MTL - Close to You-Chapter 56

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Finish today's class, this week's remedial class is over, he can't take Yu Han home after school.

Lorraine bit his lip, thinking that these three days had passed too fast, he put down his pen, gave his stiff hands and waist bones, and stretched for a long time.

The phone vibrated in his trouser pocket, Luo Linyuan peeked at Yu Han, took out the phone in front of Teacher Yu's eyes, and quietly read what information was on it.

It's Fang Xiao's: what's the progress with Mr. Yu~~~

Luo Lin Yuan did not intend to return, Yu Han caught his little gesture, Luo Lin Yuan obediently removed his hand from the screen, and innocently spread it in front of Yu Han: "I didn't secretly play with my mobile phone. , there is information, it keeps shaking, my legs are itchy."

Yu Han glanced at him with a half-smile half-smile, but instead of answering, he stretched out his hand and asked Lorraine Yuan for the papers.

Luo Linyuan suddenly raised his hand and pressed his body: "What reward will I get if I make progress?"

Yu Han squeezed the paper: "What progress, final exam?"

Lorraine pursed his breath and said, "How long will it take? There are still two months before the final exam."

Yu Han said: "The quiz next week is too rushed? You have only been studying for a few days, and your progress has not been so fast."

Lorraine said far from reconciliation: "Then give me a few more days, three days a week is not enough."

Yu Han asked Lorraine to talk to his father to see if he wanted to take a day off on weekends for tutoring, on Saturdays and Sundays, and he could make up for more, such as an entire afternoon or evening.

Yu Han asked him again: "What reward do you want?"

Luo Linyuan said: "I didn't think about it, I'll talk about it later."

Yu Han said very presciently: "I won't agree to an excessive request."

Lorraine Yuan subconsciously said: "You are such a freshman, can I force you to do what you don't want to do?"

Yu Han hummed suspiciously, and his tone was prolonged: "You mean this matter is also related to physical contact?"

Lorraine Yuan's cheeks burst red: "What are you talking about! Who said it was physical contact!"

Yu Han quickly corrected his papers, without raising his head: "It's fine."

Luo Linyuan felt that something was wrong. This was wrong, and he realized that his thoughts were true. It was also true that he had thoughts about Yu Han. Do you know?

But it's impossible for him to ask, do you know that I like you?

After sending Yu Han away, Luo Linyuan called Luo Ting. Luo Ting was on a business trip abroad and had a jet lag with him. When he picked up the arc, his voice was exhausted, as if he was taken out of his sleep by him. wake up.

Luo Lin Yuan obediently called Dad, Luo Ting's voice was soft, not displeased by being awakened, and asked him what was wrong, did he cause some trouble?

Lorraine complained in a low voice that he was in trouble, he was calling for business. He wanted to discuss with Luo Ting to make up the extra time. He felt that Yu Han taught him very well, and he was expected to be admitted to a key university in the college entrance examination.

Luo Ting was amused by him, saying that he was so inflated after only three days of class, and the cows were blowing so loudly, was it because he played well with Yu Han and wanted to play with others for longer To add class.

Lorraine raised her tone: "Dad! How can you say that, we didn't play, Mr. Yu gave me a lecture very seriously."

After the toughness is over, then the softer, Luo Linyuan held the mobile phone, and even though the person on the other end of the phone could not see it, he smiled to please: "If I can go to a key university, you will take me out with a lot of face. There is light."

Luo Ting repeatedly said okay, and then told him: "Your mother is at home, you can ask her about this."

Luo Lin was silent from afar, Luo Ting seemed to understand his silence: "Your mother is just a little more temperamental. If you are afraid of her staying away from her, the two of you will only become more estranged."

Luo Ting comforted him: "I know I have wronged you, far away, you are a good child, you take care of mother for father."

Luo Ting would occasionally show a little bit of friendship for Lin Shu on the phone. When two adults confronted each other, they always had a lot of trouble.

Of course Luo Linyuan wanted to get close to Lin Shu. He came to this world by being connected to her umbilical cord. His blood was full of instinct to be close to his mother.

But day after day, year after year, he finally had only fear for Lin Shu. He had long since lost the confidence that Lin Shu must love him.

Control your emotions.

Because of illness, Lin Shu missed many artistic opportunities, and the period of time she stopped writing seriously affected her creative level.

In the end, Lin Shu couldn't help but regard Lorraine Yuan as the source of her suffering. She still loved him, but she just found the wrong way.

Lorraine believed everything except that she still loved him.

Lorraine was lying on the bed far away, sighing sadly, he took out his mobile phone and chatted with Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao said that there is an urban game on Sunday, he has been practicing for a while, and let Lorraine go to watch the game.

Luo Linyuan: "This week? Ah, I wanted to make up lessons with Teacher Yu this weekend."

Fang Xiao: "Don't ask, Teacher Yu is not available."

Lorraine Yuan: "How do you know?"

Fang Xiao: "Mr. Yu has to compete with us. How can you help you make up for the class?"

Luo Linyuan was shocked to death, he wanted to say how Yu Han spent time doing so many things every day?

Thinking of Luo Ting's instructions on the phone just now, Luo Lin left the room and walked to the kitchenette. The cook is a local, forty-five years old. Her name is Zhang Li. Luo Lin Yuan used to call her Mrs. Zhang.

Sister Zhang is watching TV in the living room. She sometimes stays on the first floor at night, lest Luo Linyuan or Lin Shu find her when they want to eat. The worker's room was still far away, and it was troublesome for her to rush back and forth.

When Luo Linyuan came down the stairs, Mrs. Zhang watched TV and smiled happily. Seeing Luo Linyuan, she hurriedly got up: "Why did the young master come down, do you want to eat something? ?"

Luo Linyuan shook his head: "Did Mommy have dinner tonight?"

Sister Zhang sighed: "Where does Madam have anything to eat, young master, you should also persuade Madam, how can you fill your stomach with tobacco and alcohol, if you consume it every day, your body will not be able to ah."

Lorraine Yuan's face flashed with worry, he said, "Then you cook something she likes, and I'll bring it to her."

Half an hour later, Lorraine sent a bowl of noodles to the studio from the far end. He knocked on the door first, and then pushed the door when he heard a sound. The studio was filled with smoke, as if Lin Shu had burned ten packs of cigarettes in it.

He looked at the ashtray next to Lin Shu, it was indeed full of cigarette butts.

Lin Shu smeared paint on the paper with a paintbrush. He rarely looked at the door. When he saw him, he looked at what he was holding in his hand: "Don't eat, take it."

Lorraine put it down and went to open the window again, enduring the itching from the smoke in the chest cavity, he said: "Mom, eat a little, Mrs. Zhang said you didn't eat anything today."

Lin Shu didn't speak, and Luo Linyuan continued to persuade her: "Dad also let me take good care of you."

These words obviously angered Lin Shu, she smiled sarcastically: "He is used to acting in front of you and taking care of him, and he wishes I gave up this position early so that he can pick someone else home. "

Luo Linyuan immediately refuted Lin Shu: "No! It's not like this, Dad has no one else."

Lin Shu fell silent, she looked at Lorraine Yuan, raised her hand and beckoned him over.

Luo Lin Yuan endured the fear in his heart and walked over. Lin Shu reached out and touched his face, his fingertips were cold, and his eyes were equally cold: "I'm all for you."

There was a cruel smile on her lips: "You should thank me, how many people want to be the young master of the Luo family."

Lorraine Yuan's eyes burst into tears: "It's not because of me, you don't even know that I can't smell smoke!"

He pushed Lin Shu's hand away and ran out of the room like he was running away. He kept coughing and gasping for breath.

He clutched his aching chest, took out his mobile phone, and with tears in his eyes, he unexpectedly wanted to call Yu Han. It's not that he wanted to complain, but at this time, he especially wanted to hear Yu Han's voice.

I want to hear it again when Yu Han blocked him behind Lin Shu and said softly to him, next time I will make you less spicy fish.

Read The Duke's Passion