MTL - Chaotic Lightning Cultivation-~ Section 881, Lord of Heaven

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Lord VIII, the Lord of Heaven

Lord VIII, the Lord of Heaven

The original Jade Emperor was the first person in the heavens, but now he, because of his poor strength, had to retreat to the body behind Song Zhong, and the Changsheng Emperor won the almost half-step supreme, and the strength has surpassed him. This made him feel a huge crisis.

As a big man who has been in the fairyland for millions of years, the Jade Emperor is definitely a monk. The so-called monks are not only jealous of others, but also to themselves.

So after a little thought about it, he resolutely said: "A big deal is a death in order to advance to the Holy One, I fight."

Obviously, this arrogant emperor is absolutely not willing to fall behind the people, even if he is risking his life, he has to fight this time.

The Jade Emperor was a very decisive person. After making up his mind, he immediately jumped into the big water polo, and then applied the secret method to melt all his body. Appearance, there is a water ball of Jiu Xuan Tian Shui, nothing mixed.

Then, the big water polo rushed to the vortex below, and at the same time, the people’s message was echoed again in the ears: “You should take care of it. If I don’t succeed this time, I’m going to be a good person. To the East Emperor"

Just after the words were finished, the big water polo that the Jade Emperor turned into fell into the whirlpool of the mile, and it flashed away.

When everyone saw it, they sighed, but they did not stop the Jade Emperor. Because this is an adventure, it also represents a huge interest. Once the Jade Emperor succeeds, he will not only get a powerful water **** palace, but also promote the saints.

Such a huge interest is worthwhile even if it is an adventure. Even if they change a few of them, they will definitely make such a choice.

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After the Jade Emperor launched the water, Song Zhong and others locked the gods on the water polo and watched it closely. He hoped that he could help him at the crucial moment.

Under the lock of the people's consciousness, the water polo moved down the direction of the vortex, 10,000 feet, 20,000 feet, until it reached a depth of 100,000 feet, still not landing, still sinking.

At this distance, everyone's knowledge is a little hard. After all, this place is not an ordinary place, but Tianhe, the 100,000 feet of Tianshui, seriously hindered the transmission of God's knowledge.

If you sink further, everyone may lose the breath of the Jade Emperor. This makes everyone very anxious.

Song Zhong couldn't help but ask the small tea ceremony: "Small tea, all 100,000 feet, how have you not seen the water **** palace?"

Xiaocha is not slow or slow: "100,000 feet are still early, this water eye is raging. I don't know how many years, the depth below can't be measured, and the more down, the easier it is to see the water **** palace."

At this time, the Western Queen Mother was worried: "But the lower the pressure, the higher the pressure. Although the Jade Emperor is very strong, but now dare not use the congenital sacred body to protect the body, only use the flesh to counter the underwater pressure. Maybe it is already his limit."

"It is, and then dive, he may be hurt." Others frowned.

"That's not necessarily." Xiaocha smiled and said: "You all look down on the Jade Emperor. He is the body of the water. Under the water, he can exert the strongest power. The Tianhe water eye of 100,000 feet in the area is still unbearable. However, he will definitely feel bad, but I believe that he will definitely stick to it."

Seeing Xiaocha said, everyone also put a snack, but the secret is still worried about the Jade Emperor.

Finally, shortly after the people finished speaking, the Jade Emperor sank again and did not know how many feet, strong water pressure, and thick Tianhe water, blocking the exploration of the people, so that everyone lost the Jade Emperor whereabouts.

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This time, Song Zhong couldn't stand any more. He couldn't help but ask in anxiously: "There is no trace of the Jade Emperor. What should we do?"

Xiaocha took out a fairy fruit and said helplessly: "This is the last fairy fruit that Master gave. After eating it, there is no one. People have to go back and take it."

Song Zhong did not expect that at this festival, the small tea was just taking care of it, and he was so angry that he screamed: "When the small tea is pulled, can you be serious?"

Xiaochabai took a look at Song Zhong, and then said, "Brother, people are serious and not serious. In fact, the results are the same. Now we are unable to intervene in this matter. If we succeed, we must look at the Jade Emperor’s own efforts. Others are helping. Can't be his"

"Ah?" Song Zhong heard the words, suddenly it was a glimpse, and then said: "What do we do now? Can you wait?"

"That can only wait for you." Xiaocha shrugged, then said: "But I don't recommend you to be stupid here. Because even if the Jade Emperor succeeds, then he will accept the Water God Palace, and then inherit the water **** clothes, you also need It’s only been a few years since the news came, so it’s useless here, or why? Why go?”

"Ah~" When everyone heard this, they suddenly stunned.

However, Xiaocha did not care about this. She jumped directly from Song Zhong’s shoulder and then licked the fairy fruit and said: “Brother, there is nothing wrong with me here. I will go back to the master and see you again”

After that, Xiaocha waved at Song Zhong. The next moment, her whole person turned into a golden light, and then instantly disappeared in front of everyone. During this period, everyone felt an incomparable tyrannical atmosphere, suppressed around, making them difficult for them to breathe.

Until the tea disappeared completely, the sudden emergence of the terrorist pressure gradually disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. Xi Wangmu couldn’t help but exclaimed: "This is the atmosphere of the gods after the supreme artifact. It must have appeared before, and it seems that the tea is still in control."

"It seems like this" side of the Ziwei Emperor can not help but exclaimed: "However, how small is the small tea? With her strength, how can we control the supreme artifact, and exert all the power?"

The transfer just said, don't think it looks very simple, but in fact, it is difficult. Because the place where the emperor is located, far from here, according to the normal way, the emperor will fly for a month or two to arrive.

And people like the strength of small tea, flying for hundreds of years may not be able to go to the place. However, after the Supreme Artifact was launched, she immediately returned to the master. This powerful to metamorphic transmission ability is not possessed by the saints. Only the supreme artifact of the post-earth **** can be done.

From the recent situation, Xiaocha was able to directly complete the powerful transmission of the Houtu Shenshen with his own strength without the help of the master.

This is simply unbelievable. A small child can use the supreme artifact to handle it. Who can believe this?

Although Song Zhong used the supreme artifact chaos clock before, but he can only play the power of the chaotic clock, and must not exceed his strength. However, the small tea was delivered this time, but it was difficult for the saints to carry out.

Therefore, this matter is too contrary to common sense, so that everyone does not know what to say.

In the end, Xi Wangmu and others can only sigh one song: "People and people, really can't compare."

And Song Zhong said bitterly: "This little girl, how is it more abnormal than me?"

After everyone felt a while, they returned to the theme again.

Xi Wangmu immediately said: "Well, since there is nothing we have here, then everyone will be scattered. We have a good harvest this time, it is time to digest it."

"Good, good" everyone immediately nodded. This time, almost everyone has a huge advantage, not to get the finished congenital device, or to get the material that can be used to refine the sacristy.

Therefore, they are now very eager to go back and refine their own holy devices to enhance their strength.

So, everyone broke up and agreed to contact afterwards.

~~~~~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

After several Heavenly Emperors returned to their old nests, they almost chose to retreat. Song Wen alone, not a retreat, but is worried about his own hands.

The reason why Song Zhong does not close, in fact, there are two main reasons, one is that he did not get the innate sacred artifacts of this time, and if there is material, he is too lazy to refine, after all, he has so many treasures in his hand, There is really no need to continue to refine.

As for the second reason, it is even simpler. If everyone is retreating, what will happen to that day? Always leave a person to be a principal?

So everyone has already discussed it before breaking up. They retreat, and Song Zhong left to deal with affairs. They are willing to hand over all the matters of the heavens to Song Zhong.

So, after Song Zhong returned to his East Emperor, he immediately received an official from other emperors. They will assist Song Zhong and manage all matters in the heavens.

From this moment on, Song Zhong did not have a name, but in reality, he took control of everything in heaven and became the master of the heavens.

The East Emperor's Circle has since become the political and economic center of Heaven, replacing the position of Jade Emperor.

The important government offices under the auspices of Tianting have all moved.

These official offices, which are in charge of thirty-three days and the thousands of worlds attached to them, are naturally amazing in number, and they have vacated the place for them, rebuilding the official office, and tiring the flowers of the lord of the East Emperor.

However, despite the tiredness, the hearts of the demon people are also excited. They can become the deployment of the Lord of Heaven. They are too happy to have it. Where will there be complaints? With the help of these flower demon, the official office was quickly built and officially put into operation.

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