MTL - Conan Dressed As Gin-Chapter 79 no use

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At that moment, Shan Heqing tightened his muscles and maximized his senses.

For a second, maybe two, the whole room fell silent.

Vodka looked shocked and seemed to remember it.

And the BOSS is immersed in a terrible silence, without firing/shooting.

"The reason... the reason?" The boss finally spoke, but the words had returned to calm, which was more terrifying than the fury.

Shan Heqing's heart finally beat again, and he was relieved, but his face did not show.

He knew that Rum must have investigated everything, so if he lied, he would die. Now he must find a reason.

His eyes swept across the proud face of Rum, the shocked vodka, and the expressionless Belmod.

He doesn't think that the BOSS is benevolent and willing to believe him.

what can we do about it?

Thinking time is only a few seconds, or even less. He can only choose the right words subconsciously...

- delay time.

Shan Heqing immediately thought of these four words.

"The man named Kudo Shinichi crashed into my vodka trade and I've already eaten APTX-4869 for him," he said.

"But he's not dead! You've been covering him up after that! I've figured it out." Rum interrupted him impatiently.

The boss didn't stop Rum at all, just stared at him.

Belmod also raised his head and looked at him seriously. There was a secret tension in the pupils.

"He didn't die, but his body became smaller and his alias was Edogawa Conan." Shan Heqing continued unmoved.

"I didn't kill him because I discovered a secret."

"Pandora's gems? Didn't you deliberately release the rumors some time ago?" Rum interrupted him again.

Shan Heqing felt that cold sweat began to ooze from the back of his neck. He tried his best to keep his cold expression and continued:

"That's not it. There is a mysterious organization that is eyeing the Pandora gem. The phantom thief Kid gave the gem away and hid it with Conan Edogawa, so he and I reached an agreement to divert the attention of that organization together."

This lie was made in a hurry, and Shan Heqing could only hope that his half-truths could hide from the BOSS.

There is indeed an organization staring at Kaitou Kidd, and their target is indeed Pandora's Gem. Kaito teamed up with him to release rumors to divert attention. None of this is fake, just "misplaced" by his technical language.

BOSS nodded slightly, agreeing with this sentence, and then he asked, "What secret?"

Shan Heqing wondered how did he know?

But now, he has to "know".

"The potency of APTX-4869 made him immortal."

After only a second of hesitation, he opened his mouth and said this almost absurd statement.

"Nonsense!" Rum frowned, turned his head and said to the boss, "Boss, he's lying, he just doesn't want to die. How can that medicine be possible?"

Shan Heqing stared straight at the big screen without dodging, seemingly calm and confident.

Only he himself knew the fluctuations in his heart. He even lowered his hands, not daring to make a fist.

-Lum said it again, he came unprepared, and what he said now really just didn't want to die.

Serious nonsense in front of the boss... Can he do it?

But the boss pondered: "Sherry disappeared after that, do you know what happened?"

Shan Heqing replied without hesitation: "She also ate APTX-4869, so she became a child and survived. I have collected their data over the past few years, and found that their body cells are highly active and their lifespan will become longer. very long."

This is also true.

The thoughts in his mind became smooth, and he continued without stopping:

"I wanted to find out why only they survived, so I didn't report it to the organization."

His expression finally changed, mixed with a little shame and remorse for admitting his mistakes, and he simply admitted: "I want to find out that fact and report it to you, so you will be very happy. Boss...Lum is my boss. , the closest person to you. So I want to surpass him."

The room fell silent again.

"Boss, Jinjiu is definitely more than that." Lang Mu looked at Shan Heqing suspiciously, "He wants to destroy the organization."

Shan He glanced at Lang Mu, but there was no thought in his eyes.

Rum said yes again. That's exactly what he wanted.

- Destroy the organization.

"Rum." This time, the BOSS stopped Rum's words aloud.

Rum stopped talking. And the BOSS is meditating.

Shan Heqing was slightly overjoyed. He knew that the boss would think about his words, and it was already a turnaround.

Every high-ranking person must be proud when he hears that his number one subordinate is jealous of his position as a military advisor.

Compared with the number one younger brother who has been loyal for decades, he wants to defect or destroy the organization, of course, the reason for jealousy is more worthy of belief.

Next... as long as he finds a way to get the word out, or... let Conan come over. No matter what, as long as you launch a general attack and hold back the boss...

Rum is here too, which is trickier.

"BOSS, after Pandora's gems were placed with Conan Edogawa, when I contacted him again, I found that there was a change in his body."

Shan Heqing continued his efforts: "I feel that my body is very active, and my body is as young as in my twenties. It seems that his state has affected me."

He saw that Lang Mu's eyes lit up, and the BOSS's eyes stayed on his gold and silver hair.

"Boss, let me bring him back, along with Pandora's gems. Please trust me."

Shan Heqing gritted his teeth and finally said the most important sentence.

- The foreshadowing in front is all for this sentence.

However, the atmosphere in the room suddenly relaxed.

Rum laughed.

The boss also laughed slowly.

Shan Heqing felt that his heart was empty, he tried to keep calm and looked at the BOSS, waiting for an explanation.

Sure... something happened that he didn't know about.

"No need, GIN." The boss laughed for a while and then paused.

His breath suffocated, and then he heard the boss say a little coldly:

"Rum has brought him. And you..."

"GIN, you are useless."

Shan Heqing felt that his heart was suddenly seized.

The author has something to say: I gave up the previous idea, although Conan still had to die once, but the details were overturned by me, because the gin had been used before. A bit rushed now, I need to think of a new one.

But actually... it's still waterboarding. I'm worried you'll get bored.

2333 I think I've gone crazy.

I always think about Voldemort when I write bosses. Bella was all I had in mind when I wrote Rum. When I write about gin, it's all about Snape. When I write vodka, I think of Lucius.

I wrote Shan Heqing shouting: "BOSS", every sentence I thought was like Snape was shouting: "Master".

I wrote his petition, thinking all about Snape's plea before he died: "Master, let me go and bring Potter... let me go..."

I think I've... made Conan into HP.

The only advantage of Gin is that the boss doesn't have Dementia. 2333

Read The Duke's Passion