MTL - Chaotic Lightning Cultivation-~ Section 878, staying in the cold

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In fact, the boundless fall in the chaotic period is not particularly powerful, and at most it can refine an ordinary congenital device. To read the latest and fastest chapters, please go to the web. The problem is that this guy hasn't stopped growing up for millions of years. It has turned the entire squadron into a cradle of growth, and in the end has absorbed all the wood in it.

In this way, the power of the boundless wood is naturally a straight line, so it will become so powerful.

Of course, although the power of the boundless wood is enough, the genus of the longevity emperor is also particularly suitable. But helpless, the strength of the longevity emperor is still a little worse, the emperor-level strong, even the congenital sacred refining can not be produced, how can we refine the half-step supreme?

Of course, there are exceptions to the matter, because among the elites, the candle dragon with the innate water and fire can refine the congenital device. Now, Song Zhong has a candle lantern and has this ability.

However, relying on the candle dragon lamp to refine the congenital device is difficult, and it is even more difficult to refine the half-step supreme. Therefore, at least for a short period of time, the boundless wood can only maintain the current state, the power is similar to the Fusang ancient wood, and can not compete with the seven wonderful treasure trees.

Everyone knows this too, so there is not much jealousy for the infinitely falling wood. After a while, everyone shouted the matter and planned to take the next step.

The Jade Emperor is most concerned about his own water **** palace, so there are some anxious words: "You, the boundless falling wood have been collected, then we should go to the Tianhe water eye, collect the water Palace?"

"The water **** palace is under your eyelids. It doesn't matter if it will be late in the morning. In my opinion, do you still go to the mysterious land first?" Xuanwu Dadi.

Everyone else is undecided, and it is the same everywhere.

Song Zhong thought for a moment and turned his head to Xiaocha again. He said, "Small tea, do you think, what should we do next?"

The little tea head does not lift the road: "Of course, go to the water **** palace!"

"Well?" Song Zhong heard the words, suddenly stunned, said: "But, it is safer, it is the same in the morning and evening? I think that the mysterious land can give priority to it. I wish everyone here: good health, family fun ""

"I think you still don't go well!" Xiaocha said very seriously: "Because there is nothing I feel!"

"What?" Song Zhong heard the words, suddenly stunned: "You can hook up the heavens, almost omniscient, omniscience, how can you have no feelings?"

"Oh, my brother, you can't afford me to come!" Xiaocha said with a smile: "In fact, I am not omnipotent. The existence of the saints above the level can completely ignore my feelings. Moreover, there are some places with high degree of danger. It is also something I can't peep at, such as the temple of the Western Buddha, and this mysterious land!"

"Hey, this mysterious land is so mysterious?" Song Zhong could not help but curiously asked.

"It's really mysterious!" Xiaocha said: "The Western Buddha's court, although I can't peep into the whole picture, I can also induct some mystery and see the Buddha's light. But the mysterious land, I feel everything. Not enough, only vaguely, it contains the horrible atmosphere of destruction! It is strong enough that my master can only shun the level of the three!"

Upon hearing this, everyone was immediately taken aback. You must know that the master of Xiaocha is a post-earth maiden, the most top-class **** figure in the world. And take control of the Supreme Artifact! Such a person does not dare to approach the mysterious land, so they are not to mention these people, and definitely die!

Song Zhong couldn't help but say: "Small tea, since the mysterious land is so powerful, have you ever asked your master, what is it?"

"Ask, Master said she is not very clear!" Xiaocha shrugged.

At this time, Xuanwu Emperor suddenly frowned: "You said, will it be the tomb of the true God?"

Upon hearing this, the brows of the people wrinkled in an instant, and all of them were not talking.

It is a small tea that does not hesitate. "It is definitely not! The cemetery of the true **** is in the depths of the endless void. I can't feel it beyond the heavens. I read it to the net, happy every day. But that In the mysterious land, I can find the location, showing that the two are two different things!"

"It turns out!"

Song Zhong then said: "Well, since this is the case, then we have no choice, just go to the Jade Emperor, and disturb the Jade Emperor!"

"Okay, it should be!" The crowd then nodded and agreed.

The Jade Emperor suddenly overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Welcome, welcome! Please, please, please~"

As he said, he happily greeted everyone to Jade Emperor.

My harmonious dividing line

A few days later, Song Zhong and others, under the guidance of the Jade Emperor and the Western Queen, came to the Jade Emperor’s nest, Jade Emperor.

Song Zhongke was not here for the first time. When he participated in the Wushu Conference, he once stayed here. However, at that time, Song Zhong was only a small person. Now, in the blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed. However, he is in a position of peerless and strong, and is equal to the Jade Emperor and the West Queen. He is greeted as the most distinguished guest.

In order to welcome so many Emperors, there are hundreds of thousands of honor guards who have been dispatched by Jade Emperor Tianguang. As for the reception of fairies and so on, there are more than a million people.

Seeing such a grand scene, Song Zhong was filled with emotion. Of course, other people do not care, as the Emperor of Heaven, this big scene is really too much to see.

On the same day, the Jade Emperor set up a banquet to entertain the Song Emperor and other Heavenly Emperors. The Jade Emperor and the Western Queen Mother are naturally the main, and Song Zhong said that he is the youngest and should be the last. However, it was pulled to the first place by everyone.

In this way, it is equal to the recognition of Song Zhong’s leadership.

The heavenly ministers who participated in the banquet were all old fritters. When I look at this situation, I naturally know that Song Zhong’s position in Heaven is still above many Heavenly Emperors.

This situation made them feel very shocked. However, these are the arrangements of several Emperors. They naturally do not dare to say anything more. I just secretly remembered this matter in my heart, and I never dared to look down on Song Zhong again.

The banquet was only opened for a few days, and everyone was so happy that they were so happy. After drinking it, the Jade Emperor arranged accommodation for Song Zhong and others.

Song Zhong is undoubtedly to be arranged in the most prestigious place. I don’t know what the Jade Emperor and the Western Queen’s mother pressed. Song Zhong eventually was sent to the Guanghan Palace.

Although Song Zhong’s strength is strong, he can be drunk without a thousand cups. However, after a few days of banquet, he drunk and did not know how much cylinder wine was under the crowd.

These wines are not all of them, but the treasures of heaven, which are made with the finest materials and have tens of thousands of years of heat. Ordinary immortals, smelling and smelling may be drunk, Song Zhong even if they can drink again, so many cylinders go down, it is also mímí.

In short, when Song Zhong woke up from the drunkenness, he found himself living in the sleepy palace. Although he is no longer around, he can make him very incomparable.

The nickname is the first beauty in heaven, and the person who beat her idea does not know how much. Even the Jade Emperor and several other Emperors are tempted. It’s a pity that she can’t see anyone. The high status of several emperors will not intimidate her, so she has been stationed in the Guanghan Palace as a palace man.

It is said that there has never been a man staying here, and Song Zhong is undoubtedly a broken ring.

Although Song Zhong has already advanced to the Emperor of Heaven, he obviously does not have the consciousness of the Emperor, and he has never taken himself too seriously.

So when he found out that he lived in the Guanghan Palace, he was shocked. He quickly got up and didn't even dare to beat him. He was scared to escape.

When Song Zhong ran to Yuting, he saw the people again. These guys were not neglecting to discuss anything here. When Song Zhong came in, they immediately looked at Song Zhong with a playful look.

When Song Zhongyi saw it, he knew what was going on. He couldn’t help but scream: "How do you get me to the Guanghan Palace? Isn’t this a bad reputation and my innocent reputation?"

When I heard this, everyone’s face suddenly became very strange, and I wanted to laugh, but I was embarrassed.

When Song Zhongyi saw it, he knew that there was a greasy one. He couldn’t help but ask: "What is going on?"

"This ~" West Queen Mother cried and said: "Is it not your intention to go to the Guanghan Palace?"

"Yeah, after you were hangover last night, you shouted to find you, we also responded to you, only sent you!" Jade Emperor also looked smirk.

"This ~" Song Zhong heard the words, suddenly a red face, could not help but bitterly said: "How do I not know this?"

"Cough cough~" Xuanwu Emperor coughed twice, then said: "You may not remember, but we all heard you are calling!"

"Yeah, yeah, your voice is so loud, the roof of the Yuyu Temple is shattered!" Ziwei Dawei smiled and said: "I want at least a few hundred thousand miles inside, I heard it clearly!"

"Isn't it? So shameful?" Song Zhong suddenly looked at his face and didn't know what to say.

"Oh, it's not a shame. The so-called beauty heart, everyone has it! With the beauty of you, you don't covet her, that's strange!" Gou Chen said with a smile.

"This ~" Song Zhong was speechless, and he could only smile bitterly: "Okay, okay, let's not say this, or think about how to get to the water palace?"

"Don't mention this?" Jade Emperor heard the words, could not help but frown: "What do you do?"

"Yeah, if you eat dry, you don't want to go?" The West Queen is not happy.

Song Zhong heard the words, could not help but bitterly said: "I fell asleep on chuáng last night, really did nothing!"

"Maybe you didn't do the animal thing yesterday, but is it true that you stay in the Guanghan Palace?" Xi Wangmu spread the hand: "Yuhuangtian everyone knows this, you have to give it a comment?"

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