MTL - Close to You-Chapter 104

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Luo Linyuan received a phone call while researching Yu Han's WeChat.

The caller was excited and said, Lorraine Yuan! Where did you go after so many years!

Lorraine almost choked on his saliva: "Who are you?"

The voice over there was higher: "You! You can't even recognize my voice."

After listening to this man complaining a few more words, Luo Linyuan finally recognized it: "Fang Xiao!"

Fang Xiao: "I know it's me!"

Since he called Tao Qing, he has been secretly expecting Fang Xiao to contact him. Let him take the initiative to contact, there is always a feeling of being close to the nostalgia.

After hearing Fang Xiao's voice, guilt surged into his heart instantly, he should contact the other party, a friend for so many years. He had nowhere to go back then, so Fang Xiao took him in.

It is also Fang Xiao who has always supported him in his sexuality. He is too selfish and only considers himself.

Luo Linyuan said solemnly: "Fang Xiao, I'm sorry." I haven't contacted you for so many years.

Fang Xiao scolded him a few more words, made an appointment with him, asked him to go to eat hot pot after get off work, just the two of them, drink some wine, and chat for a few years.

Lorraine agreed immediately, and even took a special leave for this purpose. He didn't dare to leave even when he was sick.

In the noisy hot pot restaurant, Luo Linyuan booked the box in advance to avoid the embarrassment of queuing. He arrived half an hour early and drank half a pot of tea in the meantime.

It wasn't until the waiter led someone in that he jumped up from his chair. Fang Xiao was quite mature, still wearing a suit, and rushed over after work.

As soon as his eyes fell on Luo Lin Yuan, his expression changed, causing Luo Lin Yuan, who had wanted to meet him, to stand at a loss, looking at his face, hesitantly said: " You don't really want to beat me, do you?"

Fang Xiao closed the box door with his backhand, folded his arms, his face was as black as Guan Gong.

Luo Linyuan gritted his teeth, thinking he would die: "Then beat it up, say it first, don't slap your face!"

Fang Xiao strode over, Luo Linyuan closed his eyes nervously, but he was hugged firmly, Fang Xiao hugged him hard, slapped his vest several times : "Bastard! Shit, hateful brat! You don't even call me when you come back! If my daughter-in-law called me today, would I have the whole city C to find you!"

Lorraine Yuan's eyes were hot: "I'm sorry." He said it again.

Fang Xiao pushed him away and said jealously, "Did you disappear into a wormhole and travel back through it? It's not a matter of hearing any news. How come you don't look old at all, and you still look like a high school! "

Lorraine touched his face: "born."

He looked carefully at Fang Xiao's face again: "Take care of the stubble, it doesn't look that much like a thirty-year-old."

Fang Xiao pouted: "You are only thirty years old, I call this a mature and attractive business man."

Lorraine Yuan said perfunctorily: "Yes yes yes."

The waiter came in with the pot, watching the two guests standing at the door pulling and pulling, hugging each other, expressionlessly: "Sir, borrow it, put the pot."

Fang Xiao sat next to him on the same side, leaving the door.

Lorraine was numb to him: "You sit opposite."

Fang Xiao: "No, I haven't seen you for so long, don't you want to see my face more?"

Luo Linyuan: "No, Fang did you become so tired after getting married."

Fang Xiao: "I don't have it."

The two of them looked at each other for a while, and laughed at the same time. The little brother in the hot pot restaurant who didn't get the point of their laughter, withdrew expressionlessly, opened the door, and waited for the dishes to be served. trouble.

Fang Xiao asked him where he had been over the years at the banquet. Lorraine was far from being too detailed, nor could he tell in detail. .

So he just said lightly: "I had an accident at that time, and my family asked me to go to the United States, so I went."

Fang Xiao: "You went to the United States, not outer space, why didn't you even tell me!"

Lorraine smiled bitterly and apologized. Seeing him like this, Fang Xiao couldn't bear to scold him any more: "Then you're back now, don't lose contact with me again. Make up for the red envelope of my marriage with Tao Qing first!"

Lorraine Yuan: "Absolutely make up."

Fang Xiao: "Bastard, originally my best man's position should be yours!"

Lorraine Yuan: "You got married too fast, but I promise, I must be the godfather of your child."

Fang Xiao: "That's a must!"

Lorraine Yuan: "By the way, don't tell your dad about my return."

Fang Xiao was stunned and didn't understand. Lorraine Yuan made an excuse: "I came back secretly behind my dad's back, and he thought I was abroad."

Fang Xiao: "Uncle won't let you come back? Why is this?!"

The dishes came one after another, Luo Linyuan put the brain flower in the pot, and then slipped the shrimp, thinking that Luo Ting didn't want him to come back, he was in City C, and he had to avoid it as much as possible Open Luo Ting.

The inability to contact Fang Xiao was partly due to the fact that the Fang family and the Luo family were very close back then, so it was inconvenient for him.

Fang Xiao didn't want to say anything when he saw him, and didn't ask much. In fact, he met Luo Linyuan and planned to talk about Yu Han, but Yu Han kept telling him not to talk that night after drinking. Before he went out, he deliberately talked with his daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law told him that since Yu Han didn't want Luo Linyuan to know about it, Yu Han also had his own concerns.

Fang Xiao: "He has a fart concern, how can he struggle with face if a man wants to chase after him."

Tao Qing calmly said: "What if Xiaoyuan doesn't like Yu Han anymore?"

Fang Xiao was suffocated by this guess. He wanted to say how it was possible, but he couldn't. It's not seven months, it's seven years, and there's still a seven-year itch. What's more, the young couple who broke up for seven years were still so young.

Tao Qing also makes sense.

If he hadn't known Yu Han for seven years, he wouldn't believe it, there would really be someone who has no hope of waiting for another person for so long.

Life is not a novel or a TV series.

Tao Qing said: "You suddenly told Xiaoyuan that Yu Han had waited for him for so long. Xiaoyuan obviously didn't like it anymore, and he was with Yu Han again because of guilt and emotion. Do you think Is it fair to Yu Han? If Xiaoyuan finds out about it, she feels a burden, and she doesn't want to be with Yu Han, it's not very hurtful."

Tao Qing: "That's why he doesn't want you to say that he has his reasons. Outsiders can't help the two of them, they can only look at themselves."

Fang Xiao looked at Lorraine Yuan's talking and laughing face through the heat of the hot pot, and finally suppressed the words in his heart.

Xiao Qinger is right, the relationship between two people depends on them.

They have a heart, and they will still be together after going around.

The two were gags and didn't talk about business, the strangeness faded, and the friendship returned.

After the hot pot restaurant separated, Luo Linyuan returned to Huiyuan in a good mood.

I feel better when I think that Yu Han will be back in a few days.

Probably have anticipation, set your mind, and life will pass quickly.

The time was spent in his work, he spent his spare time brushing WeChat, and racking his brains in the middle of the night to post some lyrics in the screenshots.

Because of his circle of friends, Han Zhui specially WeChated him and asked him what stimulated him. This was not mainstream, and Fang Xiao commented on him as disgusting.

But Lorraine is far from angry.

Late night on Thursday, Han Zhui called him and calmly informed him that it was tomorrow's plane in his awakened temper.

Luo Linyuan held the mobile phone and said, "Do you know what time it is here?"

Han Zhui: "Yes, two points."

Lorraine Yuan: "If you don't pick up the plane, you can do it yourself."

Han Zhui is very noisy, maybe at the airport: "Young people, don't be too stubborn, do you want me to help you analyze your relationship."

Lorraine Yuan: "Anyway, your analysis is not reliable."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and Han Zhui sent a text message indifferently, saying that he would arrive at twelve noon tomorrow.

Although Han Chai was annoyed, fortunately, Lorraine fell asleep quickly after finishing the call, and woke up in the morning with no temper. When I got to Huiyuan, I arranged a job with someone, asked Xiaoxiong to replace him, and took the subway to pick up Han Chai.

He also made a small card for Han Zhui, otherwise Han Zhui would definitely dislike that his pick-up was not arranged, and he would nag him.

Various women.

Lorraine can imagine that picture.

Only waiting for Han Zhui's flight to arrive, he slowly stood at the arrival gate with Mai Xuanfeng, holding the colorful welcome sign, standing in a daze.

He was plugged in headphones, people came and went, there were reunions, fathers and children hugged tightly, and couples reunited after a long absence. ?

AGA's circle is placed in the earphone, and he always likes to listen to this kind of love song recently.

It is probably telepathy, maybe he has always been like this, and will recognize his heart at a glance in the crowd.

He saw Yu Han pulling the suitcase and turning from the exit, the messy hair on his forehead was blowing slightly, everything seemed to be slowed down, he heard his own breathing , his pupils shrank, and the earphone on one side fell from his ear and hung on his chest.

It's just because his eyes are too warm, or because he has a strange heart.

Yu Han inadvertently glanced here and was stunned.

They face each other across the crowd.

Songs drifted shallowly in the air.

-Know that there is a lover forever

-The end is the new beginning

-Little Wishes for the Reunion of Lovers

-Leave a paragraph and start a new paragraph

-The circle in the world is not enough

- and one day we will meet

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