MTL - City Lady-Killer-Chapter 1310 An Ya heart

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Anya screamed back and screamed at the neck, and the taut body stood down. The small seams shot a powerful stream of water, and some even shot on the floor under the bed! After the shooting, she sat on the dragon like a force, and there was no more strength.

I rely on! So powerful, it is three stocks! You are satisfied with this, but I am not cool enough.

Tianlong put the soft and muddy Anya heart on the bed, turned her body into a kneeling position, stood behind and prepared, he did not use the kneeling position, he had to stand, to use the most intensive and intense horse step The posture makes An Ya heart completely fascinated by him.

"No, I can't do it... ah!"

The face was stuck on the sheets, and the high-rise Anya felt that Tianlong’s top was over, and she could not stand it. The feeling of the tidal spray made her feel so refreshed, and she was a little numb. She thought she was satisfied. She couldn’t continue any more, but the pleasure would rise again!


The beautiful call is with a crying, and Tianlong’s hands pass under the arm of An Ya’s heart, holding her child who keeps shaking with his collision, and hard and hard to pull it all over again.

The movement of An Yaxin's heart is constantly secreted. She feels that she is going to die. The brain has the feeling of lack of oxygen. It has lost the ability to think. The only thing that is clear is the frictional pleasure in the inside. Gradually, the meaning is rushing. Come up, but she didn't have the strength to shout it out again.

When the tide is sprayed, it will be violently contracted, and with the impact of heat and heat, Tianlong will not be able to parry when it is inserted for a long time. At this moment, there was no movement under him. He thought that he would not be squirting again. He was relieved, but at this time Anya’s heart suddenly grabbed the sheets and became more damp and hot. The hot liquid rushed out, all poured on it, and the cool dragon was harder!

not good! This An Ya heart makes a swindle! I said it was done a few times ago. I didn’t give you notice in advance. It’s a yin, I rely on it! Can't help it! I want to!

Tianlong whispered, and pulled the waist of An Ya heart back so that he could go deeper, and the thick one would shoot out. An Ya heart buried his face on the bed, and the sheets were caught in a mess. The huge pleasure made her feel the cloud, and at the same time Also let her lose the last glimmer of strength, and finally she shouted and fainted in the violent continuous...

What is this place? How can I be here? Anya woke up in confusion and looked at the furnishings in the hotel room. I couldn’t remember where I was. I thought of getting up and watching, but the strange feeling that came a little bit made her think immediately before she happened. all.

what! No way! I...I am not here to talk to Tianlong, but...but later...

How can I...


Anya struggled to sit up with her teeth and wanted to hurry to find clothes to wear. When she looked up and found the wet marks on the bed, it was... the wet marks were... ah!

Anya closed his eyes and rubbed his hands with his hands. He regretted it... He made up his mind not to be with him, but now he has not only done it, but he has done so intensely, and he seems to have been spraying water... ……spray……

Scorpio! Oh my God! I will actually spray it out! Will my strength be strong enough? Not only that, it seems that after I squirted for the first time, I still rely on him to continue to tell my son's story, without shyness, how can I become so shameless! What can I do? Throw people away!

An Ya heart is lying in bed on the bed, and his face is like a gray.

She is a very smooth woman. Her father is the hospital's dean. Her life has been very smooth, smooth sailing, smooth sailing, smooth sailing, smooth sailing, smooth marriage, smooth sailing, everything is given to her. Arranged, even the object of marriage is introduced by others, she does not have a snack, although she does not like it so much. Going to work every day, watching children or shopping at home on a rest day, never going to KTV or nightclubs.

Although she is a medical doctor, she is no stranger to the man's body. However, she has been strictly tutored since she was a child. She firmly believes that the men there are floods and beasts. Once they enter, there is no good thing. But not going does not mean that I am not curious. She is also very puzzled. Why do some female colleagues like to go to the nightclub high and laugh at her at home to watch TV. Is it not good to watch TV at home?

Listening a lot, An Ya heart this egg gradually has a gap, but she does not touch many people and things, the gap is very small. She does not care about men's individual dating in any form, and does not add men when chatting online. She is like an ice girl in the eyes of colleagues and friends.

However, there is also a small gap. After her son Xiaoming had thoughts about her, she ended her smooth life. She had not suffered any setbacks. She did not handle the matter well, but she insisted on the bottom line until her husband derailed. Only after this reason is not a reason to completely fight, took the first step of derailment.

The son is his own flesh and blood, although it is more serious in nature than derailment, but she still feels that she is not derailed. She comforted herself with such reasons - even if she loved her son and nodded!

Then, the rooftop was hit by her in the event of Tianlong. She had the feeling of derailment for the first time. She had a relationship with a man who was not her husband, which made her suffer, and she was still a junior high school student of Xiao Ming, the pain even exceeded that. The video to be embarrassed.

But when the night is quiet, the pleasure that she never experienced from her husband and son has fascinated her. She is very tangled, and she reminisces about that feeling while licking her own knees.

At this time, Tianlong appeared again, and inadvertently used an article to expand the gap in her heart. When she was often subjected to a cursing curiosity and encountered a yellow novel, when she felt that the environment was safe and no one would know it, she did not hesitate to look at it. Although it was not yellow, but for that At the time, she just needs it.

After seeing her heart undulating, but one thing is certain, she thought of that feeling. The son has been away for a few days, and her husband does not often go home on time. How can she calm down when she is hungry? So when she came to the hotel, she thought that there would be some bottom in the heart of Tianlong. She kept telling herself that she would hold it, but she couldn’t guarantee it if she could hold it.

The result is not unexpected, not only does not hold it, but also indulgent insane, wet sheets are proof, this is never with her husband or son...


The door of the bathroom opened, and Anya was shocked and couldn't help but blink.

"Oh, Ann Aunt, you are awake."

Tianlong had some accidents. This recovery was quite fast. She thought that she was so powerful with her own ability. She was dizzy. She had to sleep for a while. She didn’t expect to wash herself for more than ten minutes. She woke up. Oh, still overestimate yourself...


Anya flustered and promised, and my heart was in a mess. "What to do... How to do it... He came over... It’s so ah... I should say something... Oh! Yes, I have to take care of my body. ......"

An Yaxin quickly wrapped himself up like a scorpion with a quilt. He suddenly thought about it. He had just done it with him. He also sprayed so much. Does he say that he is a serious man, and he feels that he is too loaded?

Tianlong was a little funny by Anya’s disappointing feelings. This woman is really cute. She is in her forties. Her mind is like a little girl. What she thinks is all on her face, and her mother Yang Shimin is simply not. Fabi... Oh, but I can’t care about it. Although she succeeded in doing her, she also cooperated very well, but this does not prove that she is mine, as she can see from her appearance.

"Auntie, what are you doing? After a while, the quilt is loose for a while."

Tianlong poured a glass of water and handed it over and deliberately said something.

"Ah... I... no... no..."

Anya’s heart saw that the water cup that was handed over was even more confusing, and the words were unclear. I don’t know if I should pick it up.

"Auntie, look at you, what are you panic! Do you think that we have just been like that... Is it a bit of a tight fit?"


An Ya heart was said to have a heart, and his face was lowered.

"Oh, don't think about it, what's the matter! Ann Auntie, you are right to protect, which means that you are responsible for your own body, not the **** that exposes the body to men."

is it? Oh, fortunately, fortunately, I have been protected... Anya’s heart sighed.

"Auntie, when do you do something, let it come, you can't stop it. For example, take the bus to line up, others will line me up, others can't line up, I can't row, or I will always squeeze If you don’t go up, you and your son are the same. My husband’s derailment hurts your heart, your son cares about you, and you are afraid that he will come to the female classmates, so it’s time to have a relationship. It’s unreasonable if it doesn’t happen. of."

"Similarly, I and you have just been very reasonable. You tell the story of your son. Of course, it will start. Of course, you will vent. It is a matter of course. There is no place for guilt or regret. Of course, I may have some coziness with my son. After all, it is, but it is totally unnecessary for me. I have nothing to do with you. Your husband is derailed, you are derailed, the two sides are in balance, and no one hurts anyone."

"No, it is obviously derailed, and it is said that it has not hurt..."

This little bad guy is so much! But... I listened so how is it so smooth... Anya heart looked up, looking forward to watching Tianlong, let's talk, let me know, let me feel better...

"The derailment is not fake, but it depends on when, as I said, the train is not lined up right? No, it is absolutely wrong, but when others don't line up, you can't row, or you can't get on the bus. Is it derailed? It’s not right, but when you are derailed, you have to derail, or you’ll panic, panic, and your heart is more blocked.”


Anya thought for a while, and she took a long breath and said the same thing. I don’t always think that there must be a road to the mountain. Don’t get too entangled in this. It’s time to happen, and It’s really uncomfortable to think about the kind of grievances, and it’s worse than this indulgence! That pleasure.

Damn! Crazy crazy! Why did you think about going there again...

"You... you helped me get the clothes..."

Anya’s heart slammed his blushing thoughts and wanted to wear clothes and leave, so that the quilt wrapped in the quilt was really awkward, but the clothes were taken off the bathroom, and it was not easy to open the quilt to get it, only to help the dragon.

"What? Wear clothes now? You don't have to take a shower first! Just sweating so much..."

Want to go so fast? The beauty of thinking, my things have not been done yet.

"Don't wash... I go home to wash, take it..."

Anya muttered in her mouth.

"No! It’s not time to wear clothes, things are not finished, you have to wait until you finish!"

"Ah? Not all finished?"

Anya looked at him with a puzzled look, this guy will not be remorse!

Does he still want to get it again? Shameless!

Anya’s heart was angry at once. “You don’t talk, it’s not so much. I’ve talked about it in detail. Even people have given you...get it, how are you going! Don’t lie!”

"Auntie, you have to pay attention to what you talk about! Who is going to talk about it? Originally, it is said that you have to tell it all. This is just the first time that you have had a son, what happened in the future? All, what is it? That is to always talk It’s only what we are doing here, and the thing just happened is just an accident. I didn’t force you. Of course, it’s definitely not that you are taking the initiative, but it’s happening here, naturally it’s happening, and I just let you Say, I didn’t ask for anything else! Or do you want to do something more?”

Tianlong smiled and said nothing, and at the end did not forget to tease her.

"You and I……"

Anya wants to refute but can't find a word. He really promised him, but he wants to say it again...

"And, to be honest, you just didn't feel well? You are so strong for the first time? Look at you, don't yell at me! Don't misunderstand, I am not laughing at you, I think you lived more than forty. It’s a pity that I’ve just tasted it, but I’ve thought that some women have never tasted that taste for a lifetime. Don’t you think you are much better than them?”


An Ya’s heart was silent and did not speak. The pleasure of the previous wave was so refreshing that she couldn't breathe. Later, she even fainted her. Although the relationship between the two was not right, the pleasure could not be denied.

"Auntie, say..."

Tianlong used some spoiled tone. "You should be celebrating the first time. Oh, I said it. If you don't want to do anything, I will listen to you, as long as you are willing to talk."


An Ya heart was made a goose bump in the tone of the dragon, but I thought about it. This little bad guy really doesn't know what to think. She looked at the wet marks on the bed, and pulled the quilt over it. After the cover, she looked at Tianlong with a subconscious look, but found that Tianlong stood on the side and looked at her narrowly, and suddenly felt hot.

"Well, Ann Auntie, let's go! Go home when you finish, just talk about your son and you, then?"

You are still shy! Covered is also your spray! Tian Long smiled and didn't say it. He was afraid to say that An Ya heart would run away. I thought about getting out of the quilt and going to bed, holding the warm carcass.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

Anya was shocked and thought that he was coming again. He struggled a few times and wanted to get out of bed but was pulled into his arms. She was anxious and shouted. "No! You are not talking about light? Now you..."

"It's too cold outside, warm and warm, let's say we are all so close, don't worry, let's talk, I don't move."

Tianlong played a role in Lai.


An Yaxin was helpless. She knew that she couldn’t do it, but she didn’t say much, but her heart was still up and down... There was still some residue in the aphrodisiac medicine that I just drank, although it didn’t make her want to burn. But the body is hot and hot...

How to make it, how is it still so itchy? It’s better than not getting it... oh! Anya hearted you a fox, just got it, sprayed so much, still want!

No, no, I can't think about it. The more I want to itch, the better. Let's calm down, hurry up and say, just go home soon after...

"Auntie? What's wrong? The face is so red? Is it hot?"

Tianlong propped up his body with one arm, and looked at An Ya heart half-lying, and he was a little surprised. The efficacy of this aphrodisiac is really long lasting. Once I have done it, my face is still so red. It looks like what I want. In fact, he was misunderstood. The blush of An Ya’s heart was largely caused by continuous, but Tian Long’s thoughts thought of it. I didn’t expect it to be my credit.

"Ah? Oh... a little..."

Anya touched her face, "a little hot..."

"Nothing, you don't have to be nervous, I will give you a hint. Just said that you and your son for the first time, he didn't have a few times, then? How do you feel? Can you satisfy you?"

An Ya heart bites his teeth, forget it! When I got to this point, I was still shy, and my love was done. The water was sprayed and my face was lost... I... I will tell you, lest you do this for a while, say I will leave as soon as I am, and I will definitely not stay for a second!

"...well... the first time the son was soon... that kind of thing, I was nervous, I didn’t think about anything else..."

"Then, later, he often does it with you, can't you be nervous every time?"

"Well... yes... later... my son often asks for this. After the first time, the second time I did not resist it for the second time..."

Back to the dragon, I feel that Aya heart feels somewhat safe. Although the effectiveness of aphrodisiac has passed, the fierce warmth has warmed her, and the cause has already been said, so it is not so difficult to talk about the following things. It is.

"The second time I didn't have much tension. You know that my woman of this age is very strong... although my son's... is not very big, it is not very... rough, but... it is better than no... ..."

Speaking of his son's Anya heart awkwardly moving together, "The first time I was very nervous, very confused, my mind was messy, the physical feelings did not really understand, the second time is different, I ... I also want I opened a little, I didn’t resist the son so much, so... when I did... there was... a thrill..."

"Well, there is a sense of pleasure, of course, normal people have pleasure, then?"

"...Although there are...but not many, son...plugging... very fast, shooting is fast, just a few minutes, then my son and I often... every time he feels very satisfied, satisfied Look, I can't say anything, but my body is... not satisfied..."

"At this time my husband fell in love with the woman, but she lied to him for a sum of money and ran away. The husband realized that people came for money. He regretted it and asked me for forgiveness..."

"Well, his face is really thick."

It seems that An Yaxin hated her husband’s derailment. She and her son both said that her husband was cheeky...

"I... I happened to have a son... so I was very guilty, and I forgave my husband slowly. But at this time, I am not good at breaking up the relationship with my son. Every time I say refuse, but I see my son. That kind of look is always inconspicuous... Then I will carry my husband and son... Although my son’s ability is average, I feel that...the more exciting, and..."

Speaking of the blushing of An Ya’s heart like a persimmon, it seems to hesitate, but still said it, “Some times I touched it... It happened. In the afternoon, I just finished it with my son who was out of school... At night, my husband wanted it again. And he...I am not very swearing...and my son got it and got it with her husband, one night and two men..."

And the number of times the son did it, the feeling of Anya’s heart gradually faded, and she accepted this behavior slowly. But she couldn’t stand it with her husband and her husband one night. I felt that the father and son were together in her. Let her have the feeling of being a man. Just after she finished speaking, she sneaked up and looked at Tianlong. Her eyes were full of expectation. This is just a shadow that she could hardly erase. Now I’m talking about it, I just want to hear the views of Tianlong, hoping to alleviate some guilt.

Tianlong’s head was on the top of An Ya’s heart, and immediately understood her eyes. He smiled in his heart and then began to use Hu Jin’s tone.

"The occurrence of this thing is of course, it is not normal to not happen! The son and husband are family members, they live together, they are men, they are men, they want women, they can’t wait every day, so they run into a little bit. Not surprisingly."

An Ya heart turned his face and concentrated on his listening. She now refuses to be shy. She is looking forward to the following, and she is playing drums in her heart, lest Tianlong say something she can’t accept.

"Maybe you have some troubles in your heart. I feel that I have just finished with my son and my husband, like a prostitute who vents to a man, but you have to distinguish that this is two things. And the son is, and the husband is doing his duty, just I came across it by chance."

"Let's say it! You ate a very spicy chili fried meat at the restaurant at noon. You can go home at night and your husband made a chili fried meat. As a result, after eating diarrhea, can you blame the restaurant or husband, they don't know you? I have eaten chili in the other place, so this can only be said to be - coincidence! What does coincidence mean? It is not intentional to think like this, since it is not intentional, then it has nothing to do with the character, what is it still tangled? ”

This little bad guy said that it is reasonable... An Yaxin is very satisfied with this statement, right! Why didn't I think so early, but I accepted him if I accepted him...

"But, even if it was not intentional, after all, I and their father and son really..."

"You are walking on the street, suddenly want to spit, find the trash can squirting inside, then just behind the individual blocked you, and spit on him. This sputum is really spit on him, But can you say that you are deliberate?"

This Anya heart, have to say that so thoroughly satisfied, thin face! Oh, I like it...

"Well, this is really a coincidence..."

Yes, I have nothing wrong with it. It happened to happen. Someone still won a five-million prize. It’s not a coincidence.

"Don't say this, then, has your son always been in this relationship?"

"Well, yes, until that time I met you on the rooftop... you are strong... you are a rogue!"

Anja, who was removed from the heart of Denon’s words, was a little happy, and said that he still used a strange tone to say a hooligan, and he heard the itch in the heart.

"I was scared to death after you appeared, then... ah! Don't touch!"

"Is it a rogue?"

Tianlong lie on the bed again, grabbing a pair of kneading from behind, "Go on."


It’s so comfortable... It’s okay after today, it’s impossible to let him go, just...

With a man to enjoy... often talking about the girlfriends who have been soaked, she was remembered at the right time, right! I am so hard to bear for whom! The husband does not appreciate going out to find a junior, son... son! Too small, can't satisfy me, can't blame my mother! I have been hungry for decades, let my mother eat it today...