MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 165 our world

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Ren Zhu ’s questioning sentence by sentence made the marshal sweating in anxiety. It ’s not that he counseled, but now the IQ callback Thinking about the stupid things he had done in his previous life in the future would really make him feel terrible. That full of black history can hardly be washed, not to mention that he has basically been dying in his last life. Think of the super cute little bamboo bamboo face paralyzed at the time, holding a small book and remembering it , Marshal Yi felt super hearty while feeling super cute.

No wonder he always felt that those small books were not pleasing to the eye. Think of tears.

Yi Xiao couldn't connect to Xingwang at this time. Naturally, there was no way to get help and suggestions from others. And, even if he sent it out, no one could solve his problem, so it really depends on himself.

Ren Guangqiu wandered in Yi Xiao's spiritual sea, feeling his very nervous thinking, could not help shaking up and down slightly. If he had a mouth, he must be laughing now. Ha ha, think hard, tell you to pretend to be a silly idiot in front of me, now how do you pretend to be? !!

Yi Xiao was thinking about it, and felt the joy and joy of his own little sun. He couldn't help sighing in his heart, and hesitated, he had to climb out of the pit he had dug. Alas, it would be nice if he could know what his partner was thinking, so that at least he could respond with an error-free answer. Yi Xiao thought this way, and his sea of ​​spirits fluctuated. Ren Zhu felt that there was a breeze passing by him in this slightly fluctuating spirit, but there was no discomfort.

But for Yi Xiao, this is simply a miracle that fell from the sky! Thank you gods and my grandpas! I actually felt my wife, my partner's thoughts!

So, after being quiet for a long time, Yi Xiao finally responded to his dark history. His strategy is to be honest.

[Dear, I admit that I had a lot of black history before, and I did n’t have the heart to look at those stupid and bad black history. I deeply regret and distress this. After you come out, I can do whatever you want. But, I have to justify myself! My dear, you should know that I was not normal me in every life! At that time, I was either mentally disabled or secondary two. Which society I put in was a vulnerable group that needed care and harmony! Do you have the heart to care about me like that, otherwise you must not have heart! 】

[But I'm different now! Now I am one with my soul, my body is strong, IQ is normal, my personality is humorous, and I love you as much as I love life! Definitely the first choice of good partners! I promise that from now on you say I will go east and I will not go west, you say I touch the dog and I do n’t catch chickens, everything I have is you! Do you think you can forgive me? Okay okay 】

Ren Zhu couldn't help shaking up and down with his aria-like and idiot-speaking style, showing that the words of a person are all laughing. This guy can really say anything. However, telling those dark histories was nothing more than venting his long depression. He didn't mean to really care about it from the beginning. If you really care about it, how can you come up with it?

Yi Xiao has been seriously feeling Ren Zhu's emotions and found that he is in a good mood now. Originally, he also felt very happy to have been through difficult care, but he felt wronged after thinking about it, so he changed it to General Yi's complaint: "Dear, you can really make me remember my black history like this Sad, I can definitely go to heaven for you. You see, the big commander led the counselor. He died for nearly 30 years for his good friends and the abyss black hole, but it is useless. This shows that his heart treats him Good friends are not enough love! If I were the Grand Commander, I would have rushed in and ended up with the black hole! My dear, I can't even kill my life for you, you always remember my black history! Don't you love me enough? No, do you not love me at all? !! Ah, my heart is breaking, I don't want to live. 】

Yi Xiao had originally planned to turn over quickly and prove his own heart by the way, but ended up talking to him and pitted himself. For this reason, he felt negative and could not help being angry. He thought that if Ren Zhu really did not love him Then just let the entire Federation die.

Ren Zhu felt the sea of ​​spirit that suddenly became gloomy and deep, listening to what he said could not help but be speechless. With such a virtue, I still say that my life is a unity of soul and flesh. What is the first choice of a good IQ partner? Sure enough, no matter how many worlds he has, whether in the virtual world or the real world, this guy's brain is not good, and he likes stepping on his predecessor's superior to say that he is excellent now.

After speaking, Yi Xiao felt Ren Zhu's thinking closely. After feeling his thought, he felt even more depressed. As he was about to explode, he suddenly felt another kind of emotion and thinking, which suddenly stopped him.

Ren Guangqiu denies: "Don't go crazy. I don't hate you, and I will never hate you. ] He can only say this, after all, compared to the expression of language, at least he is more restrained in love.

What's more, how can one understand it with a brain disabled? If it weren't for loving you, if it wasn't because you couldn't replace anyone, do you think I would be entangled with you so much in the world? After all, every world I have experienced has memories. If I want to separate our fate, how can there be no way? The reason why you have been able to endure the stupidity and domineering and singularity of every life like your neurosis is not because of the love that has penetrated the soul and blood ...

This remark was only in Ren Zhu's thoughts, and he did not intend to say anything at all. However, he did not know that every thought he had, in Yi Xiao's mind, could be deeply felt by him. So General Yi, who was going crazy before, was there. After all, he had never heard his lover say such a touching thing. In fact, these words are not spoken now, but what does it matter? He heard, and felt very deeply, the tenderness that drowned him.

Therefore, Ren Zhu was still wondering if he had to appease this guy again, and General Yi laughed again. This time his laughter was full of joy and excitement, and this guy laughed every time Will rippling his spirit sea, shouting at his wife a few words I love you ha ha ha ha! You also love me hahahaha! Yi Xiao is really very happy. He feels that the whole person is going to fly up excitedly. He feels that even if he is allowed to die at this time, he will just smile with a smile, because in this love, their love Equivalent, except that one is more restrained and the other is more enthusiastic, but this is the best feeling.

They really are a perfect match! Combining motion with static! The combination of high IQ and high EQ! The combination of strength and wisdom! Yi Xiao was thinking while waving. Ren Guangqiu was now paralyzed in the sea of ​​thinking and gave up treatment for his partner.

It's not easy to think about yourself, why is it that this brain drain is consumed every life? Still the perfect companion? Whose perfect companion is like his partner, living like a snake disease? Even if the physical configuration is so high, the core is half crazy, and there is a danger of explosion from time to time. If the owner changes to someone else, it is likely to kneel early? Think about it this way, I really feel sorry for myself.

Of course, these thoughts were gladly ignored by General Yi, and he is now immersed in his happiness. However, his happiness was reflected in the fact that the general was shaking like a sheep in the nutrition warehouse, which scared the surrounding Zacks and others. Shi Lei simply carried the Dean Wang directly over. Depending on the situation, after a long inspection, Dean Wang gritted his teeth and pointed at Yi Xiao's brain: "What inspection to check ?! This guy is not sick at all! He is now strong and can kill a blue ocean The savage cow then ate it again! The idiot in love is always so unreasonable, I really want to dig out his mitochondria! "After saying this, Dean Wang turned back angrily, walked halfway and turned again Come over and yell: "I don't want to find me in the future! I have to hurry up and research the protection screen! Not so much federal time to play with you! Huh!"

Seeing the rare and angry aunt Dean Wang recognized as a good-natured, Zacks and Wen Quan looked at each other. It took a long time for Xiao Xiaocai to raise his hand for the first time:

"No, did you hear what President Wang said just now? I feel like I'm hearing it?"

"No, you don't have hallucinations. She said,‘ Idiots in love are always so unreasonable. ”Emmmm ... I'm a bit square now.” Brue repeated, and the whole person was a little bad.

Hung Hyun smiled and clapped his hands: "Hey, I heard that their boss was able to wake up from a coma because the idea captured by Baiyu Lotus Terrace had entered his spiritual sea, purifying the bad thoughts. At that time I was thinking Who has the ability to enter the spiritual sea of ​​the boss, not only was not torn up by him, but also the spirit of the boss was also appeased to teach us by the way, from the little black to the big boss to be a new person, and establish three perspectives, eh, Now I am more certain that the idea was absolutely a super-hero in life! Otherwise, how can we get our boss! We really need a wife.

Zachs and Wen Quan stared at each other, shaking their heads and smiling. Hung Hom is right. If it is really the mind who awakens the boss, then even if there is an additional General Lady, they are very welcome. However, it seems that the boss likes Dasao very much.

Six people saw that there was no problem with Yi Xiao, so not all of them stayed here. Go back to the news, tell the rest of the legion, and prepare for something to deal with everything afterwards. Of the six, only Shi Lei remained. Everyone else left.

At this time, General Yi, who had been giggling, finally stopped, but his spirit sea was still rippling. Ren Guangqiu said that as a ball, he couldn't roll his eyes, it was really unhappy, he threw a topic directly:

[Well, let's talk about the abyss black hole now. After ten days, how do you decide to respond to the Grand Commander? If you do not want to enter the abyss black hole, I will help you make a plan so that you can leave the Federation in a perfect image will not make you a public enemy, anyway, you have been there once before and have suffered a lot of crimes, this time ... ...]

【I go. 】

Ren Zhu's words did not finish, and when he heard Yi Xiao's words, he immediately said: "What? 】

[Azhu, you don't need to bother with me, I said, I will go. The second time to destroy the abyss black hole. ] At this time, Yi Xiao's voice seemed very stable and reliable.

But Ren Zhu shook left and right: "Why? Don't you want to go? And every time the person who enters there is almost impossible to survive, you can't think that you can survive the next time because you have survived this time. So don't be fooled, we should have other ways to destroy the abyss black hole. 】

[No, Azhu. That's too slow, who knows how long to wait? The big commander now wants to force me to go even without his face. It can be seen that the abyss black hole has spread to a terrible level. I'm too lazy to wait, I have too many things to do and don't want to be limited here. 】

Ren Zhu was a little annoyed: [Is there anything more important than your safety? !! 】

Yi Xiao laughed directly when he heard this: [Yes. For example, let you live in peace in this world, happily do what you want to do, and always stay with me. 】

Ren Zhu's voice stopped abruptly.

Yi Xiao repeated it again: [I don't like the entire federation, let it die. But I like you. 】

[I've never been so determined and eager to save it. This is probably what the idiom said about love house and black, right? 】