MTL - Chang’an Peasant Girl-Chapter 3082 Fanwai Finale (85)

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   Chapter 3082 Fanwai Finale (85)

  Jun's Landing was a little surprised that his father-in-law agreed to help take care of his son so readily, but then he didn't bother to think about what was strange, anyway, he could just hang out with his daughter-in-law.

   If King's Landing knew that his father-in-law was worried that he was suffocating, he would definitely say: "…"

   In the past few years, it was quite uncomfortable for him to stay in the capital, but it was a bit serious to say that it was bad.

   After all, although staying in one place all the time, unable to travel freely in the mountains and waters, it was quite uncomfortable, just like a bird trapped in a cage, but he was very happy when he couldn’t bear it. In the past few years, he has been with his daughter-in-law, and the two of them lived a good life.

  Jun Lin said two more words to his father-in-law and several more words to his son before he left the palace.

   As soon as he got home, his daughter-in-law asked him with a smile: "Our son has been handed over to my father?"

  Jun Lin immediately hugged her and said with a smile: "Of course, I'll do things, you can rest assured."

Su Su didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What kind of thing is this, I can rest assured! If I didn't promise you to go out to play for four months, and you stayed in Dijing really depressed and panic, I wouldn't accompany you to travel to any mountain or play. water!"

  Jun Lin lowered his face: "If you change your mind tomorrow and don't go with me, I'll be really angry with you."

Su Su didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's like I've changed my hexagram many times. I'm just busy in the first month of our marriage and I can't go there. Later, it's because of pregnancy and childbirth, so it's not my change. Well, reality doesn't allow us to go."

   "I don't care anyway, you must accompany me to go out and play well tomorrow." Rarely, he thought of an unreasonable child.

Su Su only found it funny, but she also knew that he really wanted to go out and play, and she was also really worried that he would be suffocated in the imperial capital, so she smiled and reassured: "Tomorrow, the sky will fall. Come down, and I'll accompany you too."

  Jun Lin was instantly delighted by Su Su's words, bowed his head and kissed Su Su's daughter-in-law, and asked excitedly, "Have our salutes been packed?"

  Su Su smiled and said, "Not yet, but I'm packing up, I'll be packing up soon."

   "Then you pack up."

   "Why don't you clean up yourself? Just tell me to clean up alone!" She pretended to be particularly dissatisfied.

  Jun Landing said: "I can also pack up, but my pack up is probably to leave with two bags of gold."

  Su Su: "…"

   "Pfft." Endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back, Su Su just laughed out loud. "No matter how heavy the luggage is, it doesn't have the weight of gold. You always carry so much gold with you. I really don't know where you got so much gold, and it feels like you can't use it up."

Jun Lin smiled and said: "My city lord father is still very good to me. Before he died, he told me all his treasuries. Even if the Stone City falls into the hands of others, the treasury is still me if I don't tell others. of."

  Su Su smiled and said, "Then why don't you tell me?"

  Jun Lin touched his chin and pretended to think for a while before saying: "It's better not to tell you, when our son grows up, tell our son, let our son also take over Stone City by the way."

  Su Su is not angry either, she herself has endless money, and the gold for Slaughtering the Sky is inexhaustible, and as the young master of Slaughtering the Sky, she naturally also has inexhaustible gold.

   And she could see that as long as she asked him, he would actually tell her.

   Now he is saying that on purpose.

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion