MTL - Chaotic Sword God-Chapter 3 Smelting

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The third chapter of the body ()

Changyang Xiangtian looked at his short body, and his heart sighed secretly. The complexion was full of complexities. During this time, these pictures in the brain have not been known how many times they have appeared. Now think of it. These things seem to happen yesterday, the memory is so clear, as if deep imprinted in the depths of his soul, how can I forget, now, he has long understood that his past life is Jian Chen, dead After that, the inexplicable reincarnation of the soul and memory came over.

Since Jian Chen had retained the memory of previous life just after he was born, he learned the language here just after he was born. Later, based on the conversations among the people in the paradise, he has already roughly understood what the family he was born in is exactly what it is. The existence of the same, at the same time, also a general understanding of the world is not the world that you have lived, but another new world, a world that Jian Chen has never heard of.

The huge house name of Jian Chen is called Changyang House, Changyang House, which is one of the four families in Luoer City. It has a pivotal position in the whole city of Luoer, and his father is Changyang. The owner of the house, named Changyangba, and his mother, named Biyuntian, is the fourth priest of Changyang House’s chief Yangyangba. It is not the main house. However, his mother’s position in Changyang is not low. Because she is a bright sage.

Although Jian Chen is not clear about what Guangming Shengshi is, he also understands that his mother has a very high status in the entire Changyang Prefecture because of the identity of the Light Master, and is respected by many people.

The sword dust itself is the four young masters of Changyang Prefecture, with a very lofty identity. On the sword dust, there are two older brothers, one sister, the big brother Changyanghu, the second sister Changyang Mingyue, the third brother Changyangke, They and the sword dust are born to each other. In addition to the big brother Changyanghu, the second sister Changyang Mingyue and the third brother Changyang Kejian dust have seen several times, are children who are older than the sword dust, the oldest second sister, just four years old this year, than Jian Chen was three years old, and the third brother Changyang Ke was two years older than Jian Chen. He was just three years old this year. In addition to them, there are many children belonging to the disciples in Changyang.

At this time, an old man dressed as a butler came to Jian Chen and said with a soft voice: "Four young masters, time is not early, my wife told you to go back."

When I heard the sound, Jian Chen came back to God. When I saw the sky, I suddenly realized that the sky was already playing. It was the sign that the night was coming, and I was unconscious. Jian Chen had stood here for an afternoon. Jian Chen nodded slightly and said: "I know, Chang Bo, I will go back soon."

The man named Jian Bo by Jian Chen is the steward of Changyang House. Almost everything in Changyang House is taken care of by him. His identity in Changyang is not low, even though Chang Bo is only a steward. However, in Changyang Prefecture, no respectful look is revealed to anyone, and his identity is almost equal to that of Changyang House, the head of the Changyang House.

Chang Bo’s face showed a smile, and he looked at Jian Chen’s gaze with a look of hope. Jian Chen’s age of less than half a year can be done on the ground alone without relying on people’s support. I can speak in eight months, and my speech is clear. I have been able to communicate with people normally. With these two points, Jian Chen has faintly hanged the title of genius in Changyang Prefecture. It has become Changyang. The government expects the highest person.

At night, Jian Chen went to the dining hall for dinner with his mother Bi Yuntian. The dining hall they used was a special dining hall. Only the owner of Changyang House and his own children and several diverticulums could use it.

When Jian Chen and Bi Yuntian came to the dining hall, they had already sat on the round table and had three beautiful women. They were in their twenties, and they were two years old. A child who is not much bigger than the sword dust, a man and a woman, the boy looks like a three or four-year-old, long and chubby, at the moment, sitting quietly on the bench, he is the third owner of the Changyang House. Zi, also the three young masters of Changyang House - Changyang Ke.

As soon as the sword dust came in, Chang Yangke’s small eyes were full of hostility and full of provocative meaning. Obviously, his heart had a slight prejudice against Jian Chen.

Although the mothers including Jian Chen, the four women saw the hostility of the sword dust in Chang Yangke’s eyes, but none of them cared. In their opinion, this is just a child’s play. It is harmless at all.

The other little girl looks like she is four or five years old, with two small whip on her head, a pair of bright eyes filled with quirky elves, and a shallow smile with two small dimples hanging Very cute, just from the appearance of her young age, it is almost certain that when she grows up, she will definitely be a beautiful woman who will look down on the country. She is the second child of the owner of Changyang House, and the second lady of Changyang House, Changyang Mingyue, is the only daughter of the four children of Changyang House.

"Four brothers, you are coming, come to the seat!" Seeing the sword dust coming in, the shallow smile on Changyang Mingyue's face became more splendid, and quickly greeted him.

Jian Chen nodded slightly to Changyang Mingyue, and he even said hello, and then sat down with his mother to the two empty positions on the round table.

Jian Chen’s mother, Bi Yuntian, looked at Jian Chen with a look of love and whispered: “Xiang Er, I’ve seen your aunts and two sisters.”

Jian Chen was helpless, looking at the few women who looked at the delicate, said: "I have seen aunts, two aunts, three aunts, two sisters, three brothers." Since knowing that Jian Chen has learned to speak, his mother Bi Yuntian is happy at the same time, but also hard to learn the most basic number of rituals, and Jian Chen holding the existing, then the idea of ​​peace, there is no resistance to his mother's proposal, because he also knows that he I will grow up in this new world in the future.

When he first came here, Jian Chen also had a fierce struggle for his own identity. After all, he was a reincarnation of his previous life. Since he retains the memory of his previous life, he is still a sword dust, and for his present This identity, in the depths of Jian Chen, is still somewhat ruled out. However, as time goes by, he finally accepts his current identity. In any case, Biyuntian is a mother of his own after all. Although I have inexplicably retained the memory of past lives after my death, that memory has happened in another world, and there is no relationship with it. Now, Jian Chen has hidden his previous things in his mind. I am going to accept everything here with a heartfelt heart.

The three women looked at Jian Chen with a smile. One of the women wearing yellow and luxurious costumes said with a smile: "Yun’s sister, Xiangtian is getting more and more sensible now, oh... It’s hard to imagine He is a child who has just turned one year old. I really envy you. There is such a smart son." This woman wearing yellow and luxurious costumes is the second house lady of Changyang House’s chief Yang Yangba. The mother of Changyang Mingyue.

"Yes, Yuner sister, the second sister said it is good. Now I find that I am more and more like Xiangtian." The woman sitting next to Jianchen also said with a smile, though, but Her eyes on Jian Chen are calm, she is the three ladies of Changyang House - Yu Fengyan.

"Xiangtian is indeed the most talented child I have ever seen. When I was half-year old, I walked alone. I can speak in eight months. This is absolutely impossible for other children of the same age. I really look forward to the fullness of Xiangtian. At the age of three, he carried out the test of the power and potential in the body. I hope that he will give us a surprise at that time." The woman who spoke is a little older, and she has a noble temperament. She is the owner of Changyang House. The first lady, named Linglong.

The exquisite voice just fell, and a slightly thick man’s voice suddenly sounded: “Yeah, I am also looking forward to waiting for Xiang’s three-year-old to carry out the Holy Test, which will give us a surprise.” With the voice I saw a young man of nearly 30 years old walked into the dining hall. The young man exuded the temperament of a superior, wearing a white robe with a gold silk edge and a long black hair. Covered on the shoulders, giving a very floating feeling.



When I saw this young man, the seven people sitting at the table mountain stood up at the same time and shouted, and Jian Chen was no exception, whispering.

This young man is the owner of Changyang Prefecture, Changyangba.

Changyangba directly came to an empty position on the table and sat up with a soft smile on his face. He looked at the sword dust and said softly: "Xianger, is he still happy in the government?"

Jian Chen nodded slightly and said: "Alright!"

On the face of Changyangba, there was a smile on his face. He continued: "Xianger, if you feel that the house is rather stuffy, go out and let go, and see the world outside."

"Know it, hey!" Jian Chen said softly.

Seeing Jian Chen is so sensible, it is not like a child who just turned a year old. There is an indescribable happiness in Changyang’s heart.

The family had a good dinner and had a meal soon. After the meal, Jian Chen returned to his room alone. According to his age, he was supposed to sleep with his mother, Bi Yuntian, but Jian Chen took the initiative to ask himself to live alone in a room. For this problem, Jian Chen’s attitude was very determined. In the end, his mother Bi Yuntian really couldn’t help him. Finally, he had no choice but to agree.

At night, the sword dust sat on the bed, his hands were steady on his knees, his palms were up, and he was doing five-hearted posture, silently running the first layer of the purple sword.

The Ziqing Sword Code is the biggest bargaining chip in the past 20 years in the past 20 years. This is a cultivation cheat. It not only records a very deep mind, but also has some powerful power. Sword trick.

This Ziqing Sword Code is when Jian Chen was a child when he was playing in the mountains. He accidentally fell into a pool under the cliffs. He woke up and found it in a cave. Then he fished for fish every day. After ten years of Jian Chen's academic success, when he was able to leap over the cliff, he flew up from the bottom of the cliff and returned to the ground.

Jian Chen was an orphan. His parents died in the era of war. When he was a child, he was adopted by a good-hearted grandfather. When he came out of the cliff, he had been in the past ten years and returned to the place. In the sleepy village, the grandfather who adopted it has passed away for many years. Finally, after the sword dust that has no dependence has been adopted to worship his grandfather, he left the small village and walked alone.

Since the acceptance of the world and his current identity, Jian Chen began to practice the Ziqing Sword Code, and now he has been practicing for half a year.