MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 110 Save the savior

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Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao were almost expressionless watching the three men ran into the gate of the research base. It didn't take long for the zombies to come in there The roaring screams did not change their faces.

"It's getting late, let's go back quickly. I think the thing in my hand should be the focus of this task."

Yi Xiao nodded, then suddenly turned around as if something had been found, grabbed it out of thin air, and a green shiny jade bracelet appeared in his hand. Ren Zhu looked at the bracelet with a doubt and then ah, "This is Lingling? But I haven't seen her before?"

Yi Xiao felt this jade bracelet, and then she let go of her mouth. This **** is far worse than the Qiankun bag he made in his lifetime. Unfortunately, he doesn't have any good materials now, otherwise he can artificially create many space abilities. However, now that the atmosphere of heaven and earth is out of order because of the meteorite, there are a lot of evil cultivation methods that can make some storage bags. But now ... he can skip meals, but his partner still has to eat.

So, a moment later, Ren Zhu watched Yi Xiao use the overbearing zombie king Fan Er, forcibly grabbed his left hand, and Kabbah brought the jade bracelet to his wrist.

Lying! grass! Neh! Huh!

Teacher Ren is going to look at the jade bracelet on his wrist madly. He is not a mother-in-law, what jade bracelet he wears! !! And who is wearing decorations in the last days, isn't it clear that this bracelet has a problem! !! Ren Zhuzheng was about to roar with the power of the flood, but Yi Xiao's movement was faster. He gently nodded the jade bracelet, and the jade bracelet gradually became transparent, and then disappeared.

"Well?" Ren Zhu was a little surprised, but fortunately, he had a little experience in his last life: "This is a magic weapon that can hide the form once you recognize the Lord?"

Master Yiqian scorned his mouth and said, "Can't hold living things, can't change time or even stay time, it's just a dead storage space. What magic weapon? Barely give you a backpack."

Ren Zhu nodded his head in agreement: "You're right." Think about it, it's a bit of a chicken rib. If it is in other novels, at least there should be a Lingtian, a spring eye, and a wooden house. He just moved the warehouse.

However, there are still a lot of good things in the warehouse. Ren Zhu closed his eyes and felt the energy. He found that most of them are rice white noodles and canned noodles, which are better preserved foods. Secondly, there is a sports car with a bag, And some daily necessities. Of course, most of these daily necessities are for women.

"Well, go back to the bargain and sell it to those who need it." Ren Zhuxin thought, he still only needs food.

Yi Xiao felt a little better when his partner got the jade bracelet. He felt that he hadn't gone for nothing, and then he went all the way to the front and opened the road. And the wandering zombies in this base don't cooperate with this boss in particular. Although there is no nod to show respect, it is rare that the old one stays still.

Ren Zhu looked at Yi Xiao like this, and the few bad feelings almost disappeared. In fact, do n’t look at the current Yi Xiao always looks like a big boss without emotion, but in many things and performance Up, you can still see the shadows of the previous worlds. For example, the movement of the bracelet just now, the arrogance of Wang Bakai at the moment, and the character of the rich second-generation people.

When Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao returned to the central square, they saw a few dejected people. Squinting his eyes, Ren Zhu found that they seemed to be downsizing.

"Ah! Brother you are back! Great, we are worried about you!" Gou Jianfei shouted happily when he saw Ren Zhu, but unfortunately when Ren Zhu saw him, he was not happy: "What's on you What is blood? What about your arms and hairy legs? "

Gou Jianfei er, he was very sensitive to find that his boss may be in a bad mood, and then annoyed why he didn't have long eyes? However, he was soon released. The vocalist was Lei Long, because Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao voluntarily requested to take the three people to explore the institute together. Lei Long was also considered to be surrounded, so he actively requested to bring Gou Jianfei and Maogancao. Coupled with Lao Ding, Jin Fatty and Xiao Xue, Lao Huo, their strength is second only to Ren Zhu.

Unfortunately, sometimes strength brings not only safety but also danger, because they are more powerful, so Lei Long they are responsible for exploring the Psionicist base and the nearby base health center. It should reasonably not be that big. The problem is, in the power base, they were suddenly besieged by hundreds of zombies! There are at least ten secondary zombies among these zombies. If not everyone cooperates better, Gou Jianfei and Maogancao have burst out one after another, awakening to become power abilities and healing abilities, they will definitely be there.

However, it can be considered a blessing due to misfortune. At least two people, Maogancao and Gou Jianfei, who are still miserable after being injured, don't feel sad at all now, they are extremely excited.

"So, you, a primary healing ability, a primary strength ability, in front of me, showing off the terrible face and the arms and legs, showing off?" Teacher Ren's tone was quite calm, but alive. Let the kitten pup snooze.

Lying down! I think today's big brother is terrible! !! Inexplicably, I want to stand up straight and go to the lap! What the **** happened!

Not only cats and dogs, but even other members of the Yulong squad have found Ren Zhu's mood not so good.

"What about the three people who followed you?" It was Lao Qi who spoke, and that was the one who was pitted by one of them by Ren Lingling.

Ren Zhu glanced at his arm. "The three of them wanted to trap the two of us in the basement of the institute. I think they are better suited to stay there than they are, so let them stay there."

This sentence seems quite normal in the literal sense. After watching the passersby for a while, the eyes of Ren Zhu became frightened and alert-where and what kept them there? what! It is simply to let them die directly in the basement! Even if this person's mouth is talking about the three people's first move, they can easily solve the three abilities, and the person who said this calmly, is not a good stubble!

Lao Qi directly showed a big smile: "Good job! None of them is a good thing. Sooner or later, it will scourge a person who killed a car!"

Ren Zhu looked at Lao Qi and laughed, "This man is right."

Although there are still people in the team who have doubts about this matter, Ren Zhu and Lao Qi said so, and the three people died, and no one will continue to investigate this matter. Anyway, the defeat of the king and the weak meat and strong food are more obvious in the last days.

"Hey, the zombies in this base seem to be more powerful. Each squad has injured people. Fortunately, there are only four dead people. It is already very few." Lao Jin made a summary next to him: "It is a pity We haven't found any important people and clues. Now you are on your side. Brother Ren, have you found anything? "

Ren Zhu did not intend to conceal the little black stone: "I saw a female researcher on the negative floor of the institute. She should be waiting for her compatriots in a last breath. She gave me a black one. Small stones and some information, and there are quite a lot of zombies gathered in front of her, and many secondary zombies, those zombies should be directed at that stone ... if she throws away the small stone, as a spirit Powerful ones can definitely survive. Unfortunately ... "

Ren Zhu sighed, and the others were silent. This kind of person who knows death but dies recklessly for a certain purpose will always set off everyone so small, they willingly use life and conviction to open the way to light.

"... Let's go, let's go back quickly. Since it's that woman's wish, we have to do it well." Ren Zhu went forward.

However, there will never be a person with ulterior motives and hind legs, and soon a middle-aged man with glasses stood up: "I am also a researcher, can you show me the black stone? Also Yes, I have a little doubt about what you said. Since that stone is so attractive to zombies, why are there not many zombies in the central square now? Shouldn't ... That stone is not to attract zombies, but to drive them away? ? "

The last sentence of this glasses man said, the atmosphere in the whole team changed. Many people who were a little swayed before they looked at Ren Zhu immediately became suspicious and uncertain, yeah, compared to the three people who first used their counterattack rhetoric, this kind of person who got the treasure and killed the treasure It's more likely, isn't it?

"Yes, this gentleman is right. Since you said that the stone was attractive to the zombies, why don't you see a zombie rushing over now? Are you lying? You are wrong! If there is That kind of baby, you should hand it over to everyone to share! We are all here to explore the base together, should n’t everything we explore be shared? Not to mention the kind of baby that can drive away zombies! "

It wasn't the power squads who spoke, but the power and ordinary people rescued by Ren Zhu from their previous base. Except for the two and only two grateful ordinary people of Brother Zhao Daoshi from IQ Online, the look and expression of those who came out of the last base is really ugly, especially those ordinary people's faces at this time Even the best-tempered Liu Mingqing frowned.

"you guys,"

"Don't go too far ..."

"Oh, you can try it. Take it, don't drop it."

Compared to the cats and dogs' fur and Zhou Yun's anger, Mr. Ren's voice can almost be called kindness. He laughed and threw a small stone to the glasses man and the leading man who started talking. At the same time, Yi Zhuangwang directly received the gas field.

The next second, the zombies roared like a tide!