MTL - Close to You-Chapter 94

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When Fang Xiao received a call from Lorraine Yuan, he hurried downstairs from the house and asked his mother to cook. By now, Lorraine Yuan should not have eaten yet.

He never thought that Lorraine Yuan would come to him at this time, let alone see such a miserable Lorraine Yuan.

The Lorraine Yuan, who was always clean and obsessed with cleanliness, was dirty and injured, and held half a red bean bag in his hand. One side of his face was already swollen, and his eyelids were red as if crying for a long time.

Fang Xiao didn't ask or say anything, just dragged him to his house. Instead of letting Lorraine run into his mother, he asked someone to go upstairs first, went to the kitchen to wash a plate of cherries and brought them up, and brought a medicine box with him.

Lorraine lay on the carpet in a daze, never speaking. Fang Xiao held the cherries in front of him and shook them, Hongguo rolled around on the snow-white plate, but did not arouse Lorraine Yuan's appetite and desire to speak.

Fang Xiao got up and put the cherries on the desk, opened the medicine box, and put his knees on Lorraine Yuan's back: "Go take a bath, you're dirty." After saying that, he felt amazing. , I didn't expect that one day he would think Lorraine far dirty.

Luo Lin Yuan wiped his face, stood up quietly, and said to Fang Xiao, "Remember to change the carpet, I'm really dirty."

Fang Xiao: "..." It's hard for you, remember to keep me tidy at this time.

After taking a bath, Luo Linyuan put on a new set of clothes that Fang Xiao had never worn. Fang Xiao had just finished processing the carpet, and then brought a bottle of milk to Lorraine Yuan.

He is not very appetizing, still shaking his head. Fang Xiao said: "Drink as much as you want, it will hurt a lot after taking the medicine."

Although I don't know what the drug application has to do with drinking milk, Lorraine took it obediently and endured the whole process of drug application.

He suddenly exclaimed: "Where is my red bean bag?!"

Fang Xiao: "You still eat it. I thought you didn't eat it, so I lost it to you."

Luo Linyuan suddenly got up to look for it, Fang Xiao quickly hugged the man's leg: "Don't be crazy, isn't it just a red bean bag, it's too dirty to eat?! Don't be afraid Eat your stomach!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all Luo Linyuan's movements disappeared, and he became completely quiet.

Fang Xiao panicked: "What's wrong with you, is there really something wrong with Teacher Yu?"

Lorraine shook his head and said, "He'll be fine."

After a while of silence, he said again: "You are right, they are so dirty that they will eat their stomachs, they cannot be kept, they can only be thrown away."

Fang Xiao took in Lorraine Yuan that night. He didn't sleep well. When he woke up in the middle of the night, he found Lorraine Yuan wrapped in a small blanket and huddled by the bay window.

Fang Xiao rubbed his eyes and said with a deep sleepiness: "Why are you still not sleeping."

Lorraine Yuan whispered: "I need a blanket."

Fang Xiao: "Isn't it right on your body?"

Lorraine Yuan: "Not this one."

Fang Xiao wanted to turn on the light, but Lorraine stopped him: "Don't be busy, go to sleep, I just need time to think about something."

What was he thinking, he was thinking about all kinds of details, only to suddenly realize that his problem of needing a blanket to sleep with him was perfect for Yu Han, and he could sleep with Yu Han.

He prefers to hold Yu Han rather than a blanket.

Thinking about it, his heart was smashed to pieces, his eyes hurt so much, he couldn't cry anymore, he just couldn't help it.

No matter how much he likes red bean buns, he can't eat them. He likes Yu Han very much, so he can't keep Yu Han any longer. He didn't want Yu Han and him to regret it in the future.

Yu Han prefers to handle these things by himself.

How to deal with it, they are still so young, are they sacrificing their family and themselves?

In Yu Han's bitter life, he did not bring any sweetness, but dragged Yu Han down into the abyss and let him go forward with a heavy load.

If you really like someone, how can you be willing to destroy him.

He hoped that Yu Han would do well, get into a good university, take good care of his grandmother, just like...the life Yu Han should have had before meeting him.

He has made a decision.

Luo Linyuan logged into WeChat with Fang Xiao's mobile phone, edited the breakup message and sent it out, and deleted Yu Han without waiting for Yu Han's reply.

He left quietly from Fang's house, it was still very early. He thought that the toffee he put in Yu Han's house had not been finished, the painting he had given to Yu Han had not been finished, and he had not even been able to accompany Yu Han on his birthday.

Luo Lin Yuan returned to Luo's house at nine in the morning, Luo Ting didn't have time to get angry, Luo Lin Yuan fell down with a pale face.

Luo Ting was taken aback and rushed to the hospital.

It was also a loss that it was delivered on time. No one thought that Lorraine would actually have acute myocarditis, and the person might be gone a second later.

Even if she was sent to the hospital in time, she went in and out of the emergency room several times in just a week, her life was hanging by a thread, and she stepped into the Hall of Hell and was dragged back.

The person has not woken up yet and is still in a coma.

This time, Luo Ting's temples were a lot whiter, and his whole person was much older.

Lin Shu also rushes to the hospital every day, and won't stay for long, because she really can't see Lorraine lying on the bed with gas in or out.

Luo Ting expresses his anger: "Can't you accompany him well?!"

Lin Shu's face was blue: "Am I a doctor, it's useful for me to accompany him?! If you have time to get angry with me, why don't you think about who beat and scolded him and locked him up! Now my son It's like this, you're embarrassed to get angry!"

The doctor is embarrassed to persuade him: "Mr. and Mrs., the patient needs to be quiet."

Lin Shu calmed down his anger, turned and left the hospital. She took the car back to Luo's house and saw the male student in front of the house again.

Up to now, she already knew that the one who was with Luo Linyuan was this male student named Yu Han. It turned out to be Lorraine Yuan's tutor, but it's true, just hanging out under the noses of their parents.

Lin Shuyuan planned to ignore it and ordered no one to let the male student in.

Lin Shu didn't want to take care of it at first, but he couldn't hold back his anger today, so he asked the driver to stop beside Yu Han, lowered the window: "If you are more entangled, I will call the police. "

The boy looked tired, his eyes were sunken, his lips were dry, and he looked like her son lying in the hospital, looking haggard.

He apologized to her: "Sorry, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to meet Xiaoyuan."

Lin Shu rudely said: "He doesn't want to see you, don't come again!"


His eager voice made Lin Shu even less annoyed, thinking that Lorraine Yuan's illness was also largely due to the boy in front of her, and she was furious.

She got out of the car and slammed the door backhand: "What are you doing with him!"

Yu Han refused to back down in the face of her anger: "Let's make it clear when we meet."

Lin Shu couldn't bear it any longer: "Speak clearly! What's there to say! It's not enough for you to ruin his reputation? Your parents didn't teach you etiquette and shame?!"

After she said that, she suddenly remembered Yu Han's life experience, and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "I forgot, you are an illegitimate child, how do you know this."

Yu Han was not provoked by her words, but said quietly and persistently, "I want to see Xiaoyuan."

Lin Shu: "Let me say how many times, he doesn't want to see you, and you can't be together."

After saying that, she raised her hand to call the security guard to chase people away, but was caught by the wrist. Lin Shu was shocked. After all, he was also a half-aged boy. He was tall and strong, and he was more than enough to do anything to her.

Yu Han did not want to do anything, but repeated the sentence: "I want to see Xiaoyuan." His eyes were slightly red, and he said dumbly: "Even if you want to break up, you have to stand in front of me. It's the most basic respect."

Lin Shu didn't expect that his son had already been dealt with, the boy had already been dumped, and now he's just not reconciled.

It turned out to be like this... Lin Shu shook off Yu Han's hand: "He said he doesn't want to see you, even if you wait here for a long time, he won't see you. If you don't believe it, you can try it Wait here, maybe you wait a day and a night, and he will come out."

Lin Shu passed the boy and entered the Luo residence. That night, she almost drank half a bottle of red wine to ease her emotions, and stayed in the studio for a long time.

The night was getting darker, she couldn't help but called the security booth, and she was called back there, still waiting.

Lin Shu held the microphone, trying to laugh but couldn't. Really do not know the so-called affectionate, young and frivolous.

She couldn't sleep, and finally got up and went to Lorraine Yuan's bedroom.

She thought she should pack a change of clothes for that little friend in the hospital, maybe change into her own clothes, and be more comfortable without hospital gowns, wake up early, and stop lying down.

Lin Shu rarely came to Lorraine Yuan's room, she was a little unfamiliar, and she didn't know who sent many of the furnishings.

Packing a few clothes from the closet, Lin Shu sat on the edge of the bed and folded, only to find that half a photo frame was exposed under Lorraine Yuan's pillow.

She took out the photo frame, it was a framed picture, it was another boy, sleeping in the light, warm as a dream.

The picture is full of strong emotions, almost dragging the viewer into it and feeling the deep emotion inside.

She never knew that her son had such a talent.

Lin Shu looked at the painting for a while, and finally put the painting back in place. She put on a thin coat and walked out of Luo's house, only to realize that it was raining at some point.

She held up an umbrella and felt the breath of winter coming in the wind from the shower. When I walked to the gate, I saw the boy standing in the dark waiting.

Lin Shu walked over: "You go, he really won't see you."

The boy in the rain did not speak, only looked at her silently.

Lin Shu said: "Since he chose to break up with you, you should understand what he meant."

Yu Han's voice was hoarse as if he hadn't spoken for a long time: "I want to hear him speak."

Lin Shu: "Does it make sense?"

Yu Han didn't answer her, he probably heard the softness in her tone, he said, "Auntie, tell him for me... Let him come out to see me. No matter... No matter what he is Whatever he thinks, I want to hear him say it himself."

Lin Shu turned around and went back to the Luo residence, ignoring the boy standing at the door. He only instructed the security guard to give him an umbrella, and he didn't care about anything else.

Waking up the next morning, she went downstairs and saw Luo Ting sitting there eating breakfast with a bad expression, and still instructing Uncle Wu to strengthen security.

Lin Shu frowned and said, "What are you tossing about in the early morning?"

Luo Ting threw the coffee cup on the table: "I will be polite to that stinky boy who thinks he is Guan Shuofeng's illegitimate child! How dare you come here!"

Lin Shu: "What can you do with him?"

Luo Ting smiled and said, "What else can I do, just beat him and drive him away. I can still kill him."

Read The Duke's Passion