MTL - City Lady-Killer-Chapter 1261 Zhao Yu's mother, Xia Hui, Auntie

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However, no matter how cautious it is when entering, the shock and overwhelming feeling brought by the stranger is still irresistibly gradually becoming bigger, and Xia Hui’s aunt seems to be suffocating. So far, I have only had experience with Zhao Yu’s father, and now that Tianlong’s comparison with his husband is just like comparing adults with children. Therefore, the body of Aunt Xia Hui also grew up with the unknown big and slowly. It's not just big, it's the hardness of steel, the hot thing like a soldering iron, it's the first time for Aunt Xia.

From the small nose of Xia Hui's auspicious nose, her limbs have exhausted their strength and have given up their instinctive resistance. That's because of the weapon, the dynamic, the sense of pressure. Has been completely occupied by the dragon, if it is not good, it may also damage your body!

The volume that has already been in the body of Xia Hui can be said to be twice that of the current experience, that is, it is only sent to half. In fact, this is not entirely based on the feeling of the body. What is even more terrifying is that although Ai Xia’s body has been filled with a sense of fullness, Tian Long’s waist is still a few centimeters away from Xia Hui’s aunt. Hui Aunt’s petite hips and Tianlong’s waist were connected by a firm one. That is not only because the dragon is too long, but also that the body of Aunt Xia Hui still has to be tossed. But your own spirit needless to say, that is, you can no longer afford it.

Tianlong seems to understand the aspirations of Xia Hui, so he stopped moving forward and began to pull out. Aunt Xia Hui let go of her heart and let her breath.


At that moment, a sorrow was released from the depths of Aunt Xia Hui’s throat. I just pulled out and immediately pushed in, and then pulled out... and started regularity.

If you are, of course, the other party will definitely do this action; but because the impact is so great, Aunt Xia can't imagine the big, long, how to get in and out of her tight body.

"In fact, in front of his son Zhao Yu, was his son's good friend Tianlong..." The limbs were weak and weak, and Xia Hui aunt completely put his strength on it, humiliating and enduring the great shame of being up and down together. Now that you have been, what you can do now is to satisfy this little villain!

If you endure a little, you can... the kind of humiliation and shock that you are being, just put it into the water, try to think about the bright side! Aunt Xiahui encouraged herself so much. Probably just a few minutes, at least five minutes, right? No matter how bitter, there is always the end!

Aunt Xia Hui’s hands and feet are very slender and have slim and **** waist. And the white skin, with the elegant black skirt, has a compelling glamour. The exquisite curve from the chest is enough to make men lose their senses.

The past and the husband, always coming from behind, always look quite fast. If there are five minutes in normal time, if you come from behind, you usually only have half the time. But Aunt Xia Hui has never been particularly dissatisfied, always thinking that with men, this is probably the case.

But there are always exceptions. Just like this little villain in the Xia Hui body, it has been more than five minutes, probably about ten minutes! However, Tianlong seems to be doing the same in and out as accurately as the machinery. It is not too slow or rushing. It seems to be very time-consuming. I have already entered and out in the tightness of Xia Hui’s aunt for ten minutes!


Reason is not willing to admit, but the depths of the body have begun to gradually become hot. Aunt Xia Hui was ashamed to discover that her body was involuntarily clamping the deep inside of her body.

That has been regularly in and out of her body, and began to move toward a deeper place. But it is not the kind of urgency, but it is moving forward with a small degree of accuracy.

what! ... already topped out... probably can't get in...

But even Aunt Xiahui feels strange that her body has gradually unfolded to meet that. The first ten minutes of regular entry and exit movements seemed to be a warm-up for this purpose. After being hard and deeper, Xia Hui’s aunt’s body seemed to fly. Already in her body for ten minutes of strangeness, and once again worked hard to let Aunt Xia Hui feel its unique touch.

"Hey... Confucianism, do you know that your son is with me? Hey... read the kindness, do you know that the son of your son is in me? Um..."

With that small movement, it went deeper into the body, and the screaming screams in the depths of Xia Hui's throat were more and more uncontrollable. If Tianlong pierces in one breath, Xia Hui’s aunt fears that he will be unable to control it.

Gradually, the dragon also reached the joint, Xia Hui's hips and Tianlong's waist have been joined together, densely joined together, and Xia Hui aunt also enjoyed the feeling of the first time. Compared with her husband and Zhao Yu’s father, Tianlong can make Xia Hui feel the fullness of the body to be maximally expanded and full. Even if it is not, this Tianlong should be the first man who can make Xia Hui's body violate his own rationality, and the body stretches out to meet him!

Although I don't want to admit it, the only thing that can be reached directly is Tianlong! Except for the attack at the beginning, from the real beginning, no means of violence was used. If you are serious about saying that there must be violence, then it is probably running through your tight body, and the rough one that is coming in and out with impunity!

Then start again, this time is not gradual, but entirely in a fast way.

Xia Hui couldn't believe it. This big boy, who is as old as his son, Zhao Yu, was so long and big, and he was able to get in and out of his girlish slim body. From the beginning to the present, it has lasted for nearly twenty minutes, the size of the strange, and the length of time to insert and pull out, is the first time for Xia Hui. And after twenty minutes, the rhythm of the dragon's movement has not changed at all. If there is a change, it is probably that the strength of the dragon from the bottom up has increased.

When the top came, Tianlong’s lower abdomen just resisted Aunt Xia’s aunt, when the two men made a slight voice and echoed in the kitchen.

Xia Hui gradually panicked, no matter what the dragon was, what she had in her heart was just humiliation and shame. I have never been a man other than my husband, but for the first time, it was actually the son of my son’s classmate and friend Liang Rukang Su Nianci who was in the kitchen of his own family and blatantly invaded by his son Zhao Yu’s body, and now he is thoroughly A chaste body. But being so madly like this, so that Ai Hui's body feels particularly deep, almost unforgettable, and a kind of uneasiness began to appear in Xia Hui's brain.

Tianlong’s left hand was taken out from the delicate red lips of Xia Hui’s aunt who had been numb, and unimpededly attacked Xia Hui’s aunt who had no precautions. "Well...oh..." Aunt Xia Hui bowed her upper body, and the chest had become very solid under the condition that she had not watched.

The petite one is more than twice as elastic as the average person, but now it is so big and strong because of the excitement, it is incredible. I have been invaded since I started cooking. Although I have had a breathing time, I am still tempting at this moment. But now it looks really not normal. When I was touched by my lover, it would be like this, but it is not as powerful as this time. That is probably because of the phenomenon caused by the dragon, the body is penetrated, and the insults and disgusting delusions! And that feeling of disgust has a stronger feeling.

But the ignorant person completely betrayed the aunt Xia Hui's mind. When the dragon grabbed the top-down play, Xia Hui awkwardly found that his narrow and involuntary tightening of the dragon. In the case of the ups and downs being held tightly, Ai Xia Hui felt that her body was getting pressed more and more inside, and deeper and deeper in her own body. At the same time, I suddenly felt that there was a burning flame in my body that was expanding from the point of view, but the dragon was still doing nothing, doing the pull out movement.

"Silly and unhappy? Auntie Xia..." Tianlong’s whisper rang in the ear of Xia Hui’s aunt, and Xia Hui awkwardly twisted his head to the side.

"Being being done by a man, you can still be so dignified. It is a model teacher who is a teacher and a good wife."

Tightly biting his delicate lips, Xia Hui Aunte can't wait to have something to plug his ears.

"Do you work in front of Zhao Yu, especially enjoyable?... Do you want Zhao Yu to wake up and watch me meet you..."

Tightly his face showed a look that he never ignored, but even Xia Hui himself felt that the smoldering flame in the body was burning more and more, and the huge shame shrouded the whole body. However, the words of Tianlong strangely provoked some inexplicable nerves in the body. Xia Hui’s aunt suddenly contracted and clamped involuntarily, and he could also find nectar in the depths.

"I will teach you how to be more cool, Aunt Xia...say, what are we doing?..."

I can never give in again, and Aunt Xia Hui almost bite her lips.

"Don't do it, still pretend... Say, Aunt Xia..."

The thick and strong slamming roots, Tianlong must completely conquer the last glimpse of the elegant girl.


The hot shocks that were all opened up, Xia Hui aunt almost screamed, and hurriedly covered the exclamation of the mouth with his left hand back.


Another violent attack, the exclamation of Aunt Xia Hui has become a sultry sigh.

"Like it, do you like to say it?...Auntie Xia..."


The fierce one has no grief for the third time.

Xia Hui’s aunt’s curve reversed into a bow shape, and almost the soft palate did not fall down on Tian Long’s body. The white teeth bite the back of the hand deeply. The thick and long ones are slowly pulled out, and the inner wall is also brought out and turned over.

The huge has already retreated to the mouth, and once again the violent attack is ready to go.

"Don't... don't... so hard..."

The proud red lips trembled, and the will of Xia Hui’s aunt was completely destroyed.

"Would you like to call Zhao Yu to listen? Aunt Xia?"

"no, do not want……"

"beg me……"

"Please... tens of millions... don't..."

"Say...what are we doing?..."

The hot and slow Xia Hui aunt was deep, and the overflowing honey juice was forced to the sides.

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