MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 139 Save the brain

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Yi Xiao received a message from his younger brother, and with the flash of light in his mind, he felt that this was definitely a good opportunity to show his power. So he directly opened the account of the small bamboo pole next to him and said, "Did you not have a few lessons this morning? Would you like to come to see the big scene with me?"

At this time Ren Zhu was changing clothes. He was putting a t-shirt on his body. The white and even slender waist was directly displayed in front of Yi Zhonger. After Xiao Xiao finished talking, he stared at the place. Moved. Ren Zhu felt the hot sight, couldn't help but quickly put down his clothes and refused: "No, anyway, there will be a college battle after one month. That is the real big scene."

Yi Xiao didn't expect that the little bamboo pole would reject him, and he was dissatisfied at once: "Even if it was a big scene, you couldn't watch it up close. But you can watch the competition inside our school very carefully. And the competition inside the school is also very powerful, it's a pity not to watch. Also, don't you want to see my heroic posture? I can show you how powerful I am in the end. "

Ren Zhu directly in his heart, no matter how terrible you are, you are not a brain disabled? Don't you think it's shameful to say something to the brain after playing two games? Sorry to show off in front of me. However, thinking of Ren Zhu here, I decided to follow Yi Xiao to see it. After all, if there is any problem with Yi Xiao's mental strength, he will be more at ease next to him.

"How long? All day?"

After listening to this, Yi Xiao knew that Ren Zhu decided to see him perform, and the mood became very good now: "How can it be like a day? Each grade is tested separately. There is a teacher to supervise it so it can be done in the morning. The comparison is over. And I do n’t have to end the game from the beginning. I was the chief of the sixth grade before. ”Yi Xiao showed off with a bit of words:“ By default, before today, I am the seventh grade. Today ’s final victory That person will challenge me. If I succeed in the position, I will still be the seventh grade leader until the eighth grade qualifying starts again. So in fact, it is for you to see what great strengths our school has. That's it. "

This self-confidence is bigger than the sky. Ren Zhu looked at him and nodded: "Well. Give your self-confidence a praise. Let's go there in a moment. Can you guess who the final winner will be? Yes Wouldn't it be the blond guy named Sawyer who blasted you directly into direct mental power last time? "Yi Xiao's face turned dark when he heard Sawyer's name, and he pouted:" Although I personally do not like him at all, I would like to slap him into a pig when I see him. However, his strength is not weak, and because his family has given him a lot of good things, how should he say it? I can mix the first three of the grade. But in front of me, I can beat him with a punch. He was so dared to provoke me in front of me, so my temperament and self-cultivation are really good in normal days. "

Teacher Ren Xiao drew a corner from the side. If you are good at secondary school, then the world is probably in harmony.

Breakfast at Renzhu was very satisfying-a seafood porridge filled with crab king crabs, and then a cage of crystal shrimp dumplings. This is a shrimp dumpling made directly with crystal shrimp. The crystal-clear appearance is completely different from the crystal shrimp dumplings in previous worlds! The good mood of eating is also good, so when the two people came to the training ground with almost smiling faces, their expressions were quickly seen and discussed by the onlookers.

"I'll just say that our seventh-grade chief is more competitive in the end! Look at two people having breakfast together and talking and laughing. When have you seen Yi Xiao ’s live millennium Xuanbing with such an expression! "

"That's not necessarily. Lan Tu is our high school's popular college academy grass. The number of girls chasing him can't be counted, and the boys chasing her can't be counted. It is said that Lan Tu can only be serious and affectionate Say the last three words to a person, and that person will be captured by him! The third-year little bamboo pole is only a little younger. How could we escape the palm of our Lan Tu Xueyuan? "

"That's not necessarily true! The guy named Ren Zhu seems to have increased his mental strength recently. It is no longer a double e-waste, and he is very evil. Although he looks small, but I always feel that he looks very much like someone I know! As long as he looks at me silently for a while, I have the urge to go back to review his homework! That guy can be a blue-faced evil Definitely not a person who can be captured easily, and do you forget the most important point, Lan Tu is already eighteen years old, ten years older than this little bamboo pole! They are separated by at least three. This generation gap, how can we talk about it together! Or seventh-grade Yi Bawang easier to communicate with him. "

"Oh! Are you kidding me? From time to time, Yi Xiao ’s brain-dead guy will come up with a mental riot, seeing who is not pleasing to the eye, and then he passed away. So far, there have been no more than one hundred and five people who flew away. Ten, he communicates with others? As long as he doesn't kill someone all at once, is he thankful? Do you still think he is the proud one of the past? "

"Even if the mental riots happen, the individual can be an S-class federal genius! And the reason for his mental riots is unknown! Although he has a bad temper, as long as he has a brain, he should be able to understand his situation, and Do n’t laugh at him falling into the altar! If you have the ability, try to abolish your mental strength! See if you can live as strong and powerful as he is? If you replace it, you probably already committed suicide? ”


"Why are you! Are you into war!"


So everyone started a battle of tearing up and fighting with the blue-faced mischievous small bamboo pole, and the two parties did not react at all. Ren Zhu also had a bag of dry fried pork ribs in his hand, and eaten as a snack. Yi Xiao pulled it out of his space bracelet. When he took it out, Ren Zhu was still a little surprised. But Yi Xiao twisted her face to the other side, and said in a particularly nasty manner: "You are too thin as a bamboo pole to lose my person. Eat a little bit longer ... I think you should compare this like to eat."

Ren Zhu laughed when he heard the words. He rarely nodded particularly well. Those watery eyes looked at Yi Xiao's red ears: "I really like to eat, thank you."

Yi Zhonger turned his head to look at him, and was shocked that the whole person moved forward stiffly. How could this little bamboo pole just look so good! Looks really good! This is a black bamboo pole that can't be cheated!

Not far away, Zacks and several other Yi Xiao brothers were stunned by the picture. Even the seventh grade Jin Jinshui teacher Jin Shui who was in charge of the physical and mental strength who was in charge of certification supervision came to the picture. Rare. After all, the former Federal Star and the current Star Academy dominate, but it is quite difficult to get along with.

He thought about some of the rumors recently heard, and looked at Ren Zhu's eyes so subtle.

"Boss, you're here!" Zacks rushed forward to greet him, and there were four or five students in the sixth or seventh grade behind him. Ren Zhu found that Yi Xiao's eyes were relatively mild when he looked at them. He thought that before he didn't show up, these people should be Yi Xiao's rare friends and supporters. Although they may not be able to guard Yi Xiao as desperately as themselves, it is because of them that Yi Xiao has not become more violent and gloomy, but this is enough to make Ren Zhuxin somewhat grateful.

So even if Yi Xiao didn't give these people a good look, he just nodded proudly. But Ren Zhu showed a very bright smile beside him. He said to Zacks and Wen Quan, "You are good friends of Yi Xiao? You are really **** weekdays. What do you need to do in the future? You are always welcome to come to me! Now that I have taught myself the third grade of the Advanced Department for spiritual powers and the history and laws of federal politics, literature, and law, I also have a special supplementary classroom on the Internet. Come to me, and I will see you make up lessons for free if you are friends of Yi Xiao. "

Several people of Zachs were also winked by Ren Zhu's brilliant smile, thinking that it really is the future grandmother of the presidential election, with a high value and a good personality! As a result, the moment they heard Mr. Ren smiling and speaking with a smile, the expressions of several people were all stiff. Everyone brushed the bed in their hearts, feeling that countless mech monsters ran in their hearts! They lived for more than ten years, and for the first time when they met, they said they would help them make up lessons! !! !! And the opposite was a little boy four years younger than them! What the **** is a self-taught to third grade? Imp, do you have a bad idea of ​​your grade? !! A third-year kid said that they had to wrap up their seventh-year make-up lessons. Is this joke really not funny at all? !!

Among the six people, Shi Lei, who has the most straightforward personality, directly asked his own question: "I said Xiaoda, uh, cough! Primary school brother, are you wrong? You give us supplementary classes? We are in seventh grade. You are in third grade now? How can you make up for us? "

Ren Zhuwenyan looked at him with pitying IQ eyes, and he could not help but take a big step back! Yi Xiao kicked him gently beside him: "Don't have a brain? He said he was self-taught." Shi Lei heard this, his face was even more distorted, just because the whole self-study was even more terrible! He is only a few years old now and he has learned the content of the third grade of the Advanced Department? Moreover, it is not a certain course, but it includes almost all the knowledge of the liberal arts. Okay, if what he said is true, what kind of learning genius does he have to be? As a scumbag of federal history and law that always failed, he didn't believe in such a powerful genius!

The answer to him was a sneer from Yi Zhonger, and then a very proud tone: "So you are stupid, his ability to make up lessons and self-learning is certified by the Education Alliance."

When the words "Education Alliance" appeared, it was almost like the birth of a big killer, which shocked all six younger brothers, including Zacks. After the reaction came, they looked at Ren Zhu's eyes and turned into a look of surprise and entanglement. Ren Zhu looked at them and knew that they must have at least one course of scum, so he He smiled again: "Welcome to come to me to make up for lessons. For the sake of all of you who are friends in this Secondary Two, I will only charge you half of the tuition."

Shi Lei was depressed again, "Did you just say it was free?" How it changed in minutes!

Teacher Yi Xiao looked at him earnestly: "I think it would be very loss if your IQ is not charged, so let's take it as a symbol."

The six Zacks were speechless.

The sound of their speech was not small or small, but as a B teacher of spiritual power, Jin still listened to it faintly. He looked at Ren Zhu with a bit of surprise, and the kid was really able. However, it is still more important for the defending match and the candidates, so Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao are sitting in the position of the first-grade chief, and then more than fifty people appeared on the competition platform here. The competition is divided into mech competition and power competition. According to the way of competition, the four most powerful people will be selected. These four people will follow Yi Xiao to participate in the college hegemony. The most powerful one will challenge Yi Xiao to sprint to the position of chief of grade.

Of course, Soya ’s deadly opponent, Yi Xiao, also appeared with his younger brother. He swept his neck against Yi Xiao, saying that this year he must pull him off from the position of chief of grade. It's a pity that Yi Xiao was too busy talking to Ren Zhu without giving Soya any look, which made some people unpopular.

Ren Zhu watched the fierce and fierce match below suddenly thought of one thing: "How many years have you been the chief here?"

Yi Xiao didn't want to say directly: "Four years, what happened?"

Ren Zhu nodded and then gave a puzzled look: "Who was the chief of that first year? Sawyer?"

Yi Xiao chuckled: "He deserves it too? The first year's chief is Zacks."

"Zacks?" Ren Zhu's voice was a little surprised, "So you defeated him, will he recognize you as the boss in the future? You drove him from the chief position, he did not hate you, but instead To follow you? "

Yi Xiao laughed when he heard this, "Who knows if he is stupid? But he was annoying at first. After I couldn't get him up for twenty days in a row, he completely served him. . Then he told me that he felt that I had the power of a bully, so he decided to confuse me. "Yi Xiao said this, and raised his eyebrows proudly:" It turns out that I really have the power of a bully. "

It's Wang Ba's innocence to pump a corner of Ren Zhu's mouth, right? "The contrast between drivable mechas and abilities requires mental power, right? When you came, the mental riot was unstable. How did you come over these years? How did you win?" Although Yi Xiao's mental strength can still reach A, but the biggest problem is that once you get stimulated or can't control, you will be mentally violent. In this case, with a time bomb all the time, how can this person be the grade chief for four consecutive years?

When Yi Xiao heard this, he paused, and then he looked at the battle between the teenagers in front of his eyes, saying, "I want to win. I won."

It's just six words that are extremely simple, but at this moment, Ren Zhu is extremely distressed at the twelve-year-old boy.

I want to win. So I won. For this reason, I wouldn't care even if I paid tens or even hundreds of times more pain and perseverance than others.

Read The Duke's Passion