MTL - Chaotic Sword God-Chapter 3521 Zongmen attacked

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"I've accepted this thing, you go down." Lian Zhanyun waved his hand, and after making the disciple of the Profound Immortal Realm back down, he stared at this treasure of heaven and earth in a daze for a while.

In the eyes of others, this is indeed a natural treasure, but in the eyes of Lian Zhanyun, it is a signal, a signal with special meaning.

Lian Zhanyun grasped the palm of his hand, and the treasures of heaven, material and earth in his hand were instantly shattered.

He stood on the spot and pondered for a moment, then suddenly activated the cave formation, sat cross-legged in the cave and entered the cultivation state.

However, his face quickly turned pale. He was burning his own blood in exchange for powerful energy, and all the energy was injected into a certain place in his body.

Gradually, a hidden extremely deep jade talisman emerged from nothingness in his body, and the jade talisman was already connected with his internal organs and flesh and blood, making it look like one.

The next moment, Lian Zhanyun's consciousness entered the jade talisman, and he left messages one after another in the jade talisman, and then the jade talisman sent them far away in an extremely obscure way.


In the Green Fox Immortal Sect, in the forbidden area behind the mountain, a seductive and charming middle-aged beautiful woman is sitting cross-legged in emptiness, exuding the aura of an immortal emperor from her body.

This middle-aged beautiful woman is the only Immortal Emperor Realm Patriarch of the Green Fox Immortal Sect—Hu Meixin.

All of a sudden, Hu Meixin's closed eyes suddenly opened, her face became incomparably solemn, and then her body rose into the sky, and disappeared in an instant.

Not long after, on a mountain peak thousands of miles away from the Purple Night Sword Sect, the real ancestors of the four surrounding powers gathered here. The ancestor is charming.

"What happened, why did you call us together in such a hurry? Does it have to be discussed face to face, and we can't send a message with spiritual knowledge?" the ancestor of Sanyang Xianzong asked in a deep voice.

The ancestor of the Qinghu Immortal Sect looked solemn, she looked at the three people opposite, and said slowly: "The specific situation of the Zixiao Sword Sect has been clarified, they have opened a secret space left by the ancestor of Xinghuan back then. There are extremely powerful treasures inside. The details of these treasures are unknown, but with these treasures, Zixiao Sword Sect at least has the ability to compete with our four major forces, and even directly has the ability to destroy us. After all, this It is something left by Xing Huan's ancestors back then."

Hearing this, the faces of the ancestors of the three major factions of Yujian Xianmen, Sanyang Xianzong and Chixia Xianzong changed.

"The two immortal emperors who appeared one after another in Zixiao Sword Sect, have you figured out the situation?" the ancestor of Chixia Xianmen asked expressionlessly.

Hu Meixin nodded and said: "Immortal Emperor Gaizheng, don't worry, he is not from the side of Zixiao Sword Sect. Originally, the treasure left by Xinghuan Patriarch had been taken away by Immortal Emperor Gaizheng, but in the end it was taken away by Immortal Emperor Gaizheng The Immortal Emperor who appeared was taken back and returned to Zixiao Sword Sect."

Hearing this, the eyes of the other three great immortal emperors showed a hint of surprise.

"As long as Immortal Emperor Gaizheng is not on the side of Zixiao Sword Sect, I will immediately send someone to the Zhengyi family to visit Immortal Gaizheng and find out who the immortal emperor who helped Zixiao Sword Sect is. Who is this person, then there will be strong people above to deal with him." Said the ancestor of Yujian Xianmen.

"Naturally, the strong outside will be dealt with by the people above, but now we have to consider the Zixiao Sword Sect. The Zixiao Sword Sect has suddenly obtained such a treasure. It will be a threat to us sooner or later. We must take some action , and must be quick, before they fully grasp the treasure, eliminate this threat in advance." The ancestor of the Green Fox Immortal Sect said solemnly.

After the words fell, the four people in the field fell into silence for a while, and all of them looked very serious.

"If we want to eliminate this threat, it is also a risk for us..."

"So what if you are involved in danger? Now we can only do so. However, as long as we control the scale and don't destroy the Zixiao Sword Sect, then it will not be considered as violating the will of the Taizun..."


In the Purple Night Sword Sect, Elder Nong and Chen Shuzhi had several discussions recently, but they were still unable to reach an agreement on how to deal with these treasures. During this period, many meetings were held with the participation of core disciples, but instead of solving the problem, they As a result, two voices gradually appeared in Zixiao Sword Sect.

Jian Chen seldom spoke, and most of the time he watched coldly from the sidelines, but kept secretly monitoring all the disciples in the entire sect with his spiritual sense.

But through these disputes, Jian Chen has gained a lot. He found that some of the disciples whom he suspected to have problems before were standing beside the elder Nong. Although these people would send messages to the outside world from time to time to report the latest information in Zixiao Sword Sect, they were sincere in their hearts. For the sake of Zongmen.

"It seems that there are still some forces in the fairy world who are concerned about the Zixiao Sword Sect, but for some reason, these forces are the same as the Black Demon Palace. Among these problematic disciples, it is estimated that some of them were arranged by them." A faint smile appeared on the corner of Jian Chen's mouth, and his mood seemed to have finally gained some comfort at this moment.

"There are also those outstanding disciples of Zixiao Sword Sect who disappeared in history, have they all really disappeared?"

"As for Chen Shuzhi, his step-by-step retreat is not really for the sake of the overall situation. His real purpose should be to lead the Purple Night Sword Sect to decline step by step. After all, being able to reach such an incredible agreement with the Jinglei Sword Sect shows that this A person's mind will never go to the Purple Night Sword Sect."

"After all, if I hadn't been here this time, I'm afraid Zixiao Sword Sect would have moved away from the mountain gate. And once it left this main peak, the end of Zixiao Sword Sect would either be torn apart, or it would be annexed by major forces. collapse."

"After all, in Gongqingtian, there is no longer a suitable place to establish a sect, and without a site, it means that there are no resources..."

Jian Chen was full of thoughts in his heart, and immediately he looked outside the gate of Zixiao Sword Sect, with a hint of expectation and excitement in his eyes.


At this moment, a deafening roar came from outside, and Zixiao Sword Sect's guardian formation was violently attacked and began to vibrate violently.

The faces of Elder Nong and Chen Shuzhi who were in the meeting changed, and they immediately flew out, followed by all the core disciples of Nine Heavens Profound Realm also left the main peak.

However, at this moment, a huge void crack appeared on the guardian formation, and in the dark crack, there were four extremely bright rays of light, tearing apart the guardian formation of Zixiao Sword Sect with a destructive force Make a huge hole.

This was caused by the simultaneous attacks of the ancestors of the Immortal Emperor Realm from the four major forces. Each of them held a middle-grade artifact. With the joint efforts of the four of them, they broke the guardian formation of Zixiao Sword Sect with just one blow.

Immediately afterwards, four huge immortal boats rushed in through the cracks in the formation.