MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 112 Save the savior

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After Ren Zhu shouted "Don't seduce", those people who stayed in place all reacted at once, they acted quickly, Use your greatest strength to attack those zombies. Then I felt like everyone had never been so happy before--

When they hit the zombies before, they would not only avoid their attacks, but also fight back from time to time. If they were slow responders, they would easily scratch their claws or bit their arms. At that time, unless they can quickly cut off the scratched or bitten place, it won't be long before they become zombies' companions and start attacking their friends.

But now? Those zombies stood there like wooden stakes waiting for them to fight! There is no resistance or evasion at all. Some people with good marksmanship can shoot headshots, let alone powers, let alone control the powers come to the head of the zombie, then the zombie will directly Fall to the ground.

Everyone fights more and more, and the more they fight, the more excited they are. Some people ca n’t wait to rush to the zombies to take away a large piece of zombies. Takeda Ken saw that the zombies really stood there and did n’t move. A miniature bomb came out and was thrown out immediately after pressing the switch. The bomb fell into the group of zombies, and instantly killed hundreds of zombies in that area.

Others seemed to be inspired by seeing such a picture. Everyone started to use the method of group attack one after another.

It was when they were so excited that the sound of the trumpet that was initially regarded by them as neuropathy and later identified as the **** of cattle and gods resounded again: "It is almost time, and the high-level zombies will be able to fight back immediately, everyone will change Breakthrough in strategy! "

In this case, the Cyclops who are capable of killing **** are very upset. Haven't you seen them killing the Quartet now? However, after some people heard this, they immediately changed their strategy and gathered together in groups, attacking and defending. Soon there were almost a thousand zombies left, and they threw angrily at the foremost men who thought they were great, and these people were stunned by the smoothness before. When they responded, they had bitten their necks and even broken their brains.

The fierce battle is now officially started.

However, because human beings have the advantage of home field here, after about half an hour, all these zombies were cleaned up, and the original calm around the original city base was restored.

Takeda took a sigh of relief. He looked at nearly 500 people who had survived in the base except those who died. The first smile in these days finally appeared on his face. He looked at Lei Long: "Thank you very much You have come out to support. Otherwise, we are afraid that we will not be able to survive this time. "

Lei Long smiled brightly: "You came here to join us, and we will be our companions in the future. Isn't it the right thing to support our companions? Okay, you have also toiled for so many days, now go to the gate Check it out, then take a good break and come back to us at Headquarters. I think you can bring us some useful information. "

Takeda nodded, his face a bit inexplicable: "... Our basalt base. Our base has been broken by the zombies. As for the reason ... I need to see the person in charge before I can say."

Lei Long nodded: "This is what it should be, and you go check it."

Takeda Kin will leave when he hears the words, but he suddenly thought of the god-like shouting before him, and his face showed a very interested expression: "Thunder team, tell me who was the great character who just shouted? That person is Not mental power? Or something else? It's terrible. "

Thunder Dragon immediately twitched his lips, yeah, could it be great? Even he has just learned that the weekday looks like a smile, a handsome and elegant young man is such a powerful killer! Hearing Liu Mingqing said that this man was a mental power that could interfere with the zombies' actions. He still believed it, but he was beaten two days ago, and today he almost swollen his face. The thought of Ren Zhu Leilong inevitably led to Yi Xiao, who was like a paint like Ren Zhu, and then Captain Lei's face became even more ugly. Compared to this big speaker, which can control thousands of zombies, he still hated and Watch out for the guy who doesn't look like a person and can blast a zombie with one punch. It is said that the guy also has the ability to enable the zombies to surrender and alert. Where is this powerful miracle, this **** is a zombie king!

Takeda Jian watched Lei Long's face constantly changing, and he felt that he might not get any answer. Sure enough, Lei Long answered his face after changing his face: "That is a great god-level figure in our base. Time You'll know him after a long time. Now go check it. "

Takeda shrugged. Since he was not allowed to watch, he would not watch. Anyway, after ten days and a half months, can I always see it once?

However, Takeda never thought that he would soon be able to see that person.

Takeda Ken quickly walked towards the first gate of the original city base. After passing this gate and the moat, they were able to enter the second gate for potential testing, and then enter the third gate to reach the base. It has to be said that the original city base is indeed one of the four major bases. No matter in terms of technology or force, they have dumped their small and medium-sized bases so far.

But why haven't we checked it yet? And they quarreled before?

Takeda listened to the quarrel in front and walked quickly in that direction, and then he saw a water power in their base yelling.

"Why can't you let me in! No problem with my blood test! I don't have any wounds on my body! I can fight with you now, it means my brain has not been eaten by the zombies, since I am a normal Humans, why do n’t you let me in ?! Did your original city base bully people like this? Look down on the people who came over from our small base ?! The sharp blame that belongs to women rang around the city gate, as she yelled An uneasy mood began to emerge around the city gate. Everyone couldn't help but want to squeeze into the city gate. It gradually became that you pushed me and started to quarrel.

"Stop! Those who haven't been checked can't enter the base! If you don't stop, we will solve it by force!" The gatekeepers are very responsible, but their responsibility at this time is the last straw that overwhelms the camel Everyone subconsciously thought that the original city base did not intend to accept them, and that survival would have allowed them to start a riot. Coupled with the scoffing and scolding of the woman, the original city base was really going to die and the whole city gate was messed up.

The disorder of nearly five hundred people is bound to cause a major disaster.

Both Lei Long and Takeda realized that something was wrong. Unfortunately, no matter how Takeda yelled to calm down, everyone who was stimulated couldn't calm down. Everyone's goal is that door, we must squeeze in, we must squeeze in! !! People shouted and unconsciously used their powers. Under the cover of these people, someone revealed the sinister and terrible fangs.

"What a mess !? Want to turn it up! Penalty for five minutes on the spot !!"

This roar was like a thunder on the ground, and these five hundred people were stunned. Some people are still scolding, but they are horrified to find that their bodies can no longer move, they will quickly think of the immovable zombies who were previously hanged by them, and try their best to move their eyes and stare at that The young man leaping from the wall.

"So you have to be careful no matter what you do, but you have to be calm and serious. If there is a calming force that Taishan collapses in front of you without changing color, otherwise, it will be used by people with ulterior motives like today. With irreparable catastrophic consequences. "

Looking at these people, Ren Zhu couldn't help but popularize the chicken soup in the soul: "You guys have come here so hard, and you shouldn't fall short at the last moment. Think about it at this time, and no one will do it again in the future. Save you. "

After Ren Zhu said these words, she slowly walked towards the female protagonist who initially caused contradictions. At this time, the female prodigal's face was a little pale, and she almost looked at Ren Zhu with her teeth developing.

Ren Zhu looked at her and said, "You have the smell of zombies, and a bottle containing dried zombie blood. What are you going to do after entering the base? Will you poison the water of the original base? Or ... What about some people? "

Hearing what Ren Zhu said, the five hundred people in the development collectively took a sigh of air, and the expressions on their faces were all incredible. How could this be possible? !!

Even the female powerhead did not admit it: "What are you talking about !? I don't have any zombie blood at all! I am just a water powerhead! Even if your original city base does not want to accept us You do n’t need to use such poor reason to drive us away! ”

This female power activist took them with her voice. Naturally, she wanted to take Takeda and other people from the basalt base to the same position as her. However, the people who were punished at this time were extremely clear in their brains. They knew very well It's really like what Ren Zhu said, so don't even let them be punished collectively here, even if all their backpacks, a series of things are searched, and a little bit of inspection should be! What a terrible thing, blood of zombies!

Everyone was silent and did not speak. This atmosphere made the female prodigal gradually flustered. She wanted to control her body to leave here, but she found that she couldn't move, no matter what. What else did she want to say? Ren Zhu directly pulled down her backpack and took out a bag of unsealed Nande seasonings held by small clips.

"What do you do with my seasonings! Do I like to eat this and what's preventing you ?!" The female prodigal called out instantly, but unfortunately her voice shook and sold her. The faces of those who were forced to stand have all changed, and Takeda Ken couldn't help turning his eyes red: "Shuiyue! Why did you do this ?! Do you know how many people you would do!"

Lei Long stood beside and said coldly: "The entire original city base, including old and weak women, children, young adults and all kinds of animals, totaled 680,000. If you intend to use this polluted water source, you will directly kill six Eighteen thousand lives. No matter what reason you have, you deserve to die. "

Until then, the psionicist named Shuiyue burst into tears like "I can't help it ?! I can't help it! I love him! The world can't hold us, What else can I do! He said, as long as the world becomes like him, we can be together forever! "

Shuiyue said with his eyes, "Yes, yes! I'm not killing at all! I'm changing this world! I'm saving people! Look at this world, how embarrassing and desolate it is!" Humans are getting scarce, and they are going to be extinct, so why struggle again? As long as they become zombies, don't be afraid of anything! How good, how good? "

The eyes of everyone looking at Shuiyue had changed from anger to indifference. If this woman is not crazy, she is brainwashed by zombies. In her eyes, 680,000 lives are not as good as the love she said, and people's resistance to the last days is dying. Such a woman is simply not worthy of being called a person.

Ren Zhu looked at her and said, "You are in love with a zombie?"

Shuiyue turned around and shouted, "What happened to the zombies! He is not an ordinary zombie! He has memories, wisdom, and feelings! He just looks different from us! He saved me! He also helped me find food He said he loves me, but unfortunately this world cannot keep us together! He has a way to make other people like him, even if he becomes a zombie, can he maintain wisdom and thinking, is this bad? Is it bad? ?! Just drink his blood !!! "

Ren Zhu quietly looked at this crazy-looking woman, and finally nodded: "This is good, but I think you can have another way to stay with him forever and upright."

Shuiyue's eyes brightened: "What method?"

Ren Zhu picked up the packet of Nande spices and walked towards her.

Suiyue's face changed instantly: "What are you doing ?! Don't come over !!! Don't come over with that thing !!!"

Ren Zhu looked at her with almost compassion: "Didn't you say it yourself? As long as you drink his blood, you can become like him, so that you don't have to harm others, you can be right with him . "

"No no no, I do n’t, I do n’t, I look so beautiful, I still have abilities, I do n’t want to become a zombie, what if I fail? Then I am just going to die? I do n’t want to!

Ren Zhu's eyes instantly became cold and sharp: "Then you let others be your experimental products!"

At this moment, all the people around were thinking, let the woman die.

Read The Duke's Passion