MTL - Chastity Layman-Chapter 1426 Choose a son-in-law and invite relatives

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  Chapter 1426 Selecting a son-in-law and recruiting relatives

  When Qin Lang returned to the palace, the princess sent a maid to invite him.

   "Duke Zhao and his eldest grandson's family came to visit, His Highness is entertaining, let the servants wait for the king here, please go ahead."

  The Zhao Guogong mentioned by the maidservant is actually the eldest grandson Yan of the princess' uncle's family cousin, who is also the eldest grandson of the eldest grandson Wuji. Before the eldest grandson Wuji fell from power, all the men of the eldest grandson family were exiled to Lingnan, and the eldest son Sun Chong was reported missing, but he actually died in Lingnan.

   When I came to the princess, I saw that the eldest grandson's family was there.

After receiving the imperial decree to pursue Wuji's official title, the Changsun Wuji family was able to rehabilitate and turn around. Basically, they all recovered their official status. Although they only recovered their official ranks and there was no arrangement for their duties, at least they were rehabilitated. .

Especially Changsun Yan, as Changsun Wuji's eldest grandson, after his father died in Lingnan, he now inherits Changsun Wuji's title of Duke of Zhao, and even the seal of Changsun Wuji's 2,800 households, In addition, Haiyan Shifengzhou in Longyou was also given back.

  The confiscated properties of the Changsun family also returned part of the house and manor.

  Chang Sun Yan and others knew all of this very well, and it was not easy to come by. If Qin Lang hadn't contributed to it, how could it be so easy to be rehabilitated? Even if they were rehabilitated, it would be more difficult for the eldest grandson's family who had been completely defeated to stand up, but these were all matters to Qin Lang.

  When Qin Lang came in, the two eldest grandsons who came in with Li Lizhi as a dowry, just now held the hands of their brothers, nephews and nephews and cried loudly.

  Lizhi has also been comforting them.

   "Thank you Grand Master!"

The eldest grandson Yan knelt down directly to Qin Lang, and the other male members of the eldest grandson's family also knelt down. Before returning to Luo, they specially gathered in Guangzhou to discuss, and then rushed to Luzon to thank Qin Lang, and also came to pay respects to the aunt, the eldest grandson, and Cousin Princess Taiping.

Although Changsun Wuji has been rehabilitated and regained his title, but the Changsun family wants to return to the Luoyang court and really turn around, but it cannot do without the strong support of the Qin family, otherwise there will only be a few titles and a few fiefdoms , add some scattered steps, it is useless.

  One has to have a real official position to have power, and those loose official titles are all fictitious.

Qin Lang helped the elder Sun Yan up, this is now the head of the eldest grandson's family, although he is only the third generation, the elder grandson's family also has the eldest grandson Wuji's generation, and even the eldest grandson Shunde's generation, the eldest grandson Chong's generation More, but after all, the eldest grandson Yan is the eldest grandson Changfang who has inherited the family. He took the title of Duke of Zhao, which naturally represents the eldest grandson family.

Although this guy is not as talented as his father, Changsun Chong, and he does not have such a good fate. When Changsun Chong was demoted to Lingnan, he was already a secretary prisoner, doctor Jin Ziguanglu, and Princess Shang. He will definitely be prime minister.

   This is also the key to Li Yin's insistence on sending someone to secretly kill this brother-in-law in the end. Changsun Chong is the future of the Changsun family.

As for the eldest grandson of the eldest grandson's family, even though he was six years old, he was awarded the fifth-rank Sanjie of Chaosan doctor, the envoy of capital water, and the male of Tingshan County. Especially those families who participated in the Xuanwu Gate's chaos, and later went to the Lingyan Pavilion, and then entered the Political Affairs Hall, which one is not a princess who married a prince?

  Which family’s children and grandchildren won’t be awarded honors and orders when they were young?

   "Your father used to fight against Tuyuhun with me, crusade against Dangxiang, rode horses to attack spears, and praised Mantou Mountain in Qinghai, where the eldest grandson's ancestors had made great achievements. It's a pity."

  Changsun Yan couldn't help but his eyes were red. Li Yin, a ignorant uncle, was heartless and ungrateful. If the sons of Changsun's family hadn't been scattered across Changliu Lingnan, he and his son, Changsun Wuyi, would have been murdered together with their father.

   "The grand master found the remains of my grandpa for me. I am grateful in my heart. The grand master also rehabilitated my eldest grandson's family. Our eldest grandson family will always remember it in our hearts..."

"Stop, we are all one family, so don't say such outrageous things. Your father and I are both Princess Shang Shengzu. From your mother's side, you have to call me uncle. And I married your aunt and Tang Granduncle, from this point of view you are going to call me uncle again, you say that this relationship is more intimate, do we still have to see each other like this?"

  Qin Lang's brother Qin Xun also married an aunt of Changsun Yan, and Changsun Yan's twelfth uncle married Qin Lang's half-sister. This relationship is really not an ordinary relationship.

  Speaking of the Changsun family, Zhenguan and the beginning of Kaiyuan, they were extremely prominent, especially in the first few years of Li Yin's reign, they seemed to be the number one aristocratic family in the Tang Dynasty.

  When Qin Lang left Luoyang, he also persuaded his eldest grandson more than once, but unfortunately his eldest grandson refused to listen, and finally ended up ruined and his family almost perished.

The concubine, the eldest grandson, came to beg Qin Lang with teary eyes at this time, "Just now when I saw Yuan Yi, I fell in love with this child. He is the eldest great-grandson of the eldest grandson's family. He is twelve years old, but he is already a heroic concubine. This child is smart and stable, gentle and martial, my concubine likes it very much, I want to ask Saburo for a favor, and I want to choose a granddaughter from the family and give it to Yuanyi."

Qin Lang looked at the eldest grandson Yuanyi, the young man looked a bit like the eldest grandson Wuji, and standing there at such a young age, he didn't recognize his birth, he was very mature and stable, even a bit old-fashioned, he was the most noble in the Luoyang court. Qi Hao's family, and then to Changliu Lingnan, these two years have experienced the world's ups and downs. Although after mentioning Lingnan, the Qin family also sent people to give a lot of care, but after all, the huge change of identity is still very violent.

  It is even more commendable that this young man can still have such a stable mentality at this time. You must know that many rich and noble sons often collapse after experiencing such a big change, especially when they are in their teens.

"This child will have great promise in the future, and he will surely revive the eldest grandson's family and glorify Mr. Zhao's family. In this way, my sons and grandchildren will be full, and there will be many granddaughters. Today, I will take the granddaughter who is ten to twelve years old and has not yet been engaged Call them all, let you choose who you like, as long as the girl doesn't refuse, the marriage will be settled. If the girl you like is not willing, you can choose another one until both parties are satisfied, okay? ?”

  Elder Sun Yan listened, and quickly signaled his son to thank him.

  The Changsun family has fallen to this point, without the help of the Qin family, how can it rise again?

  Especially after Changsun Chong and Changsun Quan, who the Changsun family hoped for, died in exile, it was too difficult for the Changsun family to think about it.

  If the eldest grandson Yuanyi can get engaged to Qin Lang's granddaughter, it will not only guarantee the future of the eldest grandson Yuanyi, but also the eldest grandson's family will no longer have to worry about it when they return to Luoyang.

"Yuan Yi thanked Uncle Grandpa! If Uncle Grandpa does not give up, please set up a curtain in this hall, invite all cousins ​​behind the curtain, let them observe me, and also ask me questions from behind the curtain. I'm fine, if you want to be engaged to me, just talk to grandpa and uncle."

  Qin Lang was really surprised now, this kid has a set of tricks.

Qin Lang said that he would call all the granddaughters of the right age and let this boy choose, but now this boy said that he would set up a curtain in the hall, and then let the cousins ​​of the Qin family observe and question him, and let them choose he.

  These words not only reveal that this kid is a child who understands etiquette, but also reveal his respect for Qin Lang and the Qin family.

  The posture is very low, so that the young ladies of the Qin family choose him instead of him choosing the young lady of the Qin family.

   "Okay, let's look at each other through the curtain. If someone likes you kid, I will let her come out to meet you. If you don't like it, you can still choose again."

   For a while, it became lively.

  Changsun Wuji's sons, such as Changsun Huan, Changsun Jin, etc., are of the same generation as Qin Lang, but their status is too different. Now, after the catastrophe, the rest of his life, sitting in the living room of the Qin family's posture is extremely low. At this moment, seeing Qin Lang being so polite that he actually let the eldest grandson Yuanyi choose the lady of the Qin family, he couldn't help feeling a little jealous and envious of that kid.

  It's a pity that my grandson is not the eldest great-grandson, so I don't have this opportunity.


  The Qin family is thriving and full of children and grandchildren. Qin Lang has twenty-one sons, and now has nearly two hundred grandsons, and dozens of great-grandchildren. Naturally, there are many granddaughters, more than a hundred granddaughters.

  Ten to twelve years old, not yet engaged, there are quite a few.

However, Qin Lang has only two sons, the eldest son Qin Yu is in his twenties, his eldest daughter is only ten years old, and the eldest daughter is only eight years old. As for Qin Lang's second son, Qin Lun, He is not yet married, has several concubines and servants, and has several children, but they are only a few years old.

  So at this time, all the daughters of Qin Lang's concubine were called, and there were about a dozen of them who were of the right age. Standing at the back, they all looked outside curiously.

Qin Lang walked behind the curtain and said to these young granddaughters, "Look carefully, the young man outside is Wuyi, the eldest son of Zhao Guogong, the eldest grandson family of Henan Province. He is twelve years old this year, but he is very He is a pretty handsome young man with a bright future, if any of you are a match, please let me know, and if you have any questions, you can also ask that young man directly."

  The girls were chattering and laughing excitedly like a flock of sparrows.

  The cousins ​​watched and joked with each other.

   "If you want to ask anything, just ask!"

The girls of the Qin family were usually bold, but at this time they were not restrained behind the curtain, so when all kinds of questions were thrown, the eldest grandson Yuanyi really answered them fluently, and the answers were both polite and talented. I feel more and more strange.

  In the last dozen or so sisters, there were six or seven who thought this kid was good, after all, he was the great-nephew of the eldest grandson empress's family.

  "Eldest grandson Dalang, now I have seven granddaughters who have fallen in love with you. What do you think should I do now? I can't marry all seven, right? Or it's your turn to choose now, and you can decide whichever you like."

  Elder Sun Yuanyi heard that seven of them had taken a fancy to him, and he couldn't help but show some excitement, but he still restrained himself and said he didn't dare to be presumptuous, and asked Qin Lang to choose a lady from the Qin family for him.

  Qin Lang looked at the granddaughters with anticipation.

   "Why don't we give each of you seven sisters a hydrangea ball, and you throw it down from upstairs, let Changsun Dalang stand downstairs, and whoever he catches the hydrangea ball will be considered as the chosen one, how about it?"

  The sisters nodded excitedly, thinking that the ceremony of throwing hydrangeas to choose relatives was very good.

   "Eldest Sun Dalang, what do you think?"

The eldest grandson Yuanyi also thought it was good, and even the other people in the hall also thought it was good, so that no matter whose hydrangea ball the eldest grandson Yuanyi receives and chooses, it will not hurt the hearts of the young ladies of the Qin family, let alone let Qin The family was not happy, after all, the little ladies were standing upstairs throwing hydrangea balls, and the eldest grandson Yuanyi couldn't see anyone, so whoever picked it up depended on fate.

  (end of this chapter)

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