MTL - Chaotic Lightning Cultivation-~ Section 872

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When the treasure chest of the candle was opened, a rich and horrible aura of tides poured out from the inside, and the clothes of Song Zhong and others were kept blowing.

Later, Song Zhong and others were squinted by the sacred light from the treasure house. It took a long time to get used to seeing the things in the treasure house. Then everyone couldn’t help but take a breath. And all stupidly stood on the spot.

It turns out that the things in this treasure house are really rich, and the quality is also high.

For example, the innate chaotic stone, a fist-sized chaotic stone is now very rare, but there are hundreds of pieces stacked here. The largest of these is four or five feet high and can be used to refine the congenital device. Just the value of these chaotic stones is far beyond the sum of the nine treasures outside.

In addition, there are many congenital essences such as congenital earth essence, congenital water essence and other congenital things, and almost every one can refine the congenital device. Finally, there are some weird materials, many of which have not been seen by several Emperors.

This treasure house occupies thousands of places, almost all of which are filled with various materials. In the face of so much valuable material, who can not be shocked? Then Song Zhong rushed in and began to watch carefully, while watching, and praised.

Song Zhongdao: "Although I have known that the home of the candle dragon is rich, but I did not expect it to be so rich, the materials here are all innate, it is incredible!"

"This is also normal. After all, in the era of the candle dragon, it was the first ruling dynasty after Pangu opened the earth. The innate materials are not as rare as they are now." Xi Wangmu explained.

"But this is also very abnormal!" Song Zhong could not help but smile: "So many materials pile up, he does not use, it is a waste!"

"The candle dragon is not good at this, too embarrassing." Everything is good, I want to collect it." I would rather be in the treasure house than to give it to my men. So when the candle dragon was besieged by us, his men did not contribute much. "West Wang Ma Dao: "If at that time his armpits could have many innate treasures and die for him, we would not necessarily win the candle dragon!"

"Well? So this is the old dragon, is it actually dead on his knees?" Song Zhong could not help but ask.

"You can say that!" West Queen Mother has some helpless words.

"Hah, this is really a typical money, don't kill!" Song Zhong said with emotion.

At this time, Xuanwu Emperor suddenly exclaimed, "God, come see, it is a congenital chaos **** iron!"

Everyone heard the words and hurriedly looked over. I saw the Xuanwu Emperor in the corner, pointing to a black iron block of tens of feet squares.

The appearance of the iron piece is inconspicuous, but it gives people a sense of oppression that is as heavy as a mountain. Even if it is the strongest of the Emperor, it is stressful to stand in front of it.

At this time, other people also recognized the origin of this thing, it is the legendary super-materials that have long disappeared and do not know how many years of supernatural materials.

Legend has it that this kind of **** iron is an iron ore mine during the chaotic period. In the process of opening up the earth in Pangu, it was squeezed and washed by Pangu’s Tongtian mana, and finally it was made.

Most of the iron ore mines were completely shattered in this process. Only a small number of iron mines that exclaimed the psychic spirits inadvertently absorbed the avenues of the avenues contained in the Pangu mana, and were preserved to form the innate chaos.

Therefore, the amount of this material is extremely rare, and it is not known how many times less than the innate soil. And it can play a role far beyond the essence of the five elements of innate soil and so on. Because it has experienced the big events that have been opened up to the world, the innate treasures of refining also have such a boulevard, and the power will be increased several times.

It is a pity that this thing is too little. It was almost extinct as early as the candle dragon era, so that there were few hands of the Emperor.

And now this piece of innate chaos God iron is so big, it can completely refine a congenital sacred sword of the level of the sacred swords.

The most important thing is that the property of the innate chaos **** iron is very suitable for the Xuanwu Emperor, and it is no wonder that even after Xuanwu Emperor saw it, it was moved.

Song Zhong saw Xuanwu Emperor looking forward to seeing himself, but he was embarrassed to ask for it, and immediately he said: "You, this **** iron is more suitable for Xuanwu Emperor, if you have no opinions, I want to send it. How do you refine the Xuanwu Emperor?"

"Oh, I have no opinion!" The first emperor of the Jade Emperor said.

"I am the same!" Others immediately laughed.

At this moment, Heaven is in need of unity to be able to fight against the Mozu and Buddhism. Therefore, several Emperors were wisely giving up a little bit of unpleasantness in the past, and did not pull the back legs of Xuanwu Emperor at this time.

Xuanwu Emperor saw everyone give face, so I was very touched, and hurriedly clenched my fist! "Thank you. Thank you all!"

"Hey!" Song Zhong hurriedly said: "This is all discussed in advance. The candle dragon treasure belongs to us. You should take one copy! You don't need to thank anyone!"

"Oh, that's it, why don't you thank yourself for your own things!" The other emperors also ridiculed.

The Emperor Yanwu did not care, smiled, and then took the huge one, and said: "You don't have to be idle, hurry to find your own materials!"

"Yes, can't make you specialize in the front!" The crowd laughed a few times, then they dispersed and began to look for materials.

After about half an hour, everyone met again and they all got their own gains.

Xi Wangmu found a yellow boulder, which is the treasure of the Yellowstone.

The Jade Emperor found a piece of crystal, and the name was so beautiful. Song Zhong didn't know much about it. He only knew that he could refine the congenital device, and now it is basically gone.

The longevity emperor finally selected a few seeds of the **** tree, and it is said that it can also germinate and grow, all of which are high-level gods in the chaotic period, and he is also developed.

The Ziwei Emperor chose a purple cloud, and it seemed to be related to the Ziwei gods. Song Zhong did not ask much.

As for the last Gou Chen, he took the biggest chaotic stone.

Because Song Zhong has everything, he is too lazy to continue to choose.

He took advantage of this time, listed a list, handed it over to everyone, and then said: "You, this is the document of all the materials in the treasure house, the number is too much, it is difficult to allocate for a while, it is better to temporarily seal the library, after going back Then discuss how to divide, how?"

"Good idea!" The crowd nodded and agreed.

"Then let's go and see the collection of the candle dragon!" After Song Zhong finished, he led the crowd to go outside.

After Song Zhong took everyone out, he closed the treasure house of materials and then opened the treasure house that stored the innate treasure.

After the door was slowly opened, everyone looked up and found that the treasure house was very small. There were only a few hundred squares, and there were only four carved dragon stone tables, and there were different things on the table. They are a knife, a shot, a dress and a flag.

Song Zhong immediately walked in with everyone, first came to the knife.

This knife looks very strange, without a knife head, as if it has been broken, the whole body is black, and the rust and scars everywhere are mottled, making it look like a bumpy mountain, like the uneven mountain, don't mention how ugly it is.

It was such a broken knife, but there was a sigh of sorrow, so that even Song Zhong was stunned.

Song Zhong was extremely surprised by this and couldn't help but ask: "What knife is this? How is it so fierce?"

The West Queen's brow was wrinkled and slowly said: "This name is a remnant knife. It is the old thing that the hundred dragons are against the sky. He used this knife to slaughter countless races and was crowned with the name of destroying the dragon! ”

"Ah!" Song Zhong heard the words, and suddenly he was taken aback and couldn't help but exclaim: "It turned out to be an old thing against the sky. Can't you be so strong?"

"This knife is refining with a strange **** iron. This piece of **** iron has existed for a long time in the chaotic period. I don’t know how many years. When Pangu opened the suffered the destruction Baptism, absorbed a special suffocating atmosphere, and turned into a special **** iron, only one piece between heaven and earth." West Queen Mother explained quite emotionally.

"After this **** iron was obtained from the sky, he was made into a congenital to treasured sword by special means! The most abnormal thing about this sword is that it kills each other and kills each other. The soul and the blood essence are sucked away, thereby strengthening themselves. That is to say, he can constantly improve himself by killing." The West Queen is a faint road.

"At that time, the power of the knives was already very strong. In all the congenital treasures, you can rank the top three. Reversible days are still not enough, so you kill all over the place, and then sacrifice with the soul and blood essence. Knife, as a result, he did not know how many lives of life, and raised the knife to the level of the congenital device!" West Queen Mother smiled bitterly: "At the same time, he also became the public enemy of the world because of this matter. Siege to death!"

Song Zhong listened to this story for the first time, and he was very emotional in his heart. "For a knife, as for the life?"

Xi Wangmu smiled a little and said: "The world at that time was quite chaotic. The strong hands were like clouds. When you go against the sky, you like to offend people. Therefore, you need a strong treasure to protect yourself. As a result, hey, don't say, let's discuss this. Who should the knife belong to!"! ~!

Read The Duke's Passion