MTL - Close to You-Chapter 100

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The strong acupuncture was effective, and around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Lorraine Yuan's fever subsided. It's almost time for evening class. Bear brought him takeout, a bowl of porridge and a small bag of sauerkraut, and he ate most of it.

The pantry was at the end of the classroom corridor. He was holding a coffee bag, a hot water cup, and a mask on purpose to avoid infecting his children.

As soon as I went out, I ran into Yu Han who came to class with taro balls. The man who just got off work was wearing a shirt with his cuffs rolled up because of the temperature, showing his strong forearms and a tie.

Yu Han's appearance was not the same as yesterday, his hair was grabbed and set, revealing a smooth forehead, a pair of thin-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his towering nose, looking sideways.


Lorraine Yuan was holding the coffee bag, his throat was dry and his knees were shaking from the shock of this visual temptation.

Yu Han only glanced at him, then lowered his eyes and pushed gently on the back of the taro ball: "Go in and find a place yourself."

Tao Yuan looked up at her father, and sighed melancholy, what's the use of having such a father, it's not that you have to worry about everything.

Yu Han walked towards Lorraine Yuan step by step, the shadow extended and spread as the pace approached, covering the shadow of Lorraine Yuan. The leather heels step on the tile floor, calm and inevitable.

Lorraine couldn't even hide from a distance, he held his breath, his eyes exposed outside the mask were very round, and there was an unconscious desire.

If he could look in the mirror at this moment, Lorraine would definitely flee on the spot because of his expression.

But he couldn't see it, so he didn't know that his eyes were eager and soft. If it could be turned into a real body, it would definitely become a cat's tail softly wrapped around Yu Han.

Yu Han didn't seem to feel his sight, stopped a few steps away, and said politely, "Mr. Luo Yuan, good evening."

Lorraine snorted with her nose, and responded softly.

Hearing his voice, Yu Han frowned in embarrassment, as if he was maladapted to his sticky tone.

Luo Linyuan was awakened by his expression, pressed his mask with his hand, making sure it was well blocked, without revealing the slightest hint of spring on his cheeks, he said, "Good evening, Mr. Yu. "

Yu Han looked at his mask: "Not feeling well?"

Luo Lin Yuan just shook his head, and thought that Yu Han might be the same as those parents, just worried that his illness would affect the children. If he said he was not sick, would he be lying.

Don't be so affectionate, maybe Yu Han is not worried about him.

Luo Linyuan nodded: "A little cold," he added quickly, "But don't worry, I usually only stay in the office to handle business affairs, and won't come out easily."

Yu Han's brows relaxed a little: "What should I rest assured?"

Lorraine Yuan said as a matter of course: "Of course I can rest assured that I will not infect my children. I have experience and measure."

Two big men can't stay in the hallway all the time. After a while, it will be the peak period of the class, and many parents will come.

Luo Lin Yuan thought he had to find an excuse, he picked up the cup and coffee bag and shook it: "Mr. Yu, go to the classroom, you haven't said hello to Teacher Yang, she You will be satisfied with the teaching experience.”

Yu Han ignored the topic and said, "Have you taken medicine?"

Lorraine put down his hand awkwardly: "I've eaten."

Yu Han: "When did you eat?"

Lorraine Yuan's little heart gradually warmed up: "About an hour ago."

Yu said coldly, "You can't drink coffee for two hours after taking the medicine, it's common sense."

Luo Linyuan's little heart fell back into the ice water again, just because Yu Han's tone was too cold and hard. It feels like I'm not caring about him, but calling him stupid.

Lorraine put the coffee back in his trouser pocket, and said listlessly, "Then I'll go get hot water."

After saying that, he bypassed Yu Han and ran quickly towards the tea room.

I don't know if it's an illusion, I always feel that the hem of the clothes was pulled, the force was very light, and he didn't even react.

When I entered the pantry, I felt something was wrong.

As soon as I entered the pantry, I saw several teachers gathered there. College students were part-time teachers Xu Meng, Teacher Chen Qing, and his colleague Wen Qiwen who was abducted from the United States.

Three women in a play, and the protagonist of their play today is Yu Han. As soon as I heard it, I knew that the single father with a three-year-old child was very handsome, the one wearing a dark shirt.

Qi Wen sighed with coffee in hand: "Have you seen his watch? It's such an expensive brand, and the family must be rich."

Lorraine walked in silently, filling the water quietly, without any intention to interrupt.

Chen Qing, as a married woman, sighed in an adult topic: "Look at that nose, that aspect must be very strong."

Lorraine Yuan just took off his mask to drink water when he choked on hearing this.

Xu Meng covered her face shyly: "Mr. Chen, what are you talking about!"

Luo Linyuan's face turned red from coughing, Qiwen couldn't help laughing when she saw his embarrassed appearance: "Mr. Chen sees you embarrassing our principal, ask me to say, we The gardener is the best looking."

What's his business? Lorraine Yuan took a tissue to wipe his mouth, pressed it on the wet front of his clothes, and said with a blushing face, "There are children everywhere, pay attention to your words."

Chen Qing shrugged and said, "Only teachers can enter here, everyone is an adult, don't be so old-fashioned."

Qi Wen couldn't help helping him out: "How can we, Xiaoyuan, are very clean in the United States, and we don't go out on dates with girls, maybe..."

The women looked at each other and laughed in unison.

Lorraine has long been accustomed to the heroic chatting style of these women, and you don't need to think about it to know that the ellipsis should be hidden, maybe he is still a virgin.

Lorraine Yuan took out a candy from the snack basket in the pantry, opened it and said, "It's alright, it's alright, you know how to laugh at me all day long, it's getting late, go to class Bar."

He then slowly walked back to the office, passing by Mr. Yang's class 1, he looked in from the window. It is the time when parents accompany their children to interact.

He looked at Yu Han gently bowing his head, pointing his finger on the paper and saying something, the round face of the taro pressed a pen with a pen, and then raised his head to speak,

Lorraine watched from outside the classroom and smirked. Who knew that at this time, Yu Han turned out to be like a telepath, so he raised his head and looked out of the classroom.

He was frightened, he hurried back, pulled on his mask and hurried back to the office.

Since she entered the office, she has no intention of falling in love. No wonder people say that a workaholic is not qualified to have love. When he is so busy, he looks up again, and it is already ten o'clock.

He ran out of the office. The teachers had consciously started to clean up the hygiene. The bear looked at him with a broom: "What's wrong?"

Lorraine Yuan said in a trance: "get out of class is over?"

Little Bear: "Yes, it's ten o'clock."

Lorraine Yuan: "The parents are gone?"

The little bear said inexplicably: "Yes."

Lorraine went to pick up a broom and a garbage shovel, turning grief and anger into strength and cleaning up.

What else can be the needle, it's all because of love.

At this time, a person came up at the end of the corridor. Teacher Yang was surprised: "Mr. Yu, why are you back again."

Luo Linyuan glared at him in surprise. Yu Han, who caught everyone's attention, said calmly, "My watch seems to be in the classroom."

This is a big deal, and if you lose an expensive watch, it will be very troublesome. Now all the teachers have no intention of hygiene, and entered a class to help Yu Han find a watch, and Luo Lin Yuan naturally did the same.

Mr. Yang first searched the seats of the taro balls, and he didn't see the watch, so he asked: "Do you want to check the surveillance, Mr. Yu, do you remember when you took off the watch? Is it?"

Yu Han said: "I don't remember much. Forget it, if you can't find it, you can't find it."

Mr. Yang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lorraine Yuan at a loss, seeking his advice.

Luo Linyuan said: "How can this work, keep looking."

Yu Han said, "It's my fault that I lost the watch. You don't have to help me find it. You should go about your own business. It's not good to delay your get off work."

It's really getting late. They are all female teachers. If you can't catch the subway, it's not convenient or safe to go home. Lorraine didn't hesitate, and said, "Go on with your business, and I'll accompany Mr. Yu to find it."

This search took a long time, until all the people were gone, and Luo Linyuan heard Yu Han say: "I found it."

Lorraine Yuan was pleasantly surprised: "Where did you find it?"

Yu Han wrapped his fingers around the watch, which was stained with soil, which he found from the potted plants on both sides of the classroom.

Luo Linyuan quickly pulled out the disinfectant wipes, walked over and handed them to Yu Han: "Wipe it, why did it fall into this place?"

Yu Han: "Probably when I was sketching, I accidentally fell into it."

Lorraine Yuan: "Did you paint flowers at night?"

Yu Han: "Yeah."

Lorraine is far from good to ask again. It feels strange that this watch is missing, but he is not good to question it. Anyway, it's good to have nothing to lose.

Yu Han also politely said: "I'm sorry, I wasted your time, it's so late."

Lorraine Yuan: "It doesn't matter, you go back first."

Yu Han: "How is Director Luo going to go home, do you drive?"

Lorraine was stunned for a moment, and said against his heart: "Hmm."

Yu Han: "Really, where is Director Luo's car parked? Why didn't I see any other cars when I parked."

Luo Linyuan died of embarrassment and couldn't help staring at Yu Han. Yu Han was stunned by him, as if he was stunned for a moment.

Lorraine Yuan gave up and said: "I don't have a car, I will take a taxi back later." There is still some money, but it is distressing.

Yu Han seemed to throw out a long bait, and finally was bitten by a fish, he said slowly: "It's so unsafe, I'll send it to you, Master Luo."