MTL - Close to You-Chapter 6

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Yu Han didn't look inside through the door. There was a mirror next to the door, and he could see a fleshy color from the corner of his eye: "Put your clothes on, I'll go in and take a look."

Yu Han brought his thick bath towel, and after Lorraine came out, handed it to him: "Wipe it first."

Lorraine stared at the towel a little tangled: "You've used it."

Yu Han almost laughed angrily, but soon he noticed Lorraine's blue lips: "Is it so cold?"

Lorraine looked at him feebly, he was in poor health and could not catch the cold. He was raised by thousands of pets in his family, and even in summer, he would pay attention not to be greedy for the cold and not to be exposed to the wind.

Yu Han looked at him carefully, and regardless of whether he wanted it or not, he unfolded the towel and wrapped it around him like a cloak: "Put it on first, you even have my clothes on. , do you still mind the bath towel I used?"

Luo Lin Yuan was foolishly wrapped in a bath towel, and when he heard Yu Han's words, he felt that it was cold just now, but now it is a little hot, and blood rushed to his head.

Actually, Yu Han was right, he was wearing all his clothes, and he was pretending to be a bath towel, but it was a bath towel! The ghost knows what Yu Han usually wraps in a bath towel!

Thinking of this, Luo Linyuan took the bath towel off his body just like throwing germs, and subconsciously wanted to throw it on the ground, but held back.

This is someone else's house after all, Yu Han is also kind, he can't do this.

He folded the bath towel on the sofa and rubbed it hard with his cold arms.

After a while, Yu Han came out of the bathroom: "The hot water is ready, go in quickly."

Lorraine hurried in without looking at him from a distance. The temperature of the hot water is very high, and it is very comfortable to flush. Although the bathroom environment is not very good, no matter what kind of environment the hot water is in, it is relaxing and comfortable.

After finally taking a shower, Luo Linyuan realized that he didn't take a towel. Don't think about Yu Han's house, there must be no new ones, and he really didn't want to use Yu Han's.

Lorraine Yuan, who has been acting recklessly, finally regretted his whim, why did he have to come to Yu Han's house to take a bath. Isn't it bad in his own home? After washing, Uncle Wu will ask the kitchen staff to bring him a cup of sweet milk so that he can grow up.

Lorraine originally planned to wait for it to dry naturally, but it was too cold, so he had no choice but to start wiping the water off his body with a paper towel.

After getting dressed, Lorraine clicked to flush.

Lorraine Yuan: "…"

Yu Han prepares ingredients for soup, does homework and washes, sleeps only three hours, and gets up at five o'clock. Before going to school, he goes to the hospital to take care of his grandmother.

It was all arranged until he brought the trouble home today.

Lorraine is almost half an hour away...

Does it take so long for a boy to take a bath?

Just thinking about this, the bathroom door was opened a little, Luo Linyuan's face was red, his eyes were dodging, what he wanted to say was stuck because of shame, and he couldn't say it.

Yu Han sighed again, he couldn't count how much he sighed tonight.

He washed his hands and wiped it on his apron: "What's wrong?"

Lorraine Yuan gritted his teeth and poked his neck: "The toilet is blocked."

The expression is righteous, but the voice is quite small, Yu Han did not hear clearly: "What?"

Lorraine Yuan blushed anxiously: "The toilet is blocked! I didn't go to the toilet, I just threw paper in it and it blocked!"

Yu Han walked in, and Luo Lin Yuan stepped aside.

This is the first time that Luo Linyuan has encountered such an embarrassing thing. It’s okay to come to the house of someone I don’t know very well to take a bath, and even block the toilet.

Yu Han glanced at the toilet: "How much did you throw in."

Lorraine was far from confident and said, "Five or six."

Yu Han: "For what?"

Lorraine Yuan: "There is water on my body after taking a shower."

Yu Han lost his temper completely, he rubbed his temples: "Forget it, let's go."

Lorraine was not happy when he saw him like this: "Didn't you force me to come?"

Yu Han: "I forced you to come?"

Luo Lin Yuan is righteous: "I was going to leave. You took me and asked Ren Yu about it and didn't let me go."

Yu Han closed the bathroom door: "Why on earth did you mention Renyu?"

This time Lorraine was far from hesitating: "I saw you kissing him on the rooftop."

Yu Han's face turned blue a little, and his eyes became stern: "Did you tell someone else?"

Lorraine Yuan was caught in such a big pot that he was almost out of breath: "I don't! What's there to say! It's not a big deal!"

It was the first time Yu Han looked at Lorraine Yuan so seriously, as if he was thinking about the authenticity of his words.

Lorraine's anger also came up: "Do you believe it or not! I didn't say it or didn't say it!"

He wanted to leave with a flick of his hand, but he was not familiar with this place at all, and as soon as he turned around, he kicked his foot on the rice jar. The rice jar was brought by Yu Han's grandmother from the countryside. It was strong and heavy. Lorraine Yuan's kick made him bend down in pain.

Yu Han watched Lorraine Yuan come out one after another, and felt helpless and felt that he couldn't care less. He stretched out his hand to support the man's waist, trying to make him stand firm, but as soon as he put his hand on it, Lorraine stood up abruptly, and the back of his head almost hit his nose.

Lorraine turned his head and complained first: "What are you doing!"

Yu Han: "Don't you hurt, I'll help you out."

Luo Linyuan: "If you help me, help me, what are you doing by touching my waist?"

Yu Han listened to this and thought about the taste. He was **** off, these straight men always felt that as long as others were crooked, they could look at them.

Yu Han hugged his hand and didn't plan to help: "I think you made a mistake."

Lorraine endured the pain in his foot: "What?"

Yu Han: "Even if I really like men, I won't like you."

Lorraine Yuan stared blankly, his mouth opened and he didn't know how to refute. He was stunned, his mind was in chaos, and finally he squeezed out a sentence: "Who made you like it, it's funny!"

Yu Han stretched out his hand again: "I can help you now, little princess."

Lorraine jumped out of the kitchen with one foot: "Don't call me that!"

He hopped onto the sofa and sat down to check his toes. He kicked his big toe, and the nail was red and swollen.

Yu Han pulled out the potion and handed it to Luo Linyuan: "Knead it yourself."

Lorraine didn't even look from a distance: "I won't!"

Yu Han: "Do you still want me to help you?"

Lorraine Yuan: "I was hurt at your house!"

Yu Han only felt his forehead twitch and almost wanted to throw Lorraine away from his house. But he really wasted too much time tonight, and Lorraine knew that.

He pulled out a small chair from under the coffee table, sat in front of Luo Linyuan, grabbed Luo Linyuan's injured foot and placed it on his knee, poured the medicinal wine into his palm and rubbed it hot.

He looked at Lorraine's feet far away, how to say... Delicate feet that don't look like a boy, you can see that they haven't traveled much at a glance. Just as precious.

Yu Han looked away uncomfortably, raised his hand and pressed his foot.

Lorraine Yuan: "Ah! Calm down!" His voice was reproachful, but a little soft, sounding like a spoiled child.

This time there is no need for Yu Han to think about it, Luo Linyuan himself is about to strangle himself who just screamed.

What the hell!

Read The Duke's Passion