MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 99 Doomsday

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It took less than a minute for Liu Mingqing to stop and kill the second-level zombies by Liu Mingqing. Compared with the tension and danger of the previous few minutes, the last minute is like a game.

Most of the people who saw the zombies fell to the ground did not respond. When they responded, they all stared at Ren Zhu with wide eyes, as if the person standing opposite them was not a handsome man, but a man dressed Phi's senior zombies look like. Otherwise, how could this secondary zombie be so obedient? It's almost like a mouse sees a cat!

Ren Zhu looked at the eyes and expressions of these people, smiled and shrugged: "What are you looking at me like this? I said, I can intervene in the zombies."

The fat man laughed twice, then patted Ren Zhu's shoulder again with his bear's paw: "The little brother is really hidden! Admire it!"

Liu Mingqing was also helpless. You said that you could intervene in the action of zombies, but the problem is that the effect of your intervention is so powerful that you didn't tell us. I knew you were so good. Do we need five people to join us? The two of us can directly blast the head of the zombie remotely.

"Oh, okay, anyway, the second-level zombies have already been killed by us. Take time to clean up the mobs. It's too late. Let's take a rest here tonight. Let's go directly to the original city base tomorrow morning. Such words are No matter how long the road is delayed, we will be able to rush to the original city base before tomorrow night! "Zhou Yun did not let everyone think about it here, the wind blade fell on a zombie rushing here.

Everyone also returned to God and quickly dealt with these zombies. After that, it was relatively smooth. It may be the reason that the mountains are not tolerated. There are no other stronger zombies in the rest area of ​​this gas station. After ten people had all dealt with the zombies, the fat man ran out as fast as possible to drive all five cars to the door of the dining hall.

"The cafeteria has been cleaned up by us, and the zombies have been thrown out. Tonight we can sleep on the table in the cafeteria. In addition, we can go to the neighbourhood store and take a look at the necessary things. Zombie is us It ’s done together, so I hope you do n’t compete for hurt when you take things. ”

Before the words of the fat man were finished, the people in the van there hurriedly snarled down and rushed into the canteen. The monkey's eager eating was too ugly. Hu Hong glanced at the house gloomily. , No longer speak. The reality of his watch is a bit strange. It is obvious that Hu Hong does not like that family. But if you don't like it, why should you act with them?

Ren Zhu did n’t have much time to think, he was rushed into the supermarket by Maogancao and Gou Jianfei, and the small supermarket at the gas station generally bought some souvenirs and snacks. Now there are 17 people here, divided into 1 The points will be lost.

However, Mr. Ren, after standing in the supermarket for a while, turned around and left directly. This small supermarket is now full of people, and he is really not willing to grab it again, not to mention he has more worthy places to go.

Ren Zhuluo da da went outside a locked iron door behind the cafeteria, he looked at the iron door and raised his eyebrows.

"Is there something good in it?" A voice sounded beside him. Ren Zhu lowered his head and saw that the fat man's nephew, who had no power, was quite brave and had three strong zombies alone. . Teacher Ren smiled lovingly: "Yes. Unfortunately, we don't have the keys."

Jin Yu was a little uncomfortable with Ren Zhu's smile, as if he saw his former kind teacher who died to protect them. He pursed his lips. "I have a solution."

Then Ren Zhu watched the boy pull out a key that looked very complicated from a small backpack he was carrying, and then inserted it directly into the door lock. With a click, the door was opened by him.

Ren Zhu: "?????"

Jin Yu grinned, and said with pride: "I made my own bomb!"

Ren Zhu: "..." If it is not the end time, the bear child will be punished by him for copying the text a hundred times.

Jin Yu seemed to feel something, and couldn't help shaking his body. He coughed, "That, that, me, and I just like unlocking and metal in particular, so I won't be a thief! My future wish is to be a High-precision machinery experts! "

Teacher Ren couldn't help laughing when he heard this, he rubbed Jin Yu's head: "This is a good goal, come on."

Jin Yu's eyes lighted up immediately, and he nodded as if he had obtained a great affirmation: "Well! I will cheer! Let's go in!"

Then, it goes without saying that this is the warehouse of the gas station. There are a lot of things in it, but most of them are things that don't move well like rice noodles and oil. Snack specialties are relatively few. But Ren Zhu and Jin Yu's goals were very clear. The two went straight to the two boxes of instant noodles. One moved five boxes and one moved ten boxes.

The box gave the human head a sense of grandeur.

At this time, Jin Fatty and Gou Jianfei just grabbed a big bag and saw his nephew and boss. He immediately threw the things into the car and rushed to the storage room. Zhou Yun also found out and quickly joined.

Finally, Ren Zhu looked at the trunk and back seat that had been stuffed with instant noodles, yogurt and rice noodles, and sweet potatoes, thinking that he really underestimated the human obsession with food in the last days. In the process of moving food, the family of the van also had a conflict with the family of Jin Fatty. Jin Yu was carrying the last two boxes of unexpired yogurt in his hand and wanted to leave, but Hu Tian was driving in the van The twenty-three-year-old youth was stopped.

Jin Yu frowned and looked at him: "You blocked the road."

Hu Tian snorted: "This is not your house. Where can I control where I stand? Also, my brother and my girlfriend both have to drink yogurt. You already brought two boxes to your car before And these two boxes were given to us. "

Jin Yu's brow frowned even more. He looked at Hu Tian like a mental retard: "I got mine."

Hu Tian suddenly changed his face: "Boy! Don't shame your face! Believe it or not,"

Before Hu Tian's words were finished, he felt that there was suddenly a sharp object on his stomach. He stiffly bowed his head and did not know when the boy had rushed to him and pointed his belly with a metal knife. .

"you you you you!"

Although Jin Yu is only thirteen years old, she is also a small zombie expert. Compared to Hu Tian, ​​a guy who always relies on Hu Hong's protection and can't do it, he doesn't know how much stronger: "If you don't agree, let's solve it by force."

Hu Tian's face changed.

After Jin Yu left with two boxes of yogurt, Hu Tian showed a vicious look behind him, cursing in his mouth: "A little rabbit, I will kill you when I have time!"

The dispute here is just a short while, no one noticed much. However, for any teacher who has already trained the skills of "teacher's observation" into an instinct, he can clearly see the dispute. It's really annoying. Ren Zhu glanced at Hu Hong who had already fallen asleep, and the middle-aged woman who was still tirelessly hiding and looking for things in the supermarket, and the young boy who was about the same size as Jin Yu.

It's hard to imagine that Jin Yu and this boy are the same age. Compared to Jin Yu, this young boy is really bigger and taller, so Ren Zhu thought that the boy was fifteen years old and he was no longer a child. Instead, Jin Yu was a bit thin and looked like eleven years old. So in the beginning, he thought there were only two children in the seventeen people. Now it seems that there are indeed two children. Except for the authentic girl, only one does not consider himself a child and one considers himself a baby. That's it.

At the same age of thirteen, Jin Yu automatically classifies himself as someone who needs labor and protection of others, but this tall boy naturally enjoys the protection of others.

Ren Zhu shook his head. The gap in IQ is really impossible to make up. Even if he always gives guidance and encouragement to that young class teacher, this kid will only use his power to eat and be lazy, right? Forget it, save others, this is definitely not the savior.

After tossing at 11pm, everyone filled up the oil and finished all the supplies that could be taken away. At this time, early autumn is about to enter at the end of August. Although the day is still very hot, the night is finally a bit cool, and you can sleep peacefully. In fact, everyone slept well. After all, they ran around for a day during the day, and in the evening, they ate a rare meal. After eating and drinking, they could always sleep well.

One person was sent to watch every night in a car. This was not a difficult task, so the average person in the five cars got on. Originally, the van wanted Hu Hong to watch, but the 18-year-old girl in the car, Liu Xiaoshuang, asked for a vigil. She is a very discerning person, and she is sensitive to the people around her who feel bad about the people in their car, so she needs to express her attitude and stand quickly. The one that leaves is the best.

So Liu Xiaoshuang was close to vigilante's licorice and Song Qiangtao.

Maogancao was on Ren Zhu's side, while Song Qiang was on Liu Mingqing's car. These two look good, one is strong and reliable, both are better than Hu Tian and do not know how many people. Unfortunately, Maogancao is more interested in studying the inside story of Jin Yu in his hand. The seduce of this beautiful young lady Liu Xiaoshuang is really useless. However, Song Qiang was not a hairy boy. He raised an eyebrow at Liu Shuang, and couldn't help smirking. In such a woman, he didn't want to give him a dozen in vain. Therefore, he doesn't necessarily have to find someone who is particularly independent and capable, like Sister Yun, but to find a parasite that can only **** his own blood, he might as well stir up the base.

Liu Xiaoshuang tossed in the middle of the night, but failed to seduce the target. Instead, the few vigils were disgusted. In desperation, she could only follow Hu Tian's family the next day. When she boarded the car, she was so reluctant that Zhou Yun was about to roll her eyes to the sky. I didn't know that the Hu family was robbing the daughter!

Because they started together and the destination was the same, the five cars formed a small convoy and headed towards the original city together. The highway facilities have not been damaged much, but even this way everyone is still very difficult-there are too many accident cars on the road, and some even hit dozens of cars in a row, and encountered this situation Everyone can only go down and push those cars aside and clear a way to continue on the road. In addition, there are some areas that are on fire and about to break. It is very dangerous for cars to walk on them.

This drove for three hours. By ten in the morning, the team had only walked more than 200 kilometers. It is at least 400 kilometers away from the original city.

"Boss, according to this speed, when we arrive at the original city base, it is estimated that it will be five or six in the afternoon?" Mao Gancao sat yawning next to him, feeling a little depressed.

Ren Zhu nodded: "Being able to reach the original city before dark in the afternoon, our journey is lucky and smooth. However, I think it may not be so smooth."

Maogancao sat upright when he heard this: "Brother, don't scare me, I'm timid! We pushed the car five times and chopped down hundreds of zombies on this way. If this is still smooth, then What kind of situation is not going well !!! Is it encountering the third-level zombies? But the most powerful zombies known now is only the third-level ones, how could we be encountered so little by our backs? "

Before the words of licorice had been finished, Gou Jianfei gave him a gag with a loaf of bread. He enlarged his cat's eyes and tried to glared at the stupid dog behind him, but found that the stupid dog's eyes were bigger than him!

"Shut your crow's mouth! Don't you know if you're standing ?! Alas! Tongyan is blatantly blown away by the wind! We won't encounter level 3 zombies! We are not saviors and do n’t That great enemy! "

Maogancao knew he had said the wrong thing when he heard this, but he still rolled his eyes fiercely. But afterwards, he was watching the scene outside the car nervously, fearing that there would be any big zombies.

After that, the car drove safely for another three hours. At this time, it was more than one o'clock in the afternoon. The human spirit was relatively tired at this time. There was a rest station just in front of everyone. We discussed and decided to go to that rest station. See if there is anything good to add.

Just when everyone's car was just driving in front of the rest station, they saw a huge swarm of zombies, and a group of crying teenagers surrounded by zombies.

"Oh my god! How come there are so many zombies! Quickly turn your head! Quickly leave this place !!"

"What's going on with that school bus? Why did it go to the zombies?"

The interior of each of the five cars was astonished or struggling with such a scenario. Obviously there are more than a dozen teenagers in the middle of the zombies waiting to cry and hope that someone will rescue them, but how can there be seven or eight hundred zombies? They have not yet entered the attack zone of the zombies at this time. As long as they turn around and leave here, they should Can avoid head-on conflict with zombies. But if you do this, it will be dead.

Ren Zhu didn't have such entanglement in their car. Before they hit the road, they already said that if they saw someone in need, they should try to save as much as possible. Now that they ran into this matter, they naturally wanted to help.

"We parked the car and locked it next to you. Put on protective clothing and face shields, and take the homemade strong metal slingshot that Jin Yu gave you. Let's go and save people."

Maogancao and Gou Jianfei took a deep breath, "Brother rest assured! We will work together to save people!"

Ren Zhu turned to look at the two of them, and nodded seriously to them: "Trust yourself, you are the best, the most flexible, the most powerful!"

【drop. Host encourages class teacher's encouragement (level 7) skills: within one hour of current target Maogancao and Gou Jianfei, intelligence +50, physical strength +100, mental strength +100, with elite effects. 】

Then, under the shocked eyes of the other four cars, Ren Zhusan left for those zombies. Although the number of zombies is dozens or even hundreds of times that of them, this does not affect their determination to save people.

"Well, those of us who have served as soldiers, not a few young people are bloody." Song Qiang looked at Ren Zhu and the three of them ran out, snorted in the car, and opened the door without saying anything. Fortunately, those zombies are surrounded by the future of this country, and his responsibility does not allow him to escape.

As a result, eight people in the two off-road vehicles also came down. Ren Zhu saw Liu Mingqing with a smile on his face, and gave them a direct encouragement of love: "Come on! We are the best! We must be able to beat this group of zombies!"

The eight of them laughed, and the next eleven co-operated with each other to kill the zombies from one point to the other. They killed the circle surrounded by the zombies. At this time, the golden fat man couldn't help but he wanted to get out of the car, but turned to look at his wife, nephew and nephew in the car. But when he saw that the door of the van suddenly opened, Hu Tian and the fat boy thief came down and wanted to do something to the three off-road vehicles, Jin Fatty sneered.

When Hu Tian was about to smash the glass of the three Hummers who were Ren Zhu's stone, the golden fat man stepped forward with a punch: "Boy! People are saving people, you are stealing chickens and dogs, Lao Tzu is not a hero , Can you tmd not be a beast ?! "

Hu Tian was so frightened by this punch that he scolded and ran away. The fat man decided to keep the eleven people's car here and also warned whether Hu Hong would come down, but for a while Hu Hong didn't move, the fat man was relieved in his heart.

By this time, Ren Zhu had arrived and saw the yellow school bus in the middle. Ren Zhu shouted at the crying and terrified teenagers: "Shut up! Don't cry!"

There was a sound in the car, all the teenagers in the car were unbelievable, and they looked down at the people who came to rescue them.

"What's the use of crying at this time! Pick up all the weapons that you can move around! Tell me why your car can't go! Count how many people are there in the car? Is there any power? Will there be Driving ?! If you don't want to die, get up and go. We don't save waste! "

Mr. Ren's words were like a thunder in the night, and the students who were crying in the car were directly awoken. Everyone was busy in the car, and soon a tall boy answered.

"Teacher! We have a total of fifteen people in our car! The youngest twelve and the oldest eighteen! Our uncle driver is dead and the car ca n’t go because there is no oil! Teacher, what should we do now ?!"

Ren Zhu nodded: "Find a few strong people to come down and cheer! Others also get off the car and let us open a mouth next to the car's fuel tank!"

As a result, the students who were just crying at the moment became well organized. Although they still had panic and sadness on their faces, they were no longer as desperate as before.

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