MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 88 This world is unscientific

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Looking at a piece of brick to play the role of a steel plate, Zheng carbon and Zhang Lianfei for a moment did not believe that their eyes felt that they could not do well It was illusioned by monsters, but what kind of monsters would make themselves very embarrassed by illusions? Does this monster want to lower their alertness and then defeat them again? !!

It's a pity that the two of them waited for a long time, and didn't wait for the monster to show off their power. The dark mass of things that seemed to have a lot of legs has been held down by a piece of brick from start to now. Come.

Mr. Ren is very satisfied with this effect. Adding the head teacher's assumptions to the class teacher's chalk (board) is definitely more than twice as good.

"Guagua come and take a look. Is this **** hairy spider the monster you said?"

Ren Zhu beckoned at Guagua, Guagua stepped forward and gave a quick glance, then nodded: "That's it! It's eaten a lot of people! This amazing teacher, you have to deal with it!" "

Zheng Tan and Zhang Lianfei next nodded: "This thing has killed several people. How to say it must be done to make the soul fly!"

However, Ren Zhu didn't move for a long time. No, he didn't want to kill this thing. The problem is that at most he has relatively good skills to deal with demons and ghosts. He really doesn't know how to drive them out.

At this time, Pang Fei, who has been silently acting as a mural ghost, was finally useful. He stepped forward step by step and opened his mouth to Ren Zhu: "Teacher, I can solve this thing But the process may not look good, how about you all avoiding it? "

Ren Zhu thought that Pang Fei's body felt that avoidance was necessary, so he pulled a little curious Guagua on his face and walked to the side facing away from Pang Fei. But Zheng Tan and Zhang Lianfei felt that their manly husband could not see anything? What could be more terrible than this ghost-spawn ghost spider? !!

After half an hour, Zheng Tan and Zhang Lianfei, who were both embarrassed, walked to the teacher in vain footsteps, feeling that they were just silly and naive.

"I just said you need to avoid it. You just don't listen. Whom can you blame? It's okay, anyway, I can just take less food right and give you two to lose weight."

So Zheng carbon shouted with sorrow and indignation: "What fat do I lose if I am so thin ?!"

Pang Fei thought for a moment: "For skinny beauty?"

Zheng Tan's angry puppet flew to a nearby stone.

Ren Zhu turned to look at Pang Fei: "That thing solved?"

Pang Fei touched his stomach contentedly: "Delicious meal, just a little salty."

Teacher Ren thought of the seemingly messy and unpredictable big ghost spider, and his mouth slightly twitched: "Okay, the problem is solved, it's not too late now, so go back and rest."

Zhang Lianfei heard Zheng Yan quickly pulled Zheng carbon: "You said that you invited me to eat Haagen-Dazs and the family bucket! You have escaped once yesterday, and it must be a lot today!"

Pang Fei also came up and stretched out a slap: "There are five more meals."

Zheng Tan heard his face turn green. Was he easy for the safety of their path? This month is almost the rhythm of eating dirt! But before leaving, Zheng Tan was a little worried about Ding Guagua, but the little guy waved his hand very well at him: "Brother Zheng Tan, let's go. I'm used to staying here and going to bed early tonight. . "

Zheng Tan thought about it and didn't think of other better ideas, so he could only tell me a few words, and went home with Zhang Lianfei and Pang Fei. He hasn't been home for two days. He has to go home tonight to tell his parents.

After the three men left side by side, Ding Guagua noticed that the awesome teacher next to him had not left yet. He got up nicely in the morning and asked, "Teacher, when are you leaving?"

Ren Zhu looked at him: "Wait until your problem is solved."

After hearing this sentence, Ding Guagua froze slightly, and then smiled: "I, what's wrong with me? I can't live without it. Maybe after a dozen or twenty years, I It just dissipated. "

Ren Zhu shook his head: "You have too much resentment. After more than ten or twenty years, you may become a big ghost directly."

Ding Guagua couldn't hold it when he heard this: "How can I be a big ghost! I have no problem at all!"

"So, why can you leave here so clearly that you have to wait here? Your parents are so sad, why don't you go to them and follow them?"

These two interrogations seemed to have stepped on some taboos. The cute and cute Ding Guagua instantly stunned his face: "They are sad? They should be very sad. Follow them? I am afraid I will Beside them they don't even sleep soundly! "

Ren Zhu's expression changed slightly: "They abused you?"

The evil spirit of Ding Guagua: "No, they are good to me. They are trying to do everything for me to eat and make me gain weight. Every day I pay attention to whether I sleep well, whether my body is getting fat. Anyone who sees me will say that my parents treated me so well and raised me so well and so fat! "

Ren Zhu didn't speak, watching him quietly. Then, this little fat man, only seven or eight years old, forced himself to laugh with a cry, "They don't love me at all, they just love my brother."

"So, do you want to absorb the power of that evil spirit and avenge yourself?"

Ding Guagua didn't speak.

"How are you going to kill your brother and parents? Did you eat them or stab them with a knife? Or put gas at home to poison them all?"

Ding Guagua stared at Ren Zhu with his eyes widened, as if frightened by his words. "You, why are you doing this?"

Ren Zhu watched his reaction, but laughed: "Otherwise? Your resentment is very serious."

"Then I never thought about letting them die! I just want them all to have nightmares every night and never forget me!"

Ren Zhu nodded suddenly: "Okay, I can help you achieve your wish. Let's go to your parents tomorrow?"

Ding Guagua looked at Ren Zhu suspiciously, and did not believe he was so kind. However, after he and Ren Zhu faced each other for a long time, he was suddenly sure that the person in front of him was not malicious to him, and he could trust him.

"Okay. But I can't walk during the day."

Ren Zhu didn't mind: "I'll figure it out."

Ding Guagua nodded for a moment, then he watched Ren Zhu turn around and leave, sitting in the dark woods by himself, thinking about what kind of life his father, mother and brother are living now? They must have been very happy, have they forgotten themselves?

When Ren Zhu went back, Yi Xiao had prepared his meal and waited for him in the living room. If other people of Xuandao were to come here to take a look, they would surely surprise them. In the living room table, there were six dishes full of colors and fragrances, and the impression of the indifferent, ruthless, unpleasant, and strangled your Big Boss boss, and looked at a copy of the gentle Book, the breath of the whole person is extremely peaceful.

"Hey, you should be back early today." As soon as Ren Zhu saw the food on the table, he laughed.

Yi Xiao raised her eyebrows: "Come here to eat."

Ren Zhu walked over with a smile, and took a sip directly at Yi Xiao in a good mood, then almost got out of hand. The result of the good mood of both people was that early the next morning, Master Yi did not plan to nest at home to make stones, and he decided to go with his partner to relax and take care of his idle affairs.

Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao came to that path, and the morning sun shone on this path, and the trees on both sides looked green and lovely. I no longer feel the gloomy depression of last night, which makes people like it very much.

Ren Zhu saw the little boy sitting on the stone at a glance. Obviously the latter also saw him. Ding Guagua waved his hand at Ren Zhu very excitedly, and then he saw Yi Xiao and was shocked. He had to yell and hid directly behind the big rock. It's as if Yi Xiao can't see him as long as he hides.

Ren Zhu looked at Yi Xiao helplessly, and Yi Xiao looked coldly: "Little ghost."

It means that I just pressed him to death with this finger. He was afraid that I should, it was definitely not because I was too fierce. However, under Ren Zhu's constant gaze, Yi Xiao still calmed down, and threw a piece of rune paper and stuck it on Ding Guagua's head.

Ding Guagua started screaming and running wildly. When he ran for a while and found that he was fine, but he was still able to act in the sun, the expression on his face suddenly turned on: "Wow! impressive!"

Yi Xiao snorted. Ren Zhu said, "Well, do you know where your parents are? Let's go and see."

Ding Guagua no longer looked excited when he heard this, and his expression became more gloomy. However, he still said an address: "I only know that they moved to Minghua High School because my brother went to school there. ... but I don't know where it is. "

Ren Zhu looked to Yi Xiao. Yi Xiao nodded: "I can find it."

Ren Zhu laughed. "Then let's go. When you get there, as long as you say you want them to have nightmares, I will help you make them have nightmares every day. Don't worry."

Ding Guagua pursed his lips and said nothing.

An hour later, they arrived at a family courtyard next to Minghua High School. Yi Xiao folded a paper crane and rubbed it on the head of Ding Guagua, and then the paper crane flew towards the third floor window of a building. . Needless to say, that's where Ding's family lives. Ding Gua swallowed his throat and gritted his teeth and walked up.

As he walked, he said to Ren Zhu, "They must be living very well now. I will scare them directly when they go in. You will scare them. You are not allowed to stop me."

Ren Zhu raised his eyebrows: "Do not stop."

Dingugua gritted his teeth, and they had reached the door of the house at this time. Ding Guagua passed through the door, Ren Zhu was pulled by Yi Xiao and hid to pass through the door, to see the situation of the Ding family in the house.

As a result, after Ren Zhu went in, what he saw was Dingguagua who was stuck in place. As soon as his eyes turned slightly, he could see a weak young man coughing, and beside him were two men and women who looked pale and slightly old, sitting beside the young man, silent about each other.

There is no happiness at all in Ding Guagua's vision.

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