MTL - City Lady-Killer-Chapter 1287 Love picks Yuanyuan aunt

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However, it is undeniable that her tempting means is indeed brilliant, and she wants to refuse to welcome, without traces, and people are fascinated by unconsciousness. Although Tianlong has not been completely fascinated by her, it is almost the same. He is not sure whether he will be lost in her style, so he has to start with a strong hand!

Because Tianlong knows that an adult who has been in politics for many years will not reveal a charming and charming style for no reason! As long as I see this through, any of her disguise, any expression, will not break.

"You... how are you doing this... I am kind enough to save you out... let me go... my waist is hurting by you..."

Li Yuanyuan's pretty face is blushing, her eyes are flowing, her hands are pushing the big boy's body, showing her shy appearance, her waist is also flexibly twisted, and she continues to tease the big boy.

"Yuan Yuan Aunt... You are so beautiful... I... I..."

Looking at Li Yuanyuan's delicate face, Tianlong blushes, stuttering and unable to speak, a pair of souls and infatuation. The stimuli are not self-made, and they are on the thighs of mature women.


Feeling that the boy is hard and hot, Li Yuanyuan exclaimed, the ruddy little mouth slightly closed, " do you don't want to mess, I am a quiet aunt, your sister-in-law's sister..."

The blushing little face was panicked, and the narrow, flattering eyes shook slightly with panic. But in the depths of her eyes, there is a hint of calmness that is different from ordinary people.

Just as Tianlong thought, she just teased him without any traces, let him be fascinated by himself and use it for himself. The word "power" only exists in novels or imaginations, but now there are people like this. How can she make her heartless?

With the expansion of her rights, she deeply knows that no matter whether it is a shopping mall or a political arena, such talents can be met and not demanded. The best way to capture a man is to let him fall in love with himself.

Love, this word has an incomparable magic, it can trap women, but also can trap men!

She is confident and confident that she can let a 19-year-old boy surrender to his own charm, without losing his body, without paying, and the soldiers will take him without blood. The first step is to use his own charming style, seductive body, give him a little sweet taste, let his pamper know, can not stop.

Undoubtedly, her mind is meticulous and her mind is clear. This method has been used many times and has been tried and tested.

But she did not know, this seemingly injured teenager has already seen her means, laid the trap, just wait for her spring sizzling, want to burn after the swamp swallowed!

This is a battlefield, a battlefield to conquer and be conquered!

Soon, the aphrodisiac energy began to work. Li Yuanyuan only felt blushing and hot, shortness of breath, and the heartbeat began to accelerate. With the caress of the juvenile's thick and wide palms, a hot, warm current rushed up and flowed through the body. The back seems to be turned into a sensitive band, and there is a burst of tingling pleasure that goes deep into the nerve endings along the skin. She clearly felt that she was in an emotional state.

What's going on... How come you can... How come...

"Yuan Yuan Aunt... I liked you when I saw you at first sight..."

Li Yuanyuan's obvious emotional appearance, Tianlong knows that the aphrodisiac electric energy has already worked. He is tightly licking the soft and full body of the mature woman, the voice is gentle, and continues to say teasing words, "I have never seen such a beautiful and noble person like you. The woman... just in front... watching you close up... my heart really jumps fast..."

"No... you can't like me... I am married... I have a husband, and I am a quiet aunt, the sister of your mother-in-law..."

Li Yuanyuan tried to control her expression and reprimanded as seriously as possible. The big boy's palm is like a burning flame, caressing his back and waist, over and over again, leaving behind burning marks, stimulating his long-lasting. She feels that things are getting out of control.

"No, you can't stop me, even if you have a husband!"

Mature woman's angry look, resentful eyes, and charming and sly eyes, everything tempts the young and prosperous Tianlong, let him rise, blood spurts. Tianlong forced Li Yuanyuan to lift it up, side on his lap, holding her waist in one hand, holding it in her hand and holding it across the thin shirt, her lips slamming her white neck, over and over again. Kissing is allowed.

"Don't... let me go..."

Li Yuanyuan could no longer remain calm, and the calm face began to panic, her hands pushing the chest of Tianlong, yelling in a panic.


Tianlong pretends to be painful and continues to regulate the release of aphrodisiac power. The big hands are madly stroking the mature woman's bumpy body, and the strange stimulation of "pain and happiness" makes his fire more and more high.

"Well... um... don't... let go... let go of me..."

With the massive injection of aphrodisiac electric energy, the big boy's hands are soft and skillful caressing, Li Yuanyuan's needles are getting weaker and weaker, her body begins to be soft, her breathing begins to rush, and the pleasure of numbness is like a rolling wave. , disintegrating the line of defense of her consciousness.

At this time, her cheeks were red, her eyebrows were low, and the long eyelashes shook slightly. The autumn-like scorpion was half-opened and half-closed. The faint mist reflected the scent of the sakura, and the small mouth of the cherry blossoms opened slightly. Spit a sweet and damp heat, a tempting and charming look.

"Yuan Yuan aunt... don't be afraid... I will hurt you..."

Looking at this glamorous woman like a kitten lying docilely in her arms, there is a thrill of the conqueror in the heart of Tianlong, the wet tongue tipping up along the white jade neck, and finally containing the crystal The ear bead, gently biting, the right hand also began to solve the button of the shirt.

"No... um... don't..."

Looking at the button of the shirt was untied by the teenager, Li Yuanyuan showed a panicking look, lifted the jade and pulled the big hand of Tianlong, trying to block his movements. But at this time, she was powerless. The boy's soft tongue and wet lips kept teasing his sensitive ears. The hot and humid atmosphere, such as tiny heat flow, penetrated into the ear hole, making him numb, weak, and only blind. Watching the big boy untie his clothes.


The unbuttoning of the button broke through the camouflage of the blade, and looked at the perfect towering of the boy’s hot eyes. Li Yuanyuan’s cheeks were flushed and her voice was intertwined. She could feel the fiery heart beating vigorously in the chest. An abnormal stimulus floods the body.

Shame, but longing. Contradictions, and stimuli.

The last button was loose, and the white shirt suddenly turned to the sides with the withered petals. The snow white plump was finally completely exposed to the dragon's sight.

Towering, strong, white like jade. The one-third-style black bra is tightly wrapped with heavy, large, sleek, bare, and tight, deep black holes that attract the attention of the dragon.

The dim light of the parking lot was sprinkled with a fascinating glow.

So beautiful, so big!

Looking at the dragon, I couldn’t help but swallow a saliva.

"Don't... don't look..."

Feeling the fiery sight of the big boy, Li Yuanyuan feels like being burned, hot and hot. The slender jade hand gently covered the chest, trying to stop the big boy's gaze, but I don't know, the original deep is more attractive.

Denon see Firelight big move, one opened her hand, right hand suddenly cover up, beautiful palm touch is immediately perceived. Soft, firm, smooth and elastic, no one four-year-old woman should loose and rough. Kneading the two, Denon began to get excited, rowdy ripped off her bra, so that the palm deeper to understand that slide as creamy attractive texture.

"Yuanyuan aunt ... your big ... Good soft ... feels so comfortable ... great ..."

On the other hand, Tianlong licked the woman's ear with his tongue, while vigorously licking the fat, swaying teasing woman's swaying reason.

The words of 靡 are hoarse and low, and the thrill of numbness is pouring in. Li Yuanyuan’s body is irresistibly trembling, but she can’t give in. “No... um... I have a husband... I beg you to let me... we can’t such…"

"is it?"

Tianlong laughed softly, his fingers caught the woman's already, rolling back and rubbing back and forth.


A burst of electric shock came from the moment, Li Yuanyuan couldn't help but twitch, and the pale sophistry quickly turned into a moving embarrassment.

"Yuanyuan aunt, you are mine tonight!"

Strong words, a firm tone, looking at the pink and seductive cherry mouth, Tianlong overbearing kisses, licking the two lips of the mellow. His other hand also struck up, grabbed the woman's fat and tender, and enjoyed the play, caressing and pinching.

"Well ... Well ..."

Li Yuanyuan swayed her head, struggled and resisted, but could not resist the intense pleasure in the body.

The boy's generous hands burned his own, fierce groaning, soft from time to time overflowing from the finger joints, the perfect squirt type constantly changing the seductive shape, the burst of pleasure into the bone marrow is spreading, stirring, Finally, as the raging waves swept through the body, swallowed themselves.

This feeling is so strong, she feels that her own skin seems to be turned into a sensitive Yin Emperor, every time the big boy plays, it is turned into a huge pleasure, destroying his psychological defense line with the ravages.

She is going to be lost.

She is a very strong woman and a normal woman with physical needs. But in her busy work, she ignored her emotions. In the pursuit of rights, she suppressed the needs of her body.

Her accumulation in the long time is getting higher and higher, such as the mountain dam, waiting for the catharsis of passion, the eruption of the volcano.

She is lost.

The burning caress of the palms, the strong male gas, the strong boy's strong and strong kiss, the fierce enthusiasm, destroyed her arrogant castle and detonated the gate of the dam.

"Well... um... kiss me... kiss me..."

Li Yuanyuan suddenly excitedly grabbed the neck of Tianlong, and the fascinating scorpion swayed the eager light. The plump body writhed like a snake, and the chest greeted the shackles of the big boy's palm. The delicate voice was charming and hoarse. Warmly kissed Tianlong.

At this time, Li Yuanyuan's lips were already wide open. Tianlong did not hesitate to find out the tongue. He overbearing into her mouth and exploring the moist and sweet mouth. Li Yuanyuan also excitedly extended a small tongue to cater to the big boy's teasing. The two tongues accumulate together, entangled and entangled, chasing back and forth, greedily sucking the other's saliva.