MTL - Close to You-Chapter 113

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They didn't do it that night, Lorraine couldn't bear it, and the location was not suitable.

Yu Han's question, Luo Linyuan answered him, since Yu Han knows that he has changed his surname, it is meaningless to hide it.

He explained lightly: "You know, they didn't have a good relationship when I was in high school. They divorced when I was in college, and I went with my mother."

Yu Han was silent for a while, then asked: "Why did you talk to your mother?"

Luo Lin was lying on Yu Han's lap far away, pulling the other's fingers to play: "At that time, I was young and couldn't live without my mother, wouldn't the children follow my mother, it's normal. "

Yu Han: "I thought you had a better relationship with your dad."

Luo Linyuan smiled and said, "If you don't say that mother and son are connected, I still stand by my mother at the critical moment."

Yu Han: "Then why did you hide it from me?"

Luo Linyuan pretended to be innocent, intertwined his fingers with Yu Han, brought them over and kissed them: "I didn't lie to you, did you make a mistake."

There is really no evidence, the interruption of the little bear may be an accident, and the kick of Han Chai under the table may have other reasons. He stared at Lorraine Yuan's eyes and couldn't tell whether it was true or false.

Yu Han: "Even if they get divorced, your father wouldn't leave you alone like this, right?"

The only child of the Tangtang Luo family, who doesn't inherit the family business, is this a kindergarten institution?

Lorraine sat up far away and rubbed his hair: "I went with my mother, and I'm **** again..." Having said this, he felt it was out of place, and he took a peek at Yu Han: " Oops, anyway, my dad was so angry at me that he didn't bother to care about me."

Luo Linyuan: "Actually, this is fine. If I'm still in the Luo family, I might be packaged and sent to a political marriage. Isn't it good now?"

He couldn't sit still, got up and stepped on his slippers to turn over drinks. There is a small refrigerator in his principal's office. Teachers like to stuff cold summer fruits here: "What do you want to drink?"

Yu Han: "If you don't drink it, don't drink too much iced drink."

Lorraine closed the refrigerator door reluctantly, Yu Han said, "Let's go, I'll take you home."

Yu Han's car had already been driven back by a driver, saying that it was just a taxi to take Lorraine home.

In the taxi, two people sit on one side with a distance in the middle.

There was a driver, and it was hard to speak. Luo Linyuan asked the female teachers about their arrival in the group, went to the parent group to celebrate today's success, and sent a group red envelope.

When he was busy, he looked aside.

The street lamp fell bright yellow in the middle of the seat, Yu Han's hand seemed to rest on it unintentionally, palm up, and spread out his five fingers relaxedly.

Lorraine was so blessed that he quickly stretched out his hand, held it, and buckled it.

A gust of enthusiasm ran straight from his ear to his cheeks, obviously they were two adults, but they seemed to be those two high school students who secretly fell in love, only daring to be in the dark, in a taxi , quietly held hands, no one knew they were in love.

We have a long journey on weekdays, but in a flash, even before the rapid heartbeat has calmed down, we have arrived.

It wasn't until he stood on the side of the street and the car was far away that he asked, "Aren't you going home?"

Yu Han took him: "Go to your house."

The tone of voice was firm and natural, which made Luo Linyuan start to think about how messy his room was, whether it was too messy to entertain people, is Yu Han going to sleep tonight, his little bed is stuffed The next two grown men?

The apartment where Lorraine lives far away is located in the second ring road, in the old city, there is no elevator, and the rent is expensive.

But there is no way, he can't live too far from Yuyuan.

Climbing up to a height of six floors, Luo Linyuan has never been able to get used to it. He turned back and panted to look at Yu Han: "I live a little high, isn't it tiring."

Yu Han patted him on the back: "Fortunately, don't pant so hard, breathe through your nose."

This place is too small, only about thirty square meters.

Luo Lin Yuan asked Yu Han to put on his slippers, then went to the kitchen to pour water.

He came out with a water cup, and saw Yu Han smoking his album on the edge of the bookcase.

Lorraine Yuan's heart stopped in fright, he walked over in a hurry, and almost knocked over the water: "Don't look!"

As soon as Yu Han stopped, he didn't open it, Luo Lin Yuan had already gone straight to his side, and he didn't dare to grab it, so he looked at him pitifully: "It's not good-looking, it's too shameful, don't Look."

Seeing how he begged and refused to let him see it, it was another little secret.

Where does this person come from so many little secrets.

Yu Han put the painting back, first apologized for his flipping behavior, he didn't mean it, and looked down at his watch, thinking it was time to go home.

Yu Han knew that he was not too arrogant, but it was a secret that adults have.

Not to mention a special couple like them who only reunited after many years.

He shoved the album back into place, but was stopped by one hand. Lorraine Yuan's palm is delicate and has few lines, not like a young master's hand that he has done a lot of rough work. Even now, it is just as beautiful to be born,

Luo Linyuan shoved the album into Yu Han's hands, his cheeks flushed: "Why do you say sorry, I just think..."

He didn't say what he felt, and he was a little anxious to see if Yu Han could hold it or not. He just couldn't see Yu Han's unfamiliar complexion just now, his polite manner, clearly saying sorry, but it made him feel extremely sad.

What is there to be sorry for? Being so polite to him seems to have eased the close relationship, and was set aside another hundred and eight thousand miles away.

Yu Han asked him: "Can I turn it over?"

The album is full of various figures, including silhouettes, backs, and hands. The date marked at the bottom was drawn several years ago.

Then fell silent at the back, obviously recognizing that the people inside were themselves.

He turned forward abruptly, and re-read the partial close-ups: "These... are all me?"

Look at the date, after the breakup.

Lorraine sat on the bed to drink water and refused to answer.

Yu Han finished flipping through the entire album and set the date. It was the second year of the breakup, and Luo Linyuan painted a whole book of him.

Intervals are intermittent, sometimes I don't paint for a month, sometimes I paint him all day.

Yu Han couldn't tell what mood he was in. He was shocked, throbbing, incredible, incomprehensible.

The painting in his hand was pulled away by Lorraine Yuan, his face was held upright, Lorraine Yuan frowned, and whispered for mercy: "It's not good-looking. Please don't look at it. Listen, why are you looking at this, look at me."

He kissed Yu Han's eyelid, trying to get away with acting like a spoiled child.

Luo Linyuan still had water on his lips, coolly covering Yu Han's eyelids.

Yu Han said in a hoarse voice: "Lorraine is far."

Lorraine responded softly.

Yu Han: "Why did you break up with me?"

This question completely dissipated the ambiguous atmosphere between the two of them. Luo Linyuan frowned and said, "Do you have to say this?"

Yu Han did not speak, and looked at his face sternly, as if trying to see any flaws in his face.

Lorraine was relieved, sat on the bed, and pinched his fingers: "At that time, you also knew... something happened at school, and I couldn't go back to continue studying."

Lorraine Yuan: "And my family asked me to go abroad, I agreed."

He raised his eyes and smiled helplessly at Yu Han: "I don't want to be so far away, so..."

Yu Han: "So you just broke up with me with a text message, and you don't even want to say it face to face?"

The reason why the past is the past is that it can't be said, can't be touched.

Lorraine is far from a thousand words, and they can't be said, and finally stuck in the throat, turning into a powerless sorry.

Yu Han stood silently on the spot, his whole body was terrifying. Lorraine didn't dare to touch him, and just sat on the bed with his head raised, his face turned pale, not sure if it was illuminated by the light.

His voice couldn't be softer, his posture was very low, and he repeated: "I'm sorry, don't be angry."

In the silence, Yu Han laughed abruptly. He covered his face and shook his head, revealing only a pair of eyes with pain. He said, "It's okay, it's just that I think too much."

I always thought that there would be some reason, I always thought that Lorraine would not give up easily.

In fact, they just encountered insurmountable difficulties in life, their relationship was exposed, and one of them could not bear the pressure and left. There's no special reason, it's just that he thinks too much.

Laughing is laughing, laughing at myself, and laughing at himself.

Lorraine went away to grab Yu Han's hand, the tentacles were cold, Yu Han did not break away from him, and did not shake back, only said: "No need to apologize."

There is really nothing to apologize for. It was Lorraine Yuan who suffered malice back then, not him. In fact, he prefers to be him. Maybe the ending will be different.

Yu Han looked back at him: "What are you afraid of?"

Lorraine Yuan: "I'm afraid you will be angry with me."

Yu Han: "I'm not angry."

Lorraine was far from believing it, he stepped forward and put his arms around his waist, burying his face in the man's neck: "Then will you come to class tomorrow?"

Yu Han: "Not necessarily, I'm very busy."

He looked at his hand: "He said he was not angry, and he refused to hold me."

The next day, Yu Han went to class, and let the secretary put the work schedule in the daytime. Find another partner.

The secretary asked him: "Where are you going at night? Are you in such a hurry to catch a schedule?"

Yu Han signed the document without raising his head: "Find a wife and children."

Secretary: "…"

Although it was Yu Hanxian who ignored him last night and slapped his face, today I arrived at Huiyuan, but found that the monk had run away, leaving only the temple of Yuyuan.

Ask the acting principal, Xiaoxiong, who was surprised: "The principal went to the mountain to teach, don't you know?"

At this time, Lorraine Yuan, hundreds of kilometers away in the mountainous area, woke up and was dumbfounded by the notification that the SMS failed to send.

The matter of going to volunteer teaching was a temporary decision. In the middle of the night last night, Chen Qing called him and said that the child had a high fever in the middle of the night and had a sudden outbreak of pneumonia. She could not leave. Cancel.

Chen Qing has experience in this area, and took Lorraine Yuan once a year ago, so now only the experienced Lorraine Yuan can take the class and go to the mountain to teach for a week.

So he got up in the middle of the night to book the bus ticket, packed his luggage, and went to Mr. Chen's house to bring the painting stationery he had already bought.

Today, I had to count the account of yesterday's charity sale, so as to fill in the expenses of stationery. This work can only be entrusted to Little Bear.

The lover sent a WeChat message and fell asleep again.

How do you know when you arrive at your destination, it is surrounded by mountains and the signal is extremely poor.

Lorraine Yuan changed into a minibus, then took a motorcycle, and finally arrived in the mountains.

Children still remember him, he was very enthusiastic, he let an older child distribute stationery and picture books, and began to use his mobile phone to look for signals everywhere.

After searching for nearly half an hour, I finally gave up. This is a serious mountain and old forest. Not to mention the signal, even if you want to supply, you have to drive a motorcycle for three hours and go to the town down the mountain to buy it.

There are only a few motorcycles in the village, and they will only be dispatched when necessary. There are no young people in this village anymore, they all go out to work, only a bunch of left-behind children and old people.

The middle-aged uncle who drives a motorcycle is very busy. Although he is very grateful to Lorraine Yuan for coming to teach him and is very enthusiastic about him, Lorraine Yuan can't ask people to send him to town because of this. , just to get through the family phone.

, not as good as Huawei.

He thought of Yu Han, Yuyuan, and the children in the class. A little girl in the mountain area, dressed in beautiful clothes that were only worn during the Chinese New Year, with two braids, leaned over regularly, gave him a freshly baked sweet potato, and said softly to the teacher to eat.

Luo Lin Yuan couldn't think of anything, only thought that the girl in front of her was too cute, and the children here are very good.

The environment is not good, the weather in the mountains is very cold at night. Lorraine could only wet a towel with water and wipe it on his body. After a week, he was so dirty and itchy all over his body that he couldn't help it, so he took a cold shower and washed his head.

The end of the pretentious thing is that one day before the teaching, he became ill, his nose was blocked, and he coughed again and again.

He thinks he is much stronger. After all, she didn't get sick after sleeping with Yu Han, but she did get sick after taking a cold shower.

Holding a tissue, he almost blew his nose. He coughed, affixed safflower to the child, and wore a mask and gloves. Tears kept coming.

I heard someone calling him and pulled his mask off.

Luo Linyuan opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at Yu Han in front of him, froze for a while, and said hoarsely: "Why did I dream of you."

Yu Han in front of him asked him: "Sick?"

Lorraine Yuan blinked, tears streaming down his cheeks.

He was just the physiological tears that came out of pure discomfort, but he didn't know this fragile appearance, which made the aggressive family in front of him at a loss, and his heart softened for the most part.

Lorraine Yuan: "Well, I'm sick and uncomfortable."

Yu Han: "Let's go."

Lorraine Yuan: "Where?"

Yu Han: "I'll take you home."

Lorraine relied on himself to dream, and hummed: "You can't walk, you have to kiss and hug."

Yu Han said with a smile: "Are you naive?"

Lorraine Yuan: "In front of someone you like, childishness is fun."

Yu Han: "How to kiss and hug?"

Lorraine Yuan's mind was a mess: "Kissing the mouth, it's a dream anyway, it's not contagious."

Yu Han approached him and bit his mouth hard, causing Lorraine to wake up. At this time, a little girl called out: "Uncle, teacher, the village chief asked me to bring you meals."

Lorraine sat up abruptly, rubbed his sour eyes, and touched Yu Han again: "Hot, alive, really!"

He sent out three consecutive sighs, the child brought the food, Yu Han smiled and said thank you, and the little girl ran away ashamed.

Luo Linyuan finally realized that Yu Han in front of him was a big living person, and screamed violently, making his throat hurt.

He covered his face with his hands and collapsed: "Don't look!"

Yu Han broke his hand: "What are you doing?"

Lorraine Yuan: "I'm ugly and dirty now."

Yu Han coaxed him: "It's not dirty, come and eat."

Lorraine put his hand down half-consciously, and while Yu Han was bringing him food, he glanced at himself on the front camera of the mobile phone.

Lorraine Yuan: "..." Who is this swollen, haggard and ugly pig head.

It's hard for Yu Han to kiss her again, it's true love.

The food in the mountains is rudimentary, and Luo Lin devoured most of it whole, and then asked, "Why are you here?"

Yu Han said seriously: "Come and care for the children in the mountains."

He glanced at Lorraine Yuan: "And teacher."

Yu Han said: "I wanted to stay for a day before leaving, but you are ill, so you will leave tonight."

Lorraine was far from refuting, and obeyed obediently. Yu Han said, "Why didn't you contact me when you came here?"

Lorraine Yuan: "The signal here is not good, it's not intentional."

He took out his mobile phone and showed it to Yu Han, but the signal row couldn't even show an E.

Yu Han glanced at the phone and did not pursue it any further.

Lorraine Yuan said, "But I miss you."

"I thought when I saw the stars, I thought when I smelled the flowers, I thought when I received the first candy from the children."

"Yu Han, the sunrise here is beautiful. When I see the sun, I miss you very much."

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