MTL - Chaotic Lightning Cultivation-~ Section 874, 1 billion people

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Song Zhong immediately asked the Ziwei Emperor: "Zi Wei Da Di, do you know the origin of this long Ge?"

The Ziwei Emperor's brows are wrinkled, and the purple light on his body is gradually dimmed. It seems that his mood is very low.

Later, Ziwei Emperor slowly said: "I don't recognize this long Ge, but I am familiar with the above atmosphere! It is accompanied by a kind of congenital destruction of the gods, but it is my unique skill to make friends. !"

As soon as I heard the words of the Ziwei Emperor, Song Zhong was still confused. But the other people on the side were suddenly realized.

The Western Queen Mother even said: "What you said, but the hidden mother?"

"Yes, it is her!", Ziwei Emperor quite sighed: "The elder mother has always been inconsistent with the world, and alone, no matter how many two or three friends, it is almost not related to outsiders. But one day, When I went to find her, she found that she suddenly disappeared, but her place of meditation was flawless and not attacked. Since then, I completely lost her news."

Later, Ziwei Emperor was quite sad: "The electric mother is the incarnation of the Thunder, and her weapon is a thunder of the thunder." It can shoot endless destruction of the gods, which has changed the shape of Ge. The congenital destruction of the gods and thunders attached to it is not wrong. She is killed by the candle dragon and is refining this congenital device!", in this case, the eyes of Ziwei Emperor fiercely shot a fine light, then they hated The road: "This abominable candle dragon, it should be that he was made into a candle lantern!"

When everyone saw it, they immediately knew that the relationship between Ziwei Emperor and the electric mother was extraordinary, so they rushed to comfort.

The Ziwei Emperor was open-minded and soon recovered. He said to everyone: "Well, I am fine, thank you all!"

At this time, Song Zhong suddenly said, "This article is related to the Emperor." It is also the genus of Thunder, and it is in harmony with the Emperor. Then, I think it is better to belong to the Ziwei Emperor?", "OK, I agree!"

"I agree too!", others nodded.

When Zhaiwei the Great saw it, he was moved. He even clenched his fists: "Thank you all, thank you all!"

Jade Emperor smiled and said: "You don't have to thank, hurry up and seal it, put it away!"

The Ziwei Emperor heard the words, but his eyebrows picked it up and said directly: "No need to seal!"

After that, Ziwei Emperor extended a big hand to catch the empty space on the long Ge, Shen Sheng: "Old friends, come on, let us fight side by side! "With the voice of the Ziwei Emperor, the original dead long Ge suddenly bursts with countless powerful thunder lightnings, Wan Dao Lei snakes danced wildly, and the surrounding walls were banged and shattered. I don't know how much. .net novel r/>

Then "that long Ge automatically flew up" with a kind of 〖Xing〗 Fen Ming" into the hands of the Ziwei Emperor.

After Chang Ge arrived at the hands of Ziwei Emperor, he did not stop. A violent Thunder emerged from the inside and almost wrapped the Ziwei Emperor. But it did not hurt the Ziwei Emperor.

Ziwei Emperor also seems to know that it will not hurt himself. The deep hand of the cherished hand gently strokes the cold and rough long Ge. Shen Shen: "Since then, you are called the electric mother, it is my life-threatening artifact. The device is ruined! ”

As the voice of the Ziwei Emperor fell, the long Ge suddenly burst into countless bright lightning, and the glasses of Song Zhong and others could not be opened.

When the glare disappeared and everyone recovered their vision, they were surprised to find that the long Ge has become a one-foot-size "floating float in front of the Ziwei Emperor, which is the scene of being completely conquered."

A congenital sacred device "should not be so easily convinced. But this thing is different" is made with the essence of the electric mother, which also hides the will of the electric mother, so that it can recognize the Ziwei Emperor This life and death is the best.

It is precisely because of this that Ziwei Emperor can use his own sincerity to move it, so that it can easily be conquered.

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After accepting the electric mother Shen Ge, Ziwei Emperor once again thanked everyone for his fist: "Thank you, thank you! At the same time, I also thank you for my old friend!", "Polite, polite!" The people hurriedly sighed a few words.

Later, Xi Wang Ma Dao: "Well," now, four of the congenital devices have already belonged, then what should we do next? "," What can I do? Of course, continue to search for treasures? "The longevity emperor is in a hurry. He still has a congenial saint, and he is naturally anxious."

Song Zhong smiled slightly and said: "I don't need to worry if I look at it. Give me some time first." Let's deal with it here, then let's go find the boundless wood, how? "The longevity emperor heard the words and hurriedly asked: "How long do you want? ”

"Up to a few days, very soon!", Song Zhong laughed.

Only a few days after listening, the longevity emperor will not be anxious. It’s just that he doesn’t understand what else is delayed here. Can those things be handed over to the genus to clean up?

So the Changsheng Emperor asked very strangely: "It doesn't matter at this time, just don't know why the East Emperor still has to delay?"

Song Zhong even smiled and explained: "I want to point the huā grass here, and then let them guard this place for a long time. There are Sundays and Stars Protection." It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It can be used as a stable rear. base! ”

"Well" This is a good idea! "The longevity emperor immediately nodded.

"Oh, a long time, the East Emperor has a handful of stunts of the grass, has been unable to see, today will be able to let us have a good time?" West Queen Mother even laughed.

"Exactly, it is, we must let us see and see!", other heavenly emperors have also started to swear.

Song Zhong helpless, can only smile bitterly: "Okay, okay" then I will ugly! ”

After that, Song Zhong said: "Please come with me!" After that, he rushed out as soon as possible. Others also rushed to keep up.

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Soon, Song Zhong and others went out of the cold pool and the silver electric bamboo forest, and came to the sky outside.

From the heights, you can see the Dragon Temple, and there are all kinds of fairy mountains everywhere. The mountains are densely covered with various kinds of fairy grasses, and Shenmu, many of which are the best products that have been lost for many years.

They have been quietly growing here for millions of years. Most of them are old, but they have left behind, and some have been living until now. But in any case, they have at least tens of For a thousand years of fire, the aura's potency has also accumulated to a very terrible level.

If these spirits are turned into wood demon huāxian by Song Zhong, then their strength will become very terrifying.

Song Zhong looked at the grass around the mountains and the wild, the heart was tidal, and his hands couldn't help but sway. Every time he waved, he released a million-way light. Every aura was like a long-eyed eye, falling on a fairy grass or a tree of gods.

Then, those fairy grasses or **** trees began to rise up in the mist of the fairy, and at the same time began to shake constantly, in the process of shaking, their outer skin gradually fell off, and the body shape began to change greatly or small. "A beautiful The petite body is faintly presented.

The wooden demon huā xian who was born was naked, and Song Zhong naturally could not let them walk in front of everyone. So it would cost mana and give them a beautiful dress.

As a result, thousands of wooden demon huāxian stood up and bowed to Song Zhong: "Master, thank the master for giving us life! ”

At the beginning, it was tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of people shouted together. As the number of people in Song Zhong gradually increased, the number of people who shouted began to increase.

In the end, after two or three days of madness, the millions of fairy huā Lingmu in the Temple of the Dragon were all adultized by Song Zhong, and a whole billion people came to worship him together, thanking Song Zhong for giving them precious life.

All the huā demons are full of tears, praying to Song Zhong in the most sincere and most sincere language, "the magnificent voice of the one billion souls gathered together" in the dragon temple, so that the clouds in the sky are shocked, the mountains on the earth are Trembling, even outside the starry sky, there are devout chanting everywhere!

Several great emperors were shocked by all the shocks in front of them. These huā demons were only spotted out. But the strength is already very strong. The lowest level is also above the fairy. Most of them are Jinxian, big. Luo Jinxian's level.

Among them, there are thousands of huā fairy wood demon is a monster that has lived for millions of years, with a little cultivation, you can have the strength of the mixed gold fairy!

Thousands of mixed gold Jinxian" What is the concept? The five Emperors of the Heavenly Emperor all add up" I am afraid there is not a thousand mixed gold fairy!

And Song Zhong got so many strong hands in just one day, which is too horrible, right?

Of course Although the mana of these huā demons have reached the level of the mixed gold fairy, but they only gain wisdom after all, they must also undergo a long time of cultivation to get a strong combat power. They are now empty There is a mana "no magic, no magic", no more powerful magic weapon, combat power can not even match some of the great Luo Jinxian.

However, Song Zhong’s most indispensable part is the treasure and various cultivation cheats. The cheats of the Light Dragon Temple are enough for these huā demons to be selected. Therefore, it is foreseeable that these huā demons will be supported by Song Zhong’s strong capital support. Within a year or two, it will grow into a qualified mixed gold fairy, and cultivated a level of hundreds of thousands of years of strong!

Just this point is enough scary. Moreover, Song Zhong has another one billion subordinates. This large number of warriors is more than the five great emperors. Although they don’t understand anything now, they need time to cultivate. Can truly form combat power.

But don't forget that "Song Zhong is best at flying boats." As long as there are enough flying boats, even if these huā demons do not cultivate a strong Tao, they can also exert a terrible fighting power with powerful mana.

Because of the work of firing, there is a way to do it, and you don’t need to practice! ! ~!