MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 84 This world is unscientific

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Ren Zhu did not stay in the community after talking with Dou Dou. He couldn't tell how many children were in the community and how many children were affected by them. Wraiths recruited by Wraiths, but it is certain that this community is already a very dangerous place full of negative energy. Normal people are not suitable to live here.

Lu Paner was not attacked by Dou Dou after Ren Zhu and Dou Dou talked, but when she walked out of the neighborhood, she looked at her full wound and the gloomy place behind her. Lu Paner gritted her teeth. A decision was finally made.

Ren Zhu's mood was not so good after he went back, but he found that Yi Xiao's face staying at home was not so healthy, as if he had lost a lot of blood, he frowned suddenly: "What did you do at home? Are you bleeding? "

Master Yi gave a slight pause, but he did let out half a barrel of blood, but it would scare people if he said it? So I thought about it: "It takes a bit of my blood to make spirits."

Ren Zhugan simply didn't believe that "a little bit" and didn't speak, so he just made a phone call and asked for a tonic takeaway.

Yi Xiao stood next to him, and his expression on the expressionless face became much softer.

"What did you see?" Yi Xiao asked Ren Zhu this time. "Your look is not much better than mine."

Ren Zhu frowned and didn't speak, Pang Fei hurriedly told what he had seen in the morning. Unexpectedly, Yi Xiao's expression became indifferent. He looked at Ren Zhu's expression and paused directly: "How about the Five Thunders?"

Ren Zhu drew a few corners of his mouth. Although he planned to punish those people well, would Wulei Hongding go too far: "Is it going to die?"

Yi Xiao didn't even frown: "There is more to die than death."

Ren Zhu shook his head: "Come step by step. I think it's a better punishment to keep them alive than to keep them alive."

"Of course, before that, we still have to see what kind of situation is in that colorful kindergarten."

Yi Xiao does not plan to stay in the room this time: "I will go with you in the afternoon."

Ren Zhu also nodded. With such a natural cheating device and thighs in, he didn't need to worry too much. However, he really hoped that nothing could be found in the kindergarten, otherwise, he might not be able to do anything.

After a nutritious lunch, Ren Zhu, Yi Xiao and Pang Fei drove to the colorful kindergarten. Not far from the gate of the kindergarten, Ren Zhu saw Dou Dou squatting there, Dou Dou at a glance. I also saw Ren Zhu very sharply, hopping to greet him in the same place.

Master Yi looked at the dwarf melon in disgust: "Where's the little ghost?"

Ren Zhu stepped forward and touched Dou Dou's head: "It is also a poor child. After this matter is over, let him take a good reincarnation."

Dou Dou didn't think so much at this time, just pulling Ren Zhu's clothing corner eagerly to enter the kindergarten: "Hurry up! Now is the time for the special counselling class! I just saw several blacks The big car was driving into the school, I think there must be something wrong! "

Dou Dou never thought that as a big living person, they could not enter and leave the colorful kindergarten at will, but this problem is difficult to live as a teacher and Master Yi. Yi Xiao thought for a moment and took three out of her arms. A purple rune paper was given to Ren Zhu, Dou Dou, and himself.

Ren Zhu noticed that the contents of the three rune papers were not the same. After they were pasted, his body and Yi Xiao's body suddenly became a lot lighter. It felt like they were turning on the teacher's disguise skills, but There are no side effects that are more alarming as time goes by. After Dou Dou posted this sign, he suddenly changed from a ghost with only ghosts and black air to a cute and adorable boy. This change made Dou Dou open his mouth in surprise, and then Yi Xiao urged "Hurry up and take us, now you are not in a hurry?"

Dou Dou returned to God, and Saya went to the kindergarten. When the doorman saw a child, he hurried to the kindergarten to stop him and asked him. Dou Dou directly said that he was in the third international class, and the doorman let go. I couldn't help but yelled, "Be careful, don't run too fast! It's better to be late than to fall over."

Obviously, the gatekeeper still showed goodwill and concern for the child. He didn't know how evil and terrible things happened in the kindergarten he guarded.

Dou Dou did not hesitate all the way and ran towards a small yellow building. The small building has a slide and various cartoon characters painted on the wall. It looks very cute. However, in the eyes of Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao, and even Pang Fei, the yellow building is surrounded by black resentment and gray negative atmosphere. Obviously, it is not as bright and cute as its color.

"Hurry up! I'll take you there!" Dou Dou stood on the stairs of the **** and waved to Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao. His expression was excited with a little worry, so Ren Zhu could not help speeding up his pace.

Soon Dou took Ren Zhu and they came to the top floor of this yellow building. Ren Zhu found that this floor has one more iron door in and out and several monitors in the corridor than the previous three floors. There are only three classrooms on the floor, and now Ren Zhu finds that there are people in all three classrooms.

Ren Zhu took out his cell phone.

Yi Xiao gently raised his hand and waved at the monitor, and the monitor's lens burst.

"Uncle is coming! Xiaoyuer they are here! I heard their cry! How do I get in ?!"

Ren Zhu's locked door and window were obviously female teachers looking at the wind, her eyes were very cold, "Of course I opened the door and went in."

Yi Xiao had already reached out and clicked the closed door. A crisp crackle sounded, and the locked door was opened instantly. At this time, Ren Zhusheng was afraid that the effect of the runes was not good, and he turned on the class teacher's disguise skills. The two effects were added together. After Ren Zhu entered the door, they were not found by those people.

However, after entering the first classroom, Mr. Ren was deeply stabbed by the picture he saw--

Three pot-bellied middle-aged people are playing in the classroom at will at this time, they are holding at least two children in their hands, and the children are touched or even kneaded by them for medical examination reasons. Boys are relatively better, but some sensitive girls have shivered and are afraid to take any action with their eyes closed.

The conversation between these three people continues.

"Oh, boy, your body is not healthy, it's too soft, and it's a bit short. Just let the teacher touch it, and you will be healthier in the future."

"Haha, Lao Qing, you can really flicker! Look at your proud look, alas, my body is very good, and it looks beautiful!"

"What fun is it for all of you to play with girls, and the little boy looks great now! Haha."

The three were joking, and the children who were examined by them were ignorant and scared. Once they resisted, the preschool teacher next to them would scold them severely, and praised the obedient children vigorously. As a result, even if the children felt uncomfortable and unhappy, they still insisted on not resisting.

"Things not as good as animals."

Ren Zhu's voice was cold and his eyes looked at those three men with a knife. He directly inspired the class teacher's hypothetical skills and spoke to those three middle-aged people.

"You do n’t know why you suddenly found yourself standing in the darkness, and you ca n’t reach your fingers, and no one can hear your own yelling. You do n’t know where it is, you reach out and grab a thing That thing is soft and slippery, but it is a little cold. It will move, like some kind of cold-blooded animal. You can't help groping forward, but you feel more and more around you The soft and skating animals are approaching you until you are surrounded by them in all directions. They slide and gradually entangle your body, and suddenly a strong light flashes, and you find that all around you is Swarm of snakes of different sizes with their scarlet tongues. "

"They are entwining you tightly, biting every piece of flesh on your body, and you find yourself changing from a living person to a bone, your blood splatters, and even the bones feel unbearable pain and fear."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah-!!!"

"Snake, snake !!!"


Niu Gaihua, the head teacher of the third class of the international large class who was sending a whistle by the window, found some thrills. The three big brothers who were still comfortingly stroking the children before suddenly seemed to encounter something extremely terrible. The whole body twitched and shook madly. They seemed to be bound by something terrible. They couldn't move. The expression on that face looked like Ling Chi. Niu Gaihua felt that he had never seen it in his life. Such a terrible expression!

The sudden change of these three big men made Niu Gaihua feel cold all around, as if something invisible was watching her in the dark and wanted to be against her. At the same time, the already tense children saw the three people suddenly fall to the ground as if they had a terrible disease, exclaimed one by one and wept loudly.

The scene was extremely chaotic.

Ren Zhu took advantage of this time and went directly to the second classroom. Now that he has arrived, he will not let anyone hurt the child. Although he is not a specialized terrorist expert, Teacher Ren found that as long as he is confronted with something that is not as good as this beastly beast, he has countless "horror virtual scenarios" waiting for these scums and scum.

The situation in the second classroom was similar to that in the first classroom. Soon Ren Zhu changed the snake group in the dark into a spider. The terrifying scene made the three men who had been playing in the classroom shouted in horror. Sound, they kept scratching their faces and bodies, as if something small and terrible had entered their bodies from their mouths and noses.

The third classroom was a little different, but it was equally irritating-the three ladies in it were not molesting the children, but they were piercing the children with needles of various sizes and listening, The children wept and screamed for mercy, and their perverted hearts were satisfied, and they laughed like a flower.

This is the most disgusting smile Ren Zhu has ever seen.

So the three noble ladies were assumed by Ren Zhu on a thorny road that could never stop. First they screamed and rolled down from the chair and covered their feet, then they began to roll up and down all over the body, screaming screaming while rolling, which was terrible.

It was not until the three ladies were treated that the expression on Ren Zhu's face recovered. However, at this time, Pang Fei, who had been watching all the time, looked at Ren Zhu's expression as if he had seen a big devil. He really did not expect that Ren teacher had such a ferocious side. Instead, Master Yi smiled at his companion when he saw his partner so aggressive. He likes this toughness.

"I have a nightmare technique, which can make people with nightmares repetitive nightmares, but obviously it is not as good as yours."

Ren Zhu sneered: "It doesn't matter, my technique must be useful when I am there. Those who have participated in this matter but have used various relationships in the end to escape the punishment of the law will still need your nightmares Come and pack them, don't you? "

Yi Xiaoshen thought so.

In the afternoon of the same day, Shi Yan, the principal of the colorful kindergarten, learned that there were problems in the three VIP classrooms. She was well-maintained, and an unhappy expression appeared on her face: "What are the requirements of the big brothers? Don't they know that I have to take risks to do this? "

"No, principal! Those big guys, they, they seem crazy!"

Shi Yan sneered: "Are you kidding me?"

"No, I really ..."

The teacher who came to report hadn't finished talking, and suddenly there was a scream of a teacher:

"Oh my god, headmaster, please watch Weibo! Someone posted a video of our kindergarten !!"

"It's a video from those three VIP classrooms !!"

Shi Yan's face that hadn't been cared for had been whitening.