MTL - Conan Dressed As Gin-Chapter 83 end of text

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There was a shocking silence in the room.

The little boy in the water tank floated with hollow eyes underwater. he died.

Kudo Shinichi, actually died.

Hattori's pupils tightened behind the big screen, showing a complex expression of anger mixed with bewilderment. This fact made him in a trance, and he lost his voice for a while.

Heiji Hattori has seen a lot of corpses. Every time a case occurs, their relatives and friends will cry bitterly. What he has to do is not to comfort them, but to calmly sort out the case and find the murderer. Over time, he also got used to hearing those people crying.

But now, Hattori found that he had also experienced that feeling. His heart began to cramp, and his internal organs were suddenly twisted in pain, like being crushed by a heavy rock, making him breathless.

—Before he was emotionally aware of his grief, his body had already let out a whimper and weeping.

Hattori took a breath, but still covered his heart.

After all, this is... a cherished friend.

Not any stranger.

Vodka hesitated to say anything, but said nothing. He looked at the water tank, and then at Big Brother.

Compared to his reaction, Belmod's performance was much better.

She only glanced at Heiji Hattori who was in a state of despair on the big screen, then turned to look at Gin calmly, and said, "We should withdraw."

"Okay." Gin also looked very calm, but rather terrifyingly indifferent.

"Take Conan away too," he said.

His expression and words awakened Hattori who was in a trance.

"No!" Hattori asked him angrily and disappointedly. "Gin, don't take him away! You still call him Conan... Why did you kill him?"

"Are the previous ones all fake? What are you doing!" Hattori didn't understand.

The tenderness in getting along for a year is not like a fake, and he is unprofitable. He had absolutely no reason to kill Kudo, just because he was a killer? It really fits the ruthlessness of a ruthless killer, doesn't it?

But such a bizarre idea... what the hell!

Hattori was full of anger.

The emaciated man in black thought for a while, and said politely, "Then keep him."

The process of his decision was quick, and his tone was too light, as if he had dropped an insignificant thing. This attitude choked Hattori again.

He was so angry that he almost wanted to rush out of the big screen and beat the gin.

Belmod also immediately said how to open the water tank without any objection. Now the police are still in a stalemate with the people at the base outside. The water tank is left here, wait for the Hattori to come in and open it.

The three of them filed out along the exit that Belmod opened. Hattori tried to yell on the big screen to no avail.

In the end, he could only silently watch the water tank in a daze, waiting for the base to be broken.

If Kudo hadn't trusted Gin, he wouldn't have died, right?

Thinking about what to do next, Hattori had a headache.

Contact Kudo's father first, this should be easier to talk about. Xiaolan has to think about what to do.

There will never be Conan anymore, so to speak, his dad took him back. But Xiaolan can never wait for her new one.

Do you want to tell the truth? Said that Conan's father was the killer who turned Kudo into a child, Kudo also foolishly trusted him, and was finally killed by this trust...

is stupid enough. Why did they trust gin in the first place? Two detectives.

When Kudo Yusaku heard that his son died quickly, he was unexpected, but he was also expected. After all, after hearing that Xinyi was taken away, the general attack was initiated by his organization.

He rushed outside the base at the fastest speed and joined Hattori. On the surface, he was calm and composed, and he could even comfort Hattori and analyze where Gin and the others could escape.

But in fact, he was hit by huge grief, and he also wanted to be like an ordinary father, without thinking too much, just hugging his son's body and crying.

The water tank was transported out, and Hattori said how to open it, so he avoided it first. Save time for this father and son.

After Kudo Yusaku opened the water tank, he gently took his son out. I don't know if it was due to psychological reasons, or because he choked on the water. Kudo Yusaku felt that his arms were very heavy, which made him very difficult.

The son's small body, immature face, and glasses are exactly the same as when he was young. There was still confusion and anger on his face, and it looked very complicated, not like the expression of a child.

Yusaku felt a little dazzling, so he tried to close his eyes with his hands. Who knows the next moment, Xinyi actually trembled and coughed!

Yusaku Kudo was caught off guard and almost fell.

He hurriedly patted his back, and after a while, Conan slowed down. Some dazed lying in his father's arms.

Yusaku didn't hold back any longer, and returned with expectant excitement.

Conan was silent for a while, and muttered to himself: "I'm only three or four years old when I'm held in my arms by my father. And I'm dead. Could it be that I'm reborn?"


Kudo Yusaku was silent.

After a while, after listening to his son's story, combined with his waking up intact, Yusaku realized that they were all played with gin.

He casts his eyes on the water tank—there's definitely something odd about this thing.

And only at this time did he overturn the idea of ​​gin's escape route. But no matter how much he was chased, he couldn't catch up now.

"So, in fact, I can't die? It's just like a coma?" Conan asked in a voiceless voice. He recalled that he really thought he was going to die at the time, so he was so unwilling to ask about Jin Jiu's appearance, his face turned green for a while.

"Yeah, as long as you touch the air again, you'll wake up. Fortunately, you didn't starve to death in it."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Conan felt a little gloating when he heard Hai Yuan's voice.

- This is the result of giving the liquid in the water tank to Haibara for research.


He must have been laughing to himself! absolute!

Conan was furious.

—When I see Gin again, should I send him to prison, or should I rinse him in the water tank a few times first.

Conan lost his mind and couldn't help but think seriously.

In a house somewhere in the distance, Shan Heqing couldn't help sneezing. Image collapsed.

He lowered his face a little annoyed, and swept around, Vodka hurriedly lowered his hair and pretended nothing had happened.

Belmod lay comfortably on the computer, without raising his head.

Shan Heqing was satisfied.

Conan must be scolding him - in a few days, wait until the limelight is over, and then tease him again.

Shan Heqing turned his face and gritted his teeth not so obviously.

Vodka looked up, only to see an indifferent and cold face of his eldest brother.

"What?" he asked casually.

"Eh? No, nothing."

Vodka thought he heard it wrong, scratching his head and thinking about it.

How could someone so cold as his elder brother grind his teeth?

Definitely got it wrong.

...forgot why he had bowed his head in such a hurry just now.

[End of Conan ending]

The author has something to say: Thanks to the record player, the mines of the North King! This is last night's article. I woke up intermittently several times and finally wrote it out qwq

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