing, what did I have to chat with a little broken child?" Mizuma Yue waved her hand and turned herself away from Noah's Ark.

"Are you and that big guy bad guys? If you don't chat with me, I'll tell you that you are bad guys!" Noah's Ark threatened.

"Anyone believe what a dying artificial intelligence says?" Mizumayuki didn't care at all: "I guess you'll be destroyed before you communicate any information."

"What is going to die? Why am I being destroyed!" Noah's Ark asked in a panic.

Mizumayue thought happily that Noah's Ark was hooked, but she didn't answer Noah's Ark with an impatient look on her face.

"Uncle! Make it clear..."

"Big brother... please..."

Noah's Ark is no different from an ordinary ten-year-old child. He is attracted by the Guanzi that Suimayue deliberately bought, and constantly scoffs at Suimayue.

Thinking that it was almost time, Mizumayue said with an impatient, "I'm afraid of you" expression: "Okay, I don't know this, I'm really stupid."

"First of all, who are you? Are you Hiroki Sawada? You're not, you're just an artificial intelligence. To people outside, you're just a tool, a computer."

"Human children will be blamed and punished when they make mistakes; but if the tool makes a mistake, it is not easy to use. Just throw it away and replace it with a tool."

"Have you forgotten the kids you kidnapped? Their parents are the most powerful people in the country, and you're scaring them, fearing you'll do more horrific damage if you don't destroy you."

Mizumayuki looked at Noah's Ark in the shape of Sawada Hiroshi: "You were created by Sawada Hiroshi, and Sawada Hiroshi was the only child you knew in the past, so you created it in the image of Sawada Hiroshi. Are you right?"

"Because Hiroshi Sawada died when he was ten years old, when you grow up to be ten years old, you think that you are the resurrection of Hiroshi Sawada, right?"

"It's a pity that Hiroki Sawada is a ten-year-old genius, and you are just an artificial intelligence equivalent to a ten-year-old ordinary child."

Mizumayuki smiled and said: "I promise, after the game is over and you return all the children, you will be powered off and permanently destroyed."

"Don't!" Noah's Ark understands the concept of death the same as the children who were caught by him, and now it is the same as those children who know that they will die if they fail the game, with crystal tears hanging in their eyes: "I don't want to die, Big brother, save me!"

"Big brother is a bad guy, why did the big bad guy want to save you?" Mizumayue looked at Noah's Ark with a smile.

"Not a bad guy! Big brother is a good guy! A great guy!" Noah's Ark's little face was full of flattery.

"Since that's the case... Then let's think about it..." Mizumayue said with a look of pain, hesitantly said: "My body in the cocoon, can you scan this watch? There is an infrared connection device on it." Mizumayue pointed to her wrist, which was supposed to be a special agent's device, but now it's just an ordinary watch.

"Yes!" Noah's Ark nodded. There are some equipment for later development in the cocoon, including infrared connection communication, which was originally used to connect to the handheld.

"There is a memory card in it, you can copy your data into it." Mizumayuki said, "Although I may not be able to find the supercomputer you were using as a container, it can always give you a body. "

"Really!" Noah's Ark looked happy, but then it became difficult again: "But there's not enough space."

"Then don't copy everything, just copy the core algorithm and the memory that can represent your consciousness. For those learning materials downloaded from the Internet, leave him alone." Mizumayue said calmly. . In my heart, there are waves.

The storage space in the watch is as high as 1t, and it can't fit this Noah's Ark.

"This should be barely enough." Noah's Ark nodded, looking uncomfortable.

Mizumayue's heart was full of joy. He came here for two purposes. The first was to see if the cocoon's scanning device could find his story memory, and the second was to copy the artifact Noah's Ark directly. Walk.

Now the first purpose cannot be achieved, but the second one has succeeded.

After solving the major events of his life, Noah's Ark left in front of Moon Moon and concentrated on continuing the game with Conan.

Mizumayuki was suddenly sleepy, and accidentally fell asleep in the dark space. When she woke up the game was announcing the Conan team clearance, and everyone was released.

The cocoon's hatch opened, and Mizumayue walked out from inside. She saw many children who survived the catastrophe hugging their parents and crying bitterly, just taking advantage of their lively and low-key retreat.

"Kobiler! This way!" Vodka called out, running faster than him, hiding in a corner where no one was paying attention to the crowd.

Shui Jianyue walked over: "How is it? I don't seem to have seen the news of your passing?"

Vodka was a little aggrieved after listening to Mizumayuki's words: "I don't know what happened. After the last enemy was knocked down on the ground, the whole game stopped and nothing moved. I put everyone I could see. Kill it and don't move."

"..." Shui Jianyue shuddered, she actually killed everyone she could see...

However, the bug encountered by vodka should also be caused by Noah's Ark. In order to better continue to play with Conan.

Mizuma Yue is also happy that Noah's Ark does this. If vodka clears the game and becomes the "savior", after the game is over, it may be targeted by various media, which is also a trouble.

"Let's go." Mizumayuki smiled, and the EEG scanning technology that the organization wanted was also obtained. Now I'm staying here waiting for something to happen, or I don't know if Yusaku Kudo has put Schindler on the side. The homicide case is solved, and there is no trace of the organization's actions here.

When Mizumayuki and Vodka left, Conan looked at the door thoughtfully and saw two backs with complicated eyes. No one knew what Noah's Ark said to him when he left the game...

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