MTL - Chastity Layman-Chapter 1401 royal charter

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  Chapter 1401 Imperial Charter

  With the emperor's charter in hand, Qin Lang would certainly not be polite.

   Have the right not to use it, and it will become invalid after the expiration date.

   Unrestricted immigration to Luzon is something that cannot be met. Even the young emperor today will not easily abolish this immigration restriction.

  This time it can be regarded as a special reward for the old grand master, allowing him to recruit some people to return to Luzon. This opportunity is only one time, as many as he can recruit.

   After waiting, we still have to return to the original system.

  The emperor relaxed some restrictions, allowing no more than 10,000 households to immigrate to Luzon every year, but this limit is still very large for Luzon. Among them, there are only 20,000 to 30,000 young and strong.

  This population is still too small for Luzon today.

   For Luzon to develop, it is not enough to rely entirely on itself, but if it only relies on absorbing those barbarians, there are great hidden dangers.

   Today's Luzon is actually very attractive.

  For example, with the rise of Dashi, the Persian Sasanian Empire that once spanned Asia, Africa and Europe was defeated. Although it still barely maintains a few strongholds, it has actually perished and become a vassal of Datang.

In recent years, a large number of Persians have come to the east by sea every year. Many Persians have heard about the prosperity of Luzon from the Luzon merchant sailors who went there for trade, and know that it is a newly developed new world. , is a place full of gold.

  Many Persian nobles rushed to flee their hometowns. They were unwilling to be oppressed by the cannibals, to convert to the Crescent religion, and even less willing to hand over their wealth, so they came to Luzon to settle down. In particular, they also heard that the King of Luzon had a concubine who was the daughter of a former Persian governor.

Many Persian craftsmen, businessmen, and even desolate knights and nobles also came to Luzon by boat. Many people did not even have a ticket, so they signed a contract with the owner to borrow money, and agreed to wait until Luzon. repayment.

  At the beginning, there were only a few hundred refugees from Persia a year, but now there are tens of thousands of people every year. Qin Lang never refuses these Persians who come from the West.

  After all, Luzon does need population, but these Persians, in Qin Lang's eyes, are not my race after all, not the best quality immigrants.

After these Persians came, Luzon registered them as naturalized and settled down, leased land for them, or recruited them to work in factories. Chinese.

  Up to now, there are more than 300,000 Persians in Luzon, and the number is still increasing. This makes Qin Lang need more Han immigrants.


  Qin Xiaozhong walked in, "The deal is over."

  The eldest grandson of Qin Lang told Qin Lang the good news. He went to the political affairs hall to meet the ministers and successfully completed the task.

   "The ministers of the Zhengshitang have promised that there will be no restrictions on the people of the Central Plains to go to Luzon to study and work. In addition, the Luzon Han people who return to the Central Plains to marry wives are not within the immigration restrictions."

  Qin Lang nodded.

  Policies are dead, and finding ways to exploit loopholes is the way to survive.

  The number of immigrants is limited, so Qin Lang just brushed aside and introduced mainland brides from the Central Plains to Luzon, which is a loophole.

The Zhengshitang side does not prohibit this kind of side-kicking. After all, Qin Lang is the chief assistant who has just left, not to mention that before he left, after some arrangements, the ministers who are now in charge of the Zhengshitang are all him. disciples.

  Even the heads of several other mansions were arranged by Qin Lang.

  Under such circumstances, who would not give Qin Lang this convenience.

  Besides, Qin Lang didn't play this side game for nothing. He offered to marry a mainland bride from the Central Plains. Luzon not only paid the bride's parents a bride price according to local customs, but even paid a sum of money to the local government.

  The tentative number is ten guanqian for a bride.

  The imperial court got ten guan coins for nothing, why not?

In particular, the details that Qin Lang discussed with the imperial court are that the Qin family will mainly draw brides from the impoverished and backward areas in the inland mountainous areas, such as the Wuling area in the south of the Yangtze River, or the mountainous areas in Guangdong and Guangxi, or the mountains in the Yunnan-Guizhou area, or Mountainous areas in Fujian and so on.

In short, they all belong to the impoverished and backward areas of the Central Plains. The local people generally live in poverty, but the poorer they are, the more children they have. This is also a tradition. Even today, many backward and poor areas in mountainous areas still retain the tradition of drowning girls .

  So if Luzon is willing to come from these impoverished mountainous areas, women from poor families go to Luzon to be brides, give their parents a dowry, and give the court ten coins, this is not a bad thing.

   It can even be said to be a good thing.

Qin Lang has no objection to the court's additional request to let Lu Song go to the mountainous area to marry a girl from a poor family. Girls in poor mountains are more resilient and can endure hardships. If they go to Luzon, they will definitely live well. He only has one opinion, and that is I hope Ping will marry a girl from the Han family.

  The imperial court bargained, saying that some Shuman were actually no different from the Han family.

  Qin Lang then took a step back, as long as these familiars can speak Chinese and their living customs are close to those of Han people, it is acceptable.

  So Qin Xiaozhong went to the Political Affairs Hall today to formally reach such an agreement.

In the future, the Qin family will go to the Central Plains to marry mainland brides and go to Luzon to get married, and the local officials will be coordinated by the imperial court. Unified marriage.

   First take the girls to Luzon, and then notify those unmarried Han men who are willing to marry mainland brides to come and have a blind date.

  Each person can have three chances for a blind date, and can choose up to three times. If the three chances are exhausted, they can only be designated by the Luzon government.

  Han single men in Luzon marry these mainland brides, the bride price, etc., can be paid in installments, and it is interest-free, only a small part of the annual payment.

  In this way, the young people in Luzon are less stressed, which can be regarded as a benefit from Luzon. The Luzon government seems to be struggling and not benefiting, but in the long run, this is very necessary. The continued growth of the main ethnic group will have an important role in the long-term social stability of Luzon.

  After these mainland brides get married, the Luzon government will give each of them a piece of land.

   "Alang, since we can come to the Central Plains to marry a bride, why don't we come to the Central Plains to find husbands for our girls from Luzon?" Xiaozhong said.

   "We are just playing around the edges of policy. It's better not to go too far, just stop it."

Ping marrying a bride is different from recruiting a husband. After all, recruiting a husband these days feels like a door-to-door son-in-law, and most people are unwilling. Moreover, girls in Luzon have no worries about getting married, so you have to let them recruit a door-to-door son-in-law from the Central Plains , it is estimated that many people will resist.

  On the other hand, in terms of marriages of Han men in Luzon, the government has specially stipulated that Han men are not allowed to take barbarian daughters as wives, but only as concubines. Only when the imperial court marry a bride from the mainland can everyone accept it.

"Xiaozhong, next you have to work hard and take people to go to the impoverished mountainous areas. When we are looking for a bride, we must choose the kind of hard-working woman who can endure hardships in the impoverished mountainous areas. It doesn't matter whether she looks beautiful or ugly, the standard is Two, one is to be healthy, and the disabled and weak are not allowed, and the second is to be hardworking and capable. As long as Han women meet these two standards, it does not matter how poor they are. Of course, if it is the kind of able Those who are proficient in Chinese can also relax some conditions."

   "Okay, what about the dowry standard?"

  Qin Lang thought about it, it is difficult to have an exact standard for betrothal gifts, and it must be different in different places.

   "In this way, let's set a rough standard first. Each girl's family will give ten pennies of money as a gift, and in addition, she will make a new set of clothes and shoes for each of her family members. Do you want to send a cow?"

Xiaozhong did some calculations. A set of clothes, shoes and socks for each member of a family of five or six would cost about two pennies in total. A cow, even an ordinary female scalper, would cost two or three pennies. Convert it to five pennies Money counts.

  Then a bride would get ten dowry gifts plus five gifts, plus ten guan to the government, that would be twenty-five guan.

"Don't count those, just count one person at twenty-five pennies. It's still a good deal for men in Luzon. After all, Luzon wants to marry a girl from the Han family, and the cost is more than that. They are now marrying this bride from the Central Plains. You can also get a gift loan, a ten-year installment loan with no interest, and even when girls come in, we will give them a dowry field for free, no matter how you calculate it, it is a good deal.”

   "First search based on this standard, first search from Sanguang in the south of Lingnan and Jiannan and Yunnan in the southwest, and then go to Fujian in Hunan, Jiangxi, and north of the Yangtze River."

This way of drawing the line, firstly, the weather in the southern region is hot, after all, it is closer to the climate of Luzon, and it will be more suitable for life there in the future. Second, the hinterland of the Central Plains is still relatively developed at this time, especially the east of Henan, Hebei, Guanzhong, etc. It is difficult to find a bride there.

"Xiaozhong, your father told me earlier that he would give you the Duke of Wei's title. I thought about it again and again, and asked the saint. The saint has already decreed to officially confer the title of Duke of Wei to you. Do your best, boy. You failed your father's expectations."

   "As for the title of the Duke of Wu'an County that you have now, I will also invite a saint to bestow it on your eldest son, Qin Yao."

"Your father and I are both descendants of a concubine, so don't underestimate yourself as a concubine. A concubine actually doesn't mean much, especially for us in Luzon, who pay more attention to ability than birth. For a while, you will temporarily stay in the Central Plains to work , Practice and practice well."

  Qin Xiaozhong was deeply surprised, "Thank you, grandfather."

  Qin Lang waved his hand and let him go out.

   What he said just now is also true. He Qin Lang was a concubine back then, and Qin Jun was also a concubine, but they all behaved better than the concubine.

  Qin Lang's eldest son is the son of King Qi and the governor of Wu'an, Qin Yu. The second son is Qin Lun, the king of Lusong County and the governor of Lusong. Qin Jun is just the Duke of Wei.

  But Qin Jun was ordered to enter the Beijing court, seized the opportunity, made a decision to support him, and immediately earned the title of King of Wu'an County.

Li Yin originally gave Qin Xun the Duke of Qi State to Qin Jun, and asked him to give the Duke of Wei State to his son. Later, he was named King of Wu'an County. After Qin Lang entered Beijing, he asked the emperor to still give the Duke of Qi State to his son. Qin Xun, let his father's title remain in Dazong.

The eldest son of Qin Jun is the son of the Prince of Wu'an County, who will inherit the Duke of the county, and the second son will be the Duke of Wei. There is no meritorious service, but the boss Qin Xiaozhong is now in his twenties, and he has already accumulated some credit for doing things.

  Qin Lang also knew that Qin Jun liked the eldest son, so after thinking about it, he agreed to give the Duke of Wei to Qin Xiaozhong, the eldest grandson.

  He asked the emperor to give the Duke of Wei to Qin Xiaozhong, and the Duke of Wu'an County to Qin Xiaozhong's eldest son and great-grandson Qin Yao.

King Qi and King Lu Song are now also taken over by Qin Lang because of their particularity. The eldest son Qin Yu is the son of King Qi and King Lu Song, the eldest son Qin Jun is the king of Wu'an County, and the second son Qin Lun is renamed by the emperor For Yi Guogong.

  Qin Lun, the second son of Qin Lang, who was newly conferred the title of Lord Yi, came to Luo from Luzon. He will be trained in the lecture hall of Yulin Palace, and at the same time he will serve as the captain and captain of the Baiqi Battalion at the North Gate.

   In fact, Qin Lang is also the proton of Qin Lang staying in Beijing.

  The eldest grandson of the concubine Wei Guogong Qin Xiaozhong will also stay in the Central Plains to handle affairs. He will be responsible for matters such as marrying a bride and recruiting talents, which is also considered a hostage.

   Next, Qin Lang's sons, grandsons, and even great-grandchildren will arrange some to come to Luoyang to study or work as errands every year in the future.

  (end of this chapter)