MTL - Chang’an Peasant Girl-Chapter 3071 Fanwai Finale (74)

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   Chapter 3071 Fanwai Finale (74)

   King's Landing then smiled: "Then I think."

  Su Su immediately smiled and nodded: "I also want to." I want to dream of coming true, I want to grow old with you, I want to be gray-haired with you, and never leave.


   July 20th, the day when Jun Lin and Su Su got married.

   Early in the morning, Su Su was pulled up to twist the noodles, which meant that they would have a new life and a happy marriage.

  Su Su didn't really understand this, but she just let her mother Huo Qingyi lead her to toss her, until she dressed her up into a particularly beautiful bride, her mother was satisfied and stopped tossing her.

Hearing that Su Su was dressed up, Su Min and the others came in to see. Su Min was still holding her daughter, but when she saw Su Min came in with the child in her arms, Su Su wanted to take the child in Su Min's arms and hug her. She likes her niece, but Su Min doesn't let her hold her, saying that she is a bride and can't hold her.

  Su Su obeyed and stopped hugging.

  Su Min and the others first complimented that Su Su looked so good-looking, and then they all started to coax: "Sister, didn't you say that you want something new in the wedding? I don't think it's anything new. Where is the new idea of ​​brother-in-law reflected?"

  Su Su smiled and said, "When your brother-in-law comes, you will know."

"Then there is still to wait. I heard that my brother-in-law is still on the way, and I don't know when I will be there. My brother-in-law is also true, let you marry in the palace, and save the long journey. Brother-in-law wants to Welcome you back to the mansion he bought, is there a palace in that mansion?"

Su Su laughed and scolded: "Your brother-in-law is not married, so he naturally welcomes me to his house. Since he bought that house, that house is his home, and when I get married, that house will also be my home. ."

   At this time, Su Yuxin just came in.

   When Su Yuxin heard Su Su's words, she smiled and said, "There's nothing wrong with joining the family."

  Su Su smiled and said, "Then eldest sister, why don't you let eldest brother-in-law marry you?"

  Su Yuxin laughed and said: "I think about it now, but I didn't think about it at the time. I just wanted to get married with your brother-in-law as soon as possible, and settle down with your brother-in-law as soon as possible to save me from bothering about this."

  Su Su smiled and said, "I'll tell him when my brother-in-law comes."

"Don't, don't," Su Yuxin immediately sat next to Su Su, took Su Su's hand, and begged for mercy, "Don't tell your brother-in-law, I've been addicted to talking, your brother-in-law has a strong self-esteem. , people are sensitive, if this is really sensitive to this matter, he will be uncomfortable, and seeing him uncomfortable, I will also be uncomfortable."

  Su Min said with a smile: "Sister, you are considered to be the eldest sister's seven inches. The weakness of the eldest sister is the eldest brother-in-law! The daughter of Xiaoying'er has to be in the back of the eldest sister's heart!"

Su Su smiled and said, "Min'er, let's forget it. For the sake of the eldest sister who begged me, I won't bother with her, otherwise she will have trouble with the eldest brother-in-law, and she will not complain to us all day long. Well, in the end, it's us who are bothering us."

   The others laughed and echoed: "That's it."

  Su Yuxin doesn't care that everyone makes fun of her. Who hasn't been made fun of at their house all the time? It's all made fun of, as long as it doesn't hurt feelings, you can make fun of it casually.

   After half an hour, someone from the palace hurried to report: "The county horse is here! The county horse is here!"

   As soon as he heard that King's Landing was coming, Huo Qingyi wanted to cover Su Su with a red hijab, but Su Su was unwilling to cover it.

   (end of this chapter)