MTL - Chaotic Lightning Cultivation-~ Section 886, Long River

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"Hey!" Longba Tianwang snorted and said: "There is no nonsense, Jinfeng Tianhou, you are difficult to protect yourself today, or hide from your gods!"

"My **** is a solid soup, I don't need to worry at all, but you are, I am afraid it is difficult to escape today!" Jin Feng Tian sneered: "I originally wanted to let you go, but now I have changed my mind, you It’s good that people don’t live in the world at all, or kill them early!”

"Haha, it depends on you? I still want to kill me, it’s just too self-reliant!" Dragon King King sneered and said: "Are you really one of your world's invincible?"

"Invincible can't say, clean up and say no problem!" After Jin Fengtian finished speaking, he raised his hand and released a roll of antique scrolls. Online novel

This scroll is made of special animal skin, which is gray and overall, and does not show any gorgeous decoration. The picture above it is also very simple, it is a vicissitude of the earth, and a few waves of waves.

However, such a simple picture, but exudes a high artistic conception, just like the endless years rolling in front of you, but you can only watch, can not stop!

Therefore, in front of this picture, everyone feels that their own smallness, even if it is a strong master, can not compete with the time of terror!

Jin Fengtian apparently moved around the real anger, too lazy to have more nonsense with the Dragon King, and took out the attack after he took out the map of the sea.

I saw a golden wave of the phoenix in the sky, and a soft white light appeared on the map of the sea. This kind of white light is unusually beautiful, just like the concrete manifestation of time. They slowly move and gradually form a long river of time, rolling toward the Dragon King.

Seeing this scene, Dragon King Tian suddenly was shocked. As a monster of the Yaozu, he naturally knows that this picture of the sea and the sky is so powerful that it is very inconspicuous. It seems that there is no power. But actually they are terrible.

Because these white lights are actually the passage of time, once they enter it, it may be hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years.

What is that concept? It is the emperor-level powerhouse, and it is impossible to live forever tens of millions of years, that is, the limit. In other words, as long as a little, they will live and die, and then the body will quickly decay until it becomes ashes.

Most of the treasures are also difficult to resist this abnormal way of attack, even if the congenital device is soaked by the long river, it will also be destroyed.

The most abnormal thing is that time is too long to resist. The protective light hits it, and it will sink in an instant because there is no such **** that can last for millions of years.

Therefore, this map of the sea is the most strange congenital device in the fairy world. So far, it has experienced countless battles in the hands of Jin Fengtian, and it is almost invincible in the congenital sacred device.

The only treasure that can fight this metamorphosis attack is the everlasting artifact of immortality.

Therefore, Jin Feng’s post-mortem of the sea sang, the dragon king, immediately became nervous. He hurriedly pulled out a treasure tree with colorful light, and then waved it again and again, releasing a beautiful god, like a beautiful butterfly, dancing, and millions of butterflies forming a long river. The time passed and the river ushered in.

After the butterflies entered the long river, they immediately burst open, forming a piece of colored light. Every color appeared, and they would immediately eliminate the white light of the sea. After the innumerable butterflies exploded, the striker of the long river had already been diluted to almost invisible.

Seeing this, Jin Fengtian was shocked, but then she sneered: "Haha, I thought you were really good at it. It turned out that it was borrowed from the Buddha's door. Seven, you really thought that with this. Can you fight against my sang sang map?"

"Can you always try to know!" Long Ba Tianwang sneered: "However, from the current situation, it seems that your map of the sea can not threaten me!"

"Haha, Dragon King, you are just the frog at the bottom of the well. You don't know the real power of the sacred field. You probably don't know it? In the ancient times, it had the title of "the strongest holy device!" Jin Feng Tian sneered: "In the past, I just didn't meet a strong opponent, so I didn't play it." Now, let me see how powerful it is! ”

After that, Jin Fengtian's hands repeatedly made a law decision, and the sea sang field map suddenly changed. The original Bohai Sea in the picture became Putian, and Putian disappeared.

At the same time, the white light on the map of the sanghai sang became several times thicker. They formed a river of more than a dozen times, just like a long-term dragon, and they attacked the dragon king from all directions.

When he saw the situation, he suddenly became shocked and hurriedly tried to spur the seven wonderful treasure trees. Unfortunately, his strength was far less powerful than that of the big day, and he could only exert the strength of the seven wonderful treasure trees. The colorful gods formed will resist the attack of two rivers at most. As for the others, there is nothing that can be done.

This time, Dragon King can panic, hurriedly shunned. He didn't dare to be involved in the long river. Because of his current strength, it is absolutely dead.

Fortunately, the speed of the scrolling of the river is not very fast. The dragon tyrants are shaped like electricity, and with the help of the seven wonderful treasure trees, they can barely protect themselves for a while. However, everyone can see that the Dragon King is only lingering. The seven wonderful treasure trees are extremely mana-consuming, and behind his buttocks, he is chasing a dozen times of time. Anyone who rolls on him can kill him on the spot.

Sure enough, after the Dragon King had hid the door several times, the cold sweat on his forehead collapsed like a rainstorm.

According to this state, he will die if he does not need much time.

At this point, the Dragon King is extremely entangled in the heart, originally thought that he has a half-step to the seven wonderful treasure tree, enough to fight against the prelude of the sacred sacred sacred field, but did not expect that Jin Fengtian still has a hand, always It is the most terrible place to hide the map of the sea.

As a result, Longba Tianwang not only failed to suppress Jinfeng Tianhou, but was chased by the dog in the direction.

At this time, regret is useless, Dragon King also knows this, so he dazzles while thinking about the solution to the current predicament.

Finally, after some thinking, Dragon King has a sinister plan. Although this plan will definitely make his reputation fall, but for his own life, he finally chose to implement.

The dragon king slammed his heart and shouted directly to the subordinates below: "I will immediately launch a storm on the mountain of God! Everyone will press it, regardless of the loss, give me a slap, and must break through in the shortest time. Shenshan Mountain, kill everyone inside, chicken dogs do not stay!"

The tyrants of the Dragon King are all elite, and when they hear the command, they immediately start. Tens of millions of troops have completed their offensive preparations in almost a blink of an eye. Subsequently, they fiercely attacked Shenshan.

So many big army, a large piece of black pressure, even hundreds of thousands of miles, the light of the momentum can almost scare people!

Seeing this, Jin Fengtian changed his face and couldn't help but yelled: "Dragon King, what do you want to do? You know, you don't know, so the reckless launch of the offensive will kill many people!"

You must know that the Shenfeng Mountain has been operated by Jinfeng Tianhou for millions of years, and there are terrible prohibitions everywhere. There are several kinds of array traps in every place.

Under normal circumstances, attacking Shenque Mountain requires a little bit of encroachment, and gradually eliminates those traps and bans before you can enter the army.

And like the dragon tyrants, this kind of attack on the whole sheep is simply letting the soldiers die.

In fact, Dragon King also really thinks this way, because he knows that Jin Fengtian is the most loved by the sergeant of the Yaozu. Only in this way can she force her to let go.

Therefore, after Jin Fengtian’s inquiries, Longba Tianwang directly sneered: “What else can you do? Of course, it is to destroy your nest! However, if you are willing to surrender, I can order the troops!”

Obviously Dragon King is using the life of his own soldiers to threaten Jin Fengtian. Jin Fengtian has never seen such a shameless person, and suddenly he can hardly speak a word... However, after all, Jin Fengtian is the elder of the Yaozu, she can’t see the tens of millions of demons. In front of yourself. Therefore, even though she was so angry that she was dying, she could only take back her own map of the sea and sang, and let go of the dragon king who was about to finish.

After the escape, the Dragon King suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He hurriedly swallowed a few elixir, supplemented the mana that consumed too much, and then just gasped on the side, but did not order the troops.

Jin Feng saw it in the sky and couldn’t help but urged: "Dragon King, I have stopped, you still have not ordered to take over?"

"Hey!" Long Ba Tianwang laughed and said: "I mean, you are surrendering to me, surrendering the map of the sea, and then I will take over!"

"You n" Jin Feng Tian Hou suddenly angry face green, met shameless, but did not see such shameless. After living in the millions of years, Jin Feng Tian has never met an emperor-level powerhouse. Like the Dragon King, he should not be ashamed at all, just like talking and farting. So Jin Feng Tian Hou was so angry that he couldn’t speak. ! ~!

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