MTL - Close to You-Chapter 124

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Lin Shu did not stay in City C for too long, she has her own life abroad.

After Lorraine was cured, he invited Yu Han and Lorraine to have a meal. When Yu Han went to checkout, Lin Shu took out a velvet box from his bag.

Inside is a necklace, women's style, with an emerald hanging on it, Lin Shu said, "Keep it and give it to whoever you want."

Lorraine Yuan: "What is this?"

Lin Shu: "Ancestral things."

Lin Shu also said that he would not let him give things to his object. She has not been able to adapt to the fact that her son has found a boyfriend, and maybe she will get married in the future.

She watched Lorraine take the box carefully, he was carrying the box, the corners of his mouth curved into a brilliant arc, how childish.

Lin Shu couldn't help but feel a little dazed, memories flooded out, and he could only stop abruptly, so as not to fall into such a sensibility and say or make a shameful expression.

Yu Han is back and wants to drive the two of them back.

Lin Shu said no, she had to go directly to the airport, the flight at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Assistant Xiao Ran has packed her luggage and waited at the airport, she can just take a taxi to the airport now.

Yu Han was surprised that she made a hasty decision, and subconsciously glanced at Luo Linyuan, paying attention to his reaction, for fear that he would be sad.

Lin Shu saw it in his eyes, and was satisfied. The two young people have feelings for each other, just take care of each other.

It's better than her and Luo Ting, after so many years of entanglement, and finally nothing.

Lin Shu had already called a car, and Yu Han and Luo Linyuan accompanied her and waited at the door of the restaurant.

When the car came, Lin Shu said not to send it, then stuffed a check into Lorraine Yuan's pocket, and got on the car without looking back.

Lorraine Yuan didn't even have time to refuse, he just took it out of his pocket and looked at the car that was walking away.

Yu Han stretched out his arms and put his arms around his shoulders, Luo Linyuan took the check, blinked the wetness in his eyes, and smiled: "I didn't expect her to be like this..." Like every one Like Chinese parents.

Because I was worried, I came to see the child, and gave the child a sum of money before leaving.

It's just that the amount Lin Shu gave was too large, more than the amount of start-up capital that was called to him at the beginning.

The phone rang, Luo Linyuan took it out and looked at it, Lin Shu said on the message, tell him to use it well, if you really want to get married, you can't be rude to Yu Han, it should be money out.

This is really not like what Lin Shu would say. In Lorraine Yuan's heart, Lin Shu is an artist who doesn't eat human fireworks.

Don't worry about this kind of thing, usually even basic human affairs accidents are handled by Xiao Ran for her.

Lorraine Yuan said that money is not needed, he has.

Lin Shu: Then take it as my pocket money.

Lin Shu: That’s it, I’m going to board the plane soon, so I won’t tell you.

It was not long before I got on the bus, and I didn't arrive at the airport, so I was about to board the plane. Lorraine was far from debunking this obvious lie, and accepted it together with Lin Shu's thoughts.

He stuffed the ancestral jade in the car to Yu Han, Yu Han opened it, he was stunned, Luo Linyuan smiled and said: "My mother asked me to give you the family heirloom, and accepted me The treasure is mine."

Yu Han touched the jadeite, carefully closed the box, and planned to go back and put it in the safe: "I was originally yours."

Yu Han later discovered that what he wants to do now must be discussed with Luo Linyuan first. He originally planned to take leave, abduct people to the United States, and get married.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the itinerary was planned, Luo Linyuan led Yuyuan's children to go to Guilin to participate in activities for a week, killing all Yu Han's plans in the abdomen.

Luo Linyuan has moved to Yu Han's house and lived together. Before going to Guilin, he clearly felt that Yu Han was in a bad mood.

Before coming back, I had to be cowardly. I secretly called home and it was Tao Yuan who answered.

Yu Yuan repeated Yu Han's day's itinerary, going to work, eating, going home and sleeping, and said, "I think you should call Dad yourself."

Lorraine Yuan: "Your father seems unhappy."

Yuan Yuan learned the lines from the TV series: "Oh, he's not happy, you just coax him."

Recently, Aunt Liang fell in love with watching a family ethics drama, and Taro Yuan watched it together, and she had to memorize her lines.

Children learn things fast, and they learned the tone of mother-in-law in the TV series very well, which is very funny.

Tao Yuan said seriously: "Come back quickly, I've grown taller again. You didn't see my height yesterday."

Lorraine's heart melted, and he praised him: "It's awesome."

Actually, Lorraine is far from knowing why Yu Han is angry. He coaxed Yu Han for a long time on the night of departure, saying that he must go on business trips in the future. Yu Han must get used to it. will get used to it.

Yu Han pulled him under him and kissed his lips swollen.

Until the day before he flew back from Guilin, he checked the cancelled air ticket order on his mobile phone, and there was a flight to the United States.

He hasn't made an appointment. The person who made the appointment is someone who knows his ID card, and there is no one except Yu Han.

Lorraine only knew from afar what Yu Han was so stuffy about. The surprise was lost by him, I can't say it yet, of course, he was very angry.

As soon as he got off the plane and left his luggage at Yuyuan, he went to the mall. When he came back, he deliberately didn't tell Yu Han, and wanted to give Yu Han a surprise.

How can I know that when I was in the mall, I really hit a "surprise". Luo Ting took a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old student to buy shoes in the mall.

Luo Linyuan looked at Luo Tingyuan, Luo Ting looked at Luo Linyuan in surprise, until the child beside him broke the stalemate, quiet and strange situation: "Dad, is it someone you know?"

Lorraine looked at the boy from a distance and called Luo Ting's father. He couldn't tell if he looked like him, but he should look more like him as a fake.

He felt like a knife made of ice was inserted into his heart, stabbing and hurting, and a little aggrieved.

I couldn't hold back, I'm obviously an adult, but my eyelids are still red. Luo Lin Yuan lowered his eyes, plucked up his courage and stepped forward, pressing his voice: "Mr. Luo, long time no see, how are you recently?"

Luo Ting looked at him silently, and the boy beside him yanked his sleeve: "Dad."

Luo Ting was like returning to his senses: "Go and buy something to eat and wait for me."

The boy reluctantly took the card and left, Luo Linyuan kept staring at the ground, waiting for Luo Ting's answer.

He thought that if Luo Ting wanted to get angry and drove him back to the United States, he would not agree. He used to have nothing, but now he has everything, Yu Han, home, Yu Yuan, and friends.

I waited for a long time before I heard Luo Ting's voice. He said, "When will you be back?"

Lorraine Yuan: "It's been almost two years since I came back..."

Luo Ting: "What are you doing now?"

Lorraine raised her eyes in panic, and lowered her eyes again: "Open a child care institution."

Luo Ting looked at him deeply: "I'm thinner and taller."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Lin Yuan shed a string of tears. He quickly wiped away the tears with the back of his hand: "I'm sorry."

Luo Ting: "Why do you apologize?"

Lorraine Yuan: "I thought you didn't want to see me, but I came back secretly."

Luo Ting smiled helplessly, more like a sigh: "I'll be back when I come back, you don't need to be so nervous, no one will trouble you, don't worry."

Luo Ting didn't say much in the end, the boy went back and returned, holding Luo Ting's hand: "Dad, I'm bored sitting alone, come here quickly."

Lorraine Yuan rushed to him and bent over: "Then I'll go first."

Luo Ting replied, they didn't exchange phone numbers, Luo Ting watched Luo Lin walk away, the boy beside him grabbed his sleeve and asked, "Who is that?"

Luo Ting said absentmindedly: "That's your brother."

He lowered his eyes, hiding the tears that glittered inside.

In these years, Luo Ting has not seen Luo Linyuan at all, Luo Linyuan will never know, when he graduated, Luo Ting actually attended, just watching him from a distance With Lin Shu, the trustee sent a bunch of flowers, watching the child hold Lin Shu in his arms, and let others take his graduation photo.

It was a frame that he could no longer insert and would not have a place in the photo.

Luo Ting said: "Let's go, don't you want to eat?"

Lorraine turned his head not far away, watched Luo Ting take the boy away, and said silently, "Dad, I'm glad to see you again."

In the end he bought a pair of rings, the best he could afford. When sizing, he also took out a small note from his pocket and made two marks with a pencil on it.

After Yu Han fell asleep, he used a note to measure the size of Yu Han's ring finger.

It was custom-made before leaving, and now you can get it.

Two rings cost him half his fortune. Carrying this precious thing, I also bought flowers. Who knew that when he got home, the house was dark, and no one was there.

Luo Linyuan called Yu Han, but couldn't get through. She called Aunt Liang. Aunt Liang said on the phone that they would play at the beach and spend the night here.

Lorraine was far from expecting to be left behind: "Where's Yu Han?"

Aunt Liang: "We all thought you would come back tomorrow, and Mr.

Lorraine Yuan put down the phone, went to take a bath, and was busy all night. Looking at the time, two hours passed, and there was no one at home.

Get used to the feeling of someone at home, now it's empty, and being stimulated by the boy's father beside Luo Ting in the afternoon, Luo Linyuan felt an indescribable sense of loneliness in his heart.

Luo Linyuan turned on the TV, and usually he would watch TV with Aunt Liang. Those channels that he finds interesting, tonight, without exception, can't be watched.

Have checked the phone repeatedly, Yu Han should know that he is back, why is there no phone call, are you still angry?

Unconsciously, Lorraine stayed on the sofa until he fell asleep, until the sound of the door woke him up.

He rubbed his eyes. In the candlelight, Liang Yuyuan was wearing cartoon cat ears, Yu Han was holding a bunch of flowers, and Aunt Liang was holding a cake with candles.

Lorraine stared blankly at the group of people at the door, stupid. Fang Xiao and Tao Qing stuck their heads out from behind their heads, Fang Xiao waved at Lorraine Yuan: "Hi, Xiao Yuan, although it's late, happy birthday!"

The little bear also came, smiled at him and said happy birthday to the principal.

It's been almost a month and a half since Lorraine's birthday, have you made it up at this time?


Filled up and got busy.

Luo Lin Yuan stood up and said softly: "What, I thought you guys left me to play by myself."

Still have to celebrate, far from being an adult."

Yu Han came over and pushed Han Zhui: "Don't hold so tightly, mine."

Han Zhui laughed: "I know it's yours, so let go."

Lorraine Yuan blew out the candle to the cheers and Happy Birthday, then turned on the light. The room was bright, Aunt Liang took out the hot pot ingredients that had been prepared in the refrigerator for a long time, and a bunch of people made a hot pot at home.

After eating hot pot, Lorraine cut the cake far away, and Fang Xiao wiped his face before taking a bite.

There are a lot of people together, he can't say he is unhappy.

You gave me a surprise, luckily it's my birthday."

Yu Han: "Don't like it?"

Lorraine Yuan: "I like it, it scared me to death, I thought it was a marriage proposal."

Yu Han: "Huh?"

Luo Linyuan: "I am most afraid of proposing marriage in public. What is in the witness of relatives and friends, kissing and hugging, kneeling to offer flowers, and being filmed, my scalp tingles when I think about it."

Yu Han's body seemed to be stiff, Luo Linyuan said again: "But if it's just a birthday celebration, I'm very happy, thank you for helping me make up for this birthday."

Han Zhui called him outside, Luo Lin Yuan was about to turn around when Yu Han grabbed his hand tightly.

He turned around inexplicably, and saw Yu Han's whole face blushing: "Don't go out."

Lorraine Yuan: "Huh?"

Yu Han: "Don't come out yet, wait until I tell you to come out."

He pushed Lorraine far into the room with his backhand, closed the door, and went out by himself.

Just listening to the crackling of a small **** outside, the sound of streamers, music, and even a violin and guitar.

It seems that a bunch of people walked in with a rumble, making noise, and I heard Yu Han chasing people.

Gradually, the movement became smaller and smaller, Yu Han came to knock on the door, Luo Linyuan opened the door carefully, there was no one outside, only the ribbons and balloons all over the floor, and the living room The pile of flowers can tell what happened outside just now.

Luo Linyuan finally realized what happened, he looked at Yu Han, whose cheeks were flushed, and he had not cooled down until now: "Birthday is an excuse, you want to beg... propose?"

Yu Han pursed his lips and nodded, as if a little annoyed: "You don't like it."

Lorraine can't wait to slap himself: "No, no, I don't like it!"

He looked at the flowers in the room and couldn't help but want to laugh: "How did you find so many flowers."

A closer look reveals that he bought all the flowers that only bloom in spring.

Lorraine Yuan turned his head, Yu Han had walked behind him and looked at him deeply: "Far."

Until this moment finally came, Luo Linyuan realized that he was far from being as calm as he thought, and his heart almost jumped out, staring at Yu Han, holding his breath, waiting for what he would say next if.

Yu Han: "You always say that I am your spring."

"You are also for me. No..." He shook his head and smiled slightly: "You are the sun, the moon, the stars."

"All the bright things are you." For him, it was the light that shone into life, which fell in unintentionally and never left.

Yu Han took a step back, knelt down on one knee, and took out the ring: "Although it is old-fashioned, I still have to say, far away, are you willing to stay with me for a lifetime?"

Lorraine resisted the enthusiasm in his eyes and nodded vigorously.

He also took out the ring from his pocket: "I bought it too, you see, there are two pairs..."

Yu Han looked at the ring in his hand, dumbfounded for a long time, they both looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

At this time, a voice came from behind the door: "Two rings can be worn, one for the left hand and one for the right."

It's Fang Xiao's voice.

"Shut up, they all heard." Tao Qing was talking.

"Yu Han's love words don't work, they all say what I teach." Han Zhui said.

"It's too nauseous as you teach." Little Bear inserted his knife.

Suddenly a wedding march started, and it was the invited band.

There was a lot of noise outside, and Lorraine couldn’t pretend that he didn’t exist anymore, so he had to open the door and let people in. He was watched by the whole marriage proposal, and was still videotaped.

A group of people made trouble until midnight, almost complained by the neighbors, and when they finally sent them away, everyone congratulated them, making it like a bridal chamber, Luo Lin was ashamed to death, Yu Han This will be very calm, anyway, Lorraine is far away from him, and he is in a good mood.

What's more, what they said was very agreeable to him.

After the others were gone, Taro Yuan was sleeping in the room, Aunt Liang tidying up the house, Luo Linyuan and Yu Han were leaning on the reclining chairs on the balcony, Luo Linyuan played with Yu Han's fingers and looked up 's ring.

Luo Linyuan talked about the old things and the first meeting, and he was a little sour: "Look at you, the first time we met, you were kissing someone else."

Yu Han said, "Who told you that was the first time we met?"

Luo Linyuan looked confused, Yu Han looked at him and smiled.

Probably when they first entered military training, someone in Yu Han's team fainted from heat stroke. Yu Han carried the person to the infirmary and asked the doctor. After confirming that nothing happened, Yu Han got up and walked out.

Halfway through, someone hooked her little finger.

The boy said: "Xiao Er, I'm thirsty, can you buy me a bottle of Coke?"

Yu Han wanted to pull out his hand, but his tail finger was pinched, and he shook it like a spoiled child: "Coke..."

The boy's tail is long and a little nasal, which is simply overwhelming.

Yu Han didn't say anything, he took out his hand, went out, and came back with a bottle of Coke in his hand.

The boy who was chasing and acting like a spoiled boy had already taken off his hat, revealing a face flushed with heat, with long eyelashes, delicate facial features, and unbelievably delicacy.

The boy fell asleep. He was by the window, and a small spot of light happened to fall on the tip of his nose, which made him wrinkle his nose uncomfortably.

He swept to the position of the boy's chest, where the student name tag was hanging.

It is three characters, called Lorraine Yuan.

Yu Han was about to leave, but found that his shoelaces had fallen off, so he squatted down to tie it.

Even the beds in the infirmary are not sound.

Yu Han wanted to stretch out his hand to support him, but he got too close, and he didn't have a good posture, so his lips rubbed against something soft.

He was stunned, then looked at the boy on the bed. The boy fell asleep, and Xu felt his mouth tickled in a dream, and even licked it.

Yu Han pushed the person back to the bed, touched his mouth and wondered for a long time.

Finally, choose to tie your shoelaces and leave.

Yu Han never thought that his first kiss was actually given to a boy he didn't know.

Although it's just an accident, it's not a stranger.

He knew his name was Lorraine Yuan, he knew what he looked like, and he was just like him, a freshman in military training in the first year of high school.

But Lorraine was far from knowing him.

At that time, they didn't have the opportunity or opportunity to know each other, but later, when Yu Han was in school, he would always see Lorraine Yuan.

Watch him follow his friends, play around, watch him be afraid of heat and sun, always hide in the shadows.

They were strangers, strangers who had kissed.

I once passed by, boys are very fragrant, unlike other boys, they all smell of sweat.

When he was a sophomore in high school, he heard someone shouting behind him, and the one in front stopped.

Yu Han turned around and saw the boy named Luo Linyuan running towards him with a smile, passed him, and came to the others.

Yu Han stood there for a while, wondering if he was infected with a smile, and couldn't help laughing.

The faint sweetness in the air belongs to Lorraine Yuan.

Perfect for that summer.

He thought, this boy named Lorraine Yuan is quite good-looking when he smiles.

Like the sun, how bright.

End of the text.