MTL - Chaotic Sword God-Chapter 1 Jian Chen

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Chapter 1 Jian Chen ()

Among the vast expanse of mountains, two sword-shaped peaks with a height of one foot are separated by a hundred meters away from the sea of ​​clouds.

The two sword-shaped peaks are very steep, and it seems that two enlarged versions of the Excalibur are inserted between the heavens and the earth. There is no place for rock climbing.

At the top of the two sword-shaped peaks, there is less than a hundred meters away from the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, and at the top of the mountain, there is a faint mist, covered by fog, making the mountain peak The scenes of the hustle and bustle are all confused and unclear, but in the vagueness, you can still find the two sword-shaped peaks. There are two people standing there quietly, as if they are a stone sculpture, not moving. Only the wind in the sky blew the clothes of the two and the hair drifted in the wind.

One of these two people seems to be only a young man who is only 20 years old. The young man is very handsome and handsome, and his handsome facial features are perfect. It is unparalleled in the world. It is the killer of all the young girls in the world. A pair of bland eyes have a unique appeal, very charming, as if it can be breathtaking.

The young man has a long black hair, straight to the waist, long hair without any restraint, very casually draped behind him with the whistling wind blowing, and on the back of the young man, carrying a long sword The sword of the long sword was wrapped in a thick white cloth, and only a subtle sword handle exposed outside was seen. The name of the "light breeze" was clearly engraved on the hilt, but it was strange. The whole sword of the long sword did not make any ropes, as if it was sucked on the backs of young people, and did not fall down. This scene seems to be difficult to understand.

The young man named Jian Chen, now the first master of the famous reputation on the rivers and lakes, is also known as the title of the sword god, is a generation of swordsman, the first-hand fast sword method has already reached the peak of the gods, the peak of the world, However, his age is only in his twenties.

For Jian Chen, the people in the rivers and lakes know very little about the details. Besides knowing that he is an orphan, and there is no door to the other, he knows nothing about it. His origins are like a mystery. He is one. No one knows how to learn from the high-powered martial arts and the subtle swordsmanship.

On the sword-shaped mountain 100 meters across from him, a tall man wearing a black robe stood there, facing the sword dust. This man is an old man and looks like he is fifty or sixty years old. Looks like a crane, a child's face, a pair of old eyes and a god, the eyes are so glamorous, the sharp eyes are like a sharp sword, people dare not look at it, and in his hands, holding a generous black giant Sword, but what is weird is that his giant sword is actually not edged.

This old man is a legendary figure who has disappeared in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years. He is alone and seeks defeat. He is only one of his titles. No one knows his real name and identity, because as early as a hundred years ago, he It is a super-powerful person who has been invincible in the world. Nowadays, people who know some information about the singularity of the singer are still few in the world. However, his brilliant glory in the past is still It has been passed down from generation to generation, and today, a hundred years later, his strength is better than ever. Now, no one can know the strength of the strength of the solitary defeat.

Solitary and defeated a pair of eyes quietly watching the 100 meters away from the age of 20 years old, the sword dust, the eyes are extremely sharp, as if the sword is sharp, the eyes are flashing from time to time.

"Sword dust, at such a young age, is not weaker than the old man's strength, and your rumor on the kendo has reached a height that even the old man can't reach. Unfortunately, you kill my only love, this hatred. I have to report that today, in any case, I have to ask for justice for my only one." Solitary screams and says, the seemingly calm tone is full of people who are chilling and chilling. meaning.

Jian Chen's face was calm and calm, his eyes were faintly watching the solitude and defeat, and the white robes on his body fluttered in the wind, and the long hair that was waist-waisted was blown by the wind and looked so good.

"This is no stranger to me. It is your apprentice who took the initiative to offend me. As for the death of my sword, I can only blame him for not being good at learning." Jian Chen's lips gently opened and closed, and a faint voice spit out from his mouth.

Duo seeks to defeat the anger and laughs: "Good, good, good, good one is not refined, then I will meet you today, see how much you have the ability, can you put the old man in your hands that light Under the wind sword."

Said, the solitary defeated the hand of the black iron epee in the hand, suddenly, a powerful sword of swords out of the sword, with a fierce sword gas to the lightning speed like a hundred meters away from the sword dust .

The calmness of Jian Chen’s face, with the sound of a sword scabbard, the long sword behind the back appeared in the hands of Jian Chen, which is four feet long, **** wide slender sword whole sword There was a layer of silver-white swordsman on the body, and then the sword in the hands of Jian Chen quickly stabbed them out. I saw a sword that was so strong that the sword was out of the sword, and the sword could not be captured by the naked eye. Air strikes.


The two swords collided in the air, bursting into a loud bang, deafening, and the powerful natural gas after the explosion centered on the explosion point, quickly spread out in all directions, and scattered the faint mist around the clouds.

Then, Jian Chen and Du Gu were defeated and flew up at the same time. They broke away from the mountain peaks standing under their feet and flew between the two peaks. They fought fiercely in midair.

The speed of the two men's shots was extremely fast, and the sound of collision and friction of the weapons rang in the air. The strong swordsmanship shot from the two people's battles to the surrounding, and made a big hole on the surrounding peaks. Countless gravels fell toward the ground under a thousand feet.

In just a few breaths, Jian Chen and Du Gu and the two defeated each other quickly and fought hundreds of rounds. Later, when the two fell on two peaks, they only saw their bodies slightly embarrassed. On the clothes that were originally intact, there have been many cracks and they have become a bit ruined.

Solitary and defeated a serious look at the sword dust, the look became very dignified, Shen Sheng: "Fast sword, no wonder you can't break the sword in the river, but you can't help the old man." The solitary defeated the tone and paused. He continued: "It is difficult for us to score the difference. It is better to use the strongest blow at the same time. One move will be a winner." Suddenly, the momentum of the solitary defeat suddenly The skyrocketing is like a giant sword, straight into the sky.

The face of Jian Chen became dignified. Then, the body also exudes a huge momentum, no more than a single orphan.

The momentum of the two people continued to climb, covering the sky and covering the entire sky. The combination of the two forces directly covered the entire mountain for a distance of ten thousand miles. Even the clouds in the sky were rushed by the momentum of the two. There was a big hole, and it quickly dissipated. The wind screamed in the sky, and the screaming ghosts screamed and screamed. In the mountains and forests, countless birds and beasts screamed in horror, and they fled their limbs to the distant place. The momentum of the two peaks is constantly increasing, and they are brewing the strongest blow.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

Not far from the mountains and forests, many small trees could not withstand the powerful momentum of the two people, and they broke off at the waist, and then they were rushed to the sky by the huge momentum of the two men, flying far away.

As the dust of the sword and the loneliness of the two climbed up, there was a strong real airflow around the bodies of the two of them, surrounded by two people rotating rapidly, flowers and trees, both of them The powerful momentum bends against the pressure, and countless trees swayed and swayed.

At the same time, the light wind sword in the hands of Jian Chen and the black iron epee that was solitary and defeated all exude a dazzling white light and black black light.

The true airflow between the two people is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, the whole body of the sword dust is wrapped in a thick white light, and the solitary defeat is also wrapped in a layer of black light. The two people have completely lost their shadows. In the midair, I saw the brilliance of the two groups of colors.


The sword in the hands of Jian Chen is light and trembling. At this moment, the dazzling swordsmanship has been lit up on the sword. The powerful swordsman makes people feel scared. His long black hair fluttered in the wind, and the white robes were drifting in the wind. The whole body was hanging up and standing. It seemed to be a **** of war and might not be defeated.

When the momentum of both of them climbed to the apex, suddenly, the two men simultaneously screamed and screamed at the same time, sounding like a thunder, suddenly thundering, deafening, then, seeing a beautiful white light and dark black mans The lightning-fast speed collided and disappeared in an instant...

There is no imaginary collision sound. When everything calms down, I saw that Jian Chen and Du Gu and the two have changed their positions. They are separated by a distance of 100 meters and stand on the top of the two peaks. Both of them look like their faces. Very pale, and on the chest of Jian Chen, the bright red blood quickly rushed out, quickly dyed his white robe red, just after the lightning-like staggered and obsolete, the solitary defeat has been pierced by a sword. His heart.

However, he lost his entire right arm and lost his right arm. He was unable to take the sword. The black iron epee that was taken in his right hand had already fallen to the cliff under the mountain. After a sword pierced the heart of the sword dust, it also lost an arm.

Jian Chen stood quietly on the mountain peak, and a stream of blood slowly flowed out of his mouth, and his face became paler and paler. In a short period of time, he was already pale, his The heart was pierced by a sword, and it was already in a desperate situation.

"Ha ha ha....." Suddenly, the solitary defeat on the top of the mountain peak suddenly burst into laughter and laughed loudly: "Jian Chen, with your talent, if you are giving you a few years, the old man is definitely not yours." Opponents, unfortunately, unfortunately, although your strength is not worse than that of the old man, it is still in the hands of the old man." Here, the solitary sighs and sighs, said: "Hey.... Generation of Tianjiao is so ruined. In the hands of the old man, it is indeed regrettable, but in order to report the hatred of the killers, the old man has to do the same."

Feeling his own vitality that is continually passing away, Jian Chen slowly closed his eyes. At this moment, he seems very calm. For him, life and death may not be valued. After all, these years are swaying in the rivers and lakes. After killing a lot of people, I have already been obsessed with life and death. The only regret in my heart is that I will never have the opportunity to explore the ultimate in kendo.

Just as Jian Chen fell into a situation of no sadness and no joy, suddenly, a strange feeling appeared in the mind of Jian Chen. At this critical moment, the soul of Jian Chen seemed to be integrated with the long sword in his hand, even if he Sword, sword Even if he, he and the sword, no longer separate each other, as if the sword in his hand has become part of his soul.

At the same time, a pure and powerful world of heaven and earth descended from the heavens and the earth, and the mind of Jian Chen flowed into his mind with a trace of his mind, perfectly combined with his soul, along with the world. Injecting the gas, Jian Chen clearly felt that his "God" was growing rapidly at an incredible speed. At the same time, his soul seemed to be out of the body and flew to the endless mountains and fields. At this moment, The scenes within a radius of ten miles are clearly in the mind of Jian Chen, and even the mosquitoes on the ground can clearly feel their activities.

At this extreme of death, he actually broke through...